Thread: Lost and Found
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Old April 9th, 2024, 05:05 PM
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Default Re: Lost and Found

Male / 2 Moons / ThunderClan / Sexuality Unknown
Chocolate-brown and russet tabby Tom with fluffy fur and bright amber eyes, thin scars on his legs and a wide scar across the bottom half of his face

Sure, I’ve got half a face, but you’ve got yourself half a brain, so I’m sure we’ll get along just fine, ey?


Only once the fluffy russet kit was up in the air did the thought, Crap, what if I miss? enter his head. Paw still risen up high, he felt a little wave of panic. My stupidly shallow brain- one tilt of the head and there goes my last scrap of confidence! Idiot, idiot, idio- But it seemed Spottedfire hadn’t been mentally prepared for Rosekit to suddenly leap up and throw a whack to the head. Rosekit didn’t judge him- it wasn’t every day you’d get hit in the middle of a could-be pleasant conversation. Even still, Rosekit was surprised when he actually managed to land his paw where he had intended to. He felt the bottom of his small paw land right in between the older tom’s eyes, right on that popular facial target. YES- YESSSSS!

And just like that, all of the confidence came flooding back, along with the smug smirk. The panic wave retreated and Rosekit withdrew his paw, falling back down to land decently gracefully back on his four paws. Aha! He gawked up at Spottedfire with triumph blazing in his gaze. Then he proceeded to mentally congratulate himself. Right between the eyes- literally! I must have been fast- so fast he couldn’t even dodge! Amazing, ha! Thanks to the confidence that was bubbling up all over the place by now, Rosekit had no idea that the meow of pain Spottedfire seemed to make was a fake. It only made him feel better about what he had managed, and his smirk grew.

But before Rosekit could spent too much time idolizing the image of his warrior self, standing like a king in the glare of the sunlight, bright eyed and nicely scarred, he heard an unexpected sound leave the warrior. For a heartbeat, Rosekit got excited because he was convinced he was listening to the prelude of a growl, only to discover that it was actually a purr. The small tom’s heart sank.
But I.. The disappointment made its way into his face, and his smirk fell away. …I thought… but I thought…

Rosekit had just bap-ed him, what was going on? Had Spottedfire taken pleasure in the clearly warrior-worthy attack? Amusement?! And goodness- not only was it a purr, it was a chuckle. A laugh. He’s laughing at me! Literally laughing at me! Rosekit’s eyes narrowed again, this time in dissatisfaction. He could’ve at least tried to act like he felt a bit of pain, like the meow! Wait… the meow… ah, crud-

Spottedfire then commented on his lonely appearance. Rosekit forget about the apparently-failed attack and pictured himself wandering through the clearing, alone and miserable with his tail between his legs and ears flattened against his head. Oh. Double-crud. He had been worried about that earlier, being spotted looking like the wimp that he truly was. Spottedfire had seen it all- the stupidity, the sadness, the childish behavior… and his paws, too. It was true that Rosekit had been letting his paws lead him back and forth across camp with no specific goal or intention. There was nothing to reach towards, only a social life, and that was obviously failing anyway.

Spottedfire took a quick pause, voice disappearing. Rosekit was puzzled, or at least until he heard the slightest sound of a whisper. The kit’s curiosity popped back in as usual, and he tried to listen more carefully, but Spottedfire was already back to his usual voice, addressing Rosekit personally. How disappointing, Rosekit thought to himself, unhappily. But once he finally processed Spottedfire’s question, it caught Rosekit off guard.

Rosekit lifted his eyebrows and blinked up at the warrior. Walk with him? Around camp? It sounded almost as if Spottedfire was truly interested in Rosekit’s company- No, Rosekit cut himself off there. Of course he isn’t. Why would he be? He even said it- ‘So the other warriors don’t stuff you back in here.’ He doesn’t want me for me, he wants to walk with me so nobody else gets me in trouble for this wandering. The russet tabby’s gaze darkened as he stared up at the warrior in silence. Why can’t anybody understand? I’m young and stupid, but not THAT young and stupid- I can walk with my own four feet! I can get things done by myself! If Sparky here could just get it, I swear, everything would be fine! Augh, this sucks.

The beginning of his response came out harsh and quick. “Again, I’ve got my own four paws, Sparky. I’m sure it ain’t against the code to take a walk around my own dang camp, isn’t that right?” His stare faded into a sharp glare. “I don’t care if I look lonely and miserable… because I’m not! Okay? I’m not! I was just think’n about some things, that’s all-” Then his voice disappeared. Where was this coming from? Why was he getting all defensive? Sure, it looked to him like Spottedfire didn’t understand him at all, or at least not completely, but he was only making himself look more pathetic. What kind of strong and independent warrior would sit here and get all fired up because a fellow warrior asked to go on a walk?

Ah, Triple-crud!

Rosekit’s glare softened a little, turning into more of a grumpy scowl. Maybe Spottedfire would forget about that little blow up, with the tom’s lack of a proper-brain. He changed the direction of his words, immediately acting as if he hadn’t said anything. “I mean… sure,” He started, hesitating when another critical thought arrived. Sure? Really? Pathetic, pathetic, patheticEr- DUH. Right, duh, I’ll walk with you. What, d’ya think I was planning on prancing along through camp all alone for the rest’a my life?Well, actually-Whatever. I’ll walk with ya’, but don’t go assuming I can’t do basic things by myself, ‘Kay? See how I hit ya’? I’ve got a future of claws, teeth and victory ahead’a me. And see, Sparky- compared to that, makes walking sound like breathing. Easy as heck. Let’s get going,

Rosekit tried at making himself look better by nudging his head in the direction he planned on walking. Best show that he was independent enough to make a simple choice before yelling any more. Hopefully Spottedfire would keep on assuming he was so dependent on others… he was his own warrior! He could burn his own problems! He could trample his own hardships! And all on his own! Rosekit was sure he’d manage to make his way into Spottedfire’s memory one day, among ThunderClan’s most powerful warriors!


// Poor, uh… Sparky. I apologize for Rosekit’s lack of manners. He has a lot of anger inside. \\


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Last edited by Weekend-Wondering; April 9th, 2024 at 05:06 PM.
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