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Old April 29th, 2024, 05:29 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by alec View Post

( @occultation )
jayfrost cleared his throat, stepping into fadingsuns den after the invitation.
"im here to discuss a arrangement and give you an offer." he opened and briefly wished he had practiced this speech instead of going in blank.
"goldfish is going to have her kits soon and we talked about her n peppers discomfort with stayin in the nursery for a long time so i offered to look after the kits as soon as possible. i tried to talk to birdsnow about it but we never really got to a conclusion so i wanted to see if that arrangement would be alright." was the explaination confusing? yes probably. did he know how to word it better? definitely not. hopefully fadingsun wouldnt insist of speaking to goldfish before giving him the "yes" because jayfrost had no idea where she had run off to again. he sighed internally, she probably shouldnt be out and about at all, rest and prepare for the kits but if he knew anything it was that goldfish wouldnt let anyones recommendations or good will stop her.
"n my offer is to generally keep an eye on the kits, maybe we could restart the whole kit lessons thing so i can do something with my time n just help around camp until i can return to my duties as a warrior"

Fadingsun nodded. "I have no problem with you staying with your kits instead of Goldfish. As long as the kits are cared for properly and looked after by someone, there isn't a problem." RiverClan needed responsible parents who could keep their kits out of trouble; beyond that, it didn't matter who decided to stay in the nursery with them.

"Once your kits have been apprenticed, come speak to me again about your position in the Clan. You've been unable to perform your warrior duties for some time now; if your health problems persist, we'll need to talk about switching your rank. I have a couple of ideas for what you can do, but we'll see how things go. Is there anything else?"

Originally Posted by Mica View Post
she/her | 7 moons | 32/100
[Golden and white tuxedo tabby with green eyes]
Purrks: Dreamwalker, Herbal Knowledge T2
· · ────────────── · ·
[Fadingsun - @occultation ] [Dusklion - @taillow ]
· · ────────────── · ·
Too calm. Everyone was being too. Damn. Calm about this. Eaglepaw twitched with barely concealed fury and concern, her entire body strung like a wire. "Some spots on the ground showed indication of being torn up, though grass 'ad started ta grow back." How long had it been, then? How long had Eaglepaw sat in this stars-forsaken camp, unknowing of what truly transpired to Rushwater? Thinking that he abandoned her when it was so so so obvious he would never--not again, at least. Eaglepaw began pacing, dropping the chain onto the den floor. "Too much time 'ad passed, there was hardly any scent, a-and I dunno where 'e coulda gone, or when this happened, or--" her lilting accent increased with every word she spoke, rising in volume and pitch as she spiraled rapidly. It had been too long, too long, too long--He was probably dead, rotting in a ditch or--or kidnapped in the ThunderClan camp, forced to do whatever those rotten squirrels made captives do, or--or--

( @taillow )

Eaglepaw was certainly stressed, that was clear. The apprentice didn't really give them any useful information, basically re-stating what they already knew. Fadingsun's ears twitched with mild annoyance, but he left it at that.

Eyes shifting from Eaglepaw to Dusklion, he said, "If there's no scent, no blood trail, and nothing at all to point us in any direction, then there isn't much we can do. We can't go accusing ThunderClan of kidnapping him without evidence, and I'm not going to have cats wandering through the outskirts looking for someone who may be long gone by now. I'll keep an eye out for Rushwater's scent on my patrols of the outskirts border, and I'll tell future ThunderClan border patrols to keep an eye out for anything suspicious."

Originally Posted by taillow View Post
she/her | riverclan's head lionheart | 27 moons | active purrks

Padding into the den without much more than a clearing of her throat to announce her arrival, Dusklion let her eyes adjust as they found the form of her brother. "Fades, we got a... situation?" The head Lionheart glanced towards Breezy briefly before looking back at Fades. "Pebblesplash seems to have dug herself out of her grave, 'n just came back to camp. She was pretty beaten up, so Mists is tendin' to her now - figured you'd wanna speak with her though." That was about it, the small dark tabby kneading her paws against the den floor absentmindedly as she waited for an answer.

[ Seabreeze - @Dolomedes ] [ Fadingsun - @occultation ]
Originally Posted by Dolomedes View Post

He/him | Riverclan Lionheart | Moons: 17 | Purrks: Go with the Flow | The Collector | Ultimate Predator |
“Ocean waters rising above your neck
You feel the glass start to crack.”

The absolute nerve of this feline? Young one? Is she serious? She waltzes into camp after being gone for some time judging by Dusklion and Mistyshard’s reactions, doesn't listen to the head lionheart and then doesn’t listen to their medicine cat? They expect to get a hearing from Fadingsun? Seabreeze pinned his ears against his skull and forced himself to take a deep breath, as much as he wanted to attack, every fiber in his body was telling him to attack. Reminding him of the loss they have experienced from outsiders such as the molly in front of him. The scent of clover, washed out, but haunting is there but unlike the outsider scent he knew this one was just a ghost. They had warned her what would happen if she didn’t leave, and she was refusing to leave. Under the supposed reasoning of being out of breath. She wasn’t going to have any breath if she didn’t leave, she was going to be sent straight back to starclan.

