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-   -   The Divine Right || [p] (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71844)

sock October 30th, 2023 02:13 PM

The Divine Right || [p]
Princess Victoria Orangeleaf
16 || Wavy pastel pink hair and blue eyes, wears a soft yellow frilly dress that falls just to her kneecaps and darker cardigan, brown combat boots

Today, she had to wear a fancy dress. She didn't like today. She tugged at the collar of her light pastel yellow dress (it fell to her feet! How was she expected not to trip over it?), and stepped into high heels, which for the record, were VERY UNCOMFORTABLE. One of the servants carefully lowered a shimmering tiara onto her perfectly styled hair.

Another attempted to coat her lips in a hot pink lipstick, but she swatted the hand away and stepped off her stool. She hated make-up. "You are dismissed," she hissed to the servants, and they scurried away to... wherever the servants went when they weren't serving the family.

With a sigh, she rested a hand on the crystal doorknob that would lead her to her very first royal ball. Everybody in the kingdom had been invited, for it would be Victoria's very first public appearance. As she saw it, it was her father's first time advertising her to rich boys.

And that was probably how her father saw it, too.

Twisting the knob, she stepped out into the party. At first, she was a bit overwhelmed - so many people, packing the enormous ballroom to the brim, the clatter of glasses and the tapping of feet, and over all of that, the booming voices of thousands of people echoing of the tall walls and high ceiling - but, the stimulation quickly died down as soon as she entered the room.

Her face flushed red, and she spoke softly: "Hello."


It had taken over three hours, but the fanfare had finally died down. Victoria had found her way outside, and now she wandered the labyrinth of flowers and bushes under the pale moonlight. She hummed a soft, haunting melody as she picked roses, her tiara glittering in the grass.

It had been broken in half.

She could still hear the party inside, and knew her father would be missing her soon. It was only a matter of time before he sent a soldier to look for her, and she intended to make the best of it.

[ @pumpkinbubble. ]

bubble[error]. October 30th, 2023 02:35 PM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by spookysock (Post 1495178)
Princess Victoria Orangeleaf
16 || Wavy pastel pink hair and blue eyes, wears a soft yellow frilly dress that falls just to her kneecaps and darker cardigan, brown combat boots

Today, she had to wear a fancy dress. She didn't like today. She tugged at the collar of her light pastel yellow dress (it fell to her feet! How was she expected not to trip over it?), and stepped into high heels, which for the record, were VERY UNCOMFORTABLE. One of the servants carefully lowered a shimmering tiara onto her perfectly styled hair.

Another attempted to coat her lips in a hot pink lipstick, but she swatted the hand away and stepped off her stool. She hated make-up. "You are dismissed," she hissed to the servants, and they scurried away to... wherever the servants went when they weren't serving the family.

With a sigh, she rested a hand on the crystal doorknob that would lead her to her very first royal ball. Everybody in the kingdom had been invited, for it would be Victoria's very first public appearance. As she saw it, it was her father's first time advertising her to rich boys.

And that was probably how her father saw it, too.

Twisting the knob, she stepped out into the party. At first, she was a bit overwhelmed - so many people, packing the enormous ballroom to the brim, the clatter of glasses and the tapping of feet, and over all of that, the booming voices of thousands of people echoing of the tall walls and high ceiling - but, the stimulation quickly died down as soon as she entered the room.

Her face flushed red, and she spoke softly: "Hello."


It had taken over three hours, but the fanfare had finally died down. Victoria had found her way outside, and now she wandered the labyrinth of flowers and bushes under the pale moonlight. She hummed a soft, haunting melody as she picked roses, her tiara glittering in the grass.

It had been broken in half.

She could still hear the party inside, and knew her father would be missing her soon. It was only a matter of time before he sent a soldier to look for her, and she intended to make the best of it.

[ @pumpkinbubble. ]

~~ Alyssa Holmes - 19 Years Old - Famous Detective ~~
A tall white girl with full gray eyes, long dark brown hair. Wears a black shirt and blue jeans with a long brown detective cloak (hates it and is usually seen without it) and black shoes.

(Alyssa is actually the perfect person for Victoria to get help with escaping the kingdom because Alyssa will know the area around the kingdom and a way to a safe place to rest because she travels a lot. She is the most helpful. But it will take some serious convincing. And also Victoria may have seen Alyssa before but they have never talked face to face because the queen and king didn't want to. You can decide the real reason)

Royal balls. The royal family in general. Everything to do with royalty. She rather didn't trust it and didn't like it either.

