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Old August 6th, 2023, 04:47 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by jupiter View Post

Luckily, all zoomies around camp as a kit paid off, and the young Siamese was able to keep up, stumbling behind her mentor, a thrill of excitement rushing through her. They were running away from everyone, fleeing the scene of the crime that was launching a pebble at Muddy's sister. Well, she didn't do anything... but she wished she coulda helped out! That was funny, although she wasn't sure if anyone other than Mudhound and probably Wolfpaw could do that to their fierce leader and not get skinned alive.

Giggling between pants as they finally slowed down, Lotuspaw blinked her bright blue eyes at her mentor as they spoke, a large smile curling across her face as they assured her that Bumblestar wouldn't be mad at her. She wouldn't really mind if she was or not, but the knowledge that she wasn't going to get her ears cuffed clean off was comforting to say the least.

With every passing moment she was growing more and more fond of her mentor, even though it wasn't technically her first time out of camp. When the sinkhole had opened up when she was two moons old, she had gone outta camp- she was actually heavily encouraged to leave camp. Like... she was yelled at to, because the ground was super hungry and was trying to eat cats and stuff. Her Auntie Dove got eaten by the ground, but she was okay now. Probably.

ANYWAYS, she got to pick what she wanted to do, which was not something she thought apprentices got to do. She thought that her mentor would be bossy and stuff, but her Muddy-Buddy was super fun! This was going to be the best day of her LIFE. "I wanna see the WHOLE territory!" Her voice came out as an excited, kitlike squeak, and she lowered her voice near the end to sound more... older?

// @Rani
#Air (feel free to not respond to this Im double posting to willows rise immediately. im just gonna do a single post at each location and after a reply move on unless theres a real reason to linger)

No worries about Lotuspaw sounding older honestly because Mudhound squeal of excitement would be more in place on a kit. Oh but they were so excited! This was gonna be fun and Lotus-pal? Lotus-friend? Lotus-honey, yes that was perfect! The little scrap was sweet like honey and her fur was kinda golden. It doesnt matter if it was only kinda, Muddy didnt care about the technicalities!

They were busy being excited! Prancing around on three paws in a happy little tappy dance, tail wagging wildly behind them, occasionally stopping in their yammering to groom over Lotuspaws head. (Though to be honest with the size different it may be more like her entire face consumed in a lick). What was that word yammering dump you might ask? Well.....

"OK! This is gonna be so much fun! I can show you the weeping willow, its a super cool place to nap and the coolest tree ever! OOH OR THE CREEK! There was a fight there recently but its still fun, a great place to splash in if you wanna get a bit wet! Then the borders! I cant show you the hollow because shadowclan are meanies and its dangerous but I can show you the others! Finally theres the cove with a beach and we can got here last so its dark and see the fireflies!"

So many places to go to! And so little time! They better get going!
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Last edited by Rani; August 6th, 2023 at 04:49 PM.
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