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Old April 23rd, 2024, 05:30 AM
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Default Re: Prepare for the Worst [p]

Windclan Tunneler/Fury | He/him | 51 Moons
Power Card: Cold Gust

Stars the little warriors were too cute with their first battle stances and swipes! It was probably a little mean to think that of them when they were really trying but he was a senior warrior of a good few years and as tough as they were being the apprentices were just too little to be anything but cute right now.
They'd grow though.

Crowtooth stood and started circulating, correcting the errors that he saw.

"Hushpaw ya got a good start but yer legs are too wide an' legs too bent. Its a battle stance, not a huntin' crouch an' see in your pose ya cant dodge."
The tom demonstrated tossing out a gentle but quick swipe and tsk-ing gently as any dodge just wasnt quite up to snuff, and so set to nudging Hushpaws limbs into something better.
"A bad hit an' its the end of yer fight kiddo, even I'll go down if someone gets me good so really yer ability ta dodge is the most important thin' in a battle. But I can see a powerful fighter in ya so the same will apply ta yer enemy someday."

Next his own apprentice and the tunneler poked at his stance, testing the balance, before chuckling, pleased.
"Well look at ya kiddo, wit' yer speed yer gonna be impossible ta hit as a bee! Aint my style but thats pure windclan tactics right there, lotsa smaller hits while keepin' movin' so they cant get ya to wear a foe down. Just make sure ya keep focused an' make sure ya got the endurance ta keep that up."

He raised his voice even as he talked to Rabbitpaw, allowing the others to hear him as he advised "If ya curl yer claws inward at the end of yer swipe after ya hit yer gonna do more damage as your claws hook yer opponent and tear, not just slash so try ta get inta the habit o' doin that."

For Winterpaw the tom kinda cocked his head and narrowed his eyes, uncertain if the apprentices methods were detrimental to him or still worked.
"Ok so Winterpaw it aint a huntin' stance ya only need ta keep yer legs juuuuust bent enough ta spring away if yer attacked. However everyone's stances differs a bit depending on their body, so if that position works fer ya keep it but be prepared ta change if it dont work.

Also if ya swivel yer shoulders while ya swipe ya can put more power in yer hit."

Dovepaw had bowed out so that just left Duskpaw, and the tom chuckled as he dodged her swipe, no corrections to make and just a "Try implimentin' the swipin' tip I gave Rabbitpaw ta yer next blow." before he moved on.

"Right next lesson, where ta hit! Bitin' is also simple an' ya probably know how ta do it already but where ya wanna aim ta bite an' swipe is the real trick.

  • A cats face is risky as they can try an' bite ya but ya can blind or main them if ya land it. Plus face wounds bleed a ton an' can so take yer enemy outta the fight.
  • Throat is a valuable spot ta hit (though can often lead ta deadly consequences) an' basically ends a fight wit' a single blow. Chest not so much though, it hurts but cats can fight through a hit there.
  • Now belly is a valuable spot but hard ta get too, its soft an' tender an' bleeds so will earn ya a victory quick. Again hard ta hit though.
  • Paws are good too but dont really hurt, they just make it real hard ta fight an' gives ya an advantage.

Generally ya wanna hit whereever ya can, as any hit is a good one, but if ya got a choice aim there.

Now can anyone think o' any other good places ta hit?"

This would be more of a thought round then an action one but Crowtooth would be teaching dodging by 'experience' next one so this was a ease in they needed.

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Last edited by Rani; April 23rd, 2024 at 05:33 AM.
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