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Eaglet March 4th, 2023 04:47 PM

March Gathering
Please wait for your respective Clan leader or deputy to post before you arrive!



[announcement ] [/announcement ]
Make sure you close the brackets for your post coding!

Roleplayers, feel free to have your cats react to what the leaders are saying!
You can search #announcement in this thread to find all the high rank posts you get to respond to!

[ @Undertaker, @canineantics, @Estelle, @Moonraven, @NinjaBloss ]

Eaglet March 4th, 2023 04:48 PM

Re: March Gathering

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

His paws scraped against the snow with a cadence in his gait. His legs were lacquered white. They were being restricted by the layers of snow. In the middle of thick bands of dark gray clouds, his ears were greeted by their roars and lightning crackles. He led Thunderclan forward, tentatively moving forward toward the assembly point. To put it simply, he was utterly terrified. He wasn't Sparrowstar or Cindersky. Although he couldn't believe it, being promoted to leader so soon was very worrying. He didn't want to come out as childish or just plain crazy-witted. When walking through the deep snow, the bare, cold frost reached his flesh. They encountered layers upon layers, but he didn't mind. Once he encountered the slightly warmer temps of the shore, he jittered out his fur. His turquoise eyes took a glimpse at his clan, which was in a bleak area. On this occasion, they were all aware of their status with Shadowclan. "Don't make a fuss Thunderclan." He strolled in the direction of the roost where leaders sat.

He was unable to express his concern about the circumstances. Yet he had never previously released statements. And being near superior cats. Superior enough to grant them the favor of the Starclan. He sighed and climbed the big boulder with soft, springy steps. The surface of the powdery snow covering the leader's perch, which could be effortlessly traversed by his paws alone, was met. Thank goodness the King of the Storms hadn't embarrassed himself coming up here. The other clan heads now needed first impressions. He wondered what their responses would be to Sparrowstar's disappearance. Would they have mercy on her and even give her disappearance any thought? Or contrast them to see their actual hues. Naturally, leaders were free to tell any untruth they wished throughout the conference. Would he tell lies? No. He hasn't even been given a name or appointed a deputy.

Being in this location made it a little dull. He may build Thunderclan more rapidly the sooner the gathering is over. He turned to face the direction he expected the other clans to be. Hopefully, there won't be any mischief during this gathering. Trouble has been brewing for Thunderclan, especially with Shadowclan. Perhaps Starclan would bless him with this gathering if his clan didn't create an uproar. He wished. He got a bird's-eye view of his clan below from above. Where there are snow-covered stacks covering the limbs of the trees on the horizon. Creating a very peaceful environment. Of course, there would be many imperfections and terrible things that may occur despite being elevated. Of course, he was inquisitive, but from his exterior, he had a terrible appearance. With his fur in a mess, he was unprepared for the situation. But, he did attempt a couple of times. He carefully awaited the start of the gathering as the thunderous roars of the sky persisted. Naturally, he didn't make a single facial movement, leaving his face expressionless.

Thunderclan Has Arrived

Karlos March 4th, 2023 04:58 PM

Re: March Gathering
– owlbranch ;
; he/him | 70 moons.
--he was worried, worried, worried. as he padded towards the seastones behind the deputy- no, now leader- thrushfur, owlbranch couldn't help but tuck himself smaller. head hanging low, his eyes darted back and forth. now seemed like the perfect time for someone to do something. shadowclan? riverclan? they could overthrow thrushfur at any moment, if they all banded together. then what? the medicine cats would have to pick someone worthy to lead their clan… who would that be?

owlbranch dug himself into a deeper hole, eyes creased with anxiety and weariness. the fur on the back of his neck begun to spike up as he sat in front of the seastones, eyes trained on a small pebble lodged into the dirt – like thunderclan, and how it almost always seemed to be one with chaos.
– #7

SpiritedWarrior March 4th, 2023 05:03 PM

Re: March Gathering

ThunderClan had faced a lot of problems since the last Gathering, and some she didn't like to face. They were challenges no one liked to face, but had to at some point in their lives. Of course... it didn't helped that ThunderClan faced said problems more often than the others. I suppose it gets worse before it gets better. she shrugged and slowly, carefully made her way to the Seastones next to her father as he led the way.

For once, they were the first to arrive. And Thrushfur was just as jumpy as an excited apprentice- except he wasn't excited. "You'll do great. I know it." she nodded before finding a good viewpoint to sit down at and wait for her mate to arrive. Oh, stars... don't let this whole Gathering turn to utter chaos. And- please, PLEASE make this easy on all of us.

"Sootfur! Over here, darling!" she called softly over the heads of her Clanmates, searching for her gray tabby furrever friend.

Toya Todoroki March 4th, 2023 05:14 PM

Re: March Gathering
Spikystalker loafed in a shaded corner

Apollo. March 4th, 2023 05:49 PM

Re: March Gathering
^ Robinpaw ^
( Open / @Yugo. @Faline - guessing that their bros are at the gathering too. )

The walk from camp to the sea- the sea.. the searocks? Seaboulders? The seasomethin’orother- was much longer then what Robinpaw had thought, but that was okay! It was Robinpaw’s first time out of Thunderclan territory, stars, his first time in parts of the territory too, so he made sure to investigate everything, and when I say everything, I mean everything. Pebbles, twigs, frozen streams, interesting trees, everything. And, you wanna know what made it even more cool? ITS SNOWING!! Sure, Robinpaw had spent might of her life around snow and rain, but snow was just fun! At one point in the travel she had stopped to try and catch some snowflakes in his mouth, but she was swiftly yelled at by a warrior after drifting behind in the group, that was a bit mean of the warrior, but who cares! It’s his first gathering, and they were finally here!
The Seastones! there we go!

