March 16th, 2024, 05:47 AM
you were never broken
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Re: RiverClan Territory
->> minkpaw [she/they, rc apprentice, 12moons] <<-
a dark blueish grey bengal-patterned she cat with silver eyes
@Dolomedes @hades.
"im old enough to be a warrior" she mewed with a admittedly rather insincere smile, and turned to finally get to collecting herbs, judging by how he was acting she herself had lead more patrols than he had anyway. that didnt matter though, herbs now, daisies were first priority but perhaps she'd find some herbs that would be of more use. well, on second thought she probably shouldnt be going off of what she herself thought useful and knew to use.. marigoldleap had taken over the medicine den after all, and the former medicine cat bound to know the uses of more herbs..
she shook her head absentmindedly, focussing on the scents around her rather than her opinion on the herbs and current state of the medicine den.
white paws carried her away from where she had left seabreeze and eventually towards a clearing covered in long grass and shrubs, a small stream trickled to her left and the first thing she laid her silver eyes upon was a lone tansy. she huffed, stepping over the flower to return to if she was very desperate later on and continued wading through the long grass. they hadnt been in a bad mood earlier, not at all but after all the stress and loss of the last two moons, even the sight of a tansy irritated her. she couldnt believe but feel hot red shame bubble up in her chest at the memory of looking up to tansypaw, tansypaw and how she was handling all the responsibility alone, tansypaw and her knowledge and eagerness to help. how she had wanted to be friends with tansypaw and be as smart as her one day, now that thought just made her mad. minkpaw had sympathised with her at first, moons ago she had tried to understand and hoped she was going to be fine even away from riverclan, but now she couldnt help but despise the cat she had once looked up to.
leaving riverclan to die. [2x d20 roll for daisy, 19, 14] she huffed again, roughly tearing the daisy she had come across in half at the stem. the second daisy didnt have to suffer from the anger bubbling in her chest, not as much at least, as she leaned down to half the stem once again.
[2/8] +2 daisy