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Old April 4th, 2024, 11:37 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Warriors' Den

Originally Posted by SentimentalSquid View Post

Briarsplash stirred at the sound of the apprentice scraping nest parts together and Sootspirit's comment. Letting out a big yawn, Briarsplash added in a snarky, husky voice: "Y'missed one over here, too!"
Originally Posted by Estelle View Post

Smolderingpaw's eyes shot up in a nasty glare towards both warriors, most notably the second one. That tone of voice, that attitude... Just like the idiots from RiverClan, always taunting him, always pushing him around and for what? His rat-like posture, small size, skin-and-bone appearance? Bright amber eyes glowered with irritation, pushing aside the nest he'd been cleaning.
"Well then clean it up."
He rasped in return, swallowing down the insult forming in his throat. He had to play nice for now.

Sootspirit's black fur raised slightly as the apprentice talked back. She looked to Brairsplash with a look of indignation. The warrior calmed herself though, she had to admit she would have reacted that way not so long ago as an apprentice herself. But she was a warrior now and she did her chores as an apprentice.

She turned to Briarsplash first, although she didn't know this warrior well she had always respected her. The small warrior related to her fierceness and her harshness as well. "Not to sound like an elder, but I feel like apprentices these day have no respect. We did our time doing these chores." She scuffed. Her eyes narrowed at the apprentice, he certainly was strange looking but who was she to judge on appearance. Her yellow eyes narrowed.

"What is your name again?" She asked him coldly.
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