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Old November 16th, 2021, 11:53 AM
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spade spade is offline
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Default Re: RiverClan Patrols & Joining

[windclan border patrol report]

Trotting back into camp, Kestrelstar made a direct line for Splashleap. There was mild concern in his eyes, but it was mostly covered. He didn't want to alarm anyone else if there was no real reason too. "Splashleap," he called, beckoning the deputy over to where he was headed. Veering away and settling at the base of the Streamstone near his den, so that they were out of earshot of most of camp. "The winds near Sedgewater Valley were the strongest I've ever seen. I'm sure WindClan has got a handle, but any patrols that get sent there, just advise caution. We didn't mark them near the stream, and instead stayed back where the wind couldn't quite reach." Shuffling his paws absentmindedly, the RiverClan leader added, "I have a feeling we may find a few loose WindClan cats on our territory - the winds seemed strong enough to blow kits away, and perhaps even full grown warriors if they're not careful enough."

// @gs29513

Last edited by spade; November 16th, 2021 at 11:53 AM.
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