Alyssa had a reputation. She was a famous detective and was well-known throughout the world. So being hired by high end people should be amazing, right? Dead. WRONG.

Alyssa had a problem with high end people. She usually argued with their claims, got distracted easily, and overall just didn't do very well with orders that weren't from her mother or normal people. The princess? That was a whole new cam of worms.

Princess Victoria always fascinated Alyssa in some way. Even though she was never seen in public, ever, Alyssa got opportunities to see the girl in person. While that girl was never allowed to speak with her, the detective had seen her a few times. Although the queen and king did everything in their power to make sure they never met face-to-face. And that bugged Alyssa. Why did they not want her to meet the princess? What does the princess have that the royal family doesn't want her to know? Why was she never allowed in public? This mystery was tugging her. And she needed to solve it.

Alyssa had been invited to the royal ball as a special guest. Of course she accepted it like everyone expected her to. But that meant she had to wear a dress and look pretty? Nope. Just as bad, she needed to wear her detective cloak. And have so much unnecessary stuff on her. And Alyssa was the center of attention until the princess showed up. Yup. I need to know more.

After about 3 hours, Alyssa finally pushed her way through the crowd and left the palace, exploring the palace grounds and gardens. Flowers brought Alyssa peace. She wasn't sure why, but they just did. Taking off her cloak and putting it on her shoulder, a glittering caught her attention in the grass nearby. It was a broken tiara. It's Victoria's. I saw her wearing it at the ball. Alyssa wasn't allowed to speak with the princess during the ball, and that bugged her. If the princess's tiara is here, then she must be close... Alyssa stood up, picking up the broken crown, and looking around.

sock October 31st, 2023 07:06 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by pumpkinbubble. (Post 1495190)

~~ Alyssa Holmes - 19 Years Old - Famous Detective ~~
A tall white girl with full gray eyes, long dark brown hair. Wears a black shirt and blue jeans with a long brown detective cloak (hates it and is usually seen without it) and black shoes.

(Alyssa is actually the perfect person for Victoria to get help with escaping the kingdom because Alyssa will know the area around the kingdom and a way to a safe place to rest because she travels a lot. She is the most helpful. But it will take some serious convincing. And also Victoria may have seen Alyssa before but they have never talked face to face because the queen and king didn't want to. You can decide the real reason)

Royal balls. The royal family in general. Everything to do with royalty. She rather didn't trust it and didn't like it either.

Alyssa had a reputation. She was a famous detective and was well-known throughout the world. So being hired by high end people should be amazing, right? Dead. WRONG.

Alyssa had a problem with high end people. She usually argued with their claims, got distracted easily, and overall just didn't do very well with orders that weren't from her mother or normal people. The princess? That was a whole new cam of worms.

Princess Victoria always fascinated Alyssa in some way. Even though she was never seen in public, ever, Alyssa got opportunities to see the girl in person. While that girl was never allowed to speak with her, the detective had seen her a few times. Although the queen and king did everything in their power to make sure they never met face-to-face. And that bugged Alyssa. Why did they not want her to meet the princess? What does the princess have that the royal family doesn't want her to know? Why was she never allowed in public? This mystery was tugging her. And she needed to solve it.

Alyssa had been invited to the royal ball as a special guest. Of course she accepted it like everyone expected her to. But that meant she had to wear a dress and look pretty? Nope. Just as bad, she needed to wear her detective cloak. And have so much unnecessary stuff on her. And Alyssa was the center of attention until the princess showed up. Yup. I need to know more.

After about 3 hours, Alyssa finally pushed her way through the crowd and left the palace, exploring the palace grounds and gardens. Flowers brought Alyssa peace. She wasn't sure why, but they just did. Taking off her cloak and putting it on her shoulder, a glittering caught her attention in the grass nearby. It was a broken tiara. It's Victoria's. I saw her wearing it at the ball. Alyssa wasn't allowed to speak with the princess during the ball, and that bugged her. If the princess's tiara is here, then she must be close... Alyssa stood up, picking up the broken crown, and looking around.

Just a few hedgerows away, Victoria's humming had snowballed into full-on singing.

"Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above
Don't fence me in
Let me ride through the wide open country that I love
Don't fence me in

Let me be by myself in the evenin' breeze
And listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees
Send me off forever, but I ask you please
Don't fence me in

Just turn me loose
Let me straddle my old saddle
Underneath the Western skies

Let me wander over yonder
Till I see the mountains rise

I want to ride to the ridge where the West commences
And gaze at the moon till I lose my senses
And I can't look at hovels and I can't stand fences
Don't fence me in

Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above
Don't fence me in
Let me ride through the wide country that I love
Don't fence me in

I want to ride to the ridge where the West commences
And gaze at the moon 'til I lose my senses
I can't look at hobbles and I can't stand fences
Don't fence me in

No, papa, don't fence me in."

She stood twirling a white rose between her fingers, body stiffened against the freezing breeze. Her silk white gloves had been coated in dirt, and she'd kicked off her high heels a few hedgerows back. Victoria began the song over again, gazing off into the horizon.

She wondered what it was like to be the moon, up above so high. All alone, not free to go wherever it liked, forever surveying a kingdom of subjects that it barely knew.

Victoria frowned.

She was the moon.

bubble[error]. October 31st, 2023 07:42 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by spookysock (Post 1495459)
Just a few hedgerows away, Victoria's humming had snowballed into full-on singing.

"Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above
Don't fence me in
Let me ride through the wide open country that I love
Don't fence me in

Let me be by myself in the evenin' breeze
And listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees
Send me off forever, but I ask you please
Don't fence me in

Just turn me loose
Let me straddle my old saddle
Underneath the Western skies

Let me wander over yonder
Till I see the mountains rise

I want to ride to the ridge where the West commences
And gaze at the moon till I lose my senses
And I can't look at hovels and I can't stand fences
Don't fence me in

Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above
Don't fence me in
Let me ride through the wide country that I love
Don't fence me in

I want to ride to the ridge where the West commences
And gaze at the moon 'til I lose my senses
I can't look at hobbles and I can't stand fences
Don't fence me in

No, papa, don't fence me in."

She stood twirling a white rose between her fingers, body stiffened against the freezing breeze. Her silk white gloves had been coated in dirt, and she'd kicked off her high heels a few hedgerows back. Victoria began the song over again, gazing off into the horizon.

She wondered what it was like to be the moon, up above so high. All alone, not free to go wherever it liked, forever surveying a kingdom of subjects that it barely knew.

Victoria frowned.

She was the moon.

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

Alyssa heard singing nearby, and her detective brain clicked in, and she followed it. And not too long after that, she found the princess. Oh my... She is... She is amazing.

Victoria sounded so good as a singer, she twirled, although she wasn't wearing the gloves and high heels Alyssa remembered her wearing at the ball. I don't care if I get in trouble. The others can go suck blood for all I care. She approached the princess, still holding the broken crown.

*ahem* She found herself clearing her throat. "Hello. You must be Princess Victoria. It's nice to see you face to face for once. I'm Alyssa Holmes." She fidgeted with the broken crown in her hands, feeling slightly nervous.

sock October 31st, 2023 07:53 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by pumpkinbubble. (Post 1495478)

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

Alyssa heard singing nearby, and her detective brain clicked in, and she followed it. And not too long after that, she found the princess. Oh my... She is... She is amazing.

Victoria sounded so good as a singer, she twirled, although she wasn't wearing the gloves and high heels Alyssa remembered her wearing at the ball. I don't care if I get in trouble. The others can go suck blood for all I care. She approached the princess, still holding the broken crown.

*ahem* She found herself clearing her throat. "Hello. You must be Princess Victoria. It's nice to see you face to face for once. I'm Alyssa Holmes." She fidgeted with the broken crown in her hands, feeling slightly nervous.

Victoria froze, facing away from the girl who'd spoken to her. She hadn't used any of the rules for greeting a royal - but then again, she didn't really care. The princess turned carefully to face her, eyes wide. She'd never spoken to a commoner before, and to be frank, she had no idea how. Father had always told her that they were not to be trusted, and that they were street scum with no worth.

But Victoria didn't believe that. She knew that everyone was good, deep down inside. She smiled, curtsying. "Yes, that would be me. Shouldn't you be enjoying the ball?" she asked, tilting her head.

bubble[error]. October 31st, 2023 07:57 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by spookysock (Post 1495482)
Victoria froze, facing away from the girl who'd spoken to her. She hadn't used any of the rules for greeting a royal - but then again, she didn't really care. The princess turned carefully to face her, eyes wide. She'd never spoken to a commoner before, and to be frank, she had no idea how. Father had always told her that they were not to be trusted, and that they were street scum with no worth.

