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starry April 22nd, 2024 03:16 PM

RiverClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications

Hello! To cut it short, Mistyshard and I are on the lookout for the newest addition to the RiverClan high rank team – a medicine cat apprentice! Please take your time to read through everything as there might be key details that you'll otherwise miss.

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What we're not looking for:

─ “Perfectpaw is a 7 moon old apprentice who loves helping out his clan! He recently broke a leg so the only right path for him to go is medicine cat apprentice. He's perfect in every way!!

─ Any FORMS such as:
Name: Perfectpaw
Age: 7 moons
Gender: Male
Appearance: silver tabby with green eyes

─ A character younger than 6 moons (exceptions may be made on a case by case basis).

─ A character which is not from RiverClan.

What we are looking for:

─ An ACTIVE member who won't drop this position in a few days because they don't feel like it anymore. You may make a cat for this but you should start roleplaying them right away. Characters should be contributing to the clan and completing patrols in a timely manner as well as attending meetings, events, etc. If you only do the bare minimum of posts per week this might not be the best role for you.

─ Someone who has PREFERABLY HAS DISCORD. This will be strongly preferred as it is much easier for communication and all the plotting, handling of problems, etc happens there. If you do not have it at the moment I may ask you to make it if you get picked. As well as preferably having discord you should be COMMUNICATIVE. Both in character and out of character, you/your character should address all concerns or problems there may be. I need someone who won't shy away from communicating with me especially when there are difficulties.

─ A member who is INTERESTED in the role. This takes a lot of time, effort and dedication so please only apply if it's something you can imagine doing in the long run. Your character should frequently be active around the clan and you should post often with them. This does require interest and motivation because it can get overwhelming at times. So you do need to be dedicated to this.

─ A RELIABLE character. As much as crazy characters are fun especially due to RiverClan's current reputation we need someone level-headed who won't set the clan on fire :laughing:

Final Notes:

─ Forms will be immediately discarded. Please be creative! Your application could be in the form of a poem, a song, an interactive game, chat/text logs, a short story, a comic, an interview.... there's lots of options (not only limited to the ones I listed)! I want to see some effort put in so I can ensure you're willing to put in the effort to the role as well.

─ Mistyshard is mainly looking for an apprentice. Don't shy away from applying your warriors though, if your application stands out it will also be taken into consideration! Misty is currently 37 moons old and will most likely not be choosing someone older than her. Though if they're very active and stand out she will do what's best for the clan and not care about age too much.

─ Herbal knowledge does not make your character's chance for receiving the role higher. I will be taking IC as well as OOC activity and your application into consideration rather than what your character knows about herbs. So please refrain from buying HK or having your character bug Misty for lessons simply to make them more desirable. Mistyshard is never against teaching someone but she will get annoyed if they go out of their way to get herb lessons or continuously disturb her just to become medicine cat apprentice.

─ With the rank of a medicine cat apprentice come difficult and potentially disturbing/upsetting roleplays, so you shouldn't be too afraid of that! Of course it's fine if you are uncomfortable with a certain topic, but you should be aware that there might be gory descriptions or uncomfortable posts.

─ You should be pretty quick to respond to OOC messages; those should not be left unanswered for more than a few days generally.

─ And after all that "don't do this" etc talk... GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!! Excited to see applications :heartbounce:

!! Read the High Rank Selection Process & Procedures
as well as the High Rank Expectations before applying.

Do not mention or quote me in this thread.

Note that THERE IS A CHANCE I MAY HANDPICK SOMEONE INSTEAD OF CHOOSING SOMEONE FROM THIS THREAD so please don’t be insulted if I do that. I’m trying to find the perfect candidate here who I think would work very well with Misty and applications are mainly to see who’s interested and maybe look at some characters I previously wouldn’t have considered!

