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Fawn October 3rd, 2016 11:45 PM

SkyClan Skyboulder

The Cannibal November 23rd, 2016 10:07 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
After his long journey, the brown tabby still had as much energy as ever, almost seeming to have more energy than usual as he came padding back into camp, tail held high, surely Rabbitfluff soon to follow, the one warrior he had invited to travel with him in order to receive his 9 lives. Grouseflurry, earlier this day, left camp with Rabbitfluff and an ancient Skyclan medicine cat and now came back only one of the original cats. Grouseflurry was no more, now it was Grousestar.
Never had the tom imagined that he would be called to become leader so soon, and if he were to be honest with himself, at all, and yet here he was, walking back into camp with a new name, new responsibilities and 9 lives. His fast-paced life was now even faster, but that didn't matter to him because he liked a challenge.
With a small nod to his companion, the brown tabby, with a grin on his muzzle, bounded his way up onto the Skyrock, a location in which he never thought he'd be standing. In fact, he was almost in awe standing on top of that rock where generations upon generations of Skyclan leaders had stood before him, almost speechless staring down at the camp below him. A camp of cats he loved and cared for and wanted to see thrive. They were his clan now, his to lead, his to take care of. And by Starclan was he going to do his best.

How does this go again.. Do I just yell..? Yes I think that's what I'm supposed to do. It had been practically a moon since any leader stood here to make an announcement, so long that Grousestar nearly forgot how to call every cats attention, that is until he took in a whooping breath and yowled out,
"All Skyclan cat's young enough to catch their own meals, may you please gather here beneath the Skyrock for an important meeting."

There was a pause, his ears flicking in slight embarrassment, quietly hoping that he didn't some how mess things up, though he was fairly confident that he had done it right. I wasn't too loud right? No of course not, I'm doing this right! Not quite feeling like standing, he sat down instead, neatly curling his tail over his paws and peering down below at the clan, waiting for them to gather, his grin never faltering or fading and a steady purr rumbling in his throat.
Sure he had some doubts about this whole thing, but what did that matter? He could do this, he would have Starclan's aid, he already had their approval and certainly hoped he had the approval of the cat's below. Their approval was important, but even if he didn't get everyone's approval, he would still do the best he could. He was an optimist. He believed he could do this, he believed Skyclan could pull through the dark times of mysterious high rank disappearances, he believed that Skyclan could be as strong as when it was first founded. He could do this. They could do this.
A leader is nothing without their clan.

Teggy November 23rd, 2016 10:13 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
Violetstreak heard a call for a meeting and emerged from the warrior's den.
"What I the name of StarClan?" She whispered as she looked up Grousestar. Her violet gaze falling on the leader. he looks nervous she thought. The molly shook her head. She smiled up at Grousestar. If he was now leader she would follow and respect him for as long as he lives.

SuspiciousMindz November 23rd, 2016 10:23 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
Owlwing padded carefully to beneath the skyrock to where Gorseflurry... No Gorsestar sat awaiting his clan. She could sense the nervousness coming off the new leader and realized at once what this was about. He had come home after a journey. Quietly, the white tabby settled herself at the base of the skyrock, her golden hues bright as she gazed up at the new leader. He had her full support. This was her leader now and she would respect that and follow his lead. Owlwing wrapped her tail neatly around her paws and awaited the rest of her clan to arrive. It shouldn't be long. Gorsestar had been clear, although his choice of words was new, she didn't say anything. Her pelt tingled wondering what he would say, she also began wondering who their new deputy would be. There were so many worthy cats, she wondered who he'd chose. Perhaps Rabbitfluff? From what she knew, the warrior went with him to get his lives, so surely Rabbitfluff would be the chosen one?

doghouse November 23rd, 2016 11:10 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
Glacierheart heard Grousestar calling and padded out of hhe warrios' den and into the clearing. The brown and white mottled cat flicked her tail, wrapping it over her paws and looking up at the Skyrock. Interest sparked in the icy depths of her eyes. She made sure she was a fair distance between her and all other cats. The warrior looked up, her eyes respectful. Is he choosing a deputy? I wonder who it'll be. She thought curiously, closing her eyes for a moment, then opening them again. She eyed each cat, trying to guess who would become deputy.

Maplefur November 24th, 2016 07:03 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
Leafmist heard Grousestar's call from the Skyrock. She looked up, curious for what he was going to say. The tabby stood up from her spot at the edge of the clearing and padded over, before sitting back down and curling her amber tail around her paws.

Starfall November 24th, 2016 10:00 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
Cloudspots flicked his ears at the yowl of grousestars call and picked himself up, the dappled tom then made his way to the skyrock. Once the warrior found himself a spot under skyrock and sat himself down with a grunt 'I wonder what's up' he said aloud as he locked his eyes onto the leader, his blue eyes gleemed with curiosity.

Rainpebble licked her maw and stood up, the silver she cat bounded up to skyrockwhere the rest of the clan was meeting and smiled up to the leader 'what's happening, new apprentices? New warriors?'she asked as she neatly wrapped her tail around herself.

Gusty November 24th, 2016 10:36 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by starfall (Post 47603)
Cloudspots flicked his ears at the yowl of grousestars call and picked himself up, the dappled tom then made his way to the skyrock. Once the warrior found himself a spot under skyrock and sat himself down with a grunt 'I wonder what's up' he said aloud as he locked his eyes onto the leader, his blue eyes gleemed with curiosity.

Rainpebble licked her maw and stood up, the silver she cat bounded up to skyrockwhere the rest of the clan was meeting and smiled up to the leader 'what's happening, new apprentices? New warriors?'she asked as she neatly wrapped her tail around herself.

