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Old April 29th, 2024, 04:02 PM
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Alchemist Kitsune Alchemist Kitsune is offline
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Default Re: Whac-A-Mink [WC/ShC]

| Lightningstorm |
Flock Together [Tier 3] - Inactive | Mind Reader - Active

Lightningstorm blinked, surprised by the tabby's choice. She couldn't imagine a single cat in her clan picking her over any other healer, despite her expertise on the battlefield. It felt almost like her entire apprentice had been dealt with in some form of fight, whether against nature or the clans. Despite her shock, however, the spotted lass was able to keep her composure in front of the clans. Realistically it mattered little to her with which leader she was tasked to work with. She would be saving cats from both clans regardless. Maybe it was best this way. No one would be able to blame ShadowClan deaths on Twilightstar with this setup. No potential for bias when the medicine cat apprentice she was teamed up with was a ShadowClanner himself.

She only half heard Bravebird as she kept an eye out on the crowd for the two other warriors that would be slowing her down... or helping her heal the wounded. She hadn't decided which side she assumed they would be on, but at the very least she could spot Mothcloud walking towards them. Or at least... the cat she assumed was Mothcloud. Stars, her lack of sleep was definitely playing with her mind. For some reason she really couldn't recall having seen this cat at all prior to this. Bearpelt, on the other paw, was nowhere in sight, a fact she momentarily forgot as she suddenly registered what the lynx point besides her had just mewed.

Brows raised high on her forehead, Lightningstorm was for once at a loss for words. Had anyone ever told her that Bravebird would be offering anything even remotely close to a compliment to her, she might have told Twilightstar she needed to keep that cat in observation overnight for fear some horrid fever had made them delusional. Even when there had been a moment in time when the two might have been friends, the calico knew the warrior was blunt and much like Firestorm, keen on acting before thinking half the time. Compliments required thinking. Certainly more thinking than she gave a cat who came back from herb picking with a face full of quills credit of being capable of. It was also a situation she simply never found herself in. WindClan cats didn't really compliment her. Or thank her. Or do much outside of telling her what was wrong with them and glare while she healed them. Or apologized for not going to her sooner. It was unknown territory, and the lithe calico found herself uncertain of how to handle it.

"Careful love. I might start getting the wrong idea here and think you may just care."

Allowing herself a smug smirk, Lightningstorm tilted her head teasingly at the fury, going with her usual, instinctual reaction in situations where she was dealing with an unprecedented scenario she hadn't the foggiest how the navigate. She annoyed. It was an easy way to have Bravebird potentially take back what good will she had tossed her way, and the healer could go back to focusing on her job without having to deal with... whatever it was she wasn't equipped to handle. Not the best way of making friends, no doubt, but then... she wasn't meant to make friends in her clan. The vocal majority had been pretty clear about that.

"I see Mothcloud is already here. Good," she mewed, nodding appreciatively at the warrior before turning her head to the gathered cats. "Bearpelt! You're with me! I'm not calling you twice!"

The calico's voice had rang above the din of voices murmuring amongst themselves, not bothering to keep her eyes on the crowd. She needed reliable cats if she was going to be forced to wait on them to bring her any cats in dire need of being patched up. Only emergencies would be handled in combat. Anyone whose life wasn't on the line could wait until they got back to the comparable safety of the camp. Which meant she needed cats she could count on to order towards a potential patient before she felt herself compelled to go out and take care of said injured feline herself.

Stepping forward to join the patrol headed for Windy Hills, she paused for only a moment, nodding at the ShadowClan leader, her head dipping lower than usual in the small bow she normally reserved only for the WindClan leader. If they were going to be working together, then they would at least have to trust each other to keep each other safe. She knew Bravebird didn't trust Dawnstar. She'd not been particularly shy at hiding her disgust. But Lightningstorm's reality remained the same. She trusted WindClanners to kill her on a whim on a daily basis. At least the ShadowClanners would have a tactical reason to eliminate her if they so decided to turn on them. It would be a far more sensible death than to go down on account of some arsehole deciding an inevitable death was her fault before they ripped her to pieces.

@taillow [Bravebird] | @SeonghwasBunnyEars [Mothcloud] | @Katiethewolfchild [Bearpelt] | @Undertaker [Dawnstar]
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-open den policy.

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