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Old November 6th, 2021, 11:30 PM
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spade spade is offline
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Default Re: RiverClan Patrols & Joining

Truth be told, Kestrelstar had been over at the base of the Streamstone zoning out on nothing in particular. His mind felt like a puddle despite all of the responsibility he still had on his shoulders. It felt nice, to not worry about anything. To let the day slip by unaccounted for into just another memory...

But the voice of Snakeheart roused the RiverClan leader from his aimless daydream, and confused eyes flickered over to where he was positioned in the middle of camp. Wait had he paired him with... of course. Swallowing a bit, Kestrelstar rose to his paws and headed over. He hadn't really spoken with Plumstorm since their fateful night near the WindClan border. Still, he cast a knowing look forward the molly for a second before nodding to Snakeheart. "You got it Snakebite," came the leader's reply, lips twitching into a smile as he watched his brother. "Cobwebs coming up."

Returning his attention back to his companion, he sucked in a breath before letting it out slowly. "Ready?"

// @implimm @Rani