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Old January 15th, 2017, 07:20 PM
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Gusty Gusty is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by EclipsemoonXD View Post

Burrpaw nodded in agreement with his mentor's words. Swiftfang sounded like he was trying to challenge Burrpaw, but this didn’t sound challenging. Then again, stalking hadn't sounded challenging before he started training either.

The histories of the other Clans? That, he didn't know. He knew their names and their sents. Maybe a little about the techniques they each used, but not a lot. "No, sorry. I don't know the histories. I wish I did, though."
(I'm really bad at remembering roleplays, which I'm sure you've noticed already x.x)

"Okay," the Siamese tom said with decisiveness. "Then I will have to tell you. I'll explain everything later; no apprentice should be deprived of their knowledge." His ear flicked.

"Onto hunting." The tom muttered. He usually wasn't sidetracked easily, but for some reason, he really did want to explain everything about the clans. But of course, now is not the time. "We need to perfect your skills before you could move onto hunting advanced prey. I know that you probably think it's easy, but it's harder than it looks, especially in this time of year: leaf-bare. The lack of sunlight and abundance of snow messes up everything, and animals tend to migrate away. The few that stay get slaughtered by us." The Siamese didn't sound very enthusiastic about this, but then, who was? No cat liked hunting in leaf-bare unless they were twolegs, or mentally insane.

"It's easy to see prey's paw prints in the snow- they're smaller than ours, see? Common sense." Swiftfang pointed in the ground towards some miniature prints in the ground, made by some sort of rodent. "Using your nose and senses can help you find prey. You're going to find some animals around this part of the territory and hunt them down. I'll stay farther behind and observe." That was the order that Burrpaw had to follow. "Just get a lot, until you can't handle it anymore."
:: roleplayer of Halite- the former Dusk Syndicate Commander ::

Last edited by Gusty; January 15th, 2017 at 07:20 PM.
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