{Hope you don't mind if I join in}
Sycamorebranch padded over towards the Skyrock, once he heard the first faint callings from Grouse. The tom stood for a moment, but then sat right besides Rainpebble, one of his fellow clanmates. Once hearing the she-cat's comments, Sycamore peeked up his ears and began talking. "No, I don't think so." He whispered, trying to be as polite as possible while answering the warrior.
"I'm pretty sure it's something more major than that." The warrior had just marched in from the territory, so he mised a little bit of information.

Starfall November 24th, 2016 11:08 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by Gusty (Post 47704)
{Hope you don't mind if I join in}
Sycamorebranch padded over towards the Skyrock, once he heard the first faint callings from Grouse. The tom stood for a moment, but then sat right besides Rainpebble, one of his fellow clanmates. Once hearing the she-cat's comments, Sycamore peeked up his ears and began talking. "No, I don't think so." He whispered, trying to be as polite as possible while answering the warrior.
"I'm pretty sure it's something more major than that." The warrior had just marched in from the territory, so he mised a little bit of information.

{I don't mind at all :D }
Rainpebble flicked her ear and looked at her companion "i know, i'm just trying to keep thigs posative,especially with whats been happening lately." She whispered, her voice dripped with seriousness. The silver she cat licked her chest fur "oh! But it would be cool if someone got apprentinced, maybe i could be a mentor again." She purred as she turned her attention back to grouseflurry. Then rainpebble looked back at sycamorebranch "what do you think's happening?" She asked, curiosity danced in her silver orbs as she stared at the tom.

Sage November 24th, 2016 11:16 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Gingerwish solemnly padded up to Cloudspots and sat down. She smiled and started to purr. She curled her tail around her paws and dipped her head to Cloudy [can she call him that? That could be her nickname for him and her nickname could be Ginge or Gingy?]. "Hey Cloudspots!" Gingerwish purred.

Gusty November 24th, 2016 11:38 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by starfall (Post 47793)
{I don't mind at all :D }
Rainpebble flicked her ear and looked at her companion "i know, i'm just trying to keep thigs posative,especially with whats been happening lately." She whispered, her voice dripped with seriousness. The silver she cat licked her chest fur "oh! But it would be cool if someone got apprentinced, maybe i could be a mentor again." She purred as she turned her attention back to grouseflurry. Then rainpebble looked back at sycamorebranch "what do you think's happening?" She asked, curiosity danced in her silver orbs as she stared at the tom.

"Yes, that's true." The warrior nodded. He hadn't been a mentor before, although that seemed like a frightening experience. No, he definitelydidn't want to teach an apprentice... his heart clenched as he thought of the reason why. There probably isn't a ceremony today, and anyways, if there were, I wouldn't be a mentor. I'm not good enough for mentoring.
Sycamorebranch wasn't quite willing to share his thoughts aloud to Rainpebble, so he shrugged and talked about her next question. "Well, I guess... actually, I'm not sure." The tom looked up towards Grouseflurry- who was really Grousestar- and noticed the feline's slight anxiety.

Starfall November 24th, 2016 11:46 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by Gusty (Post 47886)
"Yes, that's true." The warrior nodded. He hadn't been a mentor before, although that seemed like a frightening experience. No, he definitelydidn't want to teach an apprentice... his heart clenched as he thought of the reason why. There probably isn't a ceremony today, and anyways, if there were, I wouldn't be a mentor. I'm not good enough for mentoring.
Sycamorebranch wasn't quite willing to share his thoughts aloud to Rainpebble, so he shrugged and talked about her next question. "Well, I guess... actually, I'm not sure." The tom looked up towards Grouseflurry- who was really Grousestar- and noticed the feline's slight anxiety.

Rainpebble just stared at the tom for a while before she looked back up at grousestar "i don't blame him, i'd be nervous too." She said as she twiched her nose "but, i think he's gonna be a great leader." She purred, her eyes shone with determination "and i'm gonna help him the best i can!" She stated, her tail lashing back and fourth with excitement.

Gusty November 24th, 2016 11:50 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by starfall (Post 47904)
Rainpebble just stared at the tom for a while before she looked back up at grousestar "i don't blame him, i'd be nervous too." She said as she twiched her nose "but, i think he's gonna be a great leader." She purred, her eyes shone with determination "and i'm gonna help him the best i can!" She stated, her tail lashing back and fourth with excitement.

"Yeah, I'd like to help out too." Sycamorebranch said with a hint of excitement. The tom's mind wandered for a few seconds as he thought about deputyship. Now, it seemed highly unlikely that he'd be deputy. His motor skills were fairly low. But he did know how to solve problems and talk with others... well, only if they wanted him to interact with them. And that didn't seem to happen rather often; in fact, it was Sycamore who initiated conversations.
"I wonder who's going to be deputy now.." his words were hoarse; the tom wanted to be deputy badly, but he didn't have a close relationship with Grouse.

Starfall November 24th, 2016 11:59 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
@S A G I E
{That's perfect!}
Cloudspots slightly flincned when he heard gingerwish speak "great starclan ginge you scared me." He laughed a she wrapped his tail neatly around his paws and looked at the she cat "I wonder what he's gonna say." He said, his words laced with worry. The dappled tom turned his attention back up to grousestar "what would you do if your leader vanished and you had to take his place ginge?" He asked, untold emotions danced in his blue orbs "I honor him tho, he's doing a good job so far." He stated as he looked down at his paws 'I hope lemonstar's okay....' he thought to himself,twitching his nose as he thought of his lost brother.

