Thread: Lost and Found
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Old April 30th, 2024, 05:56 PM
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Default Re: Lost and Found

Male / 2 Moons / ThunderClan / Sexuality Unknown
Chocolate-brown and russet tabby Tom with fluffy fur and bright amber eyes, thin scars on his legs and a wide scar across the bottom half of his face

Sure, I’ve got half a face, but you’ve got yourself half a brain, so I’m sure we’ll get along just fine, ey?


Rosekit had been feeling pretty confident during the time period he had been rambling and ranting off to this innocent cat he never met, and that confidence was still burning nice and bright once he was finished speaking. Again, it felt pretty refreshing to snap and hiss somebody else’s face off- and even when his attempts at being the worst possible guy he could be failed and his victims simply smiled, purred, and gave him a little pat on the head, it was all just practice for his future battles with his clanmates. By forcing warriors and apprentices to listen to his nonsense, he was only- slowly but surely- mastering the art of brattiness. Who knows, he would always tell himself. Maybe one day I’ll make some kids cry, feel like a real man!

When Spottedfire had spoken, Rosekit had listened quietly and as kindly as somebody with a personality anything like his could. Silent, decently politely, just with the usual infinite look of mischievousness and superiority in his eyes- but he was trying. It took some effort for the russet tabby to listen to somebody else speak without smirking, interrupting, or fake-coughing constantly knowing full well that it’s annoying to listen to. But today, he had the faintest interest in what all Spottedfire had to say in response to his previous remarks and vicious commentary.

Again, the young calico tom just reminded him that the only reason he’d suggesting walking was to make sure Rosekit didn’t get in trouble with some other warrior, and probably to also just have some civilized conversations. Maybe he knew Rosekit was slightly nicer and less restless when walking around, but he doubted it. This was thanks to Spottedfire’s carrot-memory. Rosekit couldn’t help but wince a little when he realized that Spottedfire had brought up that last defense in response to Rosekit’s own last outburst- he was hoping that would get forgotten and buried into the pits of all of Spottedfire’s missing memories. He could only hope the whole memory-thing was as bad as cats made it seem, because if not, Rosekit was sure Spottedfire was going to think he was stupid and immature for the rest for their lives.

Rosekit had blinked away the dread and snapped back into focus, staring back up at Spottedfire. But where he had expected to see a face looking back down into his own, he found one facing the nursery. The warrior had his eyes on a nest in the nursery where a small tom-kit lay, thinking. When Spottedfire smiled and purred, Rosekit made sure to roll his eyes before Spottedfire looked back in his direction. He narrowed his eyes. Did Spottedfire have a son? Spottedfire, Burnetkit, Spottedfire, Burnetkit… Spottedfire, Burnetkit… yes! Rosekit felt a little stupid for forgetting. Of course Spottedfire had a son, he’d seen them together before!

Now how on earth could Spottedfire raise a son all by himself, with that messy memory? Rosekit smiled a little. Imagine the torture of being a son of Sparky! Then again, Burnetkit was pretty deaf- maybe they just clicked right, them and all their issues.

Spottedfire’s voice brought him back. He was muttering again, so reluctantly, Rosekit listened in closer. He caught onto just enough to get the basics: Spottedfire claimed that he definitely wasn’t the center of attention, but he worried that he’d ruin that neutral-record one day and absorb up all of the negative stares and thoughts by doing something stupid. Understandable, I guess, Rosekit had thought. Then realizing he was unintentionally defending the warrior, he quickly added to the thought, …for a wimp. Eventually, a Rosekit found Spottedfire staring back in the direction of some birdsong, thinking yet again. Rosekit had huffed and let his tail fall limp. What a guy.

Soon enough, Rosekit had started walking, head pointed in the target-direction. He heard Spottedfire repeat his own suggestion to walk, before trotting the warrior’s footsteps coming from behind him, getting nearer. and nearer. Rosekit glanced at him once he had reached him. I guess he’s an anxious cat, then, He told himself. Someone willing to tell a two and a half moon-old kitten about his worries has gotta be a bit on the funnier side, right? Or maybe he’s just an idiot. That works too. Rosekit forced himself to avoid smiling at the idea that Spottedfire’s memory-issue might be a rumor started to cover up plain stupidity. Once again, Rosekit felt a surge of pride over his disrespect. He was dead-sure his rude thoughts would get him in good places one day.

