Thread: Thunderglade
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Old April 17th, 2024, 08:11 AM
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Default Re: Thunderglade


Great! Her patrol, as hastily and unexpected as it was, was gathered, and since it was more of a voluntary patrol, she didn't feel the pressure or rush that regular patrols had. So once away from camp, Swiftfire allowed her pace to slow into a leisurely stroll, actually taking the time to soak in the sun and breeze and all the signs of newleaf.

She hadn't completely missed Bravebird's remarks about Sedgewater Valley, and so Swiftfire had that on her mind as she walked. Sure, they could go to the RiverClan border, show them that WindClan was strong in numbers, watching them for another transgression. But they had already been given a pretty firm warning; They were not about to let RiverClan get away with anymore. So why antagonize them? Better yet, why show their enemies the preparations they were making? Better to play the silent game for now, and keep their non-border patrol activity to a minimum if they had the option to.

At least that was her reasoning. She wasn't sure if the others would think similarly, so Swiftfire turned her head, glancing over her shoulder at Bravebird, "I figured if we gathered all the way over here, we'd be less likely to have some fish poking its nose out of its pond to see what we're doing. Squirrels? Who cares. They've been keeping their nuts to themselves, so we don't have any reason to poke at them, nor they us." She tried chuckling to make it sound lighthearted.
"Plus we have more options here. Sticks, moss, cobwebs, uh....marigold and dandelion? I'm pretty sure Lightningstorm likes her yellow flowers." Another try at a joke, but it wasn't her worst attempt either. Though this time her words were for the whole patrol, and as they reached the Thunderglade, Swiftfire sighed, "Herbs first, but I won't say no to a couple pieces of prey to bring home either."

The glade was filled with songbird activity and warm earthy prey scents, and her jaws watered at the idea of catching a mouse or two for breakfast. Shaking herself out, Swiftfire gave her patrol a friendly wave of her tail before long legs carried her off towards the roots of one of the trees, searching for sticks, moss, whatever she could carry in quantity.

@MangofDoom @Mica @taillow
[I am setting this patrol's end date to May 1st, 2024! There's no rush to get it done, so don't stress ^^]
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