Starfall November 24th, 2016 12:18 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by Gusty (Post 47917)
"Yeah, I'd like to help out too." Sycamorebranch said with a hint of excitement. The tom's mind wandered for a few seconds as he thought about deputyship. Now, it seemed highly unlikely that he'd be deputy. His motor skills were fairly low. But he did know how to solve problems and talk with others... well, only if they wanted him to interact with them. And that didn't seem to happen rather often; in fact, it was Sycamore who initiated conversations.
"I wonder who's going to be deputy now.." his words were hoarse; the tom wanted to be deputy badly, but he didn't have a close relationship with Grouse.

Rainpebble shrugged "i dunno...it's gotta be someone who's very organized and professional." She guessed as she rolled onto her back haunches, her front paws in the air.

Gusty November 24th, 2016 01:07 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by starfall (Post 47989)
Rainpebble shrugged "i dunno...it's gotta be someone who's very organized and professional." She guessed as she rolled onto her back haunches, her front paws in the air.

"Yes, probably." Sycamore said, thinking about it some more. Why did it have to be that way? Now that he thought about it, the leadership and deputyship system was a bit unfair for the general warriors; whatever the leaders said, they'd have to do. What if there was a horribly insane leader who lead SkyClan to destruction? Then what would the clan do? There didn't seem to be any more groups of feral kitties around here, which meant that SkyClan would disperse and dissolve into nothing.
Oh, enough about that. Just think about the real world, and what is happening right now. Sycamore thought, and then ruffled his pelt. "That probably won't be me; I'm the opposite of organized." The tabby laughed.

Starfall November 24th, 2016 01:39 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by Gusty (Post 48051)
"Yes, probably." Sycamore said, thinking about it some more. Why did it have to be that way? Now that he thought about it, the leadership and deputyship system was a bit unfair for the general warriors; whatever the leaders said, they'd have to do. What if there was a horribly insane leader who lead SkyClan to destruction? Then what would the clan do? There didn't seem to be any more groups of feral kitties around here, which meant that SkyClan would disperse and dissolve into nothing.
Oh, enough about that. Just think about the real world, and what is happening right now. Sycamore thought, and then ruffled his pelt. "That probably won't be me; I'm the opposite of organized." The tabby laughed.

Rainpebble snorted "you donthave to be organized, honestly i believe that you just gotta be loyal, try your hardest for your clan. I just stated two atributes that a depudy could have in my opinion, a depudy should know what to do in a pinch,and do what you believe is best for your clan." She stated, wisdom glowed in the she cats silver orbs as she sat herself backup and wrapped her tail around her paws once again "honestly, all of us could become the depudy, but if you were leader, wouldn't you want a depudy that knew what to do? A depudy that was an outstanding warrior,but was standerd at being a depudy? Yes most cats want a depudy that was perfect, but the best kind of depudy is one who messes up, cause then, they aknowlege that, and then they try to get better." She said, but then felt her fur rise in emberassment "oh, but that's just my h humble opinion, what i'm trying to say is, don't sell yourself short." She stumbled out.

monfang November 24th, 2016 02:20 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
Following the call of the new leader, Surgefrost walked, and pushed through to sit in the front row. A new leader rises... Along with a new Deputy. But who? he thought. He loved it when the leader picked the deputy, mostly because he was never picked. The thought of him being Deputy made him chuckle, and he looked up at Grousestar. May StarClan give you many lives.

Starfall November 24th, 2016 03:47 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by Moonfang (Post 48134)
Following the call of the new leader, Surgefrost walked, and pushed through to sit in the front row. A new leader rises... Along with a new Deputy. But who? he thought. He loved it when the leader picked the deputy, mostly because he was never picked. The thought of him being Deputy made him chuckle, and he looked up at Grousestar. May StarClan give you many lives.

Winterflight groggly padded out of the warriors den and sat next to surgefrost, the white molly leaned over and whispered into the toms ear "what's happening?" She questioned as she wrapped her tail around her paws, her silver eyes trailed up to grouseflurry, worry and determination danced across the silver orbs as she kept her thoughts to herself.

monfang November 24th, 2016 04:04 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by starfall (Post 48290)
Winterflight groggly padded out of the warriors den and sat next to surgefrost, the white molly leaned over and whispered into the toms ear "what's happening?" She questioned as she wrapped her tail around her paws, her silver eyes trailed up to grouseflurry, worry and determination danced across the silver orbs as she kept her thoughts to herself.

"Lemonstar's gone missing or something." he answered. "Grousestar has been appointed Leader." The black tom looked up at the new leader, his ice-blue eyes flashing slightly. "I can't wait until the new Deputy is announced." he mewed with a slight chuckle.

Starfall November 24th, 2016 04:41 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by Moonfang (Post 48323)

"Lemonstar's gone missing or something." he answered. "Grousestar has been appointed Leader." The black tom looked up at the new leader, his ice-blue eyes flashing slightly. "I can't wait until the new Deputy is announced." he mewed with a slight chuckle.

Winterflight blinked and looked at the tom "cocky aren't we? Why are you so amused by this?" She questioned, curiosity glistned in her silver orbs as she looked at the black tom. "I'm excited to see who he'll appoint." She stated, twiching her wiskers as she turned her gaze back to grousestar.

The Cannibal November 24th, 2016 06:30 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

@Empress Of Evil @Lunacross

The initial nervousness of his first time being up on the great rock was quickly wearing off, these were his clanmates after all, cats that he loved and cared for, there was nothing to be nervous of, and besides, there wasn't really any way to mess up right? He was going good!
Quickly settling back into his usual personality, he seemed to straighten up on the rock with a delighted grin as more cats began to gather beneath the rock until practically the whole clan was there, looking up at him, some of them murmuring about what was to be announced, others remaining silent, but overall there seemed to be a dull excitement hanging in the air, and that was a good sign.
Time to make this announcement..
Not bothering to clear his throat because he knew his voice could travel well, he stood up, peering down at his warriors, his green eyes glimmering with nothing but pride and happiness.

