Thread: Haven Springs
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Old November 8th, 2021, 12:26 AM
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Dizerel Dizerel is offline
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Default Re: Haven Springs

Excited murmurs all around as they were being led. Kestrelstar had said it was something good. Something good for the entire clan to see? She was definitely excited as she was hanging around the middle of the pack. Hearing the creaking of the boards from the run-down twoleg bridge underpaw as they traveled. Eventually the air got a bit steamier, hotter, and she was wondering if there was a fire nearby!

Then, she saw it. The hot springs! Absolutely amazed, it was such a wonder that the earth could just naturally produce something like this! She looked around at her clanmates. Some would likely be hesitant to step in, so she decided to set an example.

Stepping away from the group, then letting out a yowl as she charged forward! Straight past Kestrelstar and took a huge dive off the overhanging ledge, her paws flailing as she not so majestically soared through the air! With a huge SPLASH! Sending waves of hotspring water flying out from the pool, more than likely splashing some of those that were unfortunate enough to be standing close.

Appearing back out from under the water. It certainly was pretty hot, and she was worried it was going to burn her, but as she started swimming towards the edge of the pool, her body acclimated to the temperature and it felt juuuuuuuuuuuuust right. "Cmon in everyone! Its perfect!"

(Open to everyone!)
Idk. Insert something inspiring or edgy here so people think that im cool.

Message me if you ever want to roleplay together or set something up!

Riverclan Leader's Den. Page 132. Bottom of the page.

Last edited by Dizerel; November 8th, 2021 at 12:50 AM.