Robinpaw’s mouth hung open, and a soft “woah..” escaped from their breath. He could tell why they called it the Seastones now, because well- there’s the sea, and those are MASSIVE stones! Seaboulders would’ve been such a better name though. Robinpaw had slowed now, just looking around at the beach. His gaze shifted between it all, the patchy snow, the sand, the waves, the stones BOULDERS, and.. hang on a second.. what in the stars is that?? THERE WAS SOMETHING ON THE SAND. “GHOSTPAW! BONEPAW! GET YOUR BUTTS OVER HERE.” his meow was loud, very loud, just like them, as she called out for his brothers, “Something’s moving on the beach.” they pointed with their tail at the weird thing, which, like what Robinpaw said, had started moving. The other Thunderclanners didn’t seem to notice, or really care about the thing, as they all began flooding the beach, but that didn’t mean that Robinpaw wasn’t curious as heck about it. Screw the gathering, this was more important. The quest of curiosity!!

[...it’s a crab.]

lio March 4th, 2023 09:58 PM

Re: March Gathering
messy-furred brown she-cat with heterochromia.

Gentledoe strolled after her Clanmates, bicolored eyes glimmering with excitement. Oh, how she loved the Gatherings! Although the amount of cats left an anxious twist in her gut, she knew that Gatherings (should) be a safe place to be. No fighting, only a truce amongst the Clans. Hopefully. As long as everything went right. Although things hadn't seemed to go right for many days, with Sparrowstar's disappearance. Oh dear, oh dear. What would the other Clans say to Thrushfur now being the leader of ThunderClan? How troublesome.

Shaking her head to clear it of worrisome thoughts, the messy-furred she-cat made her way toward the edge of the clearing as sat down, waiting patiently for the other Clans to arrive. Oh, hopefully it wouldn't take too long. Gentledoe was quite cold, a barely-noticeable shiver wracking up her spine. She quietly hoped for new-leaf to approach faster.
[ open ]

wren March 4th, 2023 10:04 PM

Re: March Gathering

Rabbitchatter | He/Him
Large long furred brown tabby tom with one white paw

Rabbitchatter fell in the middle of the pack, punching his way through wind battered snow alongside his clanmates. Who ranged multiple different emotions, fear, anxiety, rage and even some wishing for some kind of altercation. He couldn’t help but feel the prickly feeling of discomfort in his paws. Any interactions with other clans was always a dance of diplomacy, but shadowclan? With tensions running fluid between them it was merely a matter of luck. Who know whose fur was going to get ruffled, whose claws would slide out. Goodness forbid it happen here, but the likelihood wasn’t outside of Dawnstars wheelhouse.

In a way shadowclan reminded him of home, street cat gangs that roamed the gutters of the city and hunted rats. They flipped on a switch, and violence was always their go to.

Once the trees gave way to clearing he felt himself settle, they were the first clan there. The chance that thunderclan could set the tone for the rest of the gathering was high. He puffed a breath of relief out of his nose and made his way down with the rest of his clanmates, taking note of Owlbranch who seemed to be shrinking on the spot. The tom was his senior by a while, but he looked so vulnerable. The tabby moved to step into stride with the tom before taking a seat at his side. “Nasty weather we’ar havin mn?” he piped up, not tossing a look at Owlbranch as he established his seat next to him.


Wingnettle March 5th, 2023 03:16 AM

Re: March Gathering
╔═══*。❅*⋆⍋✧ ✦ ✧⍋⋆*❅。*═══╗
Sootfur (he/him)
Light grey tabby with blue/grey eyes
╚═══*。❅*⋆⍋✧ ✦ ✧⍋⋆*❅。*═══╝


Sootfur was trekking in the snow with his head elsewhere. He'd been trying to foresee many times what would happen during this Gathering, and now he was here. All of Thunderclan was here, ready to face the other three clans in a night that, in his opinion, would last an eternity this time.

The muscular gray tabby couldn't get out of his head the conviction that things wouldn't run peacefully with Shadowclan. It wasn't a matter of hot-headed warriors anymore; nobody could stop the tension that was breaking the delicate, even if unfair, balance between the clans.

His ears switched direction as they caught a familiar voice: Flameheart was calling for him at the head of the group. He'd been so drowned in his thoughts that he'd forgotten to look for her.
Sootfur gave her a subtle nod and trotted among his clanmates to reach the front, nuzzling her mate with an affectionate purr as he arrived. "Oh, Flameheart. I hope everything will go for the best tonight." He whispered with concern, weaving his tail around hers as they walked together.

Suddenly a reminder broke through his thoughts: Thrushfur was in front of him, and they had almost arrived at the Seastones. Before he could split up from his clan and head to the rocks he asked Flameheart to wait for him a little bit and reached the new leader with a serious gaze.

"Thrushfur, I wanted to ask you... if you were going to mention Dawnpaw's murder tonight. I know this is the worst time to provoke Shadowclan... but we should have a right over such a terrible loss, shouldn't we?" He was talking in a low voice as to give Thrushfur a suggestion, even if it sounded a bit forced. He's our leader. He will know what's best. But he also had a feeling that the gruesome murder will be forgotten and buried away, probably to avoid further problems with Shadowclan.

