Thread: [Outsiders] Where No One Goes [finder]
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Old March 27th, 2024, 07:22 PM
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Default Re: Where No One Goes [finder]


Flower, gleam and glow...

Flower | Dovekit
3 moons - Outsider Kit - Female, She/Her/They

Although the original idea for Flower came from Rapunzel, she, on the other hand, is quieter, but equally as curious; sheltered from a young age due to events out of her control, Flower grew up with a loving mother and a present father, but was never allowed beyond the bounds of their little home, under her father's rule and mother's reluctant acceptance of it. But that didn't stop her from having a wild imagination, and even bigger dreams. Growing up on stories of a clan (note, just one) and legends of StarClan told by her beloved mother - which are to her no more than legends and myths in every way - Flower dreams of this faraway Neverland, where cats live in a peaceful community, helping each other, keeping each other fed and happy, living the stories she is told, all following this noble code. She has nothing but admiration for the stories and the fictional cats within them. They are fictional, right?

Wondering what life outside the little grove they call home is like, Flower never dares leave and rarely asks. If she does, all she is told is that the grove is home, that the outside is a dangerous place filled with groups of cats wishing for their downfall, and predators she is far too weak to handle even with the bit of fighting Flower is taught - it's an apocalyptic nightmare, in her mind, where every cat fends for themselves and monsters roam around. Admittedly, this works to make Flower hesitant about her curiosity, more hesitant about the outside - frightened, even - and dream all the more about the legendary place that is a clan. A community. Something so different from the monsters she is told wants them dead.

Even so, she is raised with gentleness, especially by her mother; gentleness and stories, lessons and laughter and games she plays. It's not a miserable life, far from it, Flower is happy with her parents and loves them dearly. There were just certain rules she learned to follow. Certain things she better not ask, or better not want - cannot have. And that was alright. Flower learned not to complain, to accept that her world would remain small. Besides, she grew happy. Ever gentle (or at least, trying to be) with her surroundings and the petals her mother collects, and though she follows in her mother's naïve nature, she tries to understand the world around her. To understand others' emotions that seem to elude her so often, to befriend the occasional critter that comes by before it's frightened away by the louder presences.

She takes enjoyment in what she is given, for what it's worth, and adores the little games her mother introduces her to. Be it tag-hide-and-seek, or weaving together petal-filled nests and making flower crowns. Chasing after a little butterfly to see where it leads (up until the bounds of her grounds) or guessing shapes within the clouds. Watching the stars, listening to mother's stories, spending time with her father. She does find joy in life.

It is difficult to say how she will interact with others; she has yet to meet anyone who isn't her parents. But it is very well possible for it to be described as a "shy but curious excitement", most specifically once she adapts to clan life - if ever; curious about the cats around her, silently excited to meet them, but shy in face of meeting someone new all the same - after all, how should she act? How will they act? Sociality is likely not her strong suit as of currently, or at least, knowing how to act in social situations. This could lead to a lot of silence on her end, simply observing and admiring the life around her. Even so, it takes time to grow into oneself. A more confident, more expressive adult version of her might exist someday - even now, if Flower were to learn about the true existence of the clans, she would be a strong believer and follower of both StarClan and the warrior code; she could even be seen speaking up on their behalf, wondering why someone might not follow the code when it's what they are supposed to live by; wondering why someone may resent StarClan when they are supposed to help the clans.

Flower is bound to be moulded and shaped by the experiences that await her. Living through her flaws just as much as her positive points; naivety, hesitance, fright. Yet also a caring side, one that appreciates the ones who saved her life and tries to justify her father's actions in a world that has suddenly become far different and more confusing than it ever was before. For how simple her description is, she is bound to be with conflicted feelings and learn of conflicting ideals as she explores the world she was always sheltered from and deals with the reality of all that has happened. The reality of being somewhere new, the reality of her father.

  • Knowledge.
  • Marigold.
  • Poppy seeds.
  • Poison ivy.
  • Deathberries and its symptoms.
  • Defensive battle moves.
  • Possibly some killing blows.
  • The warrior code, in the form of a legend.
  • Some tail signals.