Applications are due on 2nd of May, 11:59pm EST!

credit to @/Estelle for the layout inspiration : )

panchiko April 22nd, 2024 03:24 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications
good luck all <3

elio April 22nd, 2024 03:25 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications
Good luck kiddos :love4:
Okayyyy hear me out… I have moss but what if…
Name: Perfectpaw (duh… she’s perfect
Age: smol
Appearance: fluffy blue-grey point with tufted ears
Clan: perfectkittyclan
Herbal Knowledge: ummm… she knows it all already because she’s perfect :heartbounce:

SatoruSaki April 22nd, 2024 03:25 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications
Good luck everyone!

Applying dead girl Pebblesplash/j (she’s like 50, and she would hate being a meddie. Nuh uh)

Neptune. April 22nd, 2024 03:25 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications
good luck to all applicants !!

redshiftreign April 22nd, 2024 03:28 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications
good luck to everyone!

Dust April 22nd, 2024 03:29 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications
Good luck to all who apply :heartbounce:

taillow April 22nd, 2024 03:29 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications
best of luck to all you lovely people! :heartbounce:

occultation April 22nd, 2024 03:31 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications
Good luck everyone!!

Beaan April 22nd, 2024 03:31 PM

Re: RiverClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications
My Application is below, The majority of what I need is here so good for your judgement!

When breezes are soft and skies are fair,
I steal an hour from study and care,
And hie me away to the woodland scene,
Where wanders the stream with waters of green,
As if the bright fringe of herbs on its brink
Had given their stain to the wave they drink;
And they, whose meadows it murmurs through,
Have named the stream from its own fair hue.

Oh, loveliest there the spring days come,
With blossoms, and birds, and wild bees’ hum;
The flowers of summer are fairest there,
And freshest the breath of the summer air;
And sweetest the golden autumn day
In silence and sunshine glides away.

Though forced to drudge for the dregs of men,
And scrawl strange words with the barbarous pen,
And mingle among the jostling crowd,
Where the sons of strife are subtle and loud,—
I often come to this quiet place,
To breathe the airs that ruffle thy face,
And gaze upon thee in silent dream,
For in thy lonely and lovely stream
An image of that calm life appears
That won my heart in my greener years.

Hello starry and fellow lurkers! Bean here!
So I have decided to apply Spottedstream for Medicine Cat Apprentice. I have done… 3 Medicine Cat Applications so far, all since 2023. I have always been interested in the MC/MCA role for as long as I can remember. Back in February, I created Spottedstream for the role. Despite being made for Medicine Cat, she was a character that stayed and has grown very dear to me. I have done a lot to try and show her and my interest, and starry, you probably know what happens next. I still am greatful that you were there for me in hard times.
Anyway, despite the hard times me and Spotted have gone through, she remained active in RiverClan, And I'm glad. I enjoy roleplaying Spottedstream a lot, and maybe MCA in the future? Yes yes, I am indeed very ambitious, but I have always dreamed of roleplaying an HR, so I will keep following that until I achieve it.

Before you dive into my application, there are a few things you should know. Spottedstream was created for this role, But she was created back in February, and has a lot of backstory and development put into her character. She has Herbal Knowledge T1 [bought on February 12th, 2024] and The Collector [bought on March 5th, 2024]. If you want her Biography, that can be found by clicking her name in my Signature. That's all that you should know going into this !! Her carrd can be found in the image below.


In the calm, welcoming breeze of RiverClan, a Calming scent looms.

At the tip of the waters is a silver bengal, her crystal blue eyes focused on the ripples of the water.

She lifts her head to sniff the air before turning to you.

“Hello, Darling,” She purrs. She beckons you with her paw to come sit beside her. “My name is Spottedstream. I don’t believe we’ve met,” she purrs warmly to you.

You had caught a glimpse of her around the camp before, but you never got a chance to formally talk to her.

