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Old April 7th, 2024, 03:46 PM
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Default Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]

[Tick Kit]
[Purrks- Bewitched/Constant Hunger-no others yet]
[He Him] - [Shadowclan Kit] - [4 Moons]

Tick Kit’s ears twitched as the round was called to be finished, he didn’t like the way the dirt smelled or everything rubbed against him, especially not the way his fur felt. Dirty. Messy. With a light squeak in an almost desperate manner he scrambled out from his hiding place and squinted glancing around, he glanced toward those who had been caught and then HawkBite, Tickit wanted a jump and roll into a shallow pool of cold water, and watch all the dirt seep away from his fur. Crunching leaves, think of crunching leaves and how proud your making mother. With a little huff he pulled himself from his state of discomfort and his gaze raked across the clearing, places to hide that weren’t low. He didn’t want to do anymore dirt business, and glancing back he had to be careful otherwise all the muck falling from his back would give himself away. Carefully making his way around and listening to the countdown was nerve wracking. This was meant to be fun, it wasn’t fun anymore. Tick Kit let out a quiet scolding to himself, he made this not-fun! What was he gonna do? TickKit wracked his brain, was he the first to decide to move this round? When he’d first moved he didn’t hear anyone else. He must’ve. Maybe this wasn’t a good decision. Turning to slink back to his hiding space he spotted a part near where someone else had been found, scattered twigs and the lingering scent of someone else. Squeezing his eyes shut he slotted himself into the space, roots and other. His eyes would give it away if he kept them open, but otherwise the tight space and slight wheeze his breathe held felt a little silly to him. Maybe he was taking this hide and seek game too seriously, but Mother always made hide and seek look so serious, were others not taking it as seriously as he was taking it seriously? Ugh! This was all too confusing. He’ll stick to simple kitten thoughts instead of big cat thoughts. For now at least. Tick Kit remained as still as he could, body tense as he hoped that the lingering scent of another cat would mask his own (mixed with the dirt and whatever he’d put on his back..Tick Kit blinked his eyes open and shifted so he wasn’t facing the way he’d come, better cover with his back which was already dirt covered would make him less obvious.

Heya! If you’re interested in rping feel free to message me whenever! I’m also lf help with rping better!
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