Thread: Haven Springs
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Old November 7th, 2021, 11:34 PM
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Default Re: Haven Springs

Things in RiverClan had been flowing much more smoothly as the days went on. Kestrelstar had headed out rather early in the day to get some hunting down out near Cattail Pond. With a few trout now buried near the bank, the tom had made a detour on his way home.

Cutting quickly through the Thicket and towards the base where the real journey to Lionsrange began, the leader found his attention was drawn by... was that fog? Bits of mist swirled around his paws and the tom halted, confusion crossing his expression. The sun had risen into the sky and was making it's descent already, so any sort of fog was baffling. Still though, Kestrelstar decided to veer off and allow his white paws to traverse the terrain, jaw parted slightly and ears alert for any signs of predators nearby.

After a bit of walking - and a quick determination that he was somewhere between the Thicket and Lionsbeach, Kestrelstar halted. Nose twitching, head ducked low as he stalked forward, passing underneath some excess foliage to reveal... a weird looking Twoleg bridge of sorts covered in moss, and beyond that two ponds?

Cautiously, the RiverClan leader crept forward, examining the moss-covered bridge before him before crossing it and coming to a stop at the edge of the first pond. Even from where he was Kestrelstar could feel the heal warm his chest, the temptation to dip a paw in rather strong. Slowly he eased one forepaw in. The hot water was shocking at first until it gave way to a general feeling of relaxation washing over him. It took a few moments, but soon the gray tabby was slipping up to his shoulders, muscles instantly relaxing. Something about the water seemed so comforting and welcoming, and he allowed his yellow eyes to close as he just floated.

Such peace... serenity... And in the heart of RiverClan territory as well. "This would be a nice place to have come leaf-bare..." the leader thought to himself, opening his eyes to glance around. He stayed in the pond for a few more moments, noting the scenery around him. Pebbles littered the pathway as marsh turned into smooth stone. Behind the first pool he was in was a little rise, marked by the incline of wet rocks leading up to yet another pool. A tall mound reared up in the back, providing an overhanging ledge where springy wildflowers dotted the rather empty space.

A smile came to his face as he nodded, emerging from the pool and fluffing his fur out against the now even chillier breeze. That would take some getting used to, but the pros for obtaining this as part of RiverClan territory far outweighed any cons. With a final nod to the territory and a quick marking, Kestrelstar turned and set off on a rather quick pace back towards camp.

Last edited by spade; November 7th, 2021 at 11:47 PM.