"As you all may have noticed, Lemonstar is absent, and has been for practically an entire moon and Skyclan cannot stand for much longer without a leader. So earlier today, I took the journey to the Whispering Cave with Rabbitfluff and an ancient medicine cat in hopes that Starclan would approve me and allow me to take his place as leader. And needless to say, I have been accepted and granted nine lives and will now take the name of Grousestar."

There was a pause, he desperately wanted to tell these cats that he would really prefer to be called just Grouse, or Grousy, but he knew that it wasn't the time nor place for in-formalities, he was leader now. You.. Had to be formal, right? He wasn't sure, but he was sure that he would get the hang of it. Flicking his ears to clear his thoughts, he would give the crowd a moment to murmur or congratulate him, or simply give them a moment to let the information sink in.

"With me now leader, that means that we need a deputy, right?" There was a purr now in his voice. This was one of the first important decisions he's made as leader, and he hoped that Starclan would approve of my choice.
Grousestar would give a moment of silence, to let the suspension build, his eyes glimmering with amusement before he sighed out to finally announce who it was.

"The new deputy of Skyclan, will be Auroraflame!" Immediately he began to search for the familiar face in the crowd, his grin widening knowing that surely they would be completely ecstatic for being chosen.

Starfall November 24th, 2016 06:35 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
Rainpebble cheered "Arouraflame arouraflame!" She cheered as her tail flicked back and fourth, joy dripped from her chants and her silver eyes sparkled with approvement as she looked at grousestar good choice she purred once the commotion died down.

Cloudspots cheered, his voice was strained but it didnt matter. great choice he laughed as he wrapped his tail around his paws.

SuspiciousMindz November 24th, 2016 06:38 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
Owlwing listened respectfully, murmuring her agreement towards his new leadership. She was satisfied that Goursestar would take over. Perhaps the leader would stick around much longer. They needed a dedicated feline I'm charge and she couldn't think of anyone better for the job. Although her thoughts were broken as he continued to speak. The new deputy was announced. Nodding a little in agreement towards his choice, she searched the crowd for the feline he named, raising her voice to chant her approval. "Auroraflame! Auroraflame!" she spoke with her golden hues bright. This certainly seemed like new times for the clan. Hopefully better times.

monfang November 24th, 2016 08:16 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
Surgefrost smiled. "Not cocky, humble." he whispered. Hearing the name of the new deputy, he smiled, feeling a bit relieved it was not him. "May StarClan be with you both always. May your lives be long, and my you make this clan great." he called.

Gusty November 24th, 2016 09:15 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by starfall (Post 48084)
Rainpebble snorted "you donthave to be organized, honestly i believe that you just gotta be loyal, try your hardest for your clan. I just stated two atributes that a depudy could have in my opinion, a depudy should know what to do in a pinch,and do what you believe is best for your clan." She stated, wisdom glowed in the she cats silver orbs as she sat herself backup and wrapped her tail around her paws once again "honestly, all of us could become the depudy, but if you were leader, wouldn't you want a depudy that knew what to do? A depudy that was an outstanding warrior,but was standerd at being a depudy? Yes most cats want a depudy that was perfect, but the best kind of depudy is one who messes up, cause then, they aknowlege that, and then they try to get better." She said, but then felt her fur rise in emberassment "oh, but that's just my h humble opinion, what i'm trying to say is, don't sell yourself short." She stumbled out.

"I suppose so." Sycamore said, half-listening to Rainpebble's words as his mind wandered off into multiple places at once; exploring different ideas that he hadn't thought of before. It was funny. A few words could spark an explosion into the tom's mind. "By the way, don't worry, I also seem to ramble a lot." Sycamorebranch mumbled at the end, when Rain was finished speaking.
The next few moments were filled with tension, as Grouseflurry transformed into Grousestar and the new incoming leader spoke the words he's been waiting to hear. Who was deputy.
It turned out that Auroraflame was chosen; a feline that Sycamorebranch hadn't ever talked to nor noticed in his life. "Auroraflame! Auroraflame!" The brown tabby shouted aloud, flicking his eyes up in slight jealously.

Sage November 24th, 2016 09:35 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
(Wait....Cloudspots is related to Lemon? XD then they can't be Love Interests, Ginge is one of Lemon's biological sib.)

Gingerwish smiled. "Sorry." She purred. Grousestar began to speak and she turned her attention to him. The new deputy of SkyClan, will be Auroraflame! Ginge smiled. "Auroraflame Auroraflame!" She cheered.

Empress Of Evil November 25th, 2016 01:10 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 48609)

@Empress Of Evil @Lunacross

The initial nervousness of his first time being up on the great rock was quickly wearing off, these were his clanmates after all, cats that he loved and cared for, there was nothing to be nervous of, and besides, there wasn't really any way to mess up right? He was going good!
Quickly settling back into his usual personality, he seemed to straighten up on the rock with a delighted grin as more cats began to gather beneath the rock until practically the whole clan was there, looking up at him, some of them murmuring about what was to be announced, others remaining silent, but overall there seemed to be a dull excitement hanging in the air, and that was a good sign.
Time to make this announcement..
Not bothering to clear his throat because he knew his voice could travel well, he stood up, peering down at his warriors, his green eyes glimmering with nothing but pride and happiness.

"As you all may have noticed, Lemonstar is absent, and has been for practically an entire moon and Skyclan cannot stand for much longer without a leader. So earlier today, I took the journey to the Whispering Cave with Rabbitfluff and an ancient medicine cat in hopes that Starclan would approve me and allow me to take his place as leader. And needless to say, I have been accepted and granted nine lives and will now take the name of Grousestar."