Not only that, but why was this self-entitled she-cat given a second chance only to throw it out the window in seconds after being given it. Cloverpaw haunted his thoughts, that was a feline that deserved a second chance. Cloverpaw had so much life ahead of her, she had goals, she had ambition, and she cared for Riverclan like she cared for nothing else. Not this washed up lionheart who thinks they can break into camp and ignore lionhearts and high ranks alike because they are out of breath, demanding to see a leader who they don’t even know who it was. It was infuriating and Seabreeze honestly didn’t think that he has ever been this angry since he learned that his sister was murdered. A growl built in his throat and he was moments away, one movement, one sound, one heartbeat away from aiming for this ex-lionheart’s throat. Then Dusklion was letting her in, asking Mistyshard to take the outsider to the den,

Seabreeze stood unmoving for a few moments, even as Dusklion motioned for him to follow her, he just sat where he had been stewing in anger for a few moments longer. Disbelief was surely clear on his face but after a few moments of physically biting his own tongue, the iron lacing his taste, he looked to Mistyshard. Now this outsider was going to use their precious herbs, they were just giving into her wishes and whems like… like? Seabreeze didn’t even know, he wanted to see how Mistyshard felt about it. Though he didn’t have the time to do so, he gave the medicine cat a small smile, “After this, I’ll come by and check in for a moment. For… umm, my sake more than yours, I know how capable you are, I just… ” He let himself trail off and waited for her to give him something that would indicate her not wanting that. Then he turned and followed Dusklion into his leader’s den.

In the den, he took a moment to settle at the head lionheart’s side once more. Seabreeze gave a small duck of his head in greeting with a small murmur of his leader’s name as Dusklion glanced back at him. He decided to add onto the report that his fellow lionheart gave, “She wanted to speak with you… or more so, the current leader, I don’t think she is aware of current leadership. I think she felt entitled to a new spot in the clan.” He added on the last phrase a bit bitterly, he didn’t want to be biased because of his past with outsiders but surely his anger is not unjustified. Seabreeze waited for his leader’s call on the matter, in the end it was his and Dusklion’s choice, that was in the case of this so-called Pebblesplash’s fate.
[ @taillow - Dusklion | @Dakotaa - Pebblesplash | @starry - Mistyshard | @occultation - Fadingsun ]
[ Small note that Seabreeze’s thoughts do not reflect my own. He is just a bit upset right now lol. | Also I decided to just combine posts for simplicity ]

Oh, great. Just great. He'd forgotten all about telling his Lionhearts and Mistyshard that Pebblesplash was back in RiverClan. Thank the stars a worse altercation hadn't broken out, although Seabreeze seemed somewhat annoyed.

Flattening his ears against his head, Fadingsun dipped his head a bit sheepishly. It was the first time since becoming leader that any doubt flashed on his face. Up until now, he'd made a point to keep his internal doubts and worries hidden, wanting to put a strong show on for a Clan that desperately needed a solid leader. Now, though, his mask was slipping just a little.

What kind of leader was he really going to be, if he'd made such a simple and dumb mistake? There was no reason for this miscommunication to happen, other than his own negligence. He needed to do better. He would do better.

"I'm very sorry," he began. His voice was a slight bit shaky, so he cleared his throat. "It's my fault." Better. "I allowed Pebblesplash to come back to the Clan, and I didn't inform you all. It genuinely slipped my mind, but that isn't an excuse. When Pebblesplash is finished with Mistyshard, I'll have her come into my den so we can speak a little further. From now on, any cat who comes back from the dead gets a free pass to come back, even if they were missing when they died. I think death is punishment enough for being careless or lazy.

"If it's a cat who was gone for more than two moons before their death or who caused a lot of problems, then that's different and they'll need to go through an evaluation like any other missing cat. But outside of that, let them come back. If the spirits decided that they deserved a second shot at life, there must be a good reason for it." He hoped; he didn't have a ton of confidence in their ancestors.

"Again, I apologize; this is all on me." His claw tips scraped against the floor of his den, anxiety making them act almost on their own. He opened his jaws, as if to say something further, then snapped them shut.

The light amounts of worry and fear in his eyes were gone, replaced by the usual stoicism he'd learned to adopt over the past half moon. "Is there anything else that either of you need?"
Fadingsun is currently RiverClan's leader. He has an open den policy. If you have any questions or concerns about RiverClan, or any plots to propose, feel free to leave me a VM or DM! Please do not take my characters' IC opinions as reflective of my own.
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