Thread: Character Bios
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Old February 26th, 2023, 05:50 PM
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Alchemist Kitsune Alchemist Kitsune is offline
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Default Re: Character Bios


Current Name
Other Names, if any
Fudge - Sprucekit - Sprucepaw
Kitty Softpaws - Ultimate Predator - Agatha Kitty
Age (in moons)
9 moons
Sexual Orientation
Creation Date
Post Count

+Residential Information+

Current Affiliation/Clan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any
Kittypet - Loner
Tigerblush - Mudhound

+Interpersonal Connections+

Mother (s)
Cookie - Brownie - Cocoa - Butter
Best Friend(s)

Known as The Boulder. One of the few cats Sprucepaw has become somewhat close to, although the young apprentice would deny such things vehemently. While he trusts no one in ThunderClan, he is certain The Boulder would never hurt him, and in turn looks to them for safety, comfort, and company, unconsciously trying to make them notice him by excelling at things they have taught Sprucepaw.


Known as Angry. The star worshiper's leader. Much as her name suggests, she is a raging ball of ire that kills anyone who so much as blinks funny at her. Terrified of her and of being on her radar, Sprucepaw strives his best to not be seen by her. A fact that is made harder due to the fact that his mentor is the leader's littermate and quite fond of her.
Known as Herb Cat. Evil healer of the star worshipers. Lay a trap for Fudge that almost ended his life. Very dangerous feline as far as the former kittypet is concerned.
Known as Peppy. A small molly he went out hunting with. It was because of his superior intellect and quick thinking that she was able to easily nab a gigantic hare that was trying to eat the both of them.
Name has been forgotten. While Tigerblush was Sprucepaw's first mentor, the tom only ever went on a single territory tour with her moons after he had been apprenticed and then proceeded to never seeing her again.
Better known as Chatty. A cat that reminds Sprucepaw of his mentor in some ways... albeit quieter in spite of his chosen name for her. An impressive climber and not... entirely intolerable to be around all things considered.
Known as Lamb. Odd but acceptably quiet apprentice who gifted Sprucepaw some bits and bobs he keeps with him to this day. The moss figures in particular he uses as replacements for his mother and father whenever he is feeling especially lonely. A common occurrence ever since he joined the clan, despite his convincing himself otherwise.
Annoying molly who's name is unknown to him.

Significant Other


Aloof from a young age, at least outwardly, Sprucepaw had always strived to look more mature, serious, and down to earth than his littermates. He did adore them, of course, but he just prefered when they kept their paws to themselves. That said, he had never been able to do much past the point of grumbling when one of his siblings got overly clingy, somewhat appreciating their own way of showing how much they care, even if it annoyed the whiskers out of him. Still feeling the sting of their abandonment to this day, Sprucepaw no longer allows others to touch him, having received nothing but beatings and cruel mockery since he found himself alone in the street. Seeing clan cats as nothing more than the same bullies in a different setting, he refrains from getting too close, using the safety the clan offers to become self sufficient, knowing full well at any moment he could be exiled or an attempt against his life be made.

Loving to climb up the tall places of their house, Sprucepaw was adventurous to a fault, getting inside every cabinet, shelf, nook and cranny he could find. Despite his love for climbing and penchant for it, the brown furred apprentice is awfully careful. After having tripped on a misplaced item during one of his runs and having it crash and break on the ground, his housefolk were furious with him, yelling at him something fierce! Preferring to avoid the loud, incoherent hissing and snarling that came from the two legged giants, he kept to his climbing but with utmost care, deliberate with every pawstep he takes.

Sprucepaw doesn't necessarily love loud sounds. He didn't like the sound of the big monsters his housefolk used whenever they left the house. He abhorred the rabid, raging screeching of the strange, long monster that ate all dust and dirt it found. His fear of this creature was the original reason he took to climbing, in the first place. Despite this, he eagerly chattered with his family. Always happy to give them a kind or encouraging word whenever they are feeling down, or joking with the others from a distance. Their abandonment of him caused him to shut up, shutting out any possibility of forming a lasting bond again, never wanting to know the feeling of his heart being broken again in his life.

Despite his young age, there is never any youthful, joyful energy surrounding this tom. His eyes an eternally deadpanned expression and his words sparse at best, Sprucepaw is incapable of joking. He isn't entirely devoid of humor, but in the rare moments something manages to tickle his funny bone he remains unemotional, refusing to show any sign of weakness or interest in others. While it started as an act to avoid showing too many emotions in front of the city rogues that would beat him up, it slowly consumed him, leaving the tom an empty shell whose sole reason to exist is to survive for survival's sake.

While never actively displaying his feelings of superiority to those around him, Sprucepaw believes himself to be above the star worshipers he lives with, believing their actions to be more akin to brainwashed rabble than individual thinkers. Despite this, he acts with caution, having witnessed many of his clanmates' demise at the paws of the ThunderClan leader for the crime of speaking out against the tide of her rule. Thinking himself superior has not come hand in hand with dreams of power, and as long as he is left to his own devices, he believes live and let live is the best chance for survival if he wishes to remain in the forest.


+Physical Traits+

Fur Color(s)
Deep, Chocolate Brown
Fur Texture
Silky and Smooth
Fur Length
Medium to Long
Seal Points cover his face, ears, tail and limbs. His right hind paw has a single white glove on it.
Eye Color
Rich, Vibrant Green

Body Type/Structure
Thin but muscular.
Average tone with a mild gruffness to it from lack of use.
Calculating but confident
Moss and wood.

Scars / Deformities
Diseases / Conditions

Very Low
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-open den policy.

WindClan HealingRoleplay TrackerCharacter Bios

Last edited by Alchemist Kitsune; May 31st, 2024 at 10:38 PM.
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