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Old May 31st, 2023, 02:04 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Stormcrest

Originally Posted by Leafie View Post

dark colored Siamese - 2 moons - She/her

A bit more arguing had continued to go on, along with what she recognized as her sister(s) screaming. "Lighting? Lotus?" she called, being small she couldn't see over the tall cats from where she was standing at, curse these stupid older cats! Why were they all being stupid and fighting over something they couldn't even do anything about. Everything that was happening was stupid and dumb, everyone here had no thoughts in their head it seemed. Leafkit was only getting more frustrated as she still couldn't see her other siblings nor could she get to them with out getting stepped on. Everything seemed to calmed down after that Bumble person spoke again and left but she didn't seem to care about that. Anything the other cats were spouting out to others in the camp she didn't bother to give them her attention either.

@sol. @jupiter
Originally Posted by ares View Post
• Lambkit •
long-furred, round-bodied, dark brown flame-sepia point with icy blue eyes; singular white spot on chest


Confused, young, and naive. That was what young Lambkit was. The small flame-point tom sat afar away from the meeting and his little dark brown paws lightly scraped across the ground. Pretty dirt. Pretty atmosphere. Oooh, pretty bug! His dazzling little blue hues caught sight of a pretty little buggy flying right in front of him. His fluffy dark tail twitched as he stared in awe at the sight of the pretty little buggy. It was so blue… Lambkit gave off a wide goofy grin as he began steadily following after the pretty bug, his round little body trying to match the little bug’s pace. It was fun! Trying to match the little buggy in style! He wondered if anybody else liked his little bug collection he had in his moss-bed? They were so pretty and amazing to look at. To add onto the fact, his fluffy fur was stuffed with random flowers and herbs that he found while sneaking into the medicine den. Silly Lambkit.

Wait. Was that Loty, Lighty, and Leaf that he saw? His sisters! Yay! “… S…Sissies!” He spoke aloud, his voice unnaturally strained and crackly than the usual noise of a kit’s voice. He didn’t understand why it did that, it just hurt whenever he spoke, so he didn’t bother to try speaking much of it. It also made it difficult to properly communicate with adults and other kits. It felt rather awkward trying to talk when it felt like his throat was collapsing and tightening on him whenever he spoke. He didn’t understand it. The young kit wobbled his way towards his siblings, mind awash from the pretty buggy that he was once following. An occasional flower or two fell out of his stuffed fur, but he paid no attention towards it. He plopped himself onto his haunches as he got close enough, a goofy grin visible on his little brown maw. Even if he was the youngest of the batch, he surely was the biggest out of his siblings. He had to occasionally crank his head in order to properly look at his siblings, and that was weird. He didn’t do much after plopping his fluffy little butt right with his siblings, rather just stimming and happily smiling away like a little weirdo.


@sol. @Leafie @jupiter [Here comes the boy~]
Originally Posted by jupiter View Post
Dovefluff & Lotuskit

Lots of emotions filled Dovefluff at once. More nausea. Fear for her Clan. "They value their pride over their children. Perhaps it's a universal thing." ShadowClan valued vengeance and bloodlust over the children, ThunderClan valued getting the last word and usurping authority over caring for their children. As far as she could see, one of the few cats who cared more for the youth than their own reputation was Cinderpaw. And look where that got her, being wrongfully ostracized and demoted. The fluffy gray queen turned to look at dearest Lightningkit as she cried, and she let out a soft hum, aiming to stroke the kit's back and hold the little kid close. And there was Frogkit, who was... well, Dovefluff was struggling to understand what he was saying, but she did her best to interpret.

"Oh, no, sweetheart, we're not going to die." She cooed, reaching forward to try and nuzzle Frogkit comfortingly. "ThunderClan isn't cursed, some cats are just... having a disagreement but it's all going to be alright, I promise sweetness." Glancing up as a cat came near, she locked eyes with a handsome golden tom, and it took her a moment to recognize him as Lioncrest. He shot her a brief, comforting nod, and she offered a tight, grateful smile in reply, returning her gaze to the kits she surrounded herself with, looking over as Lotuskit slid off her back to try and wrap Lightningkit in an embrace.

The yelling began, and it just wouldn't stop. Dovefluff noticed Lightningkit reaching upwards, reaching for her ears, and blinked in surprised confusion. What was the little kit doing? Lotuskit was more smooth, and as her baby sister (younger by a few minutes) cried to her, the lilac tortie point tried to snuggled up close to Lightning, and hold her as close as she could. "Don't be scared, Lightning. I'll protect you, I'll-" She broke off as little Lightning piped up, telling everyone to basically shut it. Lotuskit, while terrified by the raised voices and hostility, was very impressed and nodded encouragingly. "Yeahhh Lightning, that was so slay-" But then, her sis clapped a paw over her mouth and started sobbing. Lotus's ears pressed against her head, and she just hugged Lightning (or... tried to) as Dovefluff leaned forward.

