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Starfall January 4th, 2023 08:20 PM

Gloaming Camp
Newly Relocated Gloaming Camp.

The Syndicate now resides beneath the Clans, hiding deep within their tunnel system. They have discovered a cave of sorts deep within, with a gentle creek flowing splitting the opening in half. For now, they are closest beneath WindClan and RiverClan.

The opening has enough space for others to comfortably lay around, only slightly smaller than a Clearing.

No den's have been carved out for them to reside within yet.

The Main Clearing has smaller sections branching off, each larger tunnel systems which connects to each of the clans, or a dead end. Or. Another, much smaller, clearing.

carmen January 4th, 2023 08:29 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Martha sat deviously

beau January 4th, 2023 08:36 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Thane followed the group as sneakily as possible. His brother had not done as promised and introduced him to the group, instead just dropping off the young tom as if this was a daycare of some sorts. Please, Thane was way too old to need daycare. Regardless, maybe he could just blend in.

wolfie January 4th, 2023 08:37 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
=> @Shade.
Honestly, being a mole wasn't exactly Spirit's style. They enjoyed feeling the wind throughout the fur, looking at the sky and feeling at peace. They were a true nomad at heart. Tunnels made them feel... dirty. Contained. It had his fur beginning to crawl, but you see, the divine ghost had his own mission. Things were so dreadfully boring, and he still had these ahem... berries. (A bit withered but really, that just added to the taste. It let the poison be more potent!)

Gaze shifting about the clearing, Spirit looked for a cat that wouldn't be missed. Just in case. A shame to be trying this out on a supposed .. hm, bandmate. Yet needed for their .. evolution.

With a grin, they lifted their berries up and approached Haven. He set them down at the outsider's paws. "Oh darling, you look so peckish. The journey must have been dreadfully hard for you. Please, have some of my berries. They are delicious, " He encouraged with an uncanny smile.

poppy January 4th, 2023 08:46 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Haste led her daughter, Storm through the camp to finally rest after a walk. Storm was sporting a new, purple bruise on her cheek, and was silent as her father, Bucky, joined them.

Starfall January 4th, 2023 08:51 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp


It felt as though they had been walking for months. Paws ached as he trudged beneath the surface, like the moles. But William liked to believe they were akin more to ants, a nonstop workforce that the ecosystem should fear. They were not squashed, they were not finished. Not by a long shot. Just being shooed away like that made his blood boil. They were worth more than just a passed memory.

As they went deeper and deeper within the caves, his nose twitched. Granted, he could not see a thing, well moreso he could barely see a thing. It took a lot of squinting. But eventually they made it deep enough within the system to find a carved out...cave? Or something akin to that of an underground cave. The gentle running of a stream nearby catching his attention more than anything.

This was it. This is where they would officially begin. Flowers need to bud beneath the surface first before they can become what they are. A smile filtered to his maw. "Here is where we will live. Here is where we will thrive. Who would expect a threat from below?" he asked as he turned around to face the few who decided to follow. Surely his following had shrunk slightly, but that meant those who stayed were truly believing of his cause.

The Clans had to be knocked down a peg or two. He had a few ideas in mind, but first, to organize this little bit of chaos. "Hmm. How many of you do I have here let me count hmmmm." he hummed to himself as he began to count heads.

Have your character react if you are interested in them still being a member of the Syndicate. If not! Leave a Vm on my profile stating that and I will take you out of the mentions list :heartbounce:

They will begin digging out Tunnels, and an event will be held on Saturday 4pm AKT ]

carmen January 4th, 2023 08:53 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Martha lifted her head and grinned at William. "I'm here!"

Toya Todoroki January 4th, 2023 09:21 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Lana, sat quitely after paddling softly into the cave, her hazel eyes having slight trouble adjusting

Willie Warf January 4th, 2023 10:12 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
@Starfall Gater sat up. He was a little peeved that his question went unanswered.

(He had asked if he could stay in one of his lone dens nearby.)