“With a clan so big, It can be easy to find strangers amongst our friends, even if you were here long before we were born. So,” the silver cat prompted, sitting up straight. “What do you wish to know about me?”


tw: the following below contains mentions of death, kit death, seizure, and grief

2 Moons of age
Spottedkit has been very close to everyone she meets, and she comes across a kit named Violetkit. They become like sisters, and not even the queens can separate them. They do everything together. They vow that they will remain friends until their death.

3 Moons of age
A sickness starts going around, and it appears the kits are safe. Spottedkit notices changes in Violetkit. She becomes quieter, and moves more sluggishly. Spottedkit urges her to go see the medicine cat, But Violetkit says that she’s fine. One day, they’re hanging out in the nursery, and Violetkit collapses into a seizure. Spottedkit rushes for the medicine cat. She spends the night in the apprentice den, worrying for her best friend. The following morning, the medicine cat gives her the bad news. Her friend was gone.

7 Moons of age
Spottedpaw has been an apprentice for a moon, and has developed her first crush on a cat named Adderpaw. And it wasn’t one-sided. The two were close, and talked about becoming mates once they became warriors. They encouraged each other with their training so they could help each other

12 Moons of age
Spottedpaw and Adderpaw were paired up to do their hunting assessment. Adderpaw headed near the stream because he heard something in the tall grass. Spottedpaw had stayed behind because she heard a vole, but was quickly by Adderpaw’s side when she heard a yowl. A snake was in Adderpaw’s leg, and the cat she loved dearly was on the ground in pain. Spottedpaw quickly killed the snake before rushing to Adder’s side. Before he passed, he told her to find her happiness. But sadly, it would be without him. Within a few moments, he was gone. When she became a warrior, she was named Spottedstream in honor of her elegance, but she wanted it because it was the place where they first fell in love.

14 Moons of Age
Spotted was now untrusting, because every cat that had become close to her had passed. A cat named Finleap was trying to befriend the stubborn molly, but was failing miserably. They got assigned a Hunting Patrol when they were ambushed by a badger. They were able to chase it off, but not before it would try and fatally wound one of the cats. It aimed for Spottedstream when Finleap jumped in the line of fire. Spotted brought him back to camp, knowing another life was gone because of her. To her surprise, Finleap was talking Spottedstream’s ear off trying to wake her up a couple days later. They made spotted realize that she wasn’t cursed, and that even if she was, that was no excuse to ignore her clanmates

23 Moons of age
Spottedstream Supports Birdsnow in her new role. With all that has been happening, she starts to reflect on her past. She wasn’t cursed. It was just bad luck. She starts to take interest in medicine, as she does not want this clan to loose another cat to anything. She forces herself to remember herbs and tries to remember what is what, in hopes that the Stars were guiding her to the position of medicine cat. Perhaps all of that was just showing what she would have to do in the moons to come.

25 Moons of age
Birdsnow has fallen ill, causing Fadingsun to step up. Spottedstream is worried for her former leader, and fully supports Fadingsun in his new role. He also announced Mistyshard as Medicine Cat. While she was disappointed she wasn't picked, she was happy for Mistyshard, and had already had immense respect for the Newly-Named medicine cat.

Now, Spottedstream holds herself together a lot, But when it comes to Adderpaw and Violetkit, she breaks. How about we take A Blast to the Past? [Adderpaw is Roleplayed by the wonderful @/blxze.]

QnA w/ Spotted


Hello! So Spottedstream is being applied for MCA, but what exactly are her thoughts on the role and if she were to be picked

So! Spottedstream! Welcome! Hope you are having a good day.

Spotted: "I am indeed! And I hope you are having a wonderful day as well, dearie!"

Alright, so we are going to ask you a series of questions, and just answer honestly. Got it?

Question 1: What are your thoughts on RiverClan and the current High Ranks?

