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willooowfeather March 9th, 2024 05:31 PM

❝ i'm talking loud, not saying much ❞ [p]

riverclan - she-kit - 1 moon
post 4

A moon had passed since her first icky feeling! The small kit was sick on and off, but always came through in the end; even if feeling 'okay' only lasted until the next bought of rain. It was as if even a gentle breeze caught a sniffle out of her.

But today, tiny pawsteps ventured further than the nursery's border, and a fresh swath of air held with it another tiny sneeze. Whaaa- she inhaled with wide blue eyes, still blurry and not particularly well-developed. It was so bright, Gingerkit had to blink several times before she felt comfortable making more steps.

A tiny bit of wandering wouldn't hurt, right? Right.

Scents flooded her little nose so much so that another little sneeze shot out of her like she was a loan shark and it owed her money. Why did she have to sneeze when everyone else didn't? How dare, not fair at all!

And then she nearly ran head-first into a cat. "I- i wawwin heer." the small white and ginger kit said in a cute huff.


@Cherry~ - Fadingsun

occultation March 11th, 2024 01:51 AM

Re: ❝ i'm talking loud, not saying much ❞ [p]

Grooming his pelt was really something Fadingsun needed to take more seriously. For a short-haired cat, he often looked like an absolute mess these days. He'd finally found a few moments to give himself a good wash, and was about halfway through the process when he caught sight of a small kit teetering around.

Judging by the haphazard way this adventure was going for the little tyke, this had to be one of their first times out of the nursery. While Fadingsun generally made it a mission to avoid kits, this one worried him a little. They didn't seem... exactly ready for this. Then again, he knew next to nothing about children (thank the stars).

Eyes darted around the clearing, looking for anyone else to talk to this child instead of him. Finding nobody, he resigned to his fate with a sigh and glanced back at this kitten. "First time out of the nursery? You seem a little wobbly."

willooowfeather March 11th, 2024 10:00 AM

Re: ❝ i'm talking loud, not saying much ❞ [p]

riverclan - she-kit - 1 moon
post 5

The kit was, indeed, rather small - a moon old and definitely already on a high horse for the ages, and was still perplexed by the idea that there had been somecat rudely standing in her way! "I Gingiekit!" her mew squeaked, milk teeth, newly grown, framing a pink tongue. Her eyes shut with the proclamation, making it valid in her tiny little head. A Gingiekit is not wibble-wobble on tiny feets, no! Gingiekit is precisely what she means to be.

"Who 'ou?" her kitten-blue eyes burned with questions. Who was this stranger? Not mama or papas.


@Cherry~ - Fadingsun

occultation April 11th, 2024 05:01 PM

Re: ❝ i'm talking loud, not saying much ❞ [p]

Okay, so this kit was really young. It even seemed like she may have only recently learned how to talk. Well, at least she wouldn't be able to mouth off or anything... probably.

She did seem rather sweet, which made Fadingsun's usually-closed-off-to-kits heart melt just a little bit. "I'm Fadingsun," he offered. "You can just call me Fading if that makes it easier, or Sun." Fades was a nickname reserved only for Dusklion, and Sunny... that just didn't feel right. "Do you have any parent to look after you? Mom, Dad, someone else?"

willooowfeather April 11th, 2024 05:22 PM

Re: ❝ i'm talking loud, not saying much ❞ [p]

riverclan - she-kit - 1 moon
post 6

"Wanna s'plore! Warm! Lemme go, Sannie! she put two white little paws on his legs and tried to push him out of the way, for she was very young and Gingerkit did not realize that she could just go around.

"Mama and Fafies are out doin' a s'plore! I wanna finds them! Maybe can give mousie." her eyes were still kitten blue, and they sparkled with the idea of hunting her own mouse. Even though she still had milk teeth and was nowhere near ready physically to do so, especially with her tendency to Be Sick. Oh, how the small kit hated The Sick. But that wasn't here or there. What was here was Big Sannie... in her way! She pushed harder, but fell on her rump with a small thud. "Oubba mai wahy! I gon' gib mama and fafies mousies."


@occultation - Fadingsun

occultation April 17th, 2024 10:27 PM

Re: ❝ i'm talking loud, not saying much ❞ [p]

Okay... so this kit definitely had parents, but Fadingsun had hardly any idea what exactly she was saying. It was like trying to decode fox-speak. He shuffled his paws nervously, suddenly feeling a strong urge to back out of this situation. Still, he couldn't just leave this small child alone, and he'd feel bad telling her to go back to the nursery...

Working his toe beans against the dirt anxiously, he watched as the little kit kept trying to push him out of the way, only to (expectedly) fail each time. As much as he wanted to move out of the way and just let her go, the sensible part of him knew that he couldn't do that.

"I can take you around the camp if you want to... 'a'splore'," he offered. "It isn't a good idea for you to be wandering around alone. A big hawk could come and grab you, and then you wouldn't see mom or dad ever again." Hmm... perhaps that wasn't the right thing to say to a small child? Stars, this was hard.

willooowfeather April 29th, 2024 08:45 PM

Re: ❝ i'm talking loud, not saying much ❞ [p]

riverclan - she-kit - 1 moon
post 8

Gingiekit had a big sneeze, the likes of which sent her falling backward and plopped on her rump with indignation, and looked up expectantly at the warrior, as if she’d always meant to do that. He was big, an’ strong by the look of him. The small kitten tilted her head, and began to mew a gasp of absolute excitement, getting only the best of ideas in her tiny little brain.

“So — yer a warrior, wite, Sannie? Teach me t’ings an’ I keep my feetsies outta twuble.” this… usually worked. Her big blue eyes that would soon enough give way to a striking resemblance to lightning peered at him with insatiable curiosity. “C’mon, Sannie! Was da wules?” mostly, it was to walk and talk, and also keep her new friend from a) leaving her alone, and b) saying that they weren’t friends. After all — he had to teach her things and that made them bestest friends said the little kitten with a barely-developed prefrontal cortex and a knack for being a trash panda in a cat’s body. It was da wules, she decided.

The kit bounded at the heels of her big friend, the rapid “teach me!” in quickfire, high-pitched mewlings.


@occultation - Fadingsun

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