Thread: Sunset Grove
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Old June 5th, 2023, 01:47 PM
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Default Re: Sunset Grove

Goldenpaw »
Goldenpaw bit back a smile at Snowybreeze's reaction. Had he just forgotten to tell them the reason they were out here? He glanced away as the larger tom spoke, sweeping his gaze over the plants in the area. Burnet and dandelion, huh? He didn't know what basal meant, but it was probably fine. Not like he was about to ask for clarification or anything.

The golden-furred apprentice knew little about plants, nor was he particularly interested in them, but at least he knew what dandelions looked like! He remembered picking some back when they needed decorations for Juniper's Rest. Actually—his tail flicked to and fro as he thought—what had happened to that place? Had it been consumed by the fire, like the rest of their territory? He frowned at the dandelions by Silentleap for a moment before padding up to nip off the stem of one of them.

A dot of color caught his eye and he looked up, spotting a little patch of herbs nearby. Dandelion in tow, he trotted up to the plants and leaned down to examine them. Hmm... these flowers were more of a bluish color than purple. But the leaves looked basal-y enough... maybe? Goldenpaw gave it an experimental sniff, nose scrunching at the fresh scent. Smelled like a flower, yup. And it was kind of spiky? Now, Goldenpaw didn't know enough about herbs to know what borage was (this was it), but he also didn't know enough about burnet to know the difference.

He didn't particularly want to ask, but in the interest of making sure he didn't pick the wrong herb, he looked over to the others and gestured meaningfully at the plants. "Is this burnet?"

[ @Alchemist Kitsune - Snowybreeze | @RunningInTheHeather - Silentleap ]

lio was here ♥
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