Spotted: "Well I was born and raised in RiverClan, so I do have good thoughts on the Clan. Fadingsun is trustworthy and I think he can make some good changes while in his role as leader. As for Mistyshard - She was an apprentice for a good while before becoming a Lionheart. She was with me when Coldamber pulled us and a few other of our clanmates into a dream. We haven't interacted much, but she has done some great things, and I will trust her with my life as the Clan's medicine cat. She would do that as a lionheart, so is Medicine cats really that different?

Question 2: Why would you be a good medicine cat?
Spotted: Well, I know quite a few herbs, and I do not like to fight. After Finleap, I realized that prehaps I have a role in healing, making sure that nobody goes through what I did. I like to think of myself as a calming and reliable clanmate, and I have dreamed about earning the role for quite a while now. I think I could do a lot to help my clan, and I can make sure that they can live long and happy lives. I also have a bit of herbal knowledge, but I doubt that makes a difference.

Question 3: What herbs do you know?
Spotted: Well, I know about cobwebs and deathberries, as well as Comfrey, Honey, Thyme, and Coldamber has taught me Dandelion, Borage, Daisy, Poppy seeds, Marigold, Blessed Thistle, Rosemary, Broom (also known as yellow bells), Dock, and Juniper Berries. Yes, she taught quite a few. [chickweed was shown but not named]

That is all we need, Thank you.

✩ R O L E - P L A Y E X A M P L E ✩

Malcontent: Seab Tail Amputation


Originally Posted by Bean (Post 1553404)
II She/Her II 23 Moons II RiverClan Warrior II
[ Herbal Knowledge T1 ]

"I think that would be a good idea, but-" Her eyes turned to Seabreeze's tail. Apparently her cobweb job was lousy, because blood would still coming out. "Dear, Since I cannot stop the bleeding, I will have to amputate your tail right now. Just a warning, It will hurt more than probably anything you have experienced yet," she mewed. She undid the splint, and threw the stuff to the side. She went into the medicine den once more and grabbed the sharpest stone she could find as well as one last cobweb bundle. She went back out and took a deep breath. "It is okay if it hurts, but it will be over with swiftly. Just keep breathing into the thyme I gave you," she mewed, She steadied her paws. She had never done this before, so she hoped to StarClan that she would be able to do this. "One, Two, Three," she said before digging the stone through the bad spot on Seabreeze's tail. Blood spurt out, and she quickly wrapped it in her wad of cobweb. She took the old part of the warrior's tail and threw it to the side. "Thank StarClan. I have never done that before, but I am glad I was able to do it right. Its all done, dear. I am afraid I don't know anything to ease pain, so the Thyme will have to do for now," she said, licking her paws of the much blood on them. That could have gone horribly wrong for an inexperienced cat, but she was lucky. Seabreeze would survive.

"Now dearie, I have some things I need you to get for me," she said, hoping it could take the cats mind off the pain. Spottedstream grabbed a piece of Comfrey from her herb pile. "First is comfrey, and it looks like this, and the easiest way to tell is its long, fat leaves, but it also haves black roots. This is going to be key for aches and pains after the battle. Next we have Thyme. You can see the one I gave you, and this is also going to be important, as it can calm cats and helps with shock. They'll have small green leaves with a woody stem," the warrior described, pointing to the details. "The last one will be complicated. Honey. It is a sweet sticky substance made by bees, and come from their nest. Its best to get it with a stick, but be careful not to get stung. You need to carry it wrapped in leaves so you don't loose it," she said. Spottedstream got to her paws before looking down at the warrior. "This will hopefully be good to distract your pain since you are doing something, so go. I believe in you."