But Victoria didn't believe that. She knew that everyone was good, deep down inside. She smiled, curtsying. "Yes, that would be me. Shouldn't you be enjoying the ball?" she asked, tilting her head.

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

Alyssa stared at the princess as she spoke to her. "Balls bore me. I don't know why your parents invited me, I'm not from here. Probably because I was involved in helping catch someone who tried to kill the king like two weeks ago." She said, glancing at the crown. "I travel a lot, I'm a detective for hire, so I don't like fancy stuff. And I think I can tell you don't like being a princess."

She didn't care if it was rude. She was speaking the truth. Victoria didn't like being a princess. It was clear as day. Why else would she be here and not in the ball? Alyssa dropped the broken crown and shoved it into the grass. "And that's ok with me."

sock October 31st, 2023 08:28 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by pumpkinbubble. (Post 1495485)

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

Alyssa stared at the princess as she spoke to her. "Balls bore me. I don't know why your parents invited me, I'm not from here. Probably because I was involved in helping catch someone who tried to kill the king like two weeks ago." She said, glancing at the crown. "I travel a lot, I'm a detective for hire, so I don't like fancy stuff. And I think I can tell you don't like being a princess."

She didn't care if it was rude. She was speaking the truth. Victoria didn't like being a princess. It was clear as day. Why else would she be here and not in the ball? Alyssa dropped the broken crown and shoved it into the grass. "And that's ok with me."

Victoria had never met somebody so... blunt. The raw truth that laced what this girl said made her a bit uncomfortable. Was it that obvious? She shook her head. "No, that's... that's not true," she said, trying to deny it. "I love being a princess."

bubble[error]. October 31st, 2023 08:41 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by spookysock (Post 1495516)
Victoria had never met somebody so... blunt. The raw truth that laced what this girl said made her a bit uncomfortable. Was it that obvious? She shook her head. "No, that's... that's not true," she said, trying to deny it. "I love being a princess."

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

(If Victoria wants to escape the kingdom, she needs to stop Alyssa from leaving right now or she may lose her only chance)

Alyssa raised an eyebrow at Victoria as she tried to deny it. "Victoria... There is a reason I am one of the best detective in the world. I can read people's mind by just staring at them. I don't like using, and I almost never use it. But I can read people's faces as well. And their voices. How you are out here instead of in the ball, your broken crown, how you are dirty, it's enough for me. I don't need to scan your face. It's almost too obvious to see you don't like being royalty. At least it's obvious for me."

She wondered why this girl hasn't ran away already. She could easily. But... Actually no it wouldn't be easy. Oh well. "Well, I won't be making you feel uncomfortable anymore. I need to get out of here, and go off into the world more. It was great to talk to you, Victoria. You are someone that I am impressed with." She turned and started walking away.

sock October 31st, 2023 08:47 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by pumpkinbubble. (Post 1495532)

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

(If Victoria wants to escape the kingdom, she needs to stop Alyssa from leaving right now or she may lose her only chance)

Alyssa raised an eyebrow at Victoria as she tried to deny it. "Victoria... There is a reason I am one of the best detective in the world. I can read people's mind by just staring at them. I don't like using, and I almost never use it. But I can read people's faces as well. And their voices. How you are out here instead of in the ball, your broken crown, how you are dirty, it's enough for me. I don't need to scan your face. It's almost too obvious to see you don't like being royalty. At least it's obvious for me."

She wondered why this girl hasn't ran away already. She could easily. But... Actually no it wouldn't be easy. Oh well. "Well, I won't be making you feel uncomfortable anymore. I need to get out of here, and go off into the world more. It was great to talk to you, Victoria. You are someone that I am impressed with." She turned and started walking away.

On impulse, Victoria stepped forward and grabbed Alyssa's sleeve. "Wait," she said quickly, glancing around. "The guards will be out soon. To look for me. Can you... help me? Run away?" she asked quickly, and a little bit desperately. "Please."

She hated having to beg and plead with a commoner.

bubble[error]. October 31st, 2023 08:56 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by spookysock (Post 1495540)
On impulse, Victoria stepped forward and grabbed Alyssa's sleeve. "Wait," she said quickly, glancing around. "The guards will be out soon. To look for me. Can you... help me? Run away?" she asked quickly, and a little bit desperately. "Please."

She hated having to beg and plead with a commoner.