  • Facts.
  • She was named after her deceased grandmother - Foxflower - and her mother's love for petals.
  • She inherited her mother's sky-blue eyes! Similarly, she isn't very big and has somewhat chubby cheeks in her younger moons, and though she may grow out of those, it's currently making her the very image of her mother.
  • She twiddles with her paws a lot when she's nervous, even pulling on little hairs and sometimes plucking them out.
  • A tentative birthday is January 1st 2024, early in the morning.
  • Her early life is spent sheltered, secluded in a single area, raised without meeting any other cat.
  • To her, right now, the clan are but mere legends and stories she admires.
  • She really likes plants, especially flowers, it brings back happy memories of her mother!
  • Many preys she has never seen alive before, neither knowing where they come from. This can lead to some silly little situations, but also danger, as she knows little to nothing about what the world's predators look like in actuality - only the stories she was told.
  • Though she has always been quiet, post-experience from this plot there's a good chance Flower will somewhat shut down verbally, only speaking around select cats / in select situations for a while.
  • Similarly, everything being extremely new to her, she is likely to attach herself most to the cats she first meets / sees! That likely includes the patrol and, of course, Lark.
  • Although she is frightened of thunder, and still will be after joining RiverClan, it'll also become a reminder of her mother to her.

  • Extra.
  • Open to the misunderstanding and other plots!
  • Her mother is Vixen, a former character of mine.
  • Her father is Jackdaw, owned by @appariitiion! Their application and mine were discussed together, the reason being that we considered her father to be the one to chase her! Update: As no Jackdaw application will be added due to extenuating circumstances, we agreed that Flower would not need to be chased by him within this plot! While he would remain the reason she ran in the first place off-screen, a different outsider - the one for this plot - could have picked up the chase after Jackdaw lost track of her; thus also working into her worries on the outside based on what she was told by her father as a child
  • The knowledge stated above will be taught to her in a thread taking place before the events of this plot.
  • The herb knowledge comes from her mother who learned those in an event hosted by Sundust, whereas the fighting was practised with her father.
  • Flower is the only survivor of her litter.


[ Vixen's POV ]

So much time had passed. So much time since the quacking grounds that sent her clan fleeing, since the moment she stumbled and lost her way, since she had been home; they say distance makes to heart grow fonder, and it's true. She misses her home. She misses her home, ThunderClan, so so much. She misses Crowy and Motty and Tushdup, Cindy and Crow-crow, Batty and mama and Turty. Her friends, her family, her mentor. Had her mother and sister returned in her absence? Was Tushdad still the leader of the clan she once called home? Oh, how she longed to know. How she longed to go home.

"Mum.., will you tell me another one of your stories?"

A small smile spread on her maw. She longed to go home with all her heart, yes... But there was something that kept her here. Something far, far more precious.
"Yes, yes I can."
She nuzzled the pale brown bundle of fur at her side. Her daughter.
"Hm... Do you remember, how I told you about the biiiig groups of cats - not the ones papa talks about, but mine - who are allllll living together? And, and how they - up high, high in the sky - in silverpelt - revere the star cats?"


The small one hummed, and she purred in response. Sky blue eyes, ones that match her daughter's, squint with happiness, the old scar on her face crinkling. A ginger-spotted tail swished into the air, as a single ginger - not cream - paw gestured upwards.
"They are the ancestors of this world, reuniting up so high; they say they guide our path, help us when we are lost. Those who live with honour and kindness go there-"

"Like.. the warriors? Of the clan?"

"Mhm, mhm! Very good - just like the warriors of the clan!"
She grinned.
"But, remember - remember! There aren't just warriors; there are the queens (like me!), and the warriors in training - apprentices, and elders, and kits - just like you!"
She nuzzled her daughter again, tickling her fur as the little one squealed with soft laughter.
"And there's the leader and deputy, those who lead the clan..."

"and the- uhm..."

"The herb cats?"
Her daughter nodded.
"They are called the medicine cats! And, and -- the medicine cat has an apprentice, too; they - they alll four - they all make sure the clan is healed and safe and well-fed; they care for each other. And the star cats, high above, they watch over the clan especially; Because, because... Did you know? The star cats are a clan, too, - but they put aside all differences - and - and!! The clan, on the ground, they follow this code - this code taught to every little kit in the clan, that every warrior - suuuuuper big, or meeeeegaa small - lives by, mhm! But, but that's not all. You know, you know, little petal;"

The young mother leaned closer, her soft expression growing serious as she looked her daughter deep in the eyes.