[-1 cobweb]

As MCA: Knows current knowledge

II She/Her II 25 Moons II RiverClan Medicine Cat Apprentice II
[ Herbal Knowledge T1 ● The Collector]

It had been only a few sunrises since she was named Medicine cat, and she seemed to be settling in quite quickly. Spottedstream turned her head as an elder pad into her den. "What can I help you with, dearie?" she asked, trotting over. As the silver medicine cat listened to the elder's troubles, she dipped her head before padding to the herb storage. She came back with a singular herb in her mouth. She dropped it in front of the older cat, pushing it to them. "Comfrey. I may not know a lot, but this is one I can treat. Line it in your nest, It should help with your aching problems," she purred, blue eyes gleaming. She waved her tail to the older cat. "If you need anything, Please come back. Me and Mistyshard will do our best. And for stars sake please let us know if anything feels off. It's our job to take care of you. Although I cannot heal your grumpiness," she teased, flicking her tail. She smiled as the elder left. Hopefully she had done it right. She did not want to fail her clan like her predecessors.

[ -# herb1 ]
[ @/Username - any notes ]

As MCA: Knows some healing techniques

II She/Her II 25 Moons II RiverClan Medicine Cat Apprentice II
[ Herbal Knowledge T1 ● The Collector]

The young Medicine Cat hummed softly to herself, sorting the herbs that the recent patrols have brought in. She turned her head as her clanmate entered the den. "Hello dearie! What seems to be the problem?" Spottedstream asked, trotting over to meet them. "Well, you seem to have some cracked pads. Give me just a moment," she purred, dipping her head before trotting off to the herb storage. She emerged with a bundle of herbs in her mouth. The silver bengal dropped them to the ground. Marigold, Dock Leaf, and Cobwebs. I hope I remembered correctly. she thought to herself. She recalled the lesson that Coldamber had given her a few moons ago. Thanks to the StarClan cat, Spottedstream was able to know a few herbs without Mistyshard having to teach her. She chewed the Marigold and Dock leaf together before applying it to the cat's cracked pads. After applying the herbs, the spotted Medicine Cat took the cobwebs and wrapped them around the cat's paws. "All set. We will have to change them daily, and you must avoid putting too much pressure on the paw or itching it. Other than that, you are good to go about your warrior duties. Come see me or my mentor if there is anything else you need," she purred, dismissing them with a wave of her silver tail

[ -#herb1 -# herb2 -# herb3 ]
[ @/Username - any notes ]

"I adore Spottedstream. She's supportive, friendly, and has been through a lot with her sister. She's protective, helpful, and yet complex at the same time. Goldfish loves her Spotty to pieces, her sister's endless love and support is always something she has relied on heavily. Spottedstream is a joy to see around in the future, and I'm curious and delighted at the thought she might become the next Medicine cat apprentice of RiverClan!" - blxze.

"Hmm... don't know her all that well. Not sure why she called for rippin' out Smolderpaw's throat, other than him actin' like a kit when he was on the Floodstone durin' the thunder-rats' raidin' our camp. Helped Breezy with his tail which was good, 'n has been a pretty okay warrior. Might need to pay more attention to her because my minds' drawin' a blank." -Dusklion

"I like spottedstream! I stalk her posts a lot. I think she has a good chance at med since you show a lot of dedication" -hades.

So I looked over Spottedmed application and I think its very well thought out and concise especially compared to my endless rambling and mess of organization. You hit the main point and offer great roleplay examples (cough totally not Seab biased /j). I like the truth vs. False thing! I think it's a fun way to show some of the basics :3 overall I think it's a good application, best of luck to you!!!!!!" -Dolomedes thoughts on the application

If you want to give a review, you can VM me! It would mean a lot to me but you do not have to :heartbounce:


Fire And Ice
poem by Robert Frost

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

Hello! Time for my part! Note this is copied and pasted from past MC applications, listen I'm lazy sometimes
I joined the site in March of 2021, and have been an active member since December 2022. In my time here, I have made many achievements that I am proud of.

I started the Alt SkyClan as leader. In my time with wWbstar, I think the reason I needed to step down was because leader of such an important clan simply did not suit me. Since that, I have been rping Medicine cats in alt clans, and I have found that the role really suits me. I want to become a medicine cat because of the variety of jobs they handle, while also being a key role to a Clan. In the past, I have applied for an HR SIX TIMES [including this one]. Includes ThC deputy Applications x2, RiverClan Deputy, RiverClan Medicine cat, ShadowClan Medicine Cat, and then RC med for this one!