Willowfern January 4th, 2023 10:46 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Tobias sidles up to his brother, a very severe expression on his tabby features,
“I hope you understand that I’ve been trying to get a word with you for the past few days, He meows grumpily, looking over his brother, his yellow eyes blank behind his mask of frustration, “But, anyway, I’m back. If you noticed. I’m sorry for disappearing, you know I’m a wanderer,” He looks around the “camp” (if it can be called as much. To Tobias, it seems more like a prison.), taking in every detail, every cat nearby, before he speaks again.
“I’m not too sure about the new digs, William,” He meows plainly, a frown on his face, though the corner of his maw twitches at his own tunnel pun, “This new camp… eehhh… William, this seems more like a prison than something that’s soon to be a home.”
He sat down beside his brother, regarding him for a moment before his gaze switches over to the cats filling (For the most part, quietly.) into the dank and earthy space. He holds back a scoff.
These followers of William’s, Tobias muses, observing them, They seem to be nothing more than mindless drones with one thought, kill. It is rather pathetic. I’ve hardly seen a more miserable group. Sure, these cats will promise anything.
“Oh, William, we shall have the clans quaking at our feet in mere days! You shall want for naught!”
“Yes, William, we are a solid and stable military. We are of one mind. Drone bees buzzing in and out of the hive, though as silent as the snow owl, we are! We shall destroy the clans by ripping out their innards! The clans will writhe as they drop dead, one by miserable one!”
“I will do only as you ask, oh mighty ruler! Take us to glory, victory!”
Yeah, right,
Tobias thinks to himself, eyes betraying none of his inner thoughts, They are about as structured as a group of twolegs. They know nothing but survival of the fittest, and how to follow behind until they get what they want. My poor brother, with all his theatrics and his grandeur, is nothing but a future obstacle for these fiends. They will follow him to victory, yes. But they only wish to kill him and split whatever we all glean between their greedy selves.
Tobias, despite predicting what was to come as a grim and horrible thing, was not troubled. He didn’t care much for big groups, anyway. When things became too hot for his liking, he would simply leave for more wandering. Perhaps, in time, he could convince his brother of what he himself was certain. Though, as he shot a glance next to him, to his brother, he knew that it would probably be forever until William would step away from the dark, twisted fantasy world of his own creation.
@Starfall (Tobi is back hehe. Don’t mind the inner monologue, lmao, trying to explore who Tobi is a little more,)

RavensCall January 4th, 2023 11:48 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Cactus’s sharp teeth were smiling. “Not bad,” She meowed,”but we can do better. In fact, we will.”

sol. January 5th, 2023 05:29 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp

It was rather... unsettling to be here. Gloomy, dark, prison. Everything Weaver didn't want to be in. But hey, she followed William's orders and if the others were going to stay here, she would too.

Red Dawn January 5th, 2023 06:41 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Night Watcher entered the caverns, following the others, he sniffed around, he had knew worse than this, but he decided to go see William, as the Fang Leader, the security was his preoccupation, he approached William and asked "William... Because the security of our group is my proccupation, do I deploy my Fangs in the tunnels to avoid any "surprises"?" @Starfall

Clyde January 5th, 2023 06:45 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Kestrel ( formerly kestrelwing of Riverclan )
a tall muscular gray tome with black spots and cold amber eyes

Kestrel had busied himself with the idea of possibly kidnapping a cat he used to know. It would take some work and a little determination but it would be worth it. A hostage. Shaking out his gray fur he stood quietly in the back. His amber eyes watching the others with interest.

snake ( formerly snakefang of shadowclan )
a small silver tabby with white markings and sharp green eyes.

Snake wasn’t in the mood for this but at the mention of causing trouble for windclan glee made her heart skip a beat. This was definitely going to be fun. After all wreaking havoc was her specialty especially killing cats that was one of her favorite things to do.

small fluffy gray and black tabby with golden bight eyes

The small tom padded behind snake and kestrel as they walked over to hear the knees

17818 January 5th, 2023 07:36 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp
wei flops in defeat

*longfire* January 5th, 2023 07:44 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Komodo followed the group into the cave the toms eyes rolled* i hate caves* he thought

thegriff January 5th, 2023 08:41 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp

dusty grins wryly, "the clan cats couldnt squash us if they tried." he mews, exhausted.

Ian January 5th, 2023 11:01 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Ravenna flopped onto the ground with a grunt, flecking her aching paws as she rolled onto her side. She was too exhausted from the long walk to complain about how dark and dreary the place was, so for now she would simply rest.

Rose January 5th, 2023 11:31 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp

Fablespinner glowers in the direction of all those who dare even look at her. She has a reputation to upkeep, after all. Though undeniably beautiful, Fablespinner has long past cast aside her charming nature. There was no one to charm anymore, after all. No one to tell sugary sweet lies to. 'Ugh.' Bitter resentment filled the brown oriental longhair's darkened heart, lime eyes narrowing to hateful slits. This place was stupid. This whole thing was stupid. But she had a duty to fulfill, and Fablespinner, despite how much she disliked her family, mildly feared letting them down. She had always been the matriarch of her little mishap family; Her, Howler, and Lark. But now her own mother had returned, and just the thought of disappointing her very intimidating mother.. again... No. It wouldn't happen.

