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Old May 1st, 2024, 12:07 PM
Tiabirb Tiabirb is offline
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Default Re: Whac-A-Mink [WC/ShC]


Hawkfur [ @Mica ] Blazesong [ @blxze. ], Deadmoon [ @gs29513 ], Silverrose [ @Estelle ] Briarsplash [ @SentimentalSquid ].

Good. Hawkfur wasn't about to let another Clan's leader dictate WindClan's warriors...on WindClan territory. Had Dawnstar spoken, Swiftfire would have had a word as well. She answered none but Twilightstar, and Hawkfur was leading this battle patrol, so in Twilighstar's stead, she answered to him. ShadowClan would just have to get used to being guests. The less power they thought they could have, the better.

Swiftfire lashed her eyes over the cats on her patrol, raising her tail to signal who she was as she padded forward. They were going to be in the left valley. Fair enough. On the signal, Swiftfire launched herself forward, sprinting forward with her lips drawn back into a snarl.
"Silverrose and Deadmoon! Cover the outside flank! Briarsplash and Blazesong, keep an eye out for anyone who needs help! Don't let them surround you!"

Reaching the first wave of minks, Swiftfire was met with the beady little eyes and vicious teeth as before. But now they weren't in clustered little tunnels. This was open space, and that meant the home field advantage belonged to the cats.
Her claws met the ruddy brown furred weasels, and Swiftfire found herself crushing the throat of one as another whipped up along her side. She feinted a kick, causing it to back up in recoil, and when it lunged forward, Swiftfire sprang into the air and brought herself crashing down onto its back. A swift bite to the back of its neck, and it went limp.

Good. This battle was going to be a breeze.

Last edited by Tiabirb; May 1st, 2024 at 12:08 PM.