There was a pause, he desperately wanted to tell these cats that he would really prefer to be called just Grouse, or Grousy, but he knew that it wasn't the time nor place for in-formalities, he was leader now. You.. Had to be formal, right? He wasn't sure, but he was sure that he would get the hang of it. Flicking his ears to clear his thoughts, he would give the crowd a moment to murmur or congratulate him, or simply give them a moment to let the information sink in.

"With me now leader, that means that we need a deputy, right?" There was a purr now in his voice. This was one of the first important decisions he's made as leader, and he hoped that Starclan would approve of my choice.
Grousestar would give a moment of silence, to let the suspension build, his eyes glimmering with amusement before he sighed out to finally announce who it was.

"The new deputy of Skyclan, will be Auroraflame!" Immediately he began to search for the familiar face in the crowd, his grin widening knowing that surely they would be completely ecstatic for being chosen.

Auroraflame had sat down with everyone else, paying careful attention to their new leader. Grousestar will make a wonderful leader, Auroraflame thought. She thought of the recent past, when Lemonstar was still their leader. She hadn't been too well acquainted with the tom but he certainly seemed like a well liked cat. And a good leader for that matter too. She brought herself out of her thoughts as suddenly she heard Grousestar announcing who would serve as SkyClan's deputy. The atmosphere became suspenseful and tense as everycat awaited his choice of deputy. The new deputy of SkyClan, will be Auroraflame!. Auroraflame heard her name being called from her leaders voice and a wide grin immediately grew on her face. She was deputy!. Auroraflame was absolutely estatic and overjoyed. Hearing her clanmates chant her name brought back memories of when she had just become a warrior. She stepped forward, her glossy black pelt making her stand out a bit. "Thank you Grousestar. And everyone else too," Auroraflame started, trying to contain her excitement. "I will not let you down," Auroraflame said. She meant her words. The black furred she cat would always fight fiercely for her clan and let them know that they could rely on her.

The Cannibal November 25th, 2016 09:04 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
As the glossy black she-cat stepped forward, Grousestar's glimmering green eyes focused on her, his smile warm and encouraging as she spoke her words, his ears perked up as he heard the chanting of the clan, knowing that they had done the same for him when he became deputy. Clearing his throat one last time, the brown tabby leader would crane his head up to look at the parts of Silverpelt that glittered through the canopy.
"Then I say these words before Starclan so that they may approve of my choice, the new deputy of Skyclan is Auroraflame!"
With that being said, he would then look back to the crowd.
"That will conclude the announcement!"
As graceful and as energetic as ever, he would jump down from the Skyrock, landing with a small thud as the crowd dispersed, some cats likely gathering around the new deputy that he had chosen while he himself would give one last smile at the she-cat before turning to go to his den. Tonight would be the first night he would sleep in it and he had a feeling that it would be cold and rather lonely, but that didn't bother him at all. He was leader now, and being the optimist he was, he wouldn't think about anything but the positives.
Though before he headed to his den, he would take a pause to allow any cat to approach him if they needed anything from him, should there not be a cat to approach him, he would simply retire for the night because it had been quite the exciting day.

Fawn November 25th, 2016 05:50 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
The journey from SkyClan to the Whispering Cave, then back to SkyClan, had been a taxing one, but it wasn't until his paws touched the familiar surface of the clearing that he realized how deeply exhaustion sunk into him. He partially blamed it on his unpredictable and erratic appetite, since it hadn't allowed him to consume a decent meal before they'd set off, not that he felt any hungrier now. Grousestar, however, seemed as energetic as ever, and Rabbitfluff didn't envy him; he still had to address the Clan and announce his ascension to leadership.

The nod was returned with a weary glance, blue eyes a window to the fatigue pressing at him but despite that, he mustered a faintly encouraging smile. Not that Grousestar needed it, as he appeared to be adopting this lifestyle in stride, embracing it.

Ears tilted forward in interest, Rabbitfluff watched as Grousestar claimed his rightful place atop the Skyrock and began speaking to the Clan. As the announcement proceeded, he kept his tired gaze on the brown tabby, sometimes not even truly hearing what he said but how he said it because there was something mesmerizing and soothing to his words, subtle reassurances that life would move on from the era of Lemonstar and return SkyClan to its former state of glory, and he had no doubt Grousestar had the ability to bring them there. The more he talked, the more comfortable and natural he grew, and it reinforced the idea that he was the right leader for the Clan; it wasn't taking him long to grow accustomed to the position after all. Rabbitfluff merely hoped to StarClan that his acquired duties wouldn't bog him down and cause the tom to lose his external cheer.

When the subject of the deputy was brought to attention, he briefly shifted his focus away from Grousestar and peered through the gathered crowd, wondering who his choice would be -- there were so many suitable warriors up for the task, but he trusted his new leader's judgment. Having never been the best at yowling names at ceremonies or outwardly expressing emotion that tarnished his image as a proper feline, Rabbitfluff offered Auroraflame a respectful dip of his head after it was announced that she would be the next-in-line beside Grousestar, a wise decision on his part.

Once it was determined that the meeting was over and his clanmates started returning to their dens, Rabbitfluff habitually fell in step with other warriors; he was drained after the day's whirlwind of events and didn't understand how Grousestar wasn't collapsing. Pausing, Rabbitfluff cast a glimpse in his direction and turned slightly to face him, expression softening. "Congratulations, Grouse," he murmured, recalling the other's request to address him informally (though he had a feeling he wouldn't remember in the future.) Although compliments weren't necessarily easy for him, he managed, "I have faith you'll be a wonderful leader."

