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Old March 11th, 2024, 07:16 PM
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Alchemist Kitsune Alchemist Kitsune is offline
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Default Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]

| Sprucepaw |
Kitty Softpaws - Active | Ultimate Predator - Inactive | Agatha Kitty - Inactive

Belly up as the first rays of morning light washed over the camp's clearing, the barren, winter dead branches allowing plenty of it to paint the ground a lovely, golden hue, Fudge lay in a rare moment of blissful, peaceful sleep, his breathing slow and stead as he basked in what had promised to be a day all to himself. As much as the apprentice enjoyed spending time with his mentor, he had been working hard of late. Too many patrols and burying of cats and just... nasty things happening all around. He didn't understand all of it, of course, but it didn't mean it didn't stress him out as well. So early in the morning, however, the chocolate point felt oddly safe. It had always been at these earliest hours of the day, when the loners of the street that preferred the night were heading off to whatever hole they called a home and the day dwellers were just waking up that he had been left to his own devices, allowed to just be in this strange space of pause in a world that was otherwise far too much in motion for his tastes.

Unfortunately for the former kittypet, his bliss would not last this morning as an unfamiliar voice began yowling at the top of its lungs, the owner earning an upside down, deadpanned stare. Despite not having been in the den himself - he was late to the den and early out, not enjoying the cramped feeling of it ever since he was young, haunted by memories of the monster that had once lurked within - he could hear the tom clearly as he yowled inside. Ugh... it was far too late for anyone to be this energetic. You see, this is why he picked his little hidden corners in the camp. Who could even get in the mood to deal with that before breakfast? Well, he could certainly not tell you who, but he could most definitely say who couldn't. This tom, right here...

He felt bad for the poor saps in the den who had been ensnared by the far too peppy warrior. In a oh no, so sad, too bad, anyways kind of way. Not in the I will join you, comrades way. He enjoyed his sleep. Closing his eyes, the apprentice snuggled against the dirt, ready to take on more rays and get back to sleep when... Oh no... No no no no. Come on, Boulder. Buddy. It was his day off. Surely they could take pity on his poor, pitiful soul and not have him practice how to beat up other cats for one day, right?

Emerald hues cracking open just a sliver, Fudge considered his options. The Boulder had specifically called for him. Along with two others, but they did not matter in the grand scheme of things. What mattered was that his clan given name had been called... in full. Not Sprucey... no no, Sprucepaw. Which meant The Boulder meant business. Which meant not showing up would probably take a few points off his best apprentice card. Ugh... why? Why did they have to get to this so early?! Fine... Just fine. Besides, with the way everyone kept getting murdered lately, might as well brush up on how to murder back.

A yawn escaping the Birman mix, he stretched, feeling his long legs burn pleasantly before rolling over and getting up, his brown fur still toasty from the dawn sun. Reluctantly, deadpanned, sleepy gaze on his otherwise blank features, the paw walked towards the colossal hornet, granting them a small sniff, equal parts disapproval and letting them know he was here. Look, the important thing was that he had shown up and was ready to get to work. He would be damned, however, if he was expected to silently suffer through it. Well... he would be silent, but he could still silently complain about it, so there. Semantics... no one cared about those anyways.

@Rani [Mudhound]
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-open den policy.

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