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

Alyssa felt her sleeve be grabbed. She looked back, slightly jerking her body. "What?" She stared at the princess. She wanted her help to escape? "You want me to help you escape the kingdom? Right now?" Alyssa looked left and right. The coast was clear... Was she really going to do this?

"If I'm going to do this, you need to be in a different outfit. Quick. Follow me." She started walking fast towards some heavy hedges.

sock October 31st, 2023 08:58 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by pumpkinbubble. (Post 1495551)

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

Alyssa felt her sleeve be grabbed. She looked back, slightly jerking her body. "What?" She stared at the princess. She wanted her help to escape? "You want me to help you escape the kingdom? Right now?" Alyssa looked left and right. The coast was clear... Was she really going to do this?

"If I'm going to do this, you need to be in a different outfit. Quick. Follow me." She started walking fast towards some heavy hedges.

Victoria ran after her.


bubble[error]. October 31st, 2023 09:05 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by spookysock (Post 1495554)
Victoria ran after her.


~~Alyssa Holmes~~

Alyssa glanced at Victoria as she followed, and flinched. Jeez, she was so unsure about this...

"Ok. I always bring a bag full of other clothes in case I need to make myself look different. Here. Look through it and quickly get it on. I won't look." She set the bag down and went outside the hedges to watch for other people. I really hope this works...

sock October 31st, 2023 09:16 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by pumpkinbubble. (Post 1495565)

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

Alyssa glanced at Victoria as she followed, and flinched. Jeez, she was so unsure about this...

"Ok. I always bring a bag full of other clothes in case I need to make myself look different. Here. Look through it and quickly get it on. I won't look." She set the bag down and went outside the hedges to watch for other people. I really hope this works...

Oooh, she'd always wanted to dress as a commoner! Victoria dug through the bag. Eventually, she pulled out a black crop top, high-rise jean shorts, and some boots.


bubble[error]. October 31st, 2023 09:20 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by spookysock (Post 1495576)
Oooh, she'd always wanted to dress as a commoner! Victoria dug through the bag. Eventually, she pulled out a black crop top, high-rise jean shorts, and some boots.


~~Alyssa Holmes~~

(It would kind of convenient if the guards started looking now...)

Alyssa could see some people nearby when she heard Victoria say she was done. She walked back into the hedge and smiled at her. "Perfect. I saw people nearby. I don't see guards yet. But it's only a matter of time. Come."

She picked up her bag and started walking through the garden. She wasn't heading for the normal way out, she was heading for a secret way out that she had made herself in case the king and queen got mad at her and she needed a quick way to escape.

sock October 31st, 2023 09:23 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by pumpkinbubble. (Post 1495587)

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

(It would kind of convenient if the guards started looking now...)

Alyssa could see some people nearby when she heard Victoria say she was done. She walked back into the hedge and smiled at her. "Perfect. I saw people nearby. I don't see guards yet. But it's only a matter of time. Come."

She picked up her bag and started walking through the garden. She wasn't heading for the normal way out, she was heading for a secret way out that she had made herself in case the king and queen got mad at her and she needed a quick way to escape.

(Ah, yes, ofc)

Victoria heard something nearby. It sounded like her name. As it got closer, she could also make out the clanking of armor. "Ah! Go quicker!" she whispered, glancing around anxiously.

bubble[error]. October 31st, 2023 09:29 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by spookysock (Post 1495592)
(Ah, yes, ofc)

Victoria heard something nearby. It sounded like her name. As it got closer, she could also make out the clanking of armor. "Ah! Go quicker!" she whispered, glancing around anxiously.

~~Alyssa Holmes~~


Alyssa glanced up at the sound. Then Victoria panicked slightly, and that was enough for her to know what that sound was. They've already started looking for her? Darn, that was quick. She grabbed Victoria's wrist and started walking faster toward the secret way out.

Finally they made it. Alyssa helped Victoria get through the hole in the large hedge bordering the garden and jumped out herself. They still had to get past the main walls. "There's no way we can walk out the main gate. They'll recognize you for sure." Alyssa guessed that the guards would know Victoria as soon as they saw her. So it was too dangerous. Unless... "I have an idea."