"Listen good, little petal one; because, every light has a shadow, you know? Even the clan of stars - deep, in a dark, dark forest with no light and no smiles or hope; that's where the mean cats go to. That's where those who do wrong reside, and-"

It thundered. A loud, banging sound as a flash belatedly lit up the sky. The bundle at her side startled and hid beneath her mother's tail, shivering, whereas Vixen looked up with a smile. For a moment she closed her eyes, listening to the thunder sound. Memories flooded her mind; training with Batty and Cindy, playing with mama and Turty and Motty, Dusty's herb lesson, arguing over petals with Crowy and patrolling with Crow-crow and Tushdad; how she missed home. But a silent squeak brought her back to reality. Her gaze softened as she watched her daughter, pulling her in closer.
"You're alright, little petal. It's alright. Don't forget, little darling dear, thunder - that thunder that brings light - it's home, darling, home."
She whispered to her daughter, who fearfully peeked at the sky through the small entrance of their den.
"The meanie cats can't get you here."
She murmured, mind wandering to the Dark Forest.

But was it so? She knew there were meanies in the world. To her, that were the cats within the Dark Forest. To Jackdaw, her darling mate, well... He made his opinion on the clans ever so clear. It broke her heart, deep inside, but he could be so kind. So loving. In her mind, at least. She couldn't help but think he simply mistook clan cats for Dark Forest residents, it is how it must be. Even so, she complied with his wishes - keeping their daughter here - faint memories of the white phantom dancing in her mind, tingling the scar across her face, a blurry vision of her deceased denmate in the back of her mind. There were meanies in this world; had that white cat been one of them, straight from the forest of darkness? She still didn't know, and cast the thoughts outside. She wanted to go home, so often. She wanted Flower to meet all her friends and family. And yet, something was keeping her here. Jackdaw. Flower. She couldn't leave them, not now, her own family. She knew her mate wouldn't leave for the clans, not ever; that is why she resigned herself to this peaceful life within the outskirts. Besides, she did not know where ThunderClan was now. And she had a daughter to take care of. Her happiness lay with her family, Vixen knew, and she couldn't have asked for a more wonderful family.

"Sleep, sleep, little darling petal. It is dark, and papa will be home soon, that's the truth. So sleep."
She smiled at her dearly beloved, nuzzling the little kitten so as to tuck her in at her side.
"Flowers are growing; we can make flower crowns in the morning!"
She hummed lastly, a wide grin spreading across her face. This was her life now. And she was happy. She had her daughter, she had her mate. And they were all safe. Safe and happy.


Blink. Blink. She looked down silently at the four plants laid out in front of her. Her mother sat opposite her, and Flower pondered them. A paw reached towards three green leaves but halted midway, slowly retracting. Mum waited patiently.
"This is...,"
She began slowly.
"This is the poison ivy. And.. that's a poppy flower - but you use the seeds? And marigold, and..."


Her mother completed, keeping the little berry well away from the kitten, and to be buried out of reach later. Mum was teaching her about each of the herb's uses again, at least these four which she knew. They weren't much difficult: the three-leafed poison ivy shouldn't be touched or you'd be itchy, while deathberries shouldn't be eaten (they can make you dizzy and weak and make your tummy hurt, mum says... And death. Could it be prevented by making a cat throw up? Mum didn't seem certain about that, and that frightened the kitten); meanwhile, poppy seeds lessened pain and caused sleep and marigold flowers were chewed into a pulp and applied to prevent and treat infections. Mum went over these four things with her every so often, much like the tail signals she had been teaching her ever since she opened her eyes - although, Flower was mostly unable to do them herself, courtesy of her fluffy bobbed tail, and the only use was in reading them. Mum still found purpose in Flower knowing them for that reason; "you never know", she would say with a bright smile. Much like papa would when it came to fighting. Flower never liked fighting much, it was difficult and not very nice. And she wasn't allowed out, besides, but papa saw reason in still teaching her too. Some to defend, some to... She didn't like thinking about that later one much. That was papa's scary side.

These were reoccurring parts of her day, these lessons, keeping her informed if sometimes a little repetitive. Mum's knowledge was limited to those four herbs, and papa's teachings were not her favourite. Though she often went petal foraging with mum, she was constrained to a single small area, and while big enough to run around in sight of her parents, it left little room to explore much. She had already seen and found every nook and crevice, and there were only so many things a kit could do in a day between eating, sleeping, washing, learning, seeking and - if enough plants were present - making flower crowns with mum, though her skills at that were still poor. She could play games, but mum sometimes went on walks. So did papa, only instead of returning with petals and debris like her mum, he usually came back with food that kept their bellies full.