»»————- ☀︎︎ ————-««

[ @Eaglet @SpiritedWarrior ]

Spotty March 5th, 2023 03:19 AM

Re: March Gathering
@Estelle :heartbounce:

The dark-furred Keeper was among the first cats to arrive at the gathering after the leader, and even once the rest of his clanmates followed and found places to sit, Batblood remained standing. It was unusual to see the young tom anything but calm and collected, and ever since he had been an apprentice he had always made sure to have control over his facial expressions and body language, and he remained in control as well as he could, but while his face was straight, there was a strange tenseness in his posture, and his gaze had a new-found vigilance.

As a Keeper, he considered it his duty to keep his clanmates in check and make sure things like rogues or bickering didn't disturb the gathering, but now, more than before, he wanted to keep an eye on Shadowclan and make sure they didn't do anything.
And make sure none of them got too close to Vixenpaw without him noticing and being able to overhear.

val March 5th, 2023 05:04 AM

Re: March Gathering
russet tabby w/ white paws, green eyes

Why was he here again? There had to be a reason. A good one. A reason so earth-shatteringly urgent that proved that Alderstep should be here at Seastones with what felt like the rest of ThunderClan. Except there really was no reason. Yet again, the russet tabby had roped himself into a social gathering for no damn reason other than 'it's tradition.'

Oh, how fun. Alderstep watched Thrushfur walk away. This wouldn't go well. It couldn't. His mind flitted to the thought of ShadowClan, worrying for a moment before the tom flicked his tail and sought out a spot to settle down. Whatever happened at this gathering...it was bound to have happened, no matter who was the leader of ThunderClan.

Hah. Why was he acting like there was some sort of imminent threat? He had to stop blowing things out of proportion. The tom tucked his paws under his tail, an action that was almost becoming a nervous habit. At least it kept his paws warm. Alderstep observed the rest of the clan from where he sat, contemplating both going back home to sleep and who'd be next to show up to the gathering.


ophelia March 5th, 2023 02:24 PM

Re: March Gathering
[ @valery ]
Buzzflight trotted along with the rest of her clan, making up for her small size with a quickened pace. It felt strange, having Thrushfur in the lead instead of Sparrowstar. But it wasn't a completely bad experience, just different. Like many of the others, she had her concerns over how the other clan leaders would react to Thunderclan's change in leadership. But she was also curious. It would be quite telling as to other clans' motivations to observe how they responded.

As Thunderclan settled around the clearing, it became clear that they were the first ones to arrive. She glanced around, looking for Cinderpaw or one of her siblings, but her eyes instead fell upon a russet tabby tom. Alderstep, she remembered. He was an older warrior, and one she had little interaction with. But he seemed a little on edge, so she approached him.

"Howdy," she greeted, shaking out her pelt before settling next to him in a little floof ball of calico fur. "You look like you've got some serious stuff on your mind. Not excited for this particular Gathering?" she asked, tilting her head to accompany the wry humor.

autumnpaw (6/100)
The patched cream and brown tabby bounded into the clearing, excited. Snout lifted to the air, she immediately began exploring, trying to smell EVERYTHING. This was her firs Gathering, and the first time she'd been so far from home. It was exciting! She could smell the other clans, even though they weren't there yet, lingering in the corners from the last Gathering. The sights and scents were overwhelming; there was so much to look at!

The six-moons-old apprentice danced around happily, oblivious to the more solemn tone hanging in the rainy atmosphere that was emitted from most of her other clanmates. Today was amazing, and no one could tell her otherwise!

SatoruSaki March 5th, 2023 02:47 PM

Re: March Gathering

A Beautiful tortoiseshell She-cat with Green eyes.

MallowHeart has decided to make an appearance at this months gathering. It was time for her to get her social game on. Though not trying to be ambitious, there were plenty of higher rank positions open and she wanted them. She was hoping to get a good look with the higher ranks of other clans.

Thunderclan being first to arrive gave her tons of time to get herself to look pretty. As she found a seat rather close to where the higher rank warriors sat… Maybe she’d have a conversation with an enforcer from ShadowClan…! Though that might not go well, considering the recent drama… OKAY! Not ShadowClan… hm…

WindClan lacks any sort of higher warrior rank so, maybe a shield from RiverClan? Those fish cats were strange but she’d be willing to tolerate it. You never quite know someone until you meet them, right? Okay! Mallowheart was hoping to speak with Riverclan shields! That was her goal today!

Finishing her grooming, she sat in a presentable position and waited. She hoped she was close enough to be dragged into whatever was discussed. Politics, history, new births? Anything was good enough. She just wanted to establish herself as someone to be respected…
(This is post is semi closed to anyone but as you can see, I have a preferred audience as the other clans arrive. Please shoot me a vm and wait till I respond with an answer. Make sure to tell me which of your characters would like to interact!)

*longfire* March 5th, 2023 02:56 PM

Re: March Gathering
Willowlight walked with stormclaw into the seastone gathering, the molly looked around for her friend but seeing shadowclan isn't here she padded over to a peaceful spot and loafed their

Stormpaw and blazepaw entered the gathering together then sitting down beside each-other they watched

he/him | male
Thunderclan warrior


Stormclaw followed thunderclan to the seastones, The tom breathed in and sighed as he made his way, his paws stepping lightly and quietly as he entered the gathering. His eyes gazing around as he came into the gathering, it was only thunderclan no one else yet. The tom turned his head up to thrushfur[star] then looking back down to the clan he sat down in a nice spot, His eyes still looming over everything and everyone


littlelove March 5th, 2023 04:23 PM

Re: March Gathering

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

Ah, Gatherings. Cinderpaw would have normally been apprehensive to go - she had Firekit at home in camp now, so she was pretty apprehensive to leave her alone - but alas, she was... kind of required to go now. Huh. Well, at least she had the withstanding to drag her claws across anyone who felt like breaking tonight's truce now. Not that she would have minded doing it before.