She pulled the girl over to the big walls. "How much can I change of your appearance? Will you wear like a hood? If I can block your face, we might be able to walk out, but it's a risk. I do know someone in this kingdom who might be able to help..."

sock October 31st, 2023 10:03 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by pumpkinbubble. (Post 1495597)

~~Alyssa Holmes~~


Alyssa glanced up at the sound. Then Victoria panicked slightly, and that was enough for her to know what that sound was. They've already started looking for her? Darn, that was quick. She grabbed Victoria's wrist and started walking faster toward the secret way out.

Finally they made it. Alyssa helped Victoria get through the hole in the large hedge bordering the garden and jumped out herself. They still had to get past the main walls. "There's no way we can walk out the main gate. They'll recognize you for sure." Alyssa guessed that the guards would know Victoria as soon as they saw her. So it was too dangerous. Unless... "I have an idea."

She pulled the girl over to the big walls. "How much can I change of your appearance? Will you wear like a hood? If I can block your face, we might be able to walk out, but it's a risk. I do know someone in this kingdom who might be able to help..."

"Do whatever, just get me out of here!"

bubble[error]. October 31st, 2023 10:12 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by spookysock (Post 1495617)
"Do whatever, just get me out of here!"

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

Alyssa grabbed Victoria's wrist again and pulled her with her as she ran, not caring if they were spotted. Because once they were in the forest, they would never catch the two.

She ran fast, and was pretty sure she was dragging the princess with her. She hissed a yes as they got closer to the gate. It was open still! They could make it! "Hey! Close that gate!" Someone yelled, and the metal gate started shutting. Guards are on us!

When she was close enough, Alyssa thrust Victoria in front of her. "Go now! I'm right behind you!" When Victoria did run across, the gate was almost closed. Alyssa got really close to the gate and, before it shut, she slid perfectly under it. It shut just inches from her hair as she went under it. Wasting no time, she stood up and grabbed Victoria's wrist again and ran off into the dark woods.

sock October 31st, 2023 11:52 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by pumpkinbubble. (Post 1495620)

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

Alyssa grabbed Victoria's wrist again and pulled her with her as she ran, not caring if they were spotted. Because once they were in the forest, they would never catch the two.

She ran fast, and was pretty sure she was dragging the princess with her. She hissed a yes as they got closer to the gate. It was open still! They could make it! "Hey! Close that gate!" Someone yelled, and the metal gate started shutting. Guards are on us!

When she was close enough, Alyssa thrust Victoria in front of her. "Go now! I'm right behind you!" When Victoria did run across, the gate was almost closed. Alyssa got really close to the gate and, before it shut, she slid perfectly under it. It shut just inches from her hair as she went under it. Wasting no time, she stood up and grabbed Victoria's wrist again and ran off into the dark woods.

Victoria screamed as the two ran, unsure of what was happening, eyes wide. She was horrified of what her father would do if he found her - and she hoped she'd never find out. Victoria was basically unconscious, just barely able to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

bubble[error]. October 31st, 2023 11:53 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by spookysock (Post 1495677)
Victoria screamed as the two ran, unsure of what was happening, eyes wide. She was horrified of what her father would do if he found her - and she hoped she'd never find out. Victoria was basically unconscious, just barely able to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

Alyssa realized that Victoria was pretty much not awake, and after a long while of running, she stopped and let go of her wrist. "You can rest here. I'll keep watch." She said, nodding to a large tree she could lean against.

sock October 31st, 2023 11:58 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by pumpkinbubble. (Post 1495680)

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

Alyssa realized that Victoria was pretty much not awake, and after a long while of running, she stopped and let go of her wrist. "You can rest here. I'll keep watch." She said, nodding to a large tree she could lean against.

Victoria sighed, leaning against the tree with her shoulder. "Oh... wow," she panted, "I... can't believe... I'm... doing this!"

bubble[error]. October 31st, 2023 12:01 PM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by spookysock (Post 1495687)
Victoria sighed, leaning against the tree with her shoulder. "Oh... wow," she panted, "I... can't believe... I'm... doing this!"

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

Alyssa smirked at Victoria as she spoke. "Adrenaline pumping? Never ran like that in your life, have you? If you are thirsty or hungry, I have food in my backpack. We can stay here for now, but I'm not sleeping. You can if you want." She glanced at the sky. The moon was about an hour away from going down. Alyssa yawned, her own adrenaline started to fade, and the pain in her body and hunger started to bite her. No. I can't rest. Holy crap, I really helped a princess escape her own kingdom.

