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Old March 6th, 2024, 02:05 PM
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Default Re: Sweet Nightmares... [P]


Poisonberry lifted her chin, listening to this youngster's outburst. "She said such awful things about me?" Poisonberry looked wounded, "And here I thought she was the nice one..."

"I guess you can never truly know one based on first impressions...and dreams can be so...misleading." Poisonberry's tone was that of a disappointed mother, and indeed she was disappointed by his quick defense of Sweetsong. "You've never met her in your life. Not your waking one at least..." She chuckled softly, "How naive are you to take a stranger's word so easily? Anyone can talk fox-dung about the dead; The dead cannot defend themselves so easily, can they? But how do you know what is the truth and what is a lie when you look at the world so plainly?"

Poisonberry sighed, her broad shoulders sagging. "Was I truly meant to be here in this wretched place? What have I done that was so wrong? To deserve never to see my son in StarClan?" Poisonberry's tone became sharp and angry, "Siblings fight, they happen." She frowned, "Sometimes I've wondered if it was Sweetsong's belief that sent me here...She was always such an extreme believer when someone was too aggressive or violent that they belonged here...not you of course. Deep down your anger is a result of your distress..."

Her frown turned upward, and she let out another slow laugh, "You have to watch the ones who act too nicely...always out to smooth the pelts of others...they always hide something...they hold so many secrets. Do you plan to ask Sweetsong what her secrets are when you see her again?" Poisonberry smiled, showing an interest in his response.

The only character I am playing is Swiftfire.

Last edited by Tiabirb; March 6th, 2024 at 02:07 PM.
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