Even then, the idea of having to sit up beside the other medicine cats made the eldest apprentice, uh... nervous, and so did having so many eyes upon her. Even if she was excited to piss off some familiar faces. She spoke an awful lot about keeping the nights' truce, but she wasn't sure if she'd be able to keep her claws out of Ivywhat's-her-name's face if the tabby decided to say anything snide (especially about Sparrowstar). Honestly, the whole gathering truce thing was less about keeping the peace and more about the fact that everyone seemed to only care when it wasn't the weasels killing. Cinderpaw wasn't letting them do whatever they wanted to the forest, anymore, but in order to have any standing in doing that the she-cat couldn't look like a hypocrite.

Tail whisking ominously, she turned to Sundust, who she'd been sure to stick close to. What was she even supposed to do? Sit and look pretty? Say some pious bull? Cinderpaw was long past that point now with the thick scars that banded her body. Stars, how the hell was she a good pick for a medic again? "You gotta keep me from sayin' something stupid when they say something stupid." She muttered, form stiff and ready for the rest of the clans to arrive and shoot her stress into overdrive.

[ @naiad ]

val March 5th, 2023 04:52 PM

Re: March Gathering
russet tabby w/ white paws, green eyes

At least whatever cat had approached him had a familiar smell- oh, wait. Alderstep snapped out of his placid reverie, noticing Buzzflight next to him. Right. A Thundercat. He turned his gaze to her calico pelt, his stomach sinking into the weight of just plain dread. This one talked like Rabbitchatter. That was never a good sign as if the fact that his clanmate seemed to be so cheery wasn't enough of a warning that this wasn't good news for him.

Alderstep flicked his tail, brushing some snow away from one of his paws before resettling it. "Who is ever excited for meetings?" he grumbled, glancing over around Seastones, wondering if any other clans had shown up yet. Nope. The warrior looked back to Buzzflight. "Are you excited for it?" he half-accused. She seemed like the type that would love to eat up all the gathering drama. Maybe she'd even squeal in delight when ShadowClan declared war-

No. That was not happening.

Whatever. Buzzflight was just an overenthusiastic cat. Most likely. Still, he'd rather keep ThunderClan close to him this gathering rather than have to deal with some pesky, other-clanner 'paw.


RavensCall March 5th, 2023 05:17 PM

Re: March Gathering
Darkpetal sat down, waiting for the other clans to arrive.


iliri March 5th, 2023 05:44 PM

Re: March Gathering

The feeling of the light cool breeze running through her thick fur made the pastel calico shiver. This was Springpaw’s first gathering, and from what she’s encountered from eavesdropping on occasional conversations at ThunderClan camp, her own clan was in trouble with ShadowClan. The thought itself made her stomach begin rolling like barrels. She hated feeling this nervous at a gathering. Her blue eyes scanned the dark, dimly lit area only to find that her clan had arrived first to the gathering. She felt a bit at ease for it, but that didn’t stop the churning anxiety in her chest. Her eyes trailed up at the seastones, her mouth open agape at how large it was. She never heard much facts about it, other than the fact that all of the high ranks were mainly up there. It looked memorizing to see with the bright moon shining down along it.

Springpaw tore her eyes away from the stones and began looking around. She spotted a couple of her clanmates speaking with one another, some being familiar in her peripheral vision. The one that mainly caught her eye was her sister, Autumnpaw. This was also her first gathering as well. I wonder how she’s taking it all in. Springpaw thought mentally to herself. She decided to not keep it in much longer and trod her way towards the bright orange molly. “Autumnpaw!” She spoke, her voice warm and welcoming as she looked at her sister. She hadn’t interacted with her much lately, and that honestly made her anxiety act up. She didn’t like it whenever her siblings and her were split. It… made her think of when they were kits. “First gathering, huh? I wonder how the other clans will be like. What about you? What do you think?” She stated, sitting down next to Autumnpaw as she locked her bright blue eyes with her own. She was half tempted to tell her to not cause trouble, but she’ll tell her that after they at least chatted a bit.

@ophelia [Sibling interaction :eyes: ]

Willowfern March 5th, 2023 06:41 PM

Re: March Gathering
Roosterflame followed behind his clan, his yellow eyes sweeping over his clanmates as each and every one of them trudged through the thick snow. It was snow as far as the eye could see, and these feline eyes could see rather far.
At least, Roosterflame thought as he sought out somewhere to observe the Gathering, It isn’t raining.
He found a seat near the front. For once, Roosterflame wanted to be at the head of the action, he wanted to be there to hear things, to see things. Though, more importantly, he wanted to show Thrushfur that he would be there for his new leader, and that he accepted him as such.
He shook off his paws and took his seat facing the Seastones.
Maybe we can have a calmer Gathering for once…? He thought, even though he knew it was for nought. ThunderClan and ShadowClan were on thin ice with one-another right now, and even worse, Sparrowstar’s kidnapping was sure to spur some cats from the other clans to make fun of how ThunderClan seemed to zoom through leaders like the changing of the seasons.
No, this would not be a calmer Gathering, but it might, perhaps, be a useful one.

Yugo. March 5th, 2023 06:58 PM

Re: March Gathering ( the three siblings against the boss crab )
massive black tom with a few scars and darker spots, has orange eyes that look redish.

ghost'paw trailed behind his siblings keeping a eye on them. sure the sea looked...nice he wasnt a big fan of water due to past events. shaking his head his attention was turned back to his brothers startled yelp. fur bushing up he pushed past his brothers to stand protectively n front of them his teeth bared in case he may have to use them. after seeing the...weird creature he shuffled forward carefully making sure to stand a respectful distance away from the thing. what is it? turning his head he scanned the beach for his mentor but had no luck spotting the cat he trusted. turning his gaze back to the odd animal he kicked a pebble its way. ghostpaw snorted in amusement as it waddled sideways..the only downfall was it was moving towards him not away from him.

in his effort to back away he bumped into his brother robinpaw as he let out a hiss at the animal. of course it ignored the warning hiss and made its way closer. ghotpaw was known for being fearless but at this moment he noticed the animals pinchers.. regret instantly took over him and he hiss again this time he made sure he shooed his younger brothers back a bit more just in case this thing was dangerous. what is THAT..why wont it stop coming near us?! turning his head to robinpaw he bluntly mewed get a stick or something! i just wanna push this thing away from me..AHH the weird animal had pinched him..and it wouldnt let go. shaking his paw he was able to fling the thing away but now his paw hurt. never mind robinpaw its gone. he meowed glumly. now he knew not to mess with those things.
ehhh poor ghost

Cinderspirit March 6th, 2023 01:37 AM

Re: March Gathering
Duskhope stood off to the side, tail tucked neatly over their paws. Gatherings weren't really their thing, but they really had no choice in the matter. At least it was only ThunderClan here, and they didn't have to deal with the others. They shuddered when they thought of ShadowClan. What would they say to killing some of ThunderClan's warriors?

MockingRabbit March 7th, 2023 11:36 AM

Re: March Gathering
Harefire padded after Thrushfur, shaking his paws after every step to keep the blood circulation going. Slow progress. The brown-and-orange warrior was very concourse of having a new leader, and no deputy. There would only be two deputies sitting under the great rock tonight, assuming nothing had happened in any of the other clans. Sweeping away a clear patch on the ground, then sitting there. He noted, with an apprentice-like glee, that ThunderClan was the first clan to arrive. It was silly, like selecting the plumper of two mice in a rich newleaf. Only gave a temporary satisfaction and then was forgotten about moments later.

Karlos March 7th, 2023 05:20 PM

Re: March Gathering
➛ owlbranch ;
; he/him | seventy moons.
--a fellow thunderclanner made their way over, and owlbranch managed to drag himself out of the anxiety-spiral just before they spoke. owlbranch was considered a senior at this point, was he not? he had to set a good example, right? it was rabbitchaser that took the spot next to him, making a comment – small-talk, he assumed – on the weather. owlbranch nodded, humming in agreement. “mhm.” he purred dryly, tail curling around himself further. he looked up at the moon, watching the stars twinkle and dance. “what do you think?” owlbranch's tone was near-whispering, eyes going cloudy and unfocused, as if he were dreaming. “will the gathering be alright for once?”
– #8/?

ophelia March 7th, 2023 06:53 PM

Re: March Gathering
[ @valery ]
Yikes, this tom had it even worse than she'd initially thought. "Sarcasm, sarcasm, sir!" she said, shaking her head in amusement. "Meetings are boring, of course, but I will admit that Gatherings are usually things I look forward to..." she sighed in disappointment, lowering down into her loaf-position. "I don't think excited is the right word," she mused in response to his rather edged question, ignoring the accusatory tone. Everyone was anxious today, so she would let it slide.

"Curious is more like it."
Yes, that was a good word. Buzzflight was always prepared for danger, but that didn't stop her from being able to see the light in situations. And there was always a little bit of that. Well, almost always. It could definitely be worse. Right?

ophelia March 7th, 2023 07:06 PM

Re: March Gathering

Originally Posted by dishsoap (Post 1381947)

The feeling of the light cool breeze running through her thick fur made the pastel calico shiver. This was Springpaw’s first gathering, and from what she’s encountered from eavesdropping on occasional conversations at ThunderClan camp, her own clan was in trouble with ShadowClan. The thought itself made her stomach begin rolling like barrels. She hated feeling this nervous at a gathering. Her blue eyes scanned the dark, dimly lit area only to find that her clan had arrived first to the gathering. She felt a bit at ease for it, but that didn’t stop the churning anxiety in her chest. Her eyes trailed up at the seastones, her mouth open agape at how large it was. She never heard much facts about it, other than the fact that all of the high ranks were mainly up there. It looked memorizing to see with the bright moon shining down along it.

Springpaw tore her eyes away from the stones and began looking around. She spotted a couple of her clanmates speaking with one another, some being familiar in her peripheral vision. The one that mainly caught her eye was her sister, Autumnpaw. This was also her first gathering as well. I wonder how she’s taking it all in. Springpaw thought mentally to herself. She decided to not keep it in much longer and trod her way towards the bright orange molly. “Autumnpaw!” She spoke, her voice warm and welcoming as she looked at her sister. She hadn’t interacted with her much lately, and that honestly made her anxiety act up. She didn’t like it whenever her siblings and her were split. It… made her think of when they were kits. “First gathering, huh? I wonder how the other clans will be like. What about you? What do you think?” She stated, sitting down next to Autumnpaw as she locked her bright blue eyes with her own. She was half tempted to tell her to not cause trouble, but she’ll tell her that after they at least chatted a bit.