"Question for you. Why did you want to escape anyway? What stopped you from doing it yourself?"

sock October 31st, 2023 12:37 PM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by pumpkinbubble. (Post 1495689)

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

Alyssa smirked at Victoria as she spoke. "Adrenaline pumping? Never ran like that in your life, have you? If you are thirsty or hungry, I have food in my backpack. We can stay here for now, but I'm not sleeping. You can if you want." She glanced at the sky. The moon was about an hour away from going down. Alyssa yawned, her own adrenaline started to fade, and the pain in her body and hunger started to bite her. No. I can't rest. Holy crap, I really helped a princess escape her own kingdom.

"Question for you. Why did you want to escape anyway? What stopped you from doing it yourself?"

Victoria sunk to the ground, arms crossed. She looked at Alyssa with a thoughtful gaze as she braided her pink hair. "I'm always under such heavy guard, back at the castle... Daddy never lets me go anywhere without a soldier. I'd snuck out, at the ball. They'll be looking for me. You can leave now, if you want... I don't want to put you in danger."

Victoria knew damn well she wouldn't survive five seconds without Alyssa's help. But she also knew that this girl was in increasing danger every second she helped the young princess with this epic escape.

bubble[error]. October 31st, 2023 12:52 PM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by spookysock (Post 1495716)
Victoria sunk to the ground, arms crossed. She looked at Alyssa with a thoughtful gaze as she braided her pink hair. "I'm always under such heavy guard, back at the castle... Daddy never lets me go anywhere without a soldier. I'd snuck out, at the ball. They'll be looking for me. You can leave now, if you want... I don't want to put you in danger."

Victoria knew damn well she wouldn't survive five seconds without Alyssa's help. But she also knew that this girl was in increasing danger every second she helped the young princess with this epic escape.

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

Alyssa held her head, feeling a headache slam into her brain. She glanced at Victoria. "Can you survive on your own? I don't think so. I need to at least get you somewhere where people there won't recognize you as a princess. I can at least teach you the basic survival tips to survive on your own. But we need to get as far away from here as possible. They will only survey the land outside the kingdom by so many yards. They will give up soon. Your parents are sneaky. It's another reason why I don't like royalty. They can control people and no one questions it. But not me. If I was like anyone else, I would have turned you in right away. But-ow!"

Alyssa flinched in pain, her head throbbing. "N-never mind. We... We got to move." She could hear the sound of horses nearby. "Follow. There's a cave nearby that we can stay in for the night. They won't search there." She led the way to the cave. The cave was rather small, but it was wet, dirty, and dark. It had a few tunnels.

Alyssa pushed herself against the far wall of the cave, hands on her face, letting a low moan escape her lips. Her head was throbbing more. My head feels like it's going to split open... Why am I feeling like I smashed my head against something hard? Did a part of the gate pull some of my hair off of my scalp and the pain is coming? I-OW!! She sank to the floor, hands moving to her head, eyes scrunched shut. Gosh, everything hurts...

sock November 2nd, 2023 07:04 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by bubblegum. (Post 1495728)

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

Alyssa held her head, feeling a headache slam into her brain. She glanced at Victoria. "Can you survive on your own? I don't think so. I need to at least get you somewhere where people there won't recognize you as a princess. I can at least teach you the basic survival tips to survive on your own. But we need to get as far away from here as possible. They will only survey the land outside the kingdom by so many yards. They will give up soon. Your parents are sneaky. It's another reason why I don't like royalty. They can control people and no one questions it. But not me. If I was like anyone else, I would have turned you in right away. But-ow!"

Alyssa flinched in pain, her head throbbing. "N-never mind. We... We got to move." She could hear the sound of horses nearby. "Follow. There's a cave nearby that we can stay in for the night. They won't search there." She led the way to the cave. The cave was rather small, but it was wet, dirty, and dark. It had a few tunnels.

Alyssa pushed herself against the far wall of the cave, hands on her face, letting a low moan escape her lips. Her head was throbbing more. My head feels like it's going to split open... Why am I feeling like I smashed my head against something hard? Did a part of the gate pull some of my hair off of my scalp and the pain is coming? I-OW!! She sank to the floor, hands moving to her head, eyes scrunched shut. Gosh, everything hurts...

"Are you okay?" Victoria asked as she wandered into the cave.

(i'm tired, next post might be longer)

bubble[error]. November 2nd, 2023 07:32 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by spookysock (Post 1496712)
"Are you okay?" Victoria asked as she wandered into the cave.

