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Old March 26th, 2024, 04:04 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols

| Lightningstorm |
Flock Together [Tier 3] - Inactive | Mind Reader - Active

A hitched, sharp intake of breath followed the warrior's words, and Lightningstorm soon grimaced at the news. Great. So the minks had fully taken over the falls. That was just bloody well perfect, wasn't it? The single best source of moss in the clan... gone. Oh, she was getting a migraine now, she was. Closing her eyes for only a moment to allow herself to think, she felt her mate's presence besides her, the wavering strength of her voice making it clear that the blood was making her ill already. She snorted in response, uncertain of how to handle the situation. Truth be told, even if she had sent the herb patrols before she went hunting on her own, there was no guarantee that the cats involved would have brought the herbs with them. Not only that, but she would have sent apprentices out to gather moss at Twilight Falls. Apprentices that would have died. Perhaps this hunting request had been a blessing in disguise after all.

Lapis hues opened up as she heard a rather more unfamiliar voice talking besides her, settling on the apprentice's heterochromatic gaze. She had assumed Maplepaw was like Cowtuft, disliking speech. Well... perhaps not quite like Cowtuft. Her mentor had loved talking. Funny words had been his favorite pastime right after making silly little flower crowns. It was more so talking in front of crowds or cats he wasn't particularly familiar with that had proven trickier for the gentle giant. The medicine cat had no idea why exactly Words had been so sparse with her own, if either shyness, a dislike of speaking, or... something else, but one thing was clear. She was at the very least concerned or serious enough now to force a full - albeit short - question out. A seemingly small gesture, but one the spotted healer appreciated immensely.

"If you are alright..." Lightningstorm began, a dubious look crossing her features as she turned to Firestorm. "And I mean absolutely, positively, without a question alright, then could you please take Batglare, Thundersnow, and Whisperingpaw to one of the larger patient dens? Keep all three of them together in individual nests... Maplepaw," she continued, turning instead to the apprentice. She might not talk much, but it was clear she at least had a clear head on her shoulders... Kitten might be needing that. "I need you to go get some moss from the unused, clean nests around the camp. Bring it to Firestorm to best stop their bleeding. I'll need to send patrols from supplies. Don't wrap their injuries. I don't want them festering with infection. Just... clean them up and make sure they aren't bleeding out. The stream that runs through the den works well to clean up the moss if need be."

Her last set of instructions had been meant for them both. Firestorm wasn't the type to handle the harsher parts of a medicine cat's job well, nausea quick to come along at the slightest hint of infection or injury. With her stomach doing so many twists and turns after her pregnancy had shown itself to make her violently ill at the best times of day, she didn't want the pretty tabby to be left alone and uncomfortable in the den. Still... the lithe calico wasn't so proud as to scoff away and become irate at these two offering help, especially when it wasn't her health on the line. Much as she might loathe WindClanners as a whole, she would not jeopardize their lives so pettily.

Instead, she awaited both she-cat's responses before she nodded, nuzzling her mate and licking her cheek tenderly before turning around in a hurry. She had herbs to gather, and a lazy, no good clan to trust in getting said flowers. Before that, she circled around back towards the deputy, signaling towards the two hares, rabbit, and mouse her patrol had left in the clearing at the sight of the injured cats. She could always put those away later, but she wasn't about to have Words get into trouble over the prey not being in its place. She was certain the deputy would understand if they stayed there for a little while longer... right?

"There's what we got back from Windy Hills, Fallownose. I need to take care of my patients and get supplies... fast... But I've got news that aren't about to make you crack a smile any time soon, love. Twilight Falls isn't the only place with minks on it. We spotted none, but you can ask Maplepaw if you'd like... There was plenty stench from those bloody things permeating the entire area. If they follow the same pattern as with the falls, won't be long till the damn hills are lost to them as well..." Lightningstorm reported, her tail lashing behind her, awaiting the tom's response impatiently before she bounded off, ready to send out patrols of her own.

[+2 Hare | +1 Rabbit | +1 Mouse]

@Lillith [Fallownose] | @Moonraven [Batglare] | @Marigoldwhisper [Thundersnow] | @ChaosBringer. [Whisperingpaw] | @wendigo [Maplepaw]
| Sorry for not waiting for responses from you all, I normally wait without a problem, but I would prefer to send these patrols out sooner rather than later! Lil, let me know if you need me to place the prey in storage or not. For those involved with the healing, feel free to use the medicine cat's den or a private thread if it would make it easier to track the number of roleplayers. Just please send me mentions regardless of what is chosen. |
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-open den policy.

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