@ophelia [Sibling interaction :eyes: ]

autumnpaw (8/100)
Ooh, a cobweb! Oop, a spider! Better leave that alone, she thought to herself, retracting her snout from the rocky crevice it had been stuck into curiously. Everything smelled so...weird. But in a good way, she was pretty sure. Shadowclan sure was stinky though. At least, she was pretty sure that was Shadowclan's scent lingering. They smelled like mushrooms and frogs. Blech.

These thoughts ran through her mind at a million miles a second as she raced around, checking out everything in sight. So. Much. Sand!! She giggled to herself, making a sharp turn and almost running directly into the approaching cat. "Gah!" she yelped in surprise, skidding to an abrupt stop. Who-? Oh, it was Springpaw. She grinned at her sister happily. "That's me alright!" Autumnpaw could tell that her littermate was more excited than usual, despite the lack of obvious giddiness like the behavior exhibited by herself.

"Yup! I think...Shadowclan will be musty, Riverclan will be fishy, and Windclan will be airy," she commented, furrowing her brow as she thought up the descriptions. Then she realized that maybe Springpaw was referring to more than just their scents. "With regards to both personality and scent," she clarified, only half joking.

The other apprentice sat down then, making Autumnpaw realize she was the only cat that hadn't been finding a place to settle. Oops. She quickly followed suit, plopping down next to Springpaw hurriedly. "What about you, whatcha thinking?" she returned the question, tilting her head curiously.

zozelen March 8th, 2023 07:51 AM

Re: March Gathering
Wisppaw felt slightly more ready for her second gathering, but still walked around awkwardly for somewhere comfortable to sit. I wonder when the other three clans will be coming. Would fighting break out? Everyone had seemed on edge, lately.

iliri March 8th, 2023 09:37 AM

Re: March Gathering

The pastel calico watched as Autumnpaw excitedly expressed her thoughts about the gathering, resisting the urge to chuckle at her antics. Springpaw was used to Autumnpaw being like this, as Springpaw herself had been the oldest of the litter, essentially knowing how every one of her littermates acted. She drew her paw over her head as she purred out her response. “Well, I won’t know what the other clans will be like. But most likely, they’ll fit the description of what you said. Knowing most likely though, I think we’ll catch a whiff of RiverClan’s stinking fish scent first.” Springpaw mused, flashing a short genuine smile towards her sister. She couldn’t help but feel a bit of unease enter her. ThunderClan and ShadowClan had been rather tense with each other, the thought only making her fur bristle. But she desperately tried to ignore it. This was espoused to be gathering. No fights would happen during a gathering, right?

Focusing back on Autumnpaw, she decided to have some sort of small talk with her. It had been quite a bit since they’ve last spoken, so she was interested with how her training was currently going. Springpaw had practically raised her and her brothers ever since their mother abandoned them. So she felt like it was her top priority to keep her siblings in check. “How is your training going, Autumnpaw? Not causing trouble for your mentor now, are you?” She asked halfheartedly, a twine of amusement glinting in the long-furred oriental molly’s blue eyes. She knew how Autumnpaw was with those rather boisterous adventures of hers. But she decided to not mention it whatsoever.

@ophelia [This post feels so ew- I feel like I didn’t put enough effort to it]

Ian March 8th, 2023 10:57 AM

Re: March Gathering
Hazelpaw trotted to the Gathering, the acorns she had gathered tucked under her chin. Today was the day that they would show Dawnstar she wasn't as powerful as she thought she was. The Siamese glanced around for her fellow conspirators and gave them a mischievous smirk.

@carmen @naiad @Quasar @Poprock

wren March 8th, 2023 11:35 AM

Re: March Gathering

Rabbitchatter | He/Him
Large long furred brown tabby tom with one white paw

The tabby didn’t quite look over at Owlbranch yet, his eyes were tracing the corners of the small clear. He was frightened, on behalf of anyone he knew was vulnerable. Shadowclan being as unhinged and dangerous as he’d made them seem in his mind, was simply just a ticking time bomb. Bound to explode at the slightest inconvenience.

“Fer the sake uh’ anyone here that hasn’t had battle trainin, I sure hope so.” if he had believed in any kind of starclan divinity he would’ve perhaps prayed to them and asked for a safe night, but there was no power there. At least not that he’d had ever seen.

“I spose we shoulda picked more carefully who was going to the gatherin this moon. I’m a’fraid for my apprentice. I barely got ta train her. Barely got ta meet her even. But I spose you can’t tell an apprentice where to go though.. specially on their first gatherin.”



Toya Todoroki March 9th, 2023 09:41 AM

Re: March Gathering

Originally Posted by RedAnger (Post 1383011)
Harefire padded after Thrushfur, shaking his paws after every step to keep the blood circulation going. Slow progress. The brown-and-orange warrior was very concourse of having a new leader, and no deputy. There would only be two deputies sitting under the great rock tonight, assuming nothing had happened in any of the other clans. Sweeping away a clear patch on the ground, then sitting there. He noted, with an apprentice-like glee, that ThunderClan was the first clan to arrive. It was silly, like selecting the plumper of two mice in a rich newleaf. Only gave a temporary satisfaction and then was forgotten about moments later.