*longfire* January 5th, 2023 11:37 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Komodo watched as the cats flopped down" how ridiculous" he mumbled as he wasn't exhausted

Estelle January 5th, 2023 05:47 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

The ever so charming Sweets flicked a bit of soil of off her meticulously cleaned paw, cheeks pulled into a grimace as she did. How long it wouldn't take her to clean every bit of dust from her pristine fur after this. But alas, life had been so utterly boring it brought her here. And frankly, she quite wanted to see how this silly little story would end.


Meanwhile, emerging from behind the lanky feline, came Viper. Eyes cast ahead she brushed past them without second thought, until she found a neat corner where she could drop off the kit she presumably had been carrying.
She repeated to the kitten after William. She kept her stance beside Oriole thought turned her gaze away to look for the cousin she had originally followed here.

[ @Spotty - Just for the brief mention of your character, nothing more :heartbounce: ]

dino. January 5th, 2023 05:57 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
eel === > @/Starfall
Eel slid in behind the others with a grimace. He had always been mildly claustrophobic and this was NOT helping with... any of that. He swallowed as he entered into the larger opening, eyes flickering over the roof above. Eel had always considered himself a wanderer, but never in his life had we wandered into the tunnels beneath the Clans—hell, he hadn't even known they had existed in the first place. And he had certainly never ventured into anything similar. This was new to him; he didn't expect the ceiling to hold up.

"Do not like this," he muttered. "Not at all."

Poprock January 5th, 2023 06:16 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Jupiter was not a rat. He was a free thinking, clan hating, William adoring tom who wanted nothing more than freedom for all of his brothers and sisters in the forest. A perfectly respectable thing to wish for if you asked him. So the fact that William had led their group into these underground tunnels for god knows what was a bit hard for him to swallow. It was so dark. So dusty. So confining. They walked all this way and left their perfectly fine camp... for this? He felt no better than the rodents he always hated.

"I'm trustin' you on this one pal." He called out to his dear leader, eyeing the walls with skeptism. He knew deep in his heart that William had a plan... but he wasn't too fond of how it was all turning out.

Shade. January 6th, 2023 09:41 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Haven felt pressured by the heavy earht above in the tunnels. What if they collapsed?! Tim didn't know how he'd be able to sleep at night. This thing was getting more complicated than expected. And there wasn't even that much food here!

Falcon was slowly recovering from some heavy wounds. Ugh, and now they were moving. Great.

17818 January 6th, 2023 02:40 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Wei chokes on rat

Shade. January 6th, 2023 05:04 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
@x ghostie

Ceiling too low. Dark. Lots of people he didn't trust. It was pretty clear that Haven had claustrophobia. He didn't like this new camp. It wasn't too bad, but he couldn't help but feel like the ceiling was going to collapse on them any second now.

When some cat approached him, he was almost ready to snap at them. His well-practiced social skills withheld him, however. He forced on a smile and listened to what the cat was saying. It's quite weird and suspicious. Their expression rubbed him the wrong way, and who the hell thought cats who weren't desperate would eat berries? He had been starving many times and had eaten berries, of course. The ones offered to him were juniper. He'd expected deathberries.

"Oookay, thank you for the juniper." he said politely and took one. It tasted bland and sour like he remembered. Hopefully they'd hunt soon.

Shade. January 6th, 2023 05:10 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

Originally Posted by Estelle (Post 1342881)

The ever so charming Sweets flicked a bit of soil of off her meticulously cleaned paw, cheeks pulled into a grimace as she did. How long it wouldn't take her to clean every bit of dust from her pristine fur after this. But alas, life had been so utterly boring it brought her here. And frankly, she quite wanted to see how this silly little story would end.


Meanwhile, emerging from behind the lanky feline, came Viper. Eyes cast ahead she brushed past them without second thought, until she found a neat corner where she could drop off the kit she presumably had been carrying.
She repeated to the kitten after William. She kept her stance beside Oriole thought turned her gaze away to look for the cousin she had originally followed here.

[ @Spotty - Just for the brief mention of your character, nothing more :heartbounce: ]

Falcon was nursing heavy wounds, though she'd hate to admit it. Damn RiverClan cat. Stupid Lizardfrost just dying to some random people. The person she'd been competing with just had a pathetic death. What did that mean? That Falcon was better or that, if she'd been on par with Lizardfrost, that she was weak as well?

