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Old March 28th, 2024, 07:15 PM
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Default Re: Lessons of the Past [Whole Clan Story Event]

Windclan Tunneler | He/him | 49 Moons
Power Card: Cold Gust

Cats had gathered, a good turn out with greeting individual friends like Twilightstar and Bravebird quickly fell to the wayside with Rabbitkits antics. It was, frankly adorable for all it was a mess and the tom had a chuckle forced out of him at the sudden sight, a paw reaching out to try and help right the kitten.

"Well I cant say Ive ever seen moves like that so I cant say for sure but there sure is fighting. Unfortunately though Riverclan sure deserves it windclan does not get revenge in this story, starclan gets the justice for us."
Some found that disappointing really, felt that for the price to be payed it had to be payed in blood drawn by the claws of the wronged. But honestly as long as the score was even in the end and justice was gained Crowtooth was of the mind that results mattered over the method.

He couldnt help but add a "Keep honing those skills though kiddo, you never know when Riverclan will need a good clawing with them." and a chuff at the little tom, downright charmed by the enthusiasm.

For now it was time to begin.


A deep breath of air was taken in as the tom wracked his mind for all details, beginning as he remembered the elder beginning.
"Now history stretches long and much is forgotten in time, but it is not quite forgotten that the camp we lost to the fire was not our first camp to exist.

Long long ago, we denned in the Sedgewater Valley."
He paused for a moment, letting it sink in that windclan had actually held camp on a border and so close to the river before continuing.

"We dwelled in burrows beneath the exposed tree roots, a strong protective structure created by the water washing the dirt away. It may seem strange to live in such confined spaces as we now live such exposed lived but back then the tunnelers were more of a force then we are now. Once upon a time the clan was split in two, half tunnelers and half moor runners."
It was a sad fact to see this loss of tradition but a true one Crowtooth had been working a lifetime to change, though progress was slow.

Here the tom hesitated, feeling it necessary to disclaim something. "Now names are one of the first thing lost to time, and Im unsure of if the ones I have are correct bar two. The windclan leaders name was along the line of Nettlestar and so we'll call him that, and he kept the peace. Through keen negotiation and devastating counter attacks to slights he kept no enemies but perhaps it was the caution cats kept towards him that made things worse.

But his methods were undeniably fight ending with his secret weapon. A warrior, a leader, a vicious fighter and strategist who's tunnel ambush tactics were so vicious his name is remembered, Flutterbug."
Now here Crowtooth expected giggles because for a cat who's methods had enshrined him in mythos so stark the tom wouldnt replicate many of them for fear of landing in the dark forest the name was WEIRD. Who named the clans most vicious fighter FLUTTERBUG?! It was bizarre and earned a confused head shake.

"A hidden tunnel camp in sedgewater valley and a reputation that scared away potential enemies..... But a chaotic clan across the border. His name is forgotten, and good riddance for it, so Ill call him Storkstar was the one to notice that the border was unusually active. A shame, had it been someone less paranoid this mess might not have happened."

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