The Cannibal November 25th, 2016 06:14 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by Raywood (Post 50029)
The journey from SkyClan to the Whispering Cave, then back to SkyClan, had been a taxing one, but it wasn't until his paws touched the familiar surface of the clearing that he realized how deeply exhaustion sunk into him. He partially blamed it on his unpredictable and erratic appetite, since it hadn't allowed him to consume a decent meal before they'd set off, not that he felt any hungrier now. Grousestar, however, seemed as energetic as ever, and Rabbitfluff didn't envy him; he still had to address the Clan and announce his ascension to leadership.

The nod was returned with a weary glance, blue eyes a window to the fatigue pressing at him but despite that, he mustered a faintly encouraging smile. Not that Grousestar needed it, as he appeared to be adopting this lifestyle in stride, embracing it.

Ears tilted forward in interest, Rabbitfluff watched as Grousestar claimed his rightful place atop the Skyrock and began speaking to the Clan. As the announcement proceeded, he kept his tired gaze on the brown tabby, sometimes not even truly hearing what he said but how he said it because there was something mesmerizing and soothing to his words, subtle reassurances that life would move on from the era of Lemonstar and return SkyClan to its former state of glory, and he had no doubt Grousestar had the ability to bring them there. The more he talked, the more comfortable and natural he grew, and it reinforced the idea that he was the right leader for the Clan; it wasn't taking him long to grow accustomed to the position after all. Rabbitfluff merely hoped to StarClan that his acquired duties wouldn't bog him down and cause the tom to lose his external cheer.

When the subject of the deputy was brought to attention, he briefly shifted his focus away from Grousestar and peered through the gathered crowd, wondering who his choice would be -- there were so many suitable warriors up for the task, but he trusted his new leader's judgment. Having never been the best at yowling names at ceremonies or outwardly expressing emotion that tarnished his image as a proper feline, Rabbitfluff offered Auroraflame a respectful dip of his head after it was announced that she would be the next-in-line beside Grousestar, a wise decision on his part.

Once it was determined that the meeting was over and his clanmates started returning to their dens, Rabbitfluff habitually fell in step with other warriors; he was drained after the day's whirlwind of events and didn't understand how Grousestar wasn't collapsing. Pausing, Rabbitfluff cast a glimpse in his direction and turned slightly to face him, expression softening. "Congratulations, Grouse," he murmured, recalling the other's request to address him informally (though he had a feeling he wouldn't remember in the future.) Although compliments weren't necessarily easy for him, he managed, "I have faith you'll be a wonderful leader."

Just as he was getting ready to turn back towards the location of the den he was heading to, he was stopped by a rather familiar voice, the brown tabby's ears perking and his paws stopping in their tracks, his gaze being brought to the tom he had brought with him on the journey, dear Rabbitfluff. Hearing the congratulations from the tom, Grousestar purred, dipping his head slightly in gratitude; of all the cats to congratulate him, he figured that Rabbitfluff wouldn't be one, he knew the tom had to be utterly exhausted from the journey and it likely would have slipped his mind, and yet here he was, offering his congratulations to the new leader, to say in the least, the brown tabby was thankful. "Thank you Rabbitfluff, I appreciate the kind words. Now you should really be getting some sleep, that was quite the long journey and I'm sure that nest of yours is calling your name."
Chuckling out quietly, he would flick the tailless tom's shoulder in a friendly manner, "But if you're not quite ready for bed then I suggest getting a meal, Starclan knows you need it." Really, that wasn't a suggestion but a demand, a glimmer in the emerald depths of the leaders eyes hinting at it before the energetic tom uttered a big yawn, shaking his head a bit.
"I'll be in my den if you need me, if not, then good night." Said the tom with a smile still curled up on his lips and for once since the return journey, there was tiredness written on his smiling face, this tom needed his rest.

Fawn November 25th, 2016 06:45 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
The innocent expression of gratitude wasn't lost on Rabbitfluff, and there was a flutter of hope stirring within him, not just in Grousestar's leadership skills but in how this marked a new beginning for the Clan. For once, his compliments were genuine and had a severe lack of sarcasm attached, something even he wasn't accustomed to. "Of course," he murmured softly, ears tilting back in earnest as he peered at Grousestar. Realizing he had fallen silent for a second or two too long, Rabbitfluff felt himself flush and amended it with a quick, "I wouldn't say it if I didn't believe it to be true." Thoughts shaken from the change in leadership as Grousestar mentioned getting sleep, he shrugged his shoulders and replied a touch huffily, "If it is, I don't suppose I could hear it above the other warriors' snoring."

Retrieving a meal was equally as undesirable as it had been hours ago, but his luck, he would wake up in the middle of the night to his stomach growling. Appearing indignant, he opened his mouth to protest but quieted again at the implication of more than a simple, friendly request. "My demand for squirrel remains," Rabbitfluff remarked playfully while adopting a haughty tone, recalling the conversation they'd had earlier but assuming it still wouldn't amount to anything.

"Need you?" Rabbitfluff rolled his eyes, visibly teasing. "Why, I'd never." However, he was understanding to the reality that they were both exhausted after the journey and plus, Grousestar likely had a busy day ahead of him tomorrow. Something distantly affectionate flickered on his features, and he meowed, "Good night, Grousestar."