"Don't worry baby, we're not going to die. No one's going to die, some cats are just a little frustrated, that's all." She tried to assure the baby, glancing around for Autumnpaw. The little flower didn't seem to have seen her gesture, and Dove couldn't just... leave, could she? Looking up as two more of Lotuskit's siblings entered the chat, she smiled wearily at the two, grateful that they were on the happier side. For now. Lotuskit bounced forward, attempting to wrap both Leafkit and Lambkit in a huge group hug before pulling back to look at Lightningkit. "Lightning, why dont'cha come over here and we can play with Leafie and Lambie? I promise you won't be scared or sad anymore if we're playing." Of course that rotten Lavendarkit wasn't here. Lotus hadn't seen her older sister since she convinced Lotus to eat a rock, and Lotus was hoping that Lav was hiding out of shame and would come and apologize for being such a... such a BUTT. "You can come too, Froggie. Just no yelling and no more death-talk, promise?" She said lightly, reaching forward to try and wipe dear Lightning's tears.

Relieved that Lotus was hopefully resolving the situation, Dovefluff found her maternal intuition tingle, and she looked around wildly for a certain pastel calico. "Lo- if any of you need me, I'll be right over here, okay? Maybe try to play a game, or perhaps go enjoy a nice nap together?" She suggested, stress overtaking her voice as she found Springpaw, crouched not far away. "I'm sorry, babies, I'm just going to run over and check on Springpaw, okay?" The young queen waited for the kits to hear her, dark blue eyes darting from her little brood to the apprentice she cared so deeply for. Dove was torn. She needed to check on Springpaw, but she couldn't leave the kits?

Thankfully, Lotuskit dismissed her airily with a wave of her paw. "Go on, Dovey. We'll be okay! We'll just play a game or something, right guys?" Then, as Lotuskit waited for the game-scheming to begin, Dovefluff was hurrying over to where Springpaw crouched.

The fluffy Russian Blue mix crouched beside Spring, reaching out to pull the young cat close to her into a protective, comforting hug (if Spring was comfortable, of course) and would stroke the young molly's fur, rocking her back and forth ever so slightly. "It's okay, darling. Everything's going to be okay. I'm here for you, mkay? I'm always going to be here." It was a promise she would go through hell and back to keep, and she intended to never break it. Ever. "Oh, sweetness, it's going to be okay." She got a jolt of deja vu from days ago, right after the sinkhole, and she came to a sudden realization that planted a seed of an idea in her mind. But now wasn't the right time, she didn't want to catch the young molly at an emotionally weak moment. That discussion would take place at a later date.

So she just held the apprentice close, if Springpaw would allow her, and murmured comforts to her. Damn this world. This hellish, cruel world where kids never got to be kids.

[ @Froggy @Jayvines @sol. @Leafie @ares - for those that Dove is still interacting with, if ya'll want to continue this rp, feel free to post your next post in the tc clearing since the meeting ended, if not, we can just consider this rp done! either is a-okay with me! ]


Her cries and sobs subsided just the teensiest bit as she felt her older sister wrap her arms around her. She turned to bury her head into the crook of her sister's neck as Dovefluff continued to gently stroke her back. The youngest of the litter's sobs gently ebbed into hiccups, sniffles, and eventually, just a lot of cuddling and sniffing. She accepted Lotus's hugs with fierceness that betrayed her tiny frame. It was warm in her sister's embrace, and it felt so so safe.

She looked up as Dovefluff reassured her, and her heterochromatic eyes blinked. "Promise?" She asked in a desperate voice. They couldn't die, no no. They couldn't! Her siblings and Dovie couldn't die, not now, only when they were all old and wrinkled. Because dying was for old geezers and bad cats. Which, they were neither.


"Lotus, promise?" She asked equally as desperate, peering up at her older sister. "Promise me n' you n' Lamby n' Leafie n' Lavie are all gonna stay together forever and ever until we're all old and tired all the time? Promise?" Her voice grew more and more high pitched with each word, her new wave of tears dependent on whether or not her sister promised.

She didn't want to die. She didn't want anyone to yell, or cry, or die, especially not her siblings.

But as Lotuskit pulled away, fear gripped her tiny heart a little as Lightningkit whined. Don't go Lotus! But she saw Leafie, and Lamby coming over, and that made her a bit happier. She accepted Lotus' invitation almost immediately, zipping over quickly and squishing herself into the big group hug. She missed this, hugging and burying her head into her older siblings' fur.

"Mkay." She said in a tiny voice. "Game sounds nice." She certainly felt safe in Lotus' embrace, and this, seeing her siblings in front of her made her feel even safer. But wait. One, two, three... four?

"Lotus," she said, her eyes widening. "Lavie. Where did Big Sis Lavie go?" years began to well up in the youngest's eyes again. Where was Lavie? Did something happen to her older sister?

[ @Froggy - for Frogkit ]

" nothing you can take was ever worth keeping. "
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