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Old April 27th, 2024, 02:09 PM
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Default Re: foggy dreams and bone deep guilt [p]

Originally Posted by Marigoldwhisper View Post

"Keep your head up! You need to look at the world around you!"

· · ─────── ·· ─────── ·

Marigoldkit knitted her eyebrows together. Minkpaw? All stringy and sick and useless? She couldn't picture it in her head, not at all. Minkpaw's strides or words had always been edged with a weight of confidence to Marigoldkit, like Minkpaw knew what she was doing and where she was going... How? How could she have been just as sick as her at one point?

She did know that Minkpaw had been an outsider before, she mentioned that in the nursery one evening. That's when she found out about the Thunderclan raid and all that jazz. Despite the dark undertones of the memory she couldn't help but smile at the thought. It was nostalgic, what would you expect?

"Haha! I bet I'll be the swiftest cat this clan'll ever see! I wouldn't mind learning a thing or two more. Thanks for telling me more about yourself though, it's weirdly comforting to know that I'm not alone in my experiences." Marigoldkit nodded slowly to herself. "I feel sorry for you... I'm glad you got better."

Marigoldkit would one day be just as capable as Minkpaw maybe even just as driven. Marigoldkit couldn't stand sitting still, she wanted to get up and go go go! But, she couldn't. Not yet. Not yet. One day though, one day she'd be running through fields and dodging streams and rivers like they're lakes of fire. Even though she'd have to learn to swim eventually, she wasn't about to dive headfirst into stuff like that. Water scared her silly and she wasn't about to tempt death twice.

->> minkpaw <<-
[ she/they | outsider | 13moons ]
a dark blueish grey and white she cat with silver eyes
minkpaw shook her head, "dont worry about it" her sickness was long in the past, almost like a completely different life and marigoldkit shouldnt feel bad about what past-minkpaw struggled with.
"i'd like to wait a bit until i teach you more physical stuff, i dont know how much this space is affected and affects your body but you are in no rush anyway. for now i want to show you something important you'll probably need sooner than i'd like" minkpaws thoughts wandered briefly, to a older marigoldkit, training to become a warrior and embodying everything minkpaw herself shouldve been. nothing of that was a bad thing, surprisingly she was glad to be able to imagine such a bright future for marigoldkit, the perfect warrior, kind and smart. even if she herself couldnt be any of that and her mother was possibly cursing her to the darkforest and back she couldnt help the spark of pride in her chest.
striped tail flicked next to them, making the fog curl and swipe over the empty patch of grass by their paws, before pulling back and revealing a small selection of herbs.
moss and cobwebs for very basic first aid, meadow saffron, deathberries and deadly nightshade as a warning. the starry replicas had appeared a bit apart, leaving a gap between the moss and cobwebs and the toxic plants but minkpaw reached out a white tipped paw to push away the toxic herbs one by one, their focus would be on first aid for now anyway.
she reached out again to drag the moss a bit closer, the cobwebs carefully wrapped around a stick was driven into the ground and would remain unmoved. minkpaw briefly wondered what part in her had encouraged the fog around her to make the moss and toxic herbs appear on large, flat dock leaves but it made it easier to move the plants around and not lose berries in the grass so she wouldnt complain.
"when you get older you or your classmates are going to get hurt, and if that ever happens a long way from camp its important you know what to do." she began, some of the tension easing from her at the comfort of returning to something comforting, herbal knowledge. and somewhat surprising, to minkpaw at least, there was no nagging feeling, cold shiver in her neck or voice yelling at her to stop and protect her knowledge with her live. no restraints or second thoughts about this choice, for once her deeply egoistic heart had been filled with so much love and adoration it couldnt even protest this vulnerable choice.
"moss and cobwebs are all you need to know for now. there is better wound care but we'll get to that some other time. moss grows pretty much everywhere, it likes roots and fallen trees, moist rocks, all that stuff, and cobwebs are pretty much everywhere possible, theyre usually spread out like this" she explained, scratching the rough shape of a in-tact cobweb into the dirt, there was possibly a way to make one appear here too but she hadnt figured that part out yet, the whole 'appearing things' had been enough of a scare to see for the first time and a huge effort to get to work herself.
"when your clanmate, wait scratch that, when you see a vulnerable injured cat, you have to first locate the wound, that can be quite hard if its in an odd spot or there is a lot blood but when you've done that you press the moss to the wound to soak up the blood and stop blood flow. if you dont have moss, skip that step, its important to work with whatever you have and not stress about using specific herbs." minkpaw supressed a grimace at the memory of fadingsun scolding her for trying to help a injured kit, every cat deserved help. every kit deserved the chance at live.
"cobwebs are really sticky so you have to be careful to not pick up a lot of dirt. moss normally helps clean the wound a bit but if there is a lot of dirt you might have to try and wipe it away. after that, you stretch the cobwebs over the wound and the surrounding fur, that'll 'seal' the wound and keep it safe. if this happened in the territory you try to get your clanmate back to camp as fast as possible so a medicine cat can look at it again." she continued the explanation, meanwhile taking a hold of the cobwebs and stretching some out between her paws before placing it around her tail to not only tell but also show.
"i hope that made sense" she had gotten a bit lost in her words and memory, thoughts of what couldve been and the imaginary situation in which she had been chosen, and was explaining this in riverclan medicine den rather than the shabby meadows of her mind, engulfed by fog and clanless.

(oups i kinda escalated with the explanation )


"i wish things were different, but it werent us who changed."

rooks requirements
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