Spottedfire suddenly mentioned that he would make a great warrior one day. Rosekit sniffed and rolled his eyes again, but after some awkward waiting, he realized that Spottedfire had not been joking. He was serious. Again? Rosekit asked himself, confusion building up all over again. First… I think it was Dreamspirit who told me that, just before I disrespect-ed/bothered her out of the nursery. Why does everybody think anger and grumpiness will make me a good warrior? Then again, who was Rosekit to say anything? He admired the heck out of these characteristics he found in himself. Oh well.

He was about to get all cocky about what Spottedfire had predicted about his future… before the next question popped out of the warrior’s mouth. ‘What’s your name again?

Oh. Oh wow.

Rosekit managed to keep on walking without falling over and laughing until his lungs deflated. His name?! Of all things to forget, the name of a kit who you just suggested would become a successful warrior with a strong future? Seriously? Rosekit stared up at the warrior blankly for a while, then turned his head down to stare back at his paws. Oh boy, I’m in for quite an interesting conversation, he warned himself, hiding a smirk by turning his head in the direction opposite from Spottedfire as he walked with the tom. He’ll forget every word I say seconds after I tell ‘em, won’t he!?

Rosekit cleared his throat, wiping away the smirk. He looked back at Spottedfire. He was getting a little bored, why not make things fun with a little lite or two? So chin high and confident, striding on slightly ahead of Spottedfire, he announced, “Dung’Kit. That’s me, sir. Dung’Kit, named after my lovely brown pelt-markings.

Now, that wasn’t enough to satisfy him. He had some more to say. “So, Sparky,” He took a look at Spottedfire’s paws, walking just as simply as his across the clearing. Rosekit understood that it was just his job to be rude, so he wasn’t going to stop now. It would just be a bit more subtle, more jokes and mockery, rather than the genuine arguing and shouting he’d been doing before. “Not gonna just forget how to walk while we’re here, are ya’? That ain’t gonna be fun for anybody!

Rosekit’s smirk came fluttering back onto his face when he imagined Spottedfire suddenly losing all knowledge about how to move his body and tumbling down onto the ground, a little unmoving lump on the ground. It was a weird image, but to Rosekit, it was pretty funny. He didn’t bother to hide the smile this time. Once the strange image left his mind, he continued. “Anyway, say- didn’t ya’ mention the ThunderClan Family not taking much notice of ya’? Eh, maybe you forgot- well let me remind ya’! You did. Maybe it’s all just cuz’ you go off and forget them all whenever they introduce themselves- but ay, you do you, my friend,” When Rosekit moved onto the next topic, his smirk became something less childish and more authoritative, confident. “Also, what was that about ‘good warrior’, Sparky? Oh, I’ve heard it all before, of course,

Right on cue, Rosekit stumbled on a rock and skidded ahead a few feet. The smile faltered a little, and came back roughly as he grunted and hooped back into pace with Spottedfire as if nothing had happened.

-clearly. I agree- and with training, I’ll be not only good, but one of the best, eh? I bet you, Sparky, I’ll be king of the fight! Right now I’m just king of remarks, but that’s gonna change as fast as the wind!” The sudden slight pick up of the breeze made up for his last stumble. Pleasant smile still shimmering, he turned to face Spottedfire. “Don’t you think I’ll be great in a battle? I’m sure I’m going to adore battle-training- let’s just hope my mentor doesn’t ruin it all by getting too obsessed with hunting training, ugh.That seems really easy.” Then an idea came. Rosekit’s eyes widened and he gasped. “Hey,” He slowed down a bit, letting his amber gaze burn into the calico warrior. “Maybe while we’re here, you could teach me a move or two, eh? EHHH!?

Rosekit finally broke his stare away and squinted up at the sun, silently thanking the environment for the change in wind exactly when he’d needed it. He imagined himself again, a warrior standing with his clanmates, being showered in congratulations and praise, smirking and making that scar across his face look all though and cool- and the image of Rosepaw didn’t look too shabby, either. At the moment, during his sad little kitten days, he was just a model in the works! Just a sassy and snarky one. Finally, Rosekit looked back at Spottedfire, starry eyed.

He offered one last smile, and declared, “Maybe I’ll even save this clan from your crappy memory! How ‘bout that, eh? Then ya’ won’t feel like such a mouse-brain!


// Spottedfire is the more patient and well-natured person I’ve ever seen. Loving on the birdsong, he is awesome. Once again, forgive Rose’Kit for his ignorance. \\


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