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Old April 27th, 2024, 08:53 PM
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Default Re: I've returned... to find a Shrew (P)

This was the familiarity he had been craving, if not consciously, for moons. Even since before he'd come back. It was what had dragged him back, despite the knowledge that it was unlikely to be found here anymore with how fast cats could move from one place to another to a third. A smile slipped, unbidden, onto his maw as his wit FINALLY had something to do beyond idle flirtations with she-cats. Despite the fun that carried, the thrill battle could inspire, this was Shrewstep's true talent. What he could and would and should be doing every day of his life as far as he knew. The world had sharpened him like a claw against stone, and it had felt wrong to feel that beautiful, shiny talon sink into nothing but moss and dirt.

Who says I'm by myself? he inquired, quirking a catbrow as impishly and challengingly as he could manage. Being so small, it was an expression he affected often. At the moment I may simply be enjoying a break from my adoring fans. This was patently untrue, but he also had no desire to address the short comment because......really? He was almost disappointed FOR Fiercefire, height jokes were SO apprentice material. Like, come on! Surely they were warriors now and could manage something more cutting than 'you're small', especially as that source of material had already been exhausted many times over. The next bit of wordplay was, admittedly, far better, and he chuckled slightly. And what 'warriors' are there here? He pretended to look left and right a bit wildly (and also checked to ensure Dawnstar wasn't around because he was maybe about to say something a teensy bit blasphemous about the Queen of Mean). All I see is a kitten come crawling back to the clan he abandoned. Hypocritical, but Fiercefire didn't know that.

He had to admit, his opposing warrior was a bit more.....profound after that. He had to consider his words, albeit with a small snort at the 'even if it's you' line. That was fair enough. He had been feeling so...young in their little interlude of spitting and snarling. This alone, perhaps, kept him quiet enough to listen to Fiercefire's story, if it could be called that. His sadnesses, more like. Shrewstep felt irrationally sorry. Losing was a bit cliche to say he wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy. No, Fiercefire wasn't his WORST enemy, that title fell to Frogfang alone. So he could allow himself a moment of empathy, for he was in a similar boat. He had found Marigoldleap, though he wasn't sure if that ought to be shared, and until he had conferred with his friend wouldn't be. It certainly didn't feel like the kind of thing you just upped and said without permission, especially when the cat in question had gone to the trouble of moving to another clan and changing their name.

It is hard he mewed more solemnly to go from so many cats around you to so few. As pleased as I was, and remain, it felt important to clarify that. As entertaining as this interlude into his otherwise somewhat uninspiring life had been, it didn't need to be a regular thing to have seen the back of your brother, I can tell you that I have not seen Lynxpaw here, or at a gathering to my knowledge. He probably would have recognized the tom, or maybe not. But he didn't know his whereabouts at this point regardless and everyone deserved some closure as to where their kits were. If they were still alive, or dead. Stars knew he'd like to know what had become of his little ones.

Ebonyfang is also no longer about, there have been several changes in medicine cat since you left and he is no longer with us. It felt strange to speak of the very living Marigoldleap as though she were dead, but Ebonyfang had for all intents and purposes vanished. Even in personality, his friend was so different that she hardly counted as the same cat, though still one near and dear to his heart. I'm sorry. I know that, if nothing else, you cared about your family and it hurts to lose them. That was one of the few things he could respect about the chuckle twins. One of the things he had envied them for. He had managed to scrape together a family of Driftstep and Blackhaze and Foggybrook. Doeflame and her kits who he had cared for and tried to protect. His own beautiful children with Falcon, whom his beloved Lilyleap had raised as her own like the pure soul she was. But he had never had siblings. After Blackhaze had gone far too soon, he had been the one leading the charge. The one who ought to do the protecting. The idiot twins had been able to call for backup, if nothing else. @JackHunt_17
All hail the Rat Queen's!!
Shrewstep has Silver Tongue and Mind Reader purrks
Pit has Just a Scratch and Beefed Up Tier 2
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