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Old February 24th, 2024, 09:03 PM
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Default Re: Flashpaw: Hunting Lesson 1

| Silverlark |
Shadow Fiend - Inactive | Just a Scratch - Inactive | Beefed Up [Tier 3] - Inactive

Silverlark took a deep breath as he padded through the dense woods, the musky smell of pine permeating the forest despite the fact that they were still in the midst of leaf-bare. He couldn't imagine living in a place like ThunderClan, where the trees lost their leaves and color was even more drained in the cold moons. Just another reason why ShadowClan was superior, he supposed. And, speaking of super... how super was it that he had another apprentice? And he was out with her today?! Woooo, awesome, awesome! Except... well... not too awesome, because today, he was going to teach her how to hunt. And ew. He was... not a good hunter. Hopefully, however, he would be a better teacher than hunter. It wasn't his fault his muscles got in the way of prey getting, right? Right! Besides, it was his thinking muscles he had to use today... which were also not all that good. Oh boy. Today was going to be rough. Hopefully Flashies would be up for both the good and the bad.

A discontented sigh catching his attention, the muscular tom turned verdant eyes on his apprentice, a questioning look on his features. Hmmm... normally, he would have thought that maybe the apprentice wasn't looking to a full day of training. It seemed silly, considering that training sure beat sitting around camp all day, but he knew some apprentices were like that. That didn't seem to be the case with Flashpaw, though. If anything, she seemed nervous. Of what, the enforcer hadn't a clue. But! But. He wasn't about to let his apprentice be all nerves today! Today was fun fun fun! No time for shaking! Offering a big, beaming grin, the silver throated warrior halted, stretching himself, rolling his broad shoulders before sitting down. Looking excitedly at the tabby.

"Okay okay! I think this is a good spot! Good spot, mmmhmmm. What say you, Flashie? Oh... Maybe I shouldn't be talking so loud. Scare all the prey away, eh?" he purred, a booming laugh escaping him a second later in amusement, blissfully unaware that this was... not helping the situation in the slightest. "That's okay though. That's okay! Today is not about catching, nope. Not unless you feel like you can, right? Right! Today's all about that hunter's crouch. Gotta know how to catch the prey to feed the clan, right? Plus. Listen. Listen! Fluffy prey? Like voles and mice? Not as tasty as frogs and toads. Nope. But! But. Super helpful, mmmhmm. That fur? You skin up the prey before eating it? Gots yourself some nice lining for your nest. Real useful like, ya know? For when it's cold like this, yep.

Now! Now. I know yous hads another mentor 'fore me, right? So I don't wanna go making you doubt your know... know... know how. Mmmhmmm. If yous other mentor taughts ya how to hunt, let me know, yeah? Because truth be told, I'm all bout that fight, ya dig? Give em the ol' one two, heh heh. But hunting? Many other better than me. And that's okay, that's okay. Different cats? Good at different things, yeah? Yeah! So if you are already better than me at it? Well... victory! We move on to a quick assessment on that. Make sure yous got it all good. If not, just let me know whats you know! And I'll be doing my best to helps you, heh heh. So. What's it you know 'bout hunting?"
Silverlark chirped, rounded ears perked as he gave his apprentice an attentive, peppy grin.

@blxze. [Flashpaw]
| From what I understood, you preferred keeping Silver and Flash as a mentor/apprentice duo, but if I misunderstood or you change your mind, do let me know! I can have Silver ask for his apprentice to get a mentor change in character, no worries. |
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