When I saw the med position open, I had a character In mind I wanted to make for the role. I spent a lot of time developing her character and molding it to the role, and It would mean so so much to me, and I can assure you Spottedstream would be a cat I would love as an hr, she is so fun to rp and I think she just fits the med role so much! I also love the med role, having it several times in ALT ROLEPLAYS, and I loved it a lot, so It would bring me a lot of joy to be selected as RiverClan's medicine cat!

I know there are so many options and better applications than mine, but I really am in love with the idea of Spottedmed. I had fun developing and molding her to fit the role, and the backstory I came up with is something I love. She is very dear to my heart right now, So I can assure you that if I am picked, Me and spotted will not be going anywhere

I know the amount of effort and time needed for a medicine cat, and I feel like I can do it. I always have time in the morning and evening to get replies done, and I have done my best to keep Spottedstream active, and she is one of my favorite characters ever. I can proudly say she has not gone missing once!. If I become a medicine cat, that will be much more motivation to keep her active and an important member of the clan, on top of all of my current motivation for her!

Now, I do respect your decision, and you choose who you think would fit the role. If that ends up being me, I will be ecstatic. If it is not me, I will be disappointed, but I will be happy for whoever is chosen.


Question 1: Why do you want to be medicine cat?

I love the amount they learn, and how much they help the clan! They work in a variety of settings, and also do not need to fight, since they step aside. I made Spotted for this role, So I think she would fit very well

Question 2: how active are you/have you been?

I've been very active since January of last year, and I consider myself very active! With summer break approaching, I will have a lot of free time on my hands as well.

Question 3: How will you feel if you are Selected for MCA?

Honestly, I am in love with Spottedmedmed idea, and I will be overjoyed if i am chosen. I know there are so many better applications than mine, but i do hope you will consider me for the role.

Question 4: How will you feel if you are NOT selected for MC?

A bit disappointed in myself, but happy for whoever gets picked. I will still be rping Spotted regardless of if she gets chosen or not.

Question 5: How long of a post are you willing to write?

I minimize myself at 1 paragraph unless i am in a rush. Even if it is activity post I want to make a long post to show i care about this. Most of my Spottedstream posts are a paragraph long, and she has a lot of emotion and detail in her posts, which help me to lengthen the size of the post

Question 6: Why did you make Spottedstream for Medicine Cat and not Deputy?
When I created her character, I can imagine her helping the clan in the ways of healing, and I love the idea of a Medicine cat, and Deputy doesn't have that same feeling for me. If I had to choose any High Rank role, I would choose medicine cat. It is such a unique position, and Spottedstream is such a unique cat to me, and uhhh words aint wording sorry lmao


I have never had an hr, but I hope to have one in the future

ThC deputy W/ Wildtwist twice, Cliffjumper w/ RiverClan, Rainmed w/ RiverClan, and Lotusmed w/ ShC

I will be on less every other Tuesday, and with summer coming up, I have a lot more free time!

Spotted is one of my Favorite characters, so I rp her a lot in general.

I love RiverClan

If there are any new things I need to learn, I will catch on quickly, and I love to role-play and help people out with things related to the Main Rp

I do not have discord, but PMs and VMs are open! I will be able to get discord on the 20th of August this year!

I am aware that Medicine Cat Apprentices will have to deal with situations that may be gorey/uncomfortable, so here are my limits!

I'm just going to save your time - I'm not grossed out by anything. I am fine and comfortable with every situation from no details provided to full on gorey details [this includes birthing, injuries, and mental illnesses (ex. Panic attack, depression, Suicidal Thoughts)]. So whatever it may be, I'm fine with reading it.

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