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Old March 13th, 2024, 03:40 PM
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RiverClan Our Little Warriors: Goldfish & Pepperbounce kit finder

"Be happy in the Moment. This Moment is your life." -- Omar Kayyam
Photo credit to Ghost Echo on DevaintArt

Goldfish is kitting sometime in the next two weeks.

Photo Credits to M-ukki on DevaintArt

Hello, there! It's FINALLY time for some long-anticipated Pepperbounce and Goldfish kittens! I've been thinking this over thoroughly with Pepperbounce's OOC Fritter about if I'm up for Goldfish to have kittens, and I've decided that I long for an extensive PepperGold Family!


Alright, all fun over, now it's time for me to attempt to be serious. Goldfish isn't exactly mom material. She's not very good with kits, but will do her best to help her young while they're young. THIS ASIDE, she will not be a stay-in-the-nursery queen. She will still be up and about, focusing mainly on her warrior duties. This means the kits will usually be alone in the nursery, or with @/alec's cat Jayfrost watching them. The kits may develop certain feelings about their parents, but I want you to include that in your submission form. Goldfish has a really bad history with her mom, and she's scared half to death of being like her. THAT BEING SAID, Goldfish, with her therapist-like personality, will always be open to talk and interact with her kits lovingly, in her own way.


There is no certain form for this, keep in mind. Fritter and I want to see your creativity! Try to refrain from these kits leaving RiverClan or Dying until they're at least 8 moons old. Pepperbounce and Goldfish are very dear to their OOC's and are active in RiverClan, so I don't want anyone who will not be active and/or careless with these kits. We are looking for a litter of 1-4 ONLY. Goldfish will be given the baby boomer Purrk. AlSO: Goldfish is NOT pregnant as of now. I will edit this when she is. I want to get the kits sorted out before she's pregnant. If something big comes up, like she becomes a lionheart on some rare occasion, then this will be delayed until she's been one for a bit. Me and Fritter want to see all of your creative ideas, but unfortunately I'm very picky. Oops. Even though there is no form, some names the two would like: Shellkit (After Gold's first friend as a warrior), Daisykit (After Gold's deceased apprentice), and Silverkit (Gold's deceased sister). Pepper doesn't mind what they're named. WE WANT CREATIVITY! That included, we also want to have genetically accurate kits. Pepper's parents are undetermined appearances, while Goldfish's parents have appearances. Her mother was a classic tabby-and-white with amber eyes. Her father is a gray tuxedo-and-tabby with blue eyes.

Edit: Everyone, They aren't bad parents and won't be neglecting their kits.. they simply can't stand sitting in the nursery all the time, and will continue warrior duties as soon as possible. That being said, they will still be seeing their kits as much as good parents would and interact as normal. Jayfrost is basically just a babysitter, or nanny. Thank you. If you had plans involving them being "neglected" for parental needs, that's not what's going on, and thank you for understanding this fact!

Photo credit to momentaryunicorn on DevaintArt

Ha! I got you. Forms are too boring, too basic. No creativity. There is no form. Let us see what you come up with! Please mention @Fritter and @blxze. in your post. We'll be picky about this, so try your best! The parents are, I sound like a broken record, I know, very special to their OOC's. This closes at some point. Undecided. Good luck, everyone! May the best ideas win.


"Prepare for the horrors
This night will keep repeating over and over
And over
Until you make it to the end"
Chaos is yet to arrive

Paris, Alec, Bean, Glitch, Indy, XxGhostStarsxX, PeanutCash, Morrigan, Hollyheart, Dolomedes, and Marigoldwhisper all reside in here. They will never escape :>

Last edited by zBlaze; April 4th, 2024 at 04:17 PM.
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