The Cannibal November 28th, 2016 01:32 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

@S A G I E
Clearing his throat casually as he leaped up onto the Skyrock, Grousestar felt a ripple of excitement pass through him as he realized that this was the first ceremony he has had aside from the announcement of the clan's new deputy.
The sun shone down through the canopy of the tree's dappling the Skyclan clearing with light as the brown tabby look down at the clan before calling out,
"All Skyclan cat's young enough to catch their own meals, may you please gather here beneath the Skyrock for a clan meeting."
Eyes as bright as ever, he would wait for the clan to gather beneath the rock before continuing on, peering at several particular cats in the crowd as he did so.
"There are several young cats here today that have reached the age of maturity and have shown their skills through examination so that they may be named as warriors. Rowanpaw, Jinglepaw, Ferretpaw, Ratpaw, Otterpaw, Mousepaw, and Jaggedpaw, will all of you step forward?"
The leader gazed down with a bright, cheerful smile, his happiness reaching out to the many apprentices below him that would now take their warrior names, pride washing through him as he saw his own apprentice among this group of young cats.
"I, Grousestar, leader of Skyclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Apprentices, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?
He would pause to allow all of the young cats to respond with 'I do' before continuing on with the ceremony.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Rowanpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Rowanflower. Starclan honors your kindness and curiosity, and I welcome you as a full warrior of Skyclan."
There would be a pause to send an encouraging and proud grin to his former apprentice and to allow the crowd to chant the new warriors name a few times before he continued on to the next one.
"Jinglepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Jinglestep. Starclan honors your loyalty and kindness and I welcome you as a full warrior of Skyclan."
Once more Grousestar would pause to allow for cats to chant the new name a few times, the process being continued for the following new warriors.

"Ferretpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Ferretstrike. Starclan honors your speed, agility, and kindness and I welcome you as a full warrior of Skyclan."

"Ratpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Ratfang. Starclan honors your fierceness and loyalty and I welcome you as a full warrior of Skyclan."

"Otterpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Ottertail. Starclan honors your inept swimming abilities and your kindness and I welcome you as a full warrior of Skyclan."

"Mousepaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Mousewhisper. Starclan honors your loving characteristics and loyalty and I welcome you as a full warrior of Skyclan."

"And finally, Jaggedpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Jaggedstrike. Starclan honors your exceptional fighting skills and loyalty and I welcome you as a full warrior of Skyclan."

After announcing all of the new warriors, the brown tabby would have to take a pause in order to catch his breath back, an exasperated but clearly pleased look on his face as he looked down at the seven newly named warriors and in that moment, he couldn't feel more proud to be leader of this clan.
"That concludes the announcement, and don't forget new warriors, you must sit vigil tonight." Reminded the tom gently before dipping his head to his clan and leaping off of the Skyrock, a grin still plastered on his muzzle.

monfang November 28th, 2016 01:58 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
Ferretpaw stepped up as soon as she heard her name, smiling brightly. She listened to Grousestar and felt excitement fill her heart and body, and she was unable to keep still. As the leader said her new name, a grin spread across her maw. "I won't let you down!" she mewed.
Ratpaw stepped up after his sister, and watched the leader carefully. As his name was said, and why, he couldn't help but to smile a bit. Ratfang... He dipped his head respectfully, and looked up. "Thank you, Grousestar." he said.
Otterpaw jumped up with some preppyness. The confident apprentice watched her sibling then looked up as he talked to her. Bowing a bit, she smiled. "Thank you, Grousestar." she mewed.
Mousepaw was last to step up of his siblings. He listened, completely silent like he always was. As he heard his new name, he simply bowed, dipping his head, and nodded his thanks.
Ratfang joined Ferretstrike, and all four joined up beside the Skyrock. "We did it!" Ferretstrike mewed, jumping up and doing a backflip. Ratfang and Ottertail chuckled. "Yeah we did!" Ottertail chuckled. Mousewhisper smiled. "Y-Yeah..." he chuckled quietly. Ratfang looked at his brother. "Come on! Now we can run the territory with no escort, and we can tell apprentices and kits what to do, and we can fight!" he mewed, and jumped up into his fighting stance. "We can fight off anyone who dares mess with our clan. No one will get in without having to face me!" he mewed.

The Cannibal November 28th, 2016 03:19 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by Moonfang (Post 54663)
Ferretpaw stepped up as soon as she heard her name, smiling brightly. She listened to Grousestar and felt excitement fill her heart and body, and she was unable to keep still. As the leader said her new name, a grin spread across her maw. "I won't let you down!" she mewed.
Ratpaw stepped up after his sister, and watched the leader carefully. As his name was said, and why, he couldn't help but to smile a bit. Ratfang... He dipped his head respectfully, and looked up. "Thank you, Grousestar." he said.
Otterpaw jumped up with some preppyness. The confident apprentice watched her sibling then looked up as he talked to her. Bowing a bit, she smiled. "Thank you, Grousestar." she mewed.
Mousepaw was last to step up of his siblings. He listened, completely silent like he always was. As he heard his new name, he simply bowed, dipping his head, and nodded his thanks.
Ratfang joined Ferretstrike, and all four joined up beside the Skyrock. "We did it!" Ferretstrike mewed, jumping up and doing a backflip. Ratfang and Ottertail chuckled. "Yeah we did!" Ottertail chuckled. Mousewhisper smiled. "Y-Yeah..." he chuckled quietly. Ratfang looked at his brother. "Come on! Now we can run the territory with no escort, and we can tell apprentices and kits what to do, and we can fight!" he mewed, and jumped up into his fighting stance. "We can fight off anyone who dares mess with our clan. No one will get in without having to face me!" he mewed.