She didn't want to think about that and instead slunk over to her cousin.
"I don't like us sneaking around like this. If we wanted to piss them off, we should have stayed up there."

(Hope u don't mind me jumping in)

Eaglet January 6th, 2023 08:17 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

His large paws took a stance on the rocky cave grounds. Of course having an extra toe did come with its advantages. They all herded amongst themselves to view the cave system. It was dark, not quite as dark as he expected. It was the home of where the most corrupt of criminals would emerge and distend their reign. He felt like those rabbits on those clan cats territories, hiding under the surface to prevent any underlying danger. His ear twitched to the trickling of a stream nearby, well they would certainly explore their new home so there's no reason to wander without patience. With a flick of his thick bushy tail, he waltzed near Williams smaller tabby figure.

Their leader was confident, too confident for his liking. He could only shrug his shoulder as he sat down, curling his luxuriant tail over his toes. Seeing Williams radiant smile, he could only groan for what's to come next. No danger? How ironic it would be if a colony of bats swooped in right now, William. He licked his fangs as William did a head count, some may of strayed away from the group. Perhaps too lazy, paws couldn't take it, too impatient and bloodthirsty, the list could go on. Personally he would like to dull his claws a bit. Unsheathing claws that were as sharp as eagle talons would be a pain! Oh no and let's not talk about the dirt that could get in between his paws. Great heavens being forced to do such a thing would take his soul away. He dramatically drooped his shoulders as a single invisible tear fell down the lip corners of his eye.

He scowled silently. Yes, he indeed did individually choose to become apart of this 'rebel' group. If only there was a job in which he wouldn't have to move around so much, having fur as long and bushy's as a sheep would be tiring. One den would be enough, for himself. He doesn't like to share, but he could make some few adjustments to make himself comfortable. Of course they would all have to share some sort of open space. William does seem like the smart cat to lead cats who are dumb and dumber. Dumber than him, dumber than William. While all this mental structure was going on in his mind, he looked to be nodding off like a sleepy kitten. No that wasn't it, he was just venting to the gods.

Estelle January 8th, 2023 08:00 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

Originally Posted by Shade. (Post 1343575)
Falcon was nursing heavy wounds, though she'd hate to admit it. Damn RiverClan cat. Stupid Lizardfrost just dying to some random people. The person she'd been competing with just had a pathetic death. What did that mean? That Falcon was better or that, if she'd been on par with Lizardfrost, that she was weak as well?

She didn't want to think about that and instead slunk over to her cousin.
"I don't like us sneaking around like this. If we wanted to piss them off, we should have stayed up there."

(Hope u don't mind me jumping in)

[ Not at all!! A bit of cousin time is nice :heartbounce: ]

Standing in the same spot as before, Oriole by her paws, Viper kept her eyes out looking for her cousin. She was certain she'd seen her on the lengthy way here, where could she be now? Her ears flickered at a sound coming from her left, movement indicating a feline's presence. Turning to look at whoever it was, the molly was relieved to see it was Falcon, just the one she'd been looking for. Though, perhaps relief was a strong word. Blue eyes scanned the several lacerations on Falcon. Blinking eyes covered a wince at the sight of the wounds, instead lifting her head to meet Falcon's gaze - or at least, to be one eye level with her. She understood her cousin's grief in face of their down-going; while Viper knew very little about the clans, nothing in fact, she understood the frustration, especially as her cousin was a rather ambitious feline, much like her father had been for the little time she knew him. Still, maybe William had a plan? She didn't want to doubt her family, not ever, but who knew.
"..Even if we stayed up there, you wouldn't have been in any state to piss anyone off."
She stated rather matter of factly, subtly referring to the injuries with a light hint of concern in her words, as she sat down with her tail resting on her mud covered paws.
"Maybe, he has a plan?"

Starfall January 9th, 2023 04:14 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp


The Tabby stifled a laugh at the number of...well at the number of disgusted looks on his companions faces. Yes. Yes this place was absolutely awful. Horrid even. It made his blood boil, to think that the stinky one eyed lady ran them into the ground. It would not be forgiven. But, he couldn't be angry, because if he was angry about their current living conditions, they would loose their faith. He didn't want that.

Just as he was going to open his mouth to answer someones question he didn't even hear, his brother showed up next to him. "Oh, you're fine. Truth be told you apologize everytime like I'm not used to it." he huffed, turning his gaze to the smaller swarm of cats. "I know it's not ideal. I know living in this place seems...clustered. Like we're going to be squished together. But we've gotta work to make this our home." he shuffled over to one of the bare walls of the cave.

