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Old April 23rd, 2024, 06:04 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Male / 2 Moons / ThunderClan / Sexuality Unknown
Chocolate-brown and russet tabby Tom with fluffy fur and bright amber eyes, thin scars on his legs and a wide scar across the bottom half of his face

Sure, I’ve got half a face, but you’ve got yourself half a brain, so I’m sure we’ll get along just fine, ey?


The spotted calico molly had, apparently, managed to stay silent throughout Rosekit’s long rambling session, watching him and listening quietly with raised eyebrows. Not that he had wanted to be interrupted- but unfortunately, the cats who stood in silence as he shouted out his nonsense as rudely as he possibly could never gave him any interesting reactions. Unfortunately for the russet tom-kit, judging by the way Dreamspirit had been acting so far, it was looking like her response to his disrespect wasn’t going to be anything crazy. But still, Rosekit had waited kindly for this response, hoping with all his might that it would be something worth his time.

When Rosekit heard the warrior give a small purr, these hopes were shattered. She- wh- huh? Rosekit blinked in confusion, his glare fading into a blank, puzzled stare. But after all that- what kind of offense is that? A freakin’ purr? Really? She isn’t willing to give me anymore than a PURR? The blank stare quickly faded into one of disappointment at the result he had ended up with. But what had be expected from a cat Dreamspirit? Had he seriously had his heart set on her getting all fired up and angry with him, a two and a half year old kit with no life other than sleeping, eating, and repeating? He thought, I guess that would make me the idiot here, and felt his ears fall back a little.

Dreamspirit started to speak, and Rosekit listened carefully. At least ehr reaction wasn’t quite over yet. There would be more to this conversation- but he made sure to avoid expecting anything more than a sad and in affective lecture on manners and behavior, reluctant to get caught up in further disappointment. She didn’t exactly apologize for invading the nursery, more or less just telling him that she hoped he wasn’t genuinely unhappy with her visit. What, did she not believe him? Of course, she was right to guess that he was only doing this for attention if that was the case, but did she really have to advertise it?

Rosekit held his tongue and kept listening to the comment, until her self-description caught him off guard. Responsible Warrior? Responsible??? Now didn’t I just get onto her about that? What a Hollow-Head! At the idea that his own comment on her lack of responsibility had been denied, Rosekit felt his eyebrows furrow. The anger was bubbling back up, making its way into his eyes.

Rosekit felt a surge of disgust when she purred again. Was Stream’Spit here alright? What was with all the throat-rumbling, had she eaten some sort of frog? And to make matters worse, she was obviously rather amused with the way he had gotten sassy with her. That, again was far from his intention. It only made the incoming anger worse. Why couldn’t Dreamspirit just start screaming at him like an angry psycho? Why did life have to be so difficult and miserably dry?!

Dreamspirit told him that she didn’t think anybody else was around seemed too bothered with her visit. No duh, ma’am, Rosekit wanted to snap back at her. They’re all idiots who don’t give a dang about anything but role-plays and their mamas. Can’t Dreamspirit see my scar, my face? I’m different! I’M UNIQUE! I’M BETTER!!! Then she decided to give him his own nickname, “Mr. Leader-of-the-Problem-House.” Although Rosekit could tell she was joking, the title still hit a nerve. Now all of his disappointment had been wiped away by anger. She dare use his abilities against him? As Dreamspirit dipped her head jokingly at him, his annoyance flared up into fury. Seriously? Seriously???

Eventually, after some silent glowering, Rosekit realized that he was done witnessing her reaction. Dreamspirit was finished. She had left him feeling even angrier with her than he had his inability to fall asleep before she came in and ruined his progress. There was only one way to fix things. Rosekit sharpened his glare briefly, making his ears jump back up in place. Time for his own reaction, his real anger.

The russet tabby stood straighter, lifting his head and keeping his eyes right on the pale eyes of the she-cat in front of him. He half-expected him to explode into the childish flames that he could feel burning inside, a tantrum volcano, but what actually ended up happening surprised Rosekit just as much as it would anybody else. His glare softened into a decently gentle stare, and he smiled smugly. There was something about this that felt better than blowing uo at somebody, as if his mistakes were more… intentions. When he spoke, his voice was casual and calm. “Oh, ma’am, I’m sure you’re right, believe it or not!” After a quick glance around the den at his peers and the queens, he looked back at Dreamspirit. “But can’t you see, Stream’Spit? Not only are they unbothered- they don’t care! You may as well do some good for your clan and get some work done, make use of your practical-apprentice self, yes?

Rosekit’s smile turned into more of a grin, and his anger was fading away. Maybe he could make acting jolly and overconfident his go-to method when arguing and bothering people- this felt a whole lot better than yowling and shrieking like a small child. I feel polite in the rudest ways possible, he thought. He kept it up. “Responsible? Oh, yes, I’m sure- it’s not like the other warriors are out there hunting, marking borders, and discussing business, while you fancy yourself dancing dreamily on through the nursery like the wannabe mother you are!” Too far? Nah, there was never a ‘too far’ in Rosekit’s mind. Only the ‘top-sensitive’ personalities, and if Dreamspirit had one, that wasn’t Rosekit’s problem at all. He lowered his voice a little, and finished off with, “Leader of the Problem House… ah. Well, I’m sure the ‘Problem-House’ is actually a pretty strong and powerful place then, now isn’t it? So why not go on and get some work done…” He put on a high and girlish voice to mimic the she-cat’s, ‘hm’, and added, “Hm? Y’know, maybe show that you actually deserve this new little rank? You’ve got no business being in here, and you woke me up. I think everybody should have reasoning in everything they do- so what reasons have you got to be here?” And again, with a wider grin, “Hm?

Rosekit came to realize that he had really enjoyed the whole smile-it-off method. It made everything feel lighter in a way, and it calmed down the anger. It was like everything he did was best, and with that smug smirk, there was nothing he did that was wrong- when doing things confidently, anything was alright. Heck, he could beat up a kit half his size, and the smile would make him feel good about it. Rosekit saw absolutely nothing wrong with this, and kept on grinning up at Dreamspirit.

And, of course, his thoughts were begging him to throw in an extra, ‘Hm?’ or ‘Stream’Spit’ but he kept his mouth shut.


~ @Starphobia ~

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Last edited by Weekend-Wondering; April 23rd, 2024 at 07:43 PM.
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