But Flower wasn't complaining. They played games with her; such as, when you had to hide and the other had to find and tag you, so you had to become the next seeker. Or mossball games, even moss puppets! Little lumps of moss with sticks and stones, pushed around to act like makeshift cats. And, every week or so, she cleaned out the nests with mum and filled them with a bunch of nice and pretty things that smelled and looked nice, mainly flower petals. This was often done while papa was away, to surprise him when he came back. And sometimes, just sometimes, Flower liked to observe little bugs that passed by and wonder what kind of life they were leading. They were so small, even smaller than her, what was their life like?

It was much like this day. A little bug, red and black-spotted flew to the ground. Flower couldn't help but wonder what it was like, to be light enough to fly. She looked up to the sky in awe, before matching eyes looked back down. The little bug looked funny. Did it have a family too, parents? Siblings? She wondered, reaching a pale brown paw out to poke the little insect, though it flew away before she could. Looking up it was papa who had returned, and her eyes filled with silent curiosity as she trotted closer, searching for what he might've brought with him this time. Mum was resting, though would surely wake up soon now that papa had returned. After giving her father an affection chirp of greeting, she trotted over to her mum with little jumps, carefully poking the older molly.
"Mum, mum. Papa is back!"
She informed her mother who smiled, giving the top of her head an affectionate little lick under which she smiled.
"I'll go and get him."
She smiled happily.


This wasn't usual. This wasn't normal. Flower admitted, the curiosity had been building up. Building up too much, probably; she shouldn't have done this. But it was so tempting. Mum was out on a walk. Papa wasn't there, either, he wasn't looking. She had been chasing a little butterfly around their little home, pretending she could fly much like it - as if she was exploring a whole new world. Until she reached the edges. She stopped dead in her tracks. The border she never crossed, the border she wasn't allowed to cross. She wanted to turn back. She knew she should turn back. But it felt oh-so-tempting. Oh-so-curious. The little butterfly stopped a few inches from her, flying in circles as if tempting her to cross. As if asking her to follow it. And she wanted to follow it. She wanted to follow it so badly.

But memories ran in her mind. Memories of when she last asked papa about the world outside their home, about why she couldn't go; "the world is dangerous, Flower", "you are far too weak to survive out there, even with my training", "the monsters will eat you up" - the words repeated in her mind, again and again and suddenly she felt frightened; too frightened to cross and she physically recoiled. Flinching under her own thoughts, under her own imagery of the monsters that would eat her, harm her, the ones she couldn't survive. Of mum and papa. She couldn't betray them like that.

And yet... Sky blue eyes opened back up through worried glances, and the little butterfly was still there. Flying. Freely. So very freely. So tempting. Before she knew it, a single pale brown paw was already over the border, heart thumping in her chest; followed by another, and another, and another. Before long, she stood there, just beyond the border of where she was allowed to go, just beyond the border of the place she called home, just before the little butterfly that tempted this freedom. Without much thought, the young kitten stepped further, following the butterfly that was suddenly disappearing all too quickly. Gaze fixed on the little creature, Flower hurried after it - but not for long. She stopped in her steps. Her eyes widened. A deep voice sounded.

Papa. Her eyes lifted. Before her, mere inches away, he stood. Furious. Claws unsheathed. She recoiled, ears falling back.
She began, but her words were cut short by the mere deep look of disapproval in his eyes. That was when it happened.

She screamed. She ran. She cried. She did not know how or why; she did not recognise this cat that looked just like her papa, sounded just like her papa, but did not act like her papa -- he was chasing her, deeper and deeper into the forest, a blood rage in his eyes as she ran for her life, tears in her eyes. This couldn't be her papa, she told herself, this couldn't possibly! Papa would never be so, yet here he was. Flower wanted to believe her papa would never hurt her but her instincts told her to run, and run fast, fearing what would happen if ever he caught up to her.

There was a lull in the chase. Flower couldn't be more lost. She knew not where she was, she knew not which direction she came from. Never before had she left the little grove they called home, and never before had she seen her papa act that way. She wanted her mum, mum would know what to do - mum could heal him, she was sure. But even if she did know where home was, would it be safe there? The instinct to hide from her papa until mum could heal him screamed in her ears, and Flower couldn't help the nervous plucking at the furs on her front paws. Constantly looking around with weary eyes, startling at the slightest movement, the slightest sound.

