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Old March 24th, 2024, 09:21 PM
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Default Re: Hide & Seek Stealth Event [everyone]

Originally Posted by Dolomedes View Post

She/they | ShC warrior | Moons: 21 | Purrks: Shadow Fiend |

Moonmeadow stopped fixing the fur along their paws and looked over with a big smile as a voice that she recognized as Shadowpaw entered her rounded ears. Though with a small twitch as they registered the 'miss' but it was no matter, it was good to have manners. The warrior purred lightly and playfully ruffled the fur on Shadowpaw if the apprentice let her, still grinning, "No need for formalities like that with me, kiddo! Just Moonmeadow is fine." The words were laced with a light tone and a small laugh so hopefully Shadowpaw didn't feel like she was in trouble or that Moonmeadow was upset at all. The feline continued, "Sure thing, gotta give the enforcers a run for their prey. Let's see. I'll explain as best as I can and then you put it to use in the game?"

Moonmeadow leaned back, sickly eyes trailing the blurry figures of cats around her, mainly recognizable by the blob of color, voice, and scent rather than sight today as her eyes were being worse than normal. How to put this in a way that makes sense....hmmm...Then with a thump of her heavy tail against the ground behind her, Moonmeadow spoke up again excitedly, "Alright, first things first, a pretty super thing for basics is you gotta move like your hunting a mouse! Keeping your paws even, irregularities are easier to pick up against the ambiance of the forest, so controlling each step to match the noise around you is a good way to hide. Keeping them even helps them be lighter as well so it makes less noise in general." As they spoke, the warrior dropped into a sort of crouch that wasn't meant for hunting exactly, just lower to the ground and she took a few quick steps forward. Doing her best to exaggerate her movements without ruining the technique that was being showcased. Then they sat up and continued with the next fundamental, "Next, is probably what I should've started with but, no harm, no foul. Blending in! It's pretty logical, hide where you blend in more. You, like your namesake, would do well in shadows because of the darkness of your fur. Next, be aware of your surroundings, have escape routes lined up where you can get away if someone is getting too close to where you are hiding. Don't wait 'till the last moment either, else they'll know right away if you leave."

Well that was pretty easy stuff but it was still quite a bit of info so the feline stopped and looked to Shadowpaw. Tilting their head, "I know that was pretty easy for a cat as smart as you to pick up but did you have any questions so far?"

Shadowpaw giggled cheerfully when her fur was ruffled up. She wasn't a fussy cat at all with her fur and it was fun to be playing with someone else despite how brief. "Ok Moonmeadow it is!" She purred happily. Then she flicked her tail in excitement like her favorite prey was right in front of her and ready to be snatched. "I'll sneak up on all the enforcers that they will want to put me as the head! But I'd be too sneaky to be caught in that role, hehe." She giggled mischievously.

Right now its was time to listen. Shadowpaw got herself into a proper sitting position as she listen very intently. Closely the younger cat watched Moonmeadow go over the techniques and couldn't help but to giggle a little when she was referred back to—She wasn't sure if it was embarrassment that made them escape. Don't wait for the last moment. Hm, this made the apprentice think hard on this thought. She wanted to come up with an argument against this but she came up short. Was there every going to be a good time to just sit still and hide.

With all of this in mind Shadowpaw crouched down in a hiding pose, mimicking what Moonmeadow had done. She looked back for a moment to make sure that her hunch was down with her tail before she took the soft steps. Doing the best she could, sneaked around for a little bit—going into the shadows. Once she felt like she had done enough Shadowpaw stood back up and smiled towards Moonmeadow. "How did I do? Oh and uh... None that I can think of!" She beamed.