After he had leaped off of the Skyrock, the leader would pause, looking at the dispersing crowd to see a group of the newly named warriors conversing with each other rather excitedly, it was the siblings Ratfang, Ferretstrike, Ottertail and Mousewhisper. Smiling, he would listen to them, looking over his shoulder at them before his ears perked up as he heard what Ratfang excitedly rambled on. Surely that's not what the tom thought that being a warrior was about right?
Flicking his tail a bit, he decided to be sure and simply began padding over to the group with a cheerful purr, dipping his head as he approached them.
"Greetings you four. Glad to see that you're excited to become warriors!"
Grousestar paused, looking over each one of them carefully, a smile still on his muzzle.
"But you four do know what it is to be a warrior, yes? It's not just about having authority over the younger cats or having the ability to fight, correct?"
Tilting his head curiously, he would wait for their answer, hoping that they truly didn't think that's what it meant to be a warrior, if not, then he would need to have a serious word for them, and that was certainly uncharacteristic of Grousestar, he was usually the farthest thing when it came to serious. But these cats were the future and backbone of the clan, he needed to know that they knew what it meant to be a warrior of Skyclan.

monfang November 28th, 2016 03:33 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 54753)
After he had leaped off of the Skyrock, the leader would pause, looking at the dispersing crowd to see a group of the newly named warriors conversing with each other rather excitedly, it was the siblings Ratfang, Ferretstrike, Ottertail and Mousewhisper. Smiling, he would listen to them, looking over his shoulder at them before his ears perked up as he heard what Ratfang excitedly rambled on. Surely that's not what the tom thought that being a warrior was about right?
Flicking his tail a bit, he decided to be sure and simply began padding over to the group with a cheerful purr, dipping his head as he approached them.
"Greetings you four. Glad to see that you're excited to become warriors!"
Grousestar paused, looking over each one of them carefully, a smile still on his muzzle.
"But you four do know what it is to be a warrior, yes? It's not just about having authority over the younger cats or having the ability to fight, correct?"
Tilting his head curiously, he would wait for their answer, hoping that they truly didn't think that's what it meant to be a warrior, if not, then he would need to have a serious word for them, and that was certainly uncharacteristic of Grousestar, he was usually the farthest thing when it came to serious. But these cats were the future and backbone of the clan, he needed to know that they knew what it meant to be a warrior of Skyclan.

"Well, yeah! It means we can have more freedom, too!" Ratfang mewed. Ottertail and Ferretstrike shook there heads. They looked at Grousestar and Ottertail piped up. "It also means we get to serve our clan, honorably. Ignore my brother, he's a bit over excited." she said, flicking her head to Ratfang. He stood straight nervously. "I-I knew that too..." he huffed. "No you didn't..." Mousewhisper mumbled. Ratfang growled a bit. Mousewhisper looked up at the leader and smiled shyly. "It could also mean we get to help our clan become better. Of course, we need good authority, which I'm sure you have." he complimented. Ottertail giggled a bit. "Aw, so sweet, Mousewhisper." she mewed, and Mousewhisper ducked his head ever so slightly.

The Cannibal November 28th, 2016 03:44 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by Moonfang (Post 54772)

"Well, yeah! It means we can have more freedom, too!" Ratfang mewed. Ottertail and Ferretstrike shook there heads. They looked at Grousestar and Ottertail piped up. "It also means we get to serve our clan, honorably. Ignore my brother, he's a bit over excited." she said, flicking her head to Ratfang. He stood straight nervously. "I-I knew that too..." he huffed. "No you didn't..." Mousewhisper mumbled. Ratfang growled a bit. Mousewhisper looked up at the leader and smiled shyly. "It could also mean we get to help our clan become better. Of course, we need good authority, which I'm sure you have." he complimented. Ottertail giggled a bit. "Aw, so sweet, Mousewhisper." she mewed, and Mousewhisper ducked his head ever so slightly.

To say in the least, Ratfang's answer sort of worried the leader, but he didn't let it show in the slightest, no, he maintained his cheerful and proud demeanor, his smile never faltering and his purring never ceasing.
"Well yes, warriors do get more freedom, but.. Surely that's not the point of becoming a warrior."
Nodding his head at the other siblings, he chuckled a bit, glad to see that they at least have the right idea about the subject, hopefully they would be able to teach their brother should his little talking to have no effect on him.
"That's exactly right Ottertail! And oh it's no problem, though you did have me worried there for a second Ratfang." Grousestar chuckled out and flicked his tail over the new warrior's ear. "Perhaps it's just your excitement getting to you, I know it can happen to me sometimes too!"
Looking to Mousewhisper now, he tilts his head a bit as the other brother spoke, the leader listening patiently.
"Indeed! You, the warriors, are the backbone of this clan, you are what make it strong and able to function. Without warriors, I would really have no one to lead. You are the ones who protect your family, your clanmates and everyone in this clan, that is your job, you provide for them, you patrol for them, everything you do. Is for them. That is the true meaning of being a warrior. You do this with honor, and in turn, that makes the clan better. Together, we are strong! So never forget the true meaning of being a warrior Ratfang, or any of you for that manner." All the while he spoke, he spoke with a purr, his tone lighthearted and cheerful as it usually was, not wanting to make it seem like they were being scolded, but making sure he got the point across to them because it was a very important point to know.

monfang November 28th, 2016 04:18 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 54787)
To say in the least, Ratfang's answer sort of worried the leader, but he didn't let it show in the slightest, no, he maintained his cheerful and proud demeanor, his smile never faltering and his purring never ceasing.
"Well yes, warriors do get more freedom, but.. Surely that's not the point of becoming a warrior."
Nodding his head at the other siblings, he chuckled a bit, glad to see that they at least have the right idea about the subject, hopefully they would be able to teach their brother should his little talking to have no effect on him.
"That's exactly right Ottertail! And oh it's no problem, though you did have me worried there for a second Ratfang." Grousestar chuckled out and flicked his tail over the new warrior's ear. "Perhaps it's just your excitement getting to you, I know it can happen to me sometimes too!"
Looking to Mousewhisper now, he tilts his head a bit as the other brother spoke, the leader listening patiently.
"Indeed! