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dino. May 5th, 2023 04:19 PM

ThunderClan Clearing
An overgrown, mossy clearing, hidden underneath the ferns and brambles that grow along the outer edge. The ground is mostly bare, though patched through with thick grass and the occasional bunch of ferns. An extremely tiny stream of water runs through the center.

dino. May 9th, 2023 10:38 AM

Kit Corner
A spacious vast den is hidden between some ferns. A small entryway can be seen being made by those ferns. The den carves into what can be considered a massive rabbit hole. Nestled beneath the ferns and camouflage lays an area where kits can play, games such as mossball or playing clan, etc. Kit Curriculum Classes are usually taught here to teach kits about Clan History, Clan Etiquette, and many other classes.

lio May 22nd, 2023 09:29 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
tiny, fluffy she-cat with red fur and yellow eyes.

Russetpaw sat curled up in the clearing, a disgruntled expression twisting itself onto her face. She looked around with uncertainty blatant in her eyes. Although all of the dens had been fixed up, she still felt... off being here. Like something wasn't right. Like... like she wasn't supposed to be here. Ugh, what an awful feeling.

It was a safe place to live, wasn't it? So why did she feel so off about it?

bubble[error]. May 22nd, 2023 09:33 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

{ Open }

The young Tom summersaulted his way into the new clearing. He had gotten used to using his back legs for help to push himself forward. So this is the new camp. It was gonna take some getting used to but hey, it should be easy, right? The small black tom looked around, his yellow eyes scanning the new landscape around him.

wolfie May 22nd, 2023 09:53 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
「❀」 THE MENACE 「❀」
they | them ✿ fluffy brown cat with darker brown flecks and a stubbed tail; orange eyes ✿
Something sad rested in their heart to know the place they had spent moons in was no longer, a figment of their memory, another event in history. Asterdance has had many names, and many homes. Sometimes, the only place they felt they belong was with their family. Amber eyes flickered across the overgrown clearing. At some point, the term family started to be used for Thunderclan as a whole instead of a select few. It was too complicated to explain - she cared for them all, and maybe that was all that really mattered. Was this healing?

After having created a nest, the bobtail slowly pulled it to the entrance of the Clearing. They were the guard, and that was where their place was. They would fill it back up with the trinkets that had gathered over time. Soon, Asterdance would begin to prepare a hunting patrol .. but right now, their thoughts swarmed about. And they simply guarded.

poppy May 22nd, 2023 10:00 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

The scrawny tortie had felt slightly more confident as of lately. She had a family- a literal family- now, and she now walked into the new camp. This wasn't home. But it also didn't have the terrible memories that she had learned to associate with the old camp. So many cats lost a home, but she gained one the second Asterdance invited her to join their family. Deciding not to bother the cinnamon colored warrior, Fireflykit just sat off to the side, at last content with being alone. She didn't feel sad that she was alone. She felt... more whole now. Less insecure, because she didn't feel like she had to fight anymore. because she didn't, right? She didn't have to fight for love anymore. Because she had found it.

Now... she just needed to find some friends.

[ open ]

PINEGREEN May 23rd, 2023 05:53 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
PinePelt sat down looking at the kit sighing~ i wish i was younger like her~ then he looked away~ old camp looked better he mumbled~hmph~

sol. May 23rd, 2023 06:10 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
Lightningkit looked around, tilting her head. She whined again. Where were her siblings?


Spookez. May 23rd, 2023 05:56 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

When Frogkit Stumbled in, he looked around confused. This new camp looked surely Awful. It didn't look anything like the old camp he knew and loved.

He hated the idea of having to make a new nest All alone again. He didn't have any Parents, so he mostly did everything alone. Not that he was a weak little kit who needed Momi and Papi to come to save them. He was just fine doing everything by himself.

He wanted to do something fun. Something that would get his hopes up. Then, he realized something. What if he climbed to the top of the nursery? That seemed like a fun idea. "Hey everyone!" He yowled out to the small number of cats that filled the clearing. "Look at this!" He yelped, then began to scrape the edge of the nursery cave. Scraping to climb up and get on the top. He fell down a few times, but after a while, he managed to start to slide up. He wasn't anywhere near the top, and he knew it would take him work. But he would try.

Jayvines May 23rd, 2023 09:58 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Large paws padded into the vaguely familiar clearing as Lioncrest shouldered his way through the slightly unkept ferns and brambles that made up their old camp entrance with a pair of voles in his jaws. It had been many moons since he had ventured out to this location, but the feeling of *home* still permeated this space. This was his childhood camp; he was born and raised in this space... While the past destruction was still visible, (a piece of charcoal here, a scorch mark there) he knew it's walls and dens like the back of his paw.

Purposefully walking towards the prey pile, the large golden tom smirked towards a kit working it's way up the wall of the nursery. Some queen was going to have their paws full with that one, but hey, at least they were practicing their climbing skills early.

Depositing his catch, Lioncrest quickly turned and made his way to a sunny spot near the entrance of the camp. He had some bits of foliage caught in his fur from his hunt, and it wouldn't do to have them get tangled up through the rest of the day. No sir; he was a respectable warrior of Thunderclan, not some rogue who cared for nothing but his next meal! With a low, disgruntled chuff, the long-haired tom settled onto his haunches and began to methodically groom out his fur from tip to tail.


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