Spikystalker dipped his head to the fellow warrior "This Will Be an Interesting Meeting" He Grunted in distaste "You think Tensions are gonna be High? WHat with the Clans Butting heads and all the changes this is bound to cause a stirr"

Poprock March 9th, 2023 04:58 PM

Re: March Gathering
@carmen @naiad @Quasar @NinjaBloss

Pebblepaw trailed after Hazelpaw with a little less pep in her step than usual. Too many conflicting emotions raged within such a teeny body - resulting in a very annoying headache. Should she be scared to be within such close distance of the Ghouls of Shadowclan? Excited at her first ever gathering and the possibility of making new friends? Snickering at the most devious plan that the Kreachers planned to carry out? Ugh!!! She just didn't know!

"Fwameheart came with... are you sure she won't yell at us again for this?" She murmured to the others.

MockingRabbit March 10th, 2023 02:02 PM

Re: March Gathering

Originally Posted by Guardian Fox (Post 1384374)
Spikystalker dipped his head to the fellow warrior "This Will Be an Interesting Meeting" He Grunted in distaste "You think Tensions are gonna be High? WHat with the Clans Butting heads and all the changes this is bound to cause a stirr"

"Definitely, just as long as I am not in the middle of it all," Harefire laughed. "But when hasn't there been an interesting gathering? I mean, last time I heard that there was a rogue in here!"

Toya Todoroki March 10th, 2023 02:05 PM

Re: March Gathering

Originally Posted by RedAnger (Post 1385147)
"Definitely, just as long as I am not in the middle of it all," Harefire laughed. "But when hasn't there been an interesting gathering? I mean, last time I heard that there was a rogue in here!"

Spikystalker Nodded "likely was, given how many cats gather, one wouldn't be surprised to see what slipped in as we gather. Hopefully things can be resolved without blood spilling, but in a clan i suppose its hard to avoid it forever" Spikystalker replied with a yawn

MockingRabbit March 10th, 2023 02:26 PM

Re: March Gathering

Originally Posted by Guardian Fox (Post 1385150)

Spikystalker Nodded "likely was, given how many cats gather, one wouldn't be surprised to see what slipped in as we gather. Hopefully things can be resolved without blood spilling, but in a clan i suppose its hard to avoid it forever" Spikystalker replied with a yawn

"I wonder if the ShadowClan border skirmish will be mentioned," Harefire mewed, "After all, we both lost cats to it." He sniffed the air, but couldn't yet scent any of the other Clans. They were late, or maybe ThunderClan was early. He looked up at the sky for the moon. Was it completely full? Or was it tomorrow? Or lastnight? He was horrible at reading the moon.

Toya Todoroki March 10th, 2023 02:33 PM

Re: March Gathering

Originally Posted by RedAnger (Post 1385159)
"I wonder if the ShadowClan border skirmish will be mentioned," Harefire mewed, "After all, we both lost cats to it." He sniffed the air, but couldn't yet scent any of the other Clans. They were late, or maybe ThunderClan was early. He looked up at the sky for the moon. Was it completely full? Or was it tomorrow? Or lastnight? He was horrible at reading the moon.

"Knowing Dawnstar yes. She doesn't Stop till she's made a scene" Spikystalker grunted

val March 10th, 2023 03:59 PM

Re: March Gathering
russet tabby w/ white paws, green eyes

Alderstep forced the tension from his shoulder muscles as Buzzflight claimed sarcasm. Yeah, whatever. He totally knew that. He had to try to loosen up and stop being on edge, or whatever Frostfeather had suggested. Except for this time, maybe he did have a good reason. The tom glanced around Seastones again, keeping his eyes out for any more joining clans. No, it was just Thunder, still.

His eyes fixated on the she-cat beside him, watching her settle down. Alderstep was finding himself agreeing with her first statement. He did find meetings boring. Though... "Aren't they the same?" the tom asked, though he was voicing his inner thoughts rather than intentionally speaking. Truly, though, what was the difference between curiosity and excitement? They always seemed like the same thing. With a shrugging motion, Alderstep looked out at the other cats again. His itch to keep an eye on others was acting up, probably because he had a bad feeling in his gut about this meeting.

Oh, what was this? The fluffy warrior's eyes caught sight of his apprentice's dark figure with what he assumed were his siblings. And he was messing with the sea creatures?? Alderstep let his green gaze linger for a moment, almost embarrassed. What kind of apprentice got freaked out over those? Or got pinched by one? With a flick of his tail, Alderstep returned his attention back to Buzzflight, though he kept an ear turned in the general direction of Ghostpaw. If that cat made a fool of himself...hah. Like Alderstep didn't do that just by simply showing up and getting riled up over the littlest things. Another reason why he was going to keep to himself or Buzzflight. The latter was just a maybe. He wasn't too sure how annoyed he'd get by her presence, yet.

@Yugo. -ghosty mention

Undertaker March 11th, 2023 07:28 PM

Re: March Gathering

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

The shadows were scarce with the snow, still, the Queen somehow managed to materialize out of the darkness with little effort. Unconsciously, the leader's broad muscles flexed themselves as she entered the Gathering place. The beach was seemingly empty since the breeze had told her who was there some fox-lengths before she entered the sandy area; she was unsurprised to see ThunderClan linger around. Shockingly, they were first to arrive on this moon, odd since ThunderClan normally was last. Not that when they arrived matters.

