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Old May 1st, 2024, 08:57 AM
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Default Re: answering the call [lionheart search event - warriors only!]


"Now you're thinking past your claws." The older warrior snorted as the plan was given. These youngsters and the rush and race. Sometimes it didn't hurt to take a little time and plan ahead. She couldn't understand the need to hurry and get nowhere.

She followed Riverwhisper over to where he was hiding now, and she sniffed the air. Milkscent indeed. An idea was formulating. "Leave the kits to me; you two keep the mother busy if she gets too close." Starlingflight said with a flick of her tail, "I'll try to lure them out of one of the openings. Beings kits, they'll be curious, if they aren't completely frightened. That's kind of why a tactical approach is better." She gave Garlicfeather an approving nod. "If the kits leave the nest, the mother will follow. Then we just have to make sure they don't come back in."

She peered into the opening Riverwhisper had found. Super convenient, and she silently squeezed herself inside of the twoleg nest. It was dusty and smelled of old wood and peatmoss for some reason as she stared around the open room, but the scent of raccoon was undeniable. So following her nose, Starlingflight crept through the nest until she came to a point where the rotted wood became something similar to that of smooth, polished stone. The scent of milk was strongest here, and she made sure to tuck her claws in completely to avoid clicking them on the rock-like flooring. Some wooden caves lined along a side of the wall, with an open window above a shiny silver part of the ledge. Her ears pricked as she heard the sounds of soft squeaking coming from one of the battered wood-caves, and scattered remains of dirty nest materials lay in front of a chewed opening in the door.

With an single bound, she was on top of the ledge, above the believed nest. She crept along the edge until she was above the hole, and she let out a soft, chittering sound. Then she waited.

A nose poked out, then a head, then a second head appeared, staring ahead in utter confusion and expectation. Starlingflight glanced at the window behind her, then to the direction she had come. But when she looked down, one of the raccoon kits had spotted her, and to her only mild relief, they looked old enough to climb; As was apparent by the now excited kit trying to scurry itself up to the ledge where Starlingflight was perched. The second head popped out again, its squat body following...and then a third.

Four raccoons, three were kits. Made sense...raccoons were very solitary animals.

The first kit had dropped to the floor again. It was chittering up at Starlingflight, and she chittered back, waving her plumy tail in an inviting means to instigate the kits' attention and curiosity. She had the kits busy...and eager to climb their way up to her. But with all the ruckus the kits were causing, their mother would bound to be arriving to investigate...

@Fritter @forest @

Last edited by Tiabirb; May 1st, 2024 at 09:02 AM.
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