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Old January 27th, 2017, 10:38 PM
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Default Re: Mossdrop and Blazeshade's Kit Finder

Cedarkit is a bracken colored tabby with a white chin and tail tip. His eyes change from blue to green as he grows up and he has a pale pink nose and black pawpads.
Cedarkit is a bright, curious and playful kit that likes to explore. He believes that every cat is entitled to their say, regardless of status, but would say that actions are significantly more important that words ever will be to him. While he does have a bright and upbeat personality, this tom is 100% realistic and won't hesitate to shoot down ideas he knows simply won't work. Being Competitive in nature, he hates to lose and will give as much effort as he can into whatever he does. For his touch of pride, he believes himself to be the light in the dark moodiness that is his family.
Short: Bright, Curious, Playful, Realistic, Blunt, Competitive, Hates to Lose, Semi-Prideful
3-4 ppd depending on when I'm on
(which is every other day if not every day)
See this link for what he'll look like in the future

Taken from: Tales of a Dungeon School Pg. 52, Posted January 27th, 2017

Mina just nodded as she watched Alohi out of the corner of her eye. She waved her hand over the cauldron. After a sparkly little burst she snapped her fingers and the cauldron stopped bubbling. What proceeded was the purple haired girl slicing her arm just enough to barely bleed before she took a spoonful sip of the sweetened red liquid. As soon as the liquid touched her lips the cut seemed to close.

"Yep." She assured herself, "Definitely works."

As she poured the red liquid into small vials she explained, "One small sip cures things like scratches, two cures minor bleeding and bruising, the whole vial should barely keep one alive should they sustain an immediate life-threatening injury." After her explanation, there were around three to five vials her person.

"Are there any other potions you'd like me to brew?" she asked after having made the mixed healing potion.

"Cream puffs?" The lady recommended. "They're light, yet-heavy, fluffy and sweet." She rushed over to a display where the little puffs were kept and brought one over for Iedeo to try.

While Scia was occupied with serving Iedeo's request, Klaus and Elise were taking the time to look around for other pastries and baked goods. That is, before Wesley called the two to help him in the kitchen. Klaus had no objection and followed the man. Elise on the other hand was a bit reluctant to leave Iedeo alone, but eventually she too followed into the back after asking a young patissier that was on break named Arvalo to make sure that Scia doesn't overwhelm Iedeo.

In the back, Wesley asked the two to help him and another patissier, Max, finish an order of semlas and mazarins. While Max and Wesley worked on the mazarins, they asked Klaus and Elise to finish the fifty or so semlas. Elise nearly had a heart attack when she heard the number, but Klaus assured her that they could do it.

Elise watched Klaus in amazement as he hollowed out the cardamom-spiced wheat buns with what seemed to be the hands of an experienced patissier, "Have you ever done this before?"

"Once." Klaus replied as he moved onto hollowing out his second, "maybe a year or so ago. I came in, and Wesley asked me to help him in the back with the same task."

"I see." Elise mumbled as she reluctantly began to follow Klaus' lead and scooped out the inside of a bun after having cut the top off. One thing was that Elise could learn simply by watching, but cooking and baking were partially out of her element. She prayed that Iedeo was fine being left alone with Scia as she and Klaus swiftly moved through cutting the tops off and hollowing the buns.

"Guess I fit the stereotype then." Erin grinned cheekily as he looked up to the dazed Viv on top of him. While the random weight on top of him came as a sudden surprise, the last thing he wanted to do was to be sprawled unconscious on the floor at the bottom of a well only the gods know where with the possibility of thieves around. He pointed up the well, "Any idea as to how you plan on getting Axel down and yourself and him back up?"

Erin could probably finagle his was back up the cobblestone pipe, but he had no idea about the others. He was about to suggest something when he heard the shuffle of footsteps nearby and instinctively threw a rock in the direction of the noise.

"Life is simple, but we insist on making it complicated."~Confucius
"Do not take life too seriously, you will never get out of it alive." ~Elbert Hubbard
"Follow your heart, but take your brain with you."~Alfred Adler

Last edited by Solstice_X; January 27th, 2017 at 10:39 PM.