The leader's intense, amber, glare was instinctively drawn to the tom sitting on the top of the leaders' stone where a scrawny she-cat normally sat. Puzzlement sat heavily within her gaze for a second and then it turned into glee. Did this mean they lost another one? Laughing loudly to herself, Dawnstar crossed the beach and made her way up to sit in her usual spot. If Thrushfur was here that meant that ThunderClan lost Sparrowstar, which shouldn't be stunning in the slightest. ThunderClan lost their leaders like trees lost their leaves during leaf-fall.

Dawnstar didn't bother saying anything to the tom, simply observing him like she found a new toy to play with. As much... or rather as little as Dawnstar had respected Sparrowstar, she had no real fight in her. She was a lot like Twilightstar in that aspect, willing to admit her faults to avoid more bloodshed. Dawnstar didn't know Thrushfur all that well... or whatever he was calling himself now, but she wondered if he'd be giving in to Sparrowstar's demands, which was to humble himself and ThunderClan to her and ShadowClan.

Inexperienced leaders were fun to play with, not yet understanding the weight of carrying the lives of an entire clan on their shoulders. Most were reckless and easy to rile up, Kestrelstar went on for quite a bit tearing apart ThunderClan. But even he got boring and pacifistic eventually, falling into WindClan's softer ways to avoid war. Skystar had been entertaining for a bit, he threw some new stuff at the clans, but he didn't last long. She wondered what kind of leader the tom before her would be, regardless, she hoped he fought. She hoped he fought long and hard, Dawnstar was going to enjoy pooling blood at his paws alongside the bodies of his clanmates.

The battled-scarred feline swung her large head back to the front, gaze locked on to her clanmates as they filled in part of the beach. The loss of Sparrowstar brought forth an entirely new realm of possibilities. Oh, she was excited just thinking about it! Dawnstar frustrations and anger paled in comparison to the excitement and delight a potential conflict ignited. She couldn't wait!!!

The Shadow Queen and her Clan have Arrived

taillow March 11th, 2023 07:36 PM

Re: March Gathering
Coming in close on the tail of Dawnstar, Mirehound slipped out of the shadows and move fluidly under the moonlight. Blue eyes gleamed like chips of frozen dark ice, muscles rippling underneath a smooth and sleek pelt. Her shoulder was almost healed, though still bore fresh scars. Her eye was perhaps the most attention drawing one, a stark fresh pink against her dark black markings. Tail swishing behind her she broke off from the shadow queen as the colossal brown tabby made her way to the stones in favor of scouting the perimeter of the beach.

Enforcer. She was an Enforcer now. A certain pride swelled in her chest at the thought, but it didn't reach her eyes. Despite the flicker of confidence she felt, Mirehound knew better than to fan it into arrogance. Arrogance led to cockiness, and cockiness often lead to death - and she didn't plan to be buried anytime soon. But this would now allow her to stand at level with the other elite members of ShadowClan - including her former mentor. She wondered briefly what his true thoughts were on her promotion. Had he taken notice of how hard she had worked for it? Had he wanted to comment on her work? Was he proud of her?.

She didn't expect to get answers to those questions anytime soon, especially not tonight. Tonight they both would have a duty to ShadowClan, and the gathering as a whole; keeping an eye out for any trespassers and ordering a swift removal of them. Tail flicking the sand behind her, Mirehound settled on a place near the back of the crowded cats, on the surface of a stone lifted up a bit. It gave her the best vantage point while also being able to hear the announcements that would be said.

Which speaking of - wasn't that ThunderClan's deputy? Where was Sparrowstar?
A gleam from her eyes and the hint of a smirk. Oh stars, this would be quite the gathering tonight. She had thought the Clan to have regained at least a little bit of their status as a Clan, but this proved that no matter what happened, ThunderClan would be a kit amongst warriors in regards to the four Clans of the forest. A light scoff was all she gave the situation, ever the curious one at how this would all unfold.

perseus. March 11th, 2023 07:48 PM

Re: March Gathering
Sorrelflare had stalked in after Dawnstar and Mirehound, ears swiveling as he listened for anything that could be happening. With the new duties of Enforcers he took a spot near the edges of of large clearing, he sent a quick nod toward Mirehound, the new Enforcer. He hadn't spoken to the new enforcer yet but he had seen her dedication toward Shadowclan, and he was glad to see her join the ranks.

Once he settled on a stone that let him sit a bit higher off the ground, his yellow gaze had simply just scanned through the crowds, though only seeing other Shadowclan cats and Thunderclan cats.

@daenerys - for the nod toward mirehound

Ian March 11th, 2023 07:53 PM

Re: March Gathering
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The ShadowClan Enforcer padded onto the beach closely behind Dawnstar. There was an unusual pep in her step, and her green eyes scanned the gathered cats with a gleam of excitement. This Gathering would prove to be interesting, and it seemed ThunderClan was the only Clan here. As much as she wanted to pick on the weak squirrels, she refrained and instead took up a post at the edge of the Seastones to keep watch for outsiders. It hadn't slipped her notice that Thrushfur was on top of the Seastones instead of Sparrowstar. With how often the ThunderClan leaders died, she would assume that's what had happened rather than Sparrowstar being too sick to attend. Honestly, much more pathetic could ThunderClan be?


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The Toyger followed behind His Lady as she led the way to the Seastones. He was excited to see how she delt with the ThunderClan worms who had tried to steal ShadowClan prey. They were nothing compared to her, and they never would be. Oh, how he couldn't wait to see their reaction to her words, and the eventual retaliation they were planning.


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