Thread: herbs [p]
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Old March 28th, 2024, 09:09 PM
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Default Re: herbs [p]

Originally Posted by alec View Post
->> minkpaw [she/they, rc apprentice, 12moons, the collector, herb2] <<-
a dark blueish grey bengal-patterned she cat with silver eyes
she nodded when sweetsong repeated 'herbs?', and waited for the warrior to continue. it had been a bit rude to interrupt the warrior while eating, but she didnt seem to mind so it was okay?

"yippee!" she cheered quietly, staring up at sweetsong with hope in her eyes, "uhmm i know borage, brighteye, broom, chervil, chickweed-" her tail tapped the ground as she listed off the herbs, as if counting, "-and i know some others but not really- i know how some look but not what they are used for" she continued.


"Oh! Well you know quite a lot already!" Sweetsong purred, "Well, the ones I know are horsetail, yarrow and I do believe I am familiar with borage," She added. "We can go gather some horsetail; I know how to use and apply that. I don't recommend trying yarrow...but it is used to expel ingested poisons."

"What is chervil for? It sounds familiar, but I don't think I've ever gathered any or tested them out." She tipped her head at Minkpaw, "I think we can both learn a lot from each other." She blinked slow and warm at the younger she-cat.

The only character I am playing is Swiftfire.
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