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Old August 9th, 2023, 01:28 PM
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Levi 99 Levi 99 is offline
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Status: Currently reading the New Prophecy series of Warrior Cats
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Connor View Post
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrgggghhh! She Was Mifted Now! So, he wanted to Join her ramming game did he? ha... Shypaw swiftly side stepped that attack, laughing in mock amusement. She barely though moved in time so that the toms next attack landed on her shoulder instead of her throut... so he wanted to role with it? she drew out her claws and began kicking with her backlegs while digging in with her front claws. she snarled angrily and bite back, aiming for the toms face this time, two could play dirty that was for sure!

when she finally managed to wrench away she winced as her shoulder fur was torn out. she reared upwards to slam down with her front claws glistening. learn to fight while fighting... a tough but effective way to learn combat skills...
Originally Posted by .squid View Post

[am looking to boot the shc cats sometime soon maybe within two days; because of circumstances, i can't handle all my rps anymore]

With the Shadowclanner circling him like a dramatic loser, Alderstep had the time to right himself and get his bearings again. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the apprentice (what was her name? Meekpaw? Quietpaw?) and the younger of the trespassing warriors dueling it out. He found some semblance of relief that the kid had given up headbutting and started using some more refined battle tactics. Hopefully, she'd hold out a bit longer while he dealt with this pinecone-eating rat.

Flicking his gaze back at his opponent, Alderstep smirked cruelly. "Did your mother teach you to be such a bother? Or was she too disappointed in you to associate with your pitiful pelt?" he spat. Hey, normally he didn't talk smack during a skirmish, but Alderstep was rightfully ticked off that his day was being spent dealing with random ass trespassers instead of a relaxing day of hunting. Not to mention that his old wounds are probably going to act up when he wakes tomorrow.

With a huff, Alderstep ducked the initial paw swipe, ears flattening further against his head to avoid the claws clipping them. He might just cry for the first time in sixty moons if one of his pristine ears got a nick in them. It wasn't that he minded battle scars, quite frankly he adored those, but Alderstep much preferred for his ears to remain intact. Sentimental reasons and all.

Unfortunately, the guy chose to lunge at him right after. Doing too much, perhaps? Alderstep stood his ground, refusing to be winded yet again. Ignoring the pain that was beginning to make itself known throughout his body (he was pretty sure his face had been scratched despite his best attempts at avoidance), Alderstep lashed out with a paw, hoping to catch his claws in the warrior's already wounded chest. Making a wound worse rather than creating more might help; it might not. Alderstep was just attacking what was open to him.
Originally Posted by Starfinder View Post
[COLOR="light blue"]*-Ghostpaw-*[/COLOR]

With a yowl, Ghostpaw launched herself at Shadefrost [ @Levi 99 ] indignantly yelling, "GET OFF HIM YOU DUMB FLEABAG!"

Anger coursed through her blood, veins bulging. Anger built up, directed at the weak ShadowFools who may have killed her brother.

The feeling caused an adrenaline surge, powering up her attacks. Serrated claws out, she slashed at Shadefrost's back, hoping to cause a distraction.

The targeted ThunderClanner seemed important, so Ghostpaw decided to try keep him alive.

Furiously, she slashed out, aiming her claws at the closest vulnerable spot. Sure, the Shadow-blight was bigger, but Ghostpaw had the advantage of agility and smallness on her side.

She weaved around and under the shadowy warrior, claws flashing and slicing. She noted the other Thunder apprentice, and thinking quick while she clawed, shouted, "Get reinforcements from camp! Go!" wishing she could give a sharp nudge.

Except that put her off focus, leaving her unguarded against the hulking ShadowClan warrior. [ @Levi 99 ]

[COLOR="light blue" ]*-Feathernose-*[/COLOR]

The warrior raced after Rateye. Her eyes flashed in surprise, seeing ShadowClanners on her Clan's territory. Her claws flashed out in an instant, leaping towards Silverlightning, ready to corral him away from Shypaw. [ @Connor ]

Silver grunted in pain and unlatched his jaws, as claws hit his stomach. What an annoying cat, he should've killed her the second he saw her. Taking an unsheathed paw, Silverlightning swung at his opponent in a large arch, practically punching the apprentice in the face in order to stop her from biting him. Then with his hind legs kicked in order to push himself as well as Shypaw away. This would create double the space and give Silverlightning more time to devise his next plan of action. But he never did, for some reason the sound of leaves being crushed under the weight of a cat's paws was evident. Oh, there was a new contender, what pests these lots were. Turning with a snarl of pure malice, the silver assassin saw that the cat was a molly, who looked big enough to be a warrior. And what made things worse was the fact that she was flying straight towards him. Ugh, for crying out loud. Would he have to settle for taking this npc's life instead. What a drag, but she was basically asking for it and so was the brat. Only until the warrior was close enough did Silverlightning make his move, stepping to the side he watched as she landed. He wasn't going to give her time to prepare herself though. Right about now she was probably off balance, so now was the right time to strike. With sharp claws, the Shadowclanner dashed forward and brought his claws down on the Molly's neck.

Shadefrost felt the claws in his chest, but didn't care. He was too angry to even do so. How dare this weakling of a deputy speak about his mother like that, as if she was nothing but some monster. At that very moment the only thing Shade wanted to do was take Alderstep's head off his body. When he was finally able to, the warrior lunged for the deputy's throat, biting down harder than he'd ever done before. The wound he'd just inflicted wasn't going to kill the russet furred tom unfortunately, he'd have to do some real mauling for that, but it would hurt like the flames of the hottest ring in hell. Plus Shade wasn't in the mood to be lenient today, at least not with this one. He'd give Alderstep a slow and painful death. You know what, just to make sure he'd have a hard time recovering from this if he wasn't able to finish the job, Shadefrost took his weaponized tail and jabbed it into the deputy's torso, not sure exactly where he'd hit. Just then pain flared across Shade's back, causing him to bite down harder in an attempt to grit his teeth. Quickly he released the tom and turned expecting to find a warrior. Instead it was an apprentice. *Sigh* For crying out loud, there wasn't any time for this. They had to kill Alderstep and leave before it was too late, but for some reason these squirrels kept showing up and getting in the way. With one glance Shade could tell that Silver was in the same predicament he was. Pretty soon more would start to show up. Here she comes again, thought the warrior as the apprentice moved toward him. Razor sharp claws came flying toward him, but Shade didn't think that using all his energy to evade a creature as weak as this one was the smartest idea. So he limited his movements to simple, yet effective dodges. A claw came from the right, he stepped back just out of reach. A low left swipe, he stood on his hind legs in order to avoid it completely. Man this was taking too long. Alderstep probably still had enough juice to keep fighting, despite how bad Shadefrost had bitten him, which meant that when he was ready he'd be gunning for the Shadowclan tom. And that wasn't a pretty thought. No one wanted to fight two cats simultaneously, not if they didn't want two thorns in their paw. The black warrior would have to finish this paw off quickly. He waited until there was an opening, which came from the apprentice's call for reinforcements. Then as if he were lightning, he took one of his clawed paws and slashed at the molly's unguarded neck.

#Air 9

“Maybe I Should Just Kill All The Higher-Ups.” - Satoru Gojo

My Cats:

Sigpic Art by Rose Pfp from Demon Slayer

Last edited by Levi 99; August 14th, 2023 at 10:16 AM.
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