(i'm tired, next post might be longer)

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

(That's ok)

Alyssa felt a tear roll down her face. She glanced up at Victoria when she asked if she was ok. "My head... It feels like it's gonna split open... I don't know why... Maybe the gate pulled some of my hair off my head when I pulled away from it... I don't know..." She rubbed her head, eyes closing again. "I'll be fine..."

sock November 2nd, 2023 07:45 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by bubblegum. (Post 1496726)

~~Alyssa Holmes~~

(That's ok)

Alyssa felt a tear roll down her face. She glanced up at Victoria when she asked if she was ok. "My head... It feels like it's gonna split open... I don't know why... Maybe the gate pulled some of my hair off my head when I pulled away from it... I don't know..." She rubbed her head, eyes closing again. "I'll be fine..."

"Turn around, let me check," she suggested.

(i swear to god, if this guy asks me if i watch anime ONE MORE TIME, i'm gonna punch him.)

bubble[error]. November 2nd, 2023 07:49 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by spookysock (Post 1496733)
"Turn around, let me check," she suggested.

(i swear to god, if this guy asks me if i watch anime ONE MORE TIME, i'm gonna punch him.)

*Alyssa grumbled slightly but turned around anyway*

*Some small chunks of her hair were missing, and there was a little blood staining her hair*

(Lol. Also sorry for the short post)

sock November 2nd, 2023 07:55 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by bubblegum. (Post 1496738)

*Alyssa grumbled slightly but turned around anyway*

*Some small chunks of her hair were missing, and there was a little blood staining her hair*

(Lol. Also sorry for the short post)

Victoria frowned. "Yes, it looks like that's what happened. I... think you'll be fine?"

bubble[error]. November 2nd, 2023 07:56 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by spookysock (Post 1496746)
Victoria frowned. "Yes, it looks like that's what happened. I... think you'll be fine?"

*Alyssa felt her head and saw the blood*

"I'll be fine. Let's just stay here for now. I need to do something about my head..."

*She pulls out her first aid kit and digs through it*

sock November 2nd, 2023 08:51 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by bubblegum. (Post 1496747)

*Alyssa felt her head and saw the blood*

"I'll be fine. Let's just stay here for now. I need to do something about my head..."

*She pulls out her first aid kit and digs through it*

"Okay," she said, sitting on the cold stone floor.

bubble[error]. November 2nd, 2023 08:52 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by spookysock (Post 1496789)
"Okay," she said, sitting on the cold stone floor.

*Alyssa asked what she wanted to do now that she was free from her stupid parents*

(Who shall be captured by the king and queen? Alyssa? Victoria?)

sock November 2nd, 2023 08:57 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by bubblegum. (Post 1496790)

*Alyssa asked what she wanted to do now that she was free from her stupid parents*

(Who shall be captured by the king and queen? Alyssa? Victoria?)

(Victoria, i think)

Victoria thought for a moment. "I guess... travel the world," she said with a smile.

bubble[error]. November 2nd, 2023 09:29 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by sock (Post 1496797)
(Victoria, i think)

Victoria thought for a moment. "I guess... travel the world," she said with a smile.

(And then Alyssa can rescue her!)

*Alyssa smiled back*

"That's what I do all the time."

sock November 2nd, 2023 11:09 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by bubblegum. (Post 1496838)

(And then Alyssa can rescue her!)

*Alyssa smiled back*

"That's what I do all the time."

Victoria sighed in adoration. "I can hardly imagine how amazing that must be..."

bubble[error]. November 2nd, 2023 11:10 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by sock (Post 1496912)
Victoria sighed in adoration. "I can hardly imagine how amazing that must be..."

*Alyssa smiled and asked if she wanted to know about some of her adventures*

sock November 2nd, 2023 11:16 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by bubblegum. (Post 1496913)

*Alyssa smiled and asked if she wanted to know about some of her adventures*

Victoria beamed. "Oh, yes please!!"

bubble[error]. November 2nd, 2023 11:16 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by sock (Post 1496919)
Victoria beamed. "Oh, yes please!!"

(want a long post or a small one?)

sock November 2nd, 2023 11:23 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by bubblegum. (Post 1496922)

(want a long post or a small one?)


bubble[error]. November 2nd, 2023 11:42 AM

Re: The Divine Right || [p]

Originally Posted by sock (Post 1496933)

(Alright long text coming right up)

"Sit comfortably, Victoria. I have quite a story to tell..."

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