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Abyssopelagic April 12th, 2024 04:42 PM

Honeyed Words and Sleeping Dogs
Honeybite lifts their gaze at the sounds of Clanmates passing them by, though did not disturb where they lay to bother trying to greet them. Their next breath came out as a rumble, ears twitching this way and that as more cats left their dens to greet the rising sun, and scamper off to their duties.....
It was rather unlikely, actually, that many of them would be leaving to complete tasks. Dawnstar had said as much at the last clan meeting, and the shadow queen was no liar. Didn't need to be.
The cream patched russet tabby could see it in the fact that lately there have been fewer and fewer spots to lay around for a good sunbathing.
Speaking of.... They turned and growled at a Clanmate that had plopped almost atop of them to steal the warmth.
They received a spat back, and instead of fighting over who was allowed to spend the rest of the day being lazy, they picked themself up, and made sure their back paw kicked a few flecks of dirt in the other warriors face before scampering off, tail lashing.

Well, relaxing was out of the question if this was how their own Clanmates were going to treat them. Besides, hadn't they just judged the others for not completing their duties?
Sighing, they let their eyes slide across the clearing, looking for anything to give them an idea how they should be productive today. Hmmm.... Surely, there were dens needing to be cleaned, buuut.... There were plenty of apprentices that could be called to do such tasks.
They'd long finished being the one that cleaned the dens.
Their lips peeled over their teeth at remembering their time as an apprentice, being treated as a beast of burden when the Clan was short on paws, and they always were... No, they would not be cleaning dens today.

Instead, they looked for any number of the newly named apprentices. Surely, if warriors weren't completing patrols, they weren't training the cats they'd been assigned to teach the ways of the Clan.
To their knowledge, the dearest Enforcer Commander had been taking the brunt of these duties upon himself, and was perhaps the only reason they'd recently had any warriors named
Several of them seemed to still be in camp, neglected as they had suspected.
Carefully, they gauged each apprentice. Many of them were too rowdy, or looked ready to claw the first cat that so much as looked at them. They were not in a mood to deal with children in their emo phases, so they continued looking.
Then, Sleepypaw came into view.
Hmmm, perhaps. They knew little about her other than she was Larkfire's (they were not calling her a name as demeaning as Lostspark) daughter, her first litter before she'd very briefly become mates with Darkfall.
They sat for a bit, contemplating. She was just named, and therefore had no previous knowledge. However, surely she would not train with just anyone who offered.
Anyone who was kin of both Dawnstar and the Medicine Cat would have standards for where their training came from. She would be more likely to want unique training, fit for the kin of High Ranks.
Sighing, they stood and slowly approached the apprentice, formulating how they would broah the topic of teaching climbing.
"Morning's blessings upon you, Sleepypaw." They tilted their head in a silent greeting to accompany their words.
"Camp is rather crowded today, it seems. Could I perhaps sit with you? The last cat that sat by me nearly squashed me beneath them."
A silly idea, if Honeybite wasn't such a small cat. Built like a sparrow, lithe and limber, and perfectly squishable, as they almost discovered mere minutes ago.

[ @Estelle ]

Estelle April 17th, 2024 12:02 AM

Re: Honeyed Words and Sleeping Dogs

Like very often these days, Sleepypaw had emerged from her grandmother’s den, taking a seat within the new familiar clearing – not straying far from where she slept – contemplating the day’s activity. Today camp appeared rather crowded and the apprentice wasn’t quite fond of that, but used the general lack of crowd around Miss Grandmama’s den as an escape. At least, from the few who daren’t stray too close. Her eyes scanned the crowd, hoping to find a familiar face such as her mama and Miss Grandmama. She had been wanting to get a started with her training, requiring the skill and knowledge to live up to their expectations, when an unfamiliar warrior addressed her. She knew the stranger was addressing her by use of name, yet for several moments she ignored the name of the one who spoke to her. The warrior wanted to sit with her, however, and Sleepypaw wasn’t quite fond of that… Infiltration of personal space. She blinked blankly, a ‘why’ dancing on her tongue, though they had already given a silly reason. As such she gave no reply, instead casting her gaze back onto the clearing to inspect its crowded presence, deeming the lithe feline could… Somehow be telling a truth. Perhaps. The lack of response ultimately serving as silent permission to take a seat at her side; a glance wondering why this cat had sought her out specifically.

[ @Abyssopelagic ]

Abyssopelagic April 28th, 2024 12:40 AM

Re: Honeyed Words and Sleeping Dogs
Honeybite nods gratefully as Sleepypaw indicates a silent acceptance. She lets herself relax for a few minutes, grateful to not be at risk of being sat on again before she opted to bring up why she was really there.
"Hmm, nevermind on relaxing. There seems to be enough of that from everyone else..."
After a few minutes, she turns back to face the apprentice.
"Dawnstar recently made you an apprentice, if my memory is correct. Has anyone gotten around to giving you some training?"
She doubted it, if the scattered bodies lazing in the clearing were any indicator. She bit her tongue as she thought.
"Although, if you find that regular training is not a struggle to find others to train you, I, could always teach you something no one else could instead."

//Sorry that it's short, I'm just trying to get my owed replies out\\
[ @Estelle ]

Estelle May 30th, 2024 09:20 PM

Re: Honeyed Words and Sleeping Dogs

Sleepypaw remained silent as Honeybite took their seat at her side, not quite inclined to partake in idle conversation - if she ever knew how. Her gaze remained set ahead of herself, watching the clearing, an eye turning Honeybite's way only when they spoke, a concealed hint of curiosity.

Honeybite's words took her by surprise, though, they spoke truth - she had not had much, if any, training so far beside a promise to be shown the territory by her grandmother; but she was not intent on rushing Dawnstar when she knew how busy Miss Grandmama was with the clan.

Still, Sleepypaw pondered the question, giving no clear answer than averting her gaze in thought. She blinked, slowly, thinking when Honeybite's following words rung in her ears. She paused, clearly considering this. She knew little of Honeybite, and she trusted few in the clan to properly teach her as mama or Miss Grandmama could.

But something no one else could teach her... Call her gullible, but it sounded interesting, promising. She was curious. Vibrant blue eyes shifted onto Honeybite, taking in her posture, considering them for a moment before she posed her question.
Was what sounded, the sign of interest in knowing what that special skill may be.

[ @Abyssopelagic - No worries!! I don't mind short posts :lovesquee: ]

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