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Old March 30th, 2024, 05:16 PM
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Default Re: Future and past [p]

Kittypet Healer | He/him | 40 Moons | Dreamwalker | Silver Tongue

Hmmm, nope never a calm happy night of rest, not for Nathaniel. If it wasnt nightmares of his past it was something so the tom didnt bother to leave the warm water of the haven springs, relaxing even if it was a dream, and instead called whoever this is over. "If youre a friend, yes there is someone here. However if not then you best see youself out, Im not keen to ruin my peaceful night hosting trouble." Still scenting the air and coming up with the familiar fishy smell of a riverclan cat the tom both relaxed further and tensed a bit.

A riverclan cat might be less inclined to commit a physical attack against the ex-medicine cat but the potential words of vitriol could rend a far deeper wound against the tom.

Still, he didnt leave, remaining in the springs as he watched the molly emerge. An apprentice or young warrior, who could probably recognize the riverclan location they were in even if it was made dreamlike by the circumstances, also probably able to recognize the riverclan like movements Nathaniel had in his swimming and very movement, even as his scent spoke more of a kittypet.

Nathaniel, for his part merely observed her in turn before cocking his head and greeting her with a "Hello. Lovely night for a dream is it not? Might I ask what your name and purpose for being here is? Cats tend not to end up in my mind without ample reason, even if they dont realize it yet." He didnt often use the gilded tongue that had shredded thunderclan so brutally years ago but here he did in a desperate bid to determine if he should cut the dream short or continue. Nathaniel just needed to keep his cards close for now, for his own safety if nothing else and determine the molly's purpose for being here because even through caution and time he couldnt help the urge he held to help if it was needed.

So he stayed and asked, rather then running from every chance of encounters with his old clan as he had before.

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Last edited by Rani; March 30th, 2024 at 05:16 PM.
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