What now? Papa had gone mad, mum hadn't returned yet - would mum even know where she is, where papa is? Flower was scared. Lost. She wished mum was here. That papa was back to normal. Even, that the star cats mum told her about existed - so they could guide her path, much like they did that of the clan, or guide mum to her. Instead, she felt lost in this world that was painted as murderous and dangerous since her youth, even if specifics were left out -- all she knew was that evil groups were seeking to murder them all, and dangers beyond her imagination lurked in these forests. Trembling in place, this moment where she caught her breath lasted but a moment. For soon enough two gleaming eyes reappeared, two she could recognise anywhere, marking the rerun of the chase.


Life here was new. Life here was different. From seclusion in the woods, to the hussle and bustle of clan life - Flower, now Dovekit, still could hardly believe it. When the nice lady came to her rescue, Lark they said her name was, and that scary group found them... Or, was scary. Flower had been certain they were there to kill her. To kill her and Lark, like what papa used to tell her. But they didn't. Papa was chased away and before she knew it, despite her silent responses, she was brought back here. Flower missed home. She missed her mum. Even her papa. But she had been scared of going back, scared of what papa would do, scared mum hadn't the chance to heal him yet, but now she worried for her mum - was she alive? Was she alright? Papa would never hurt mum. And yet, he tried hurting her.

These thoughts often whirled in her mind. Even so, Flower was grateful for the chance she got here. These cats weren't at all like what papa had told her. They were much more like mum's stories - in fact, they were mumma's stories. She still had a difficult time wrapping her head around it. The myths she was told had been true all along. She was living her mum's stories, just as she had always wished she could. There was a leader. And a deputy, and a medicine cat and their apprentice. There were warriors, regular apprentices, queens and other kits - she had never gotten to meet other kits before, or anyone besides her parents, for that matter. And there was the code, the code that everyone followed and had to follow. There were patrols. Meetings. Everything she had only ever been told about but not seen. A community.

Flower... Liked this community. She rarely dared speak, her days were often spent quietly, silently, communicating differently. But she liked to stick close to the nice lady, Lark - and, Fading, he was nice too, after all! They were, like... She didn't know how to put it. The closest thing she had to family here. She liked that. She liked to sit with either Fading or Lark, or just be near them, in all honesty. They found her. She protected her. Flower was grateful. And she knew they were safe. Everyone else, despite their clan-like glory, remained a stranger to the young one and she would be lying if she said her papa's words didn't still haunt her mind, battling those of her mum. But they made her feel more comfortable, for one; and she was taught about clan life, learning all the more through Fading and the cats here.

And... Some of the kits were nice too. And the queens. Sometimes they'd give her some prey, because she forgot to eat. And the kits played games similar to hers, though she didn't always know to ask them if she could play along. Life was confusing, in that way. Suddenly there were cats everywhere she looked, and as much as it was fascinating to see everyone go about their day, Flower couldn't help but be perplexed about the proximity in which all these strangers slept. Then again, they weren't strangers to each other - only her, they were strangers to her, even if that notion lessened by the day.

It wouldn't be long before she would become an apprentice, they said. Her name would change again, and while Flower found it confusing (she still had a difficult time adapting to her new name, 'Dovekit') she had accepted it. Truthfully, the only thing she wished was that her parents could be with her. Papa without his craze, mum with her care. They would have loved this, she liked to think, even papa could've maybe adapted to this lifestyle where everyone was nice and helping each other. They wouldn't have needed to live in fear anymore. But now that she was here, with no single clue on her parent's whereabouts, and she wasn't allowed to leave camp at the present. She knew why, it was a general rule for kits, and even apprentices weren't allowed to leave alone. Still, she missed them, and sometimes that made her days difficult as, truthfully, she didn't want to leave this place either. It was a whole new world to her, one she used to admire in stories, and could now live.

Note: Parts of these, and possibly more, will be gradually posted on the site in a private thread, as they are true to her life prior to this plot!


Last edited by Estelle; April 14th, 2024 at 01:25 PM. Reason: No changes were made, but an update was made on the lack of Jackdaw under 'Extra' <3
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