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Old January 28th, 2017, 02:58 PM
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The Cannibal The Cannibal is offline
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Default Re: Mossdrop and Blazeshade's Kit Finder

Name; Dafodilkit/Dafodilpaw/Dafodilspirit (Subject to change)
Age; Unborn
Gender; Male
Appearance; [ref1] [ref2] [ref3] [ref4] [ref5] [ref6] [ref7] [ref8] [ref9]



Easily Enervated

Overall Dafodilkit will be an easy cat to get along with, especially with his forgiving nature and dedication to including other cats in conversation and making sure that all cats are pleased and his dedication to relationships in general. He has a good sense of principles and will always know whether a choice is right or wrong or whether things are morally correct considering he has a high sense of morals and will very likely stick to those morals regardless if the other cat is his friend. He is a very obedient young tom and never hesitates doing what his superiors or fellow clanmates ask of him, doing whatever it may be (so long as it is within his morals and the clan code).
Though he is male, he will take on the maternal role in friendships, often looking after his friends like a mother looks over her kits, doing this with his siblings as well, though no one is sure where he gets this trait from, but so long as his friends and family are fine, he is a rather mellow cat and enjoys being able to settle down in the sun with a group of friends and share food or something of the sort. Unfortunately paired with this mellow nature is his unambitious nature, he doesn't particularly care about wanting to become the greatest warrior possible, or being clan deputy or clan leader, he's more than content to become a mediocre warrior that has a bunch of good friends that he can hang out with whenever.
When it comes to his friends being in danger, it's a whole other story, it appears that his moral code is completely erased from his mind and he becomes an aggressive, perhaps even dangerous cat, not scared to hurt and possibly even kill others so long as it means protecting his friends from bullies or other cats in general, so while the aggressive trait given from his parents isn't part of his daily personality, it is there and it waits silently to be expressed when his friends are being messed with.
Now Dafodilkit is easily enervated, it doesn't take much physical activity to tire him out usually considering he's a rather mellow cat and really doesn't enjoy exercising too much, though he could talk with others for hours and not get tired and right along with that, he's particularly slow in everything he does from moving, to eating, to really anything but talking, even learning he's particularly slow in but may try a bit harder if his friends push him enough. And paired along with slow learning, he tends to be rather muddle-headed and easily confused, gullible even which will definitely mean for a pawful for his future mentor.

Activity; Posts Per Day: 5.03
Other/Questions; Nope!
Rp Sample; {Taken from Skyclan Territory page 59}
While the black oriental produced a small, Grousestar did not, his face was still cold and neutral, though there was an undertone of anger in his eyes as he looked mostly at Onyx, finding that the other tom unnerved him terribly. That other cat, he didn't have anything behind his eyes, it was almost like he wasn't an actual being, like he was just a stone that could speak and the leader didn't like that. It was nothing that the cat said, in fact, the tom had only spoken once and that was greeting them, and it wasn't even in his demeanor, those eyes.. Grousestar focused on Onyx instead and gave no notion to the uneasiness he felt about the other tom.
The brown tabby allowed for the other to speak, sensing the frustration and anger and hostility in his deputy, though trusting that she could contain herself, he showed nothing but a cool calmness.

At the toms greeting, the tip of his tail flicked and he shook his head, that look of anger becoming more apparent momentarily.
"I'm sorry, but you're wrong Onyx. You see, that's not what decent cats do to make a 'welcome' and I truly hope you're not blind enough to notice that cats don't take kindly to these sorts of acts. And I'm sorry if this may come off as rude in any way, but you're not showing me who Skyclan is dealing with, you're showing me that I need to focus my attention more on you and become more aggressive with your Syndicate should I continue to find any of you on my territory." While he did have hatred towards the Syndicate toms, he had a better time of at least dulling it rather than making it completely apparent like Auroraflame. Flicking his ear, he glanced over at the black she-cat as she made the gritted comment about his welcome.

When the oriental began speaking again, his cold emerald gaze focused right back on him, listening very carefully to the toms words and allowing him to finish before he spoke up. But the comment about Cliffheart, now that brought a deep growl to his throat, this tom was outright admitting that he had attacked the warrior, Grousestar's tail lashing with the anger but immediately he forced himself to calm down. He didn't need to anger so quickly, because that was surely what the tom was going for. Licking his lips, the tom stood a bit taller, straightened himself out.
"Auroraflame is right, this is Skyclan business and it is of no concern to you nor will it ever be.

Grousestar was growing tired of talking to the tom and that was becoming apparent on his face as Onyx finished speaking, a sharp look in his eye.
"I don't mean to be blunt nor rude with this statement, but you do not mean that. You do not mean your condolences and I will never forgive you of your crimes against my clan. And I'm sorry, but letting one cat live does not atone for your actions. My warriors will now be ordered to attack the both of you on sight and to attack any Syndicate members found on the territory. Should I continue to have further problems with your Syndicate I will personally pay a visit to your leader. And if that doesn't work. Well. I truly hope it doesn't get to that point. Now don't get comfy because we're leaving now. Come on, up." The leader meowed with force, nodding his head at the sitting cat and casting a brief glance at the tom who had hardly spoken.

To say in the least, Hannibal thought the way that Onyx was speaking to this cat was reckless and a waste of a good opportunity. He should have did the talking, he could have easily made an acquaintance of this tom; truthfully, he thought this entire idea of padding into Skyclan territory and killing their warriors was a bad idea. But this was all part of his plan to grow his 'bond' with Onyx, get closer to that reckless killer that only killed for sport.
So he wasn't surprised to find that the leader wanted them out as quickly as possible. Hannibal wouldn't object, he had no reason to, he had the information he desired, though if he were able to feel bitterness, he likely would have felt it towards Onyx for allowing them to get caught. Because that's just not something Hannibal did, he covered his tracks, always, and kept what he did a mystery because no cat needed to know anything about him. But alas, he felt nothing and simply looked to the oriental.
"It appears we've over stayed our welcome."
This tom, this leader.. Grousestar. He was a polite tom and if Hannibal was capable of liking things, he liked that. He would have no quarrel with him and would very likely not need to kill him, he doubts he would get in the way of anything that he wished to do.
"My apologies for the way my partner has spoken to the both of you. We will make sure to no longer infiltrate your territory and my apologies that you had to have this sort of welcome from the Syndicate." It was a polite tone and from what anyone could tell, it was sincere, but that's what Hannibal was good at. Faking things, lying. It was easy to do when you held no emotions. He would likely come back into Skyclan territory whenever he pleased, but next time, he would do it alone and he would not get caught. Nonetheless, no one could be able to tell this and he truly did seem to be apologetic towards the trespassing and murders. But no one knew Hannibal.

Credit to the wonderful Endless on WCO for my profile picture! Wonderful picture of Hannibal <3
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Last edited by The Cannibal; January 28th, 2017 at 03:00 PM.