It could go great...or it could go horribly. Cave in's. Cats getting squashed. He couldn't have that...didn't want that. Oh. Speaking of didn't want...where did that small, spotted cat go? He hadn't seen that small fireball go with them. Maybe the one eye lady was telling the truth, she was apart of that stinky clan. Well good riddance.

Oh he got...got terribly off topic. With a sniff, he looked around to the other walls...than an Idea popped into his mind. Oh. He was a genius. "How about we do something to make it more personal in our little cave?" he asked. "We were talking about these...ranks. I vote we hold a competition. I will place you in your ranks based off what I've seen and how you all react. Each rank will dig and decorate their own Cave. Heads up though, there could be cave ins...or even bugs and moles." he snickered.

"First up! These individuals will be in charge of keeping our home safe, and keeping our defenses high. You will be named Guards." he just had to point at cats he believed would fit the cake. Easy...right? Easy. "That group. Over there? You seperate yourselves. Should be about...seven of you. [ @Fawnhearted ; @naiad ; @~Eclipse_Lake~ ; @Jinx. ; @snekeyes4 ; @Angelique ; @SplashyLumi ] . You all will be The Syndicate's last line of Defense." hopefully that was a good amount. They looked sturdy...if not sturdy than sneaky. The last line didn't have to be strong, or honerable. They had to win.

"Next. This rank is our first line of defense, first on the battlefield and the first dealing with any scurmishes. I expect you to snuff out any threats at any given point in time. That side over there, the other half of that group, you will be our Fangs. [ @WhiteDawn ; @Kat ; @Shade ; @Zella ; @Estelle ; @jupiter ; @Shinestripe ] " not the best name, at least he wasn't proud of it. But it would do. If he wanted to change it he would...later.

"And lastly. Our Healers. Just as the title says. You lot will tend to those who are sick and injured. That being said, I'll also look to you lot to help with keeping our ,soon to be camp, nice and tidy. That will be the last little group of you...minus aroundddd hmm. About 3 of you I'll say. [ @Shade ; @Eaglet ; @WinterMara ; @x ghostie ; @oleander ; @Flea ; @Estelle ] Now I realize..some of you may not have some healing training or whatever. Or you do, if you do that's amazing! Still. I have a friend who knows some basics who can help you." he looked around. Hoping to spot his friend...which he couldn't. Either way, He should show up sooner or later. He had a promise to fufill after all.

Amber eyes scrolled over to where those lone three were left, giving them a soft smile and a nod. Hopefully they would understand he wished for them to stay. Sit still. He had plans for them. "With that! Let the digging, BEGIN! Try to make it big, cozy. Something that your individual groups would love." motivation motivation motivation. Maybe he would get to work on his own den...oh. But where. Hmm.

[ I will roll a 12 sided Die every 2 Days! 1 - 5 is something BAD happens! No one will perish don't worry. 6 - 12 something GOOD will happen! This event will END the 22nd !

Take this time to have your characters get to know others, however please do not clutter the Roleplay Channel! Goodluck :love4: ]

*longfire* January 9th, 2023 04:22 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Komodo rolled his eyes and laid down" ugh whatever" he meowed as he curled up to sleep

bubble[error]. January 9th, 2023 05:20 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

{ @Starfall(what's going on here?) }

Scorpion just watched.

RavensCall January 9th, 2023 05:58 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Cactus watches, and questions if she’s useful

beau January 9th, 2023 06:02 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Thane flicked an ear as this leader - William, as Seth had introduced him - began assigning roles. A guard, hmm? That didn’t sound too terrible, though it did probably mean he wouldn’t get to go out very often. In fact, now that he thought about it, he wouldn’t be surprised if he brother went out of his way to set Thane up as a guard, if it weren’t for the fact that Thane knew very well he brother could never work up enough of a name to have such influence. As much as Seth portrayed himself as some ruthless dignitary, he had as much honor to his name as Thane did; that is to say, very little.

[ open! ]

Faith. January 9th, 2023 06:13 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

Grey took in his surroundings. Not bad, not bad. Little work, this could be a great place to stay. A Fang, huh? Nice, he'd get to - as William put it - attack things. Healers, Guards, DIG. Dig. Digging was easy. Grey used to dig a lot as a younger cat. He knew how to dig. He turned to what looked like soil that was nice and sturdy, and that would hopefully prevent things like cave-ins while they were all asleep. He padded over, unsheathed his claws, and began scraping away some of the outer layer of dirt.

[ Any Fangs wanting to dig, Grey is just going to town over here~
So he's Open! ]

Red Dawn January 10th, 2023 06:56 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp

Originally Posted by Shinestripe (Post 1345276)

Grey took in his surroundings. Not bad, not bad. Little work, this could be a great place to stay. A Fang, huh? Nice, he'd get to - as William put it - attack things. Healers, Guards, DIG. Dig. Digging was easy. Grey used to dig a lot as a younger cat. He knew how to dig. He turned to what looked like soil that was nice and sturdy, and that would hopefully prevent things like cave-ins while they were all asleep. He padded over, unsheathed his claws, and began scraping away some of the outer layer of dirt.

[ Any Fangs wanting to dig, Grey is just going to town over here~
So he's Open! ]

Seeing that already one of his companions was digging, he went to the assault of the dirt wall of dirt, as an old member of WindClan, he naturally knew how to dig, he used a little trick he had learned, he bit into the dirt, spat the dirt and dug his claws into the hole, before scraping them down, he turned the head toward the cat and said "Bite in the dirt and scrap your claws down, it will take off more dirt...", he then reported his attention toward the wall and continued to dig..

17818 January 10th, 2023 07:36 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp

Originally Posted by naiad (Post 1345275)
Thane flicked an ear as this leader - William, as Seth had introduced him - began assigning roles. A guard, hmm? That didn’t sound too terrible, though it did probably mean he wouldn’t get to go out very often. In fact, now that he thought about it, he wouldn’t be surprised if he brother went out of his way to set Thane up as a guard, if it weren’t for the fact that Thane knew very well he brother could never work up enough of a name to have such influence. As much as Seth portrayed himself as some ruthless dignitary, he had as much honor to his name as Thane did; that is to say, very little.

[ open! ]

The black and white spotted cat padded in the camp. Glancing around, he padded over to Thane. “Hi” he meowed, a cool
gaze sweeping over the camp. “Good weather, no?” he smiled.

Spotty January 10th, 2023 01:09 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

[Open to other Healers (as well as other ranks but mainly those)!]

During the journey, he had chosen not to completely follow the main group, partly out of dislike for the socializing of it all - needed to constantly keep track of his facial expression and body language was taking a toll on him long-term - and sometimes just because he saw something interesting on the ground he needed to check out, be it remains of a plant that hadn't fully rotted away during the winter, or just something else. So he followed them into the new camp at the tail-end of the crowd with a slow, stalky gait.

It was an... interesting place... for sure, and Jay's evening blue eyes scanned the new place with mild interest and curiosity. He... could work with this, and was honestly looking forward to exploring each part of it, following every tunnel until he found where it ended. A quiet, hyena giggle escaped him as the slender cat stalked along the edge of the new camp, stealing a peak at the place from different angles. Right, the Clanners, Jay smiled a little at the thought of getting revenge for his mother, even if he wasn't a fighter, he would help out in any way he could.

But it seemed his duty would be as a Healer! The blue cat's eyebrows rose somewhat in surprise, but that was quite perfect actually. And they would get a teacher as well? His content grew stronger and a grin broke out on his face. Making the Clanners pay and advance his already growing skills on the side? Win-win if you asked him.

Then it came to digging, and though Jay was far from strong, he still moved closer to the began marking out with a claw where a Healer's den would fit perfectly. But as he walked by a cat [ @Little Dakota - Komodo] who did not seem eager to help out and had instead laid down to sleep? Passing by, Jay reached out a claw in order to give the cat a slight cut (not anything big, just a sting) over the shoulder to wake them up. No slacking when they had a mission.

Toya Todoroki January 10th, 2023 01:45 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Lana frowned, Digging huh? oh well... she had better things she could do with her time, but digging? no, just no. After falling into a rather large mud puddle as a kit, she hated to have that experiance again. She turned to Trudge to the caves lightest spot, trying to get fresh air... she was a Softy yes, but even she could draw thee line. this place was damp and dark and way too crowded. finding a hole in the ceiling she tried to stick her paw through it, judging how deep down they where. she hoped there would be no cave ins

Clyde January 10th, 2023 01:58 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Kestrel + snake + lilac

The three walked into camp. Lilacbreeze securely placed between the two larger cats while tawny kept his head low. Come on guys why’d we do this? Won’t William get mad..i hate fighting. Why couldn’t I have been in healing instead. stopping in the middle of camp kestrel paused before calling out. William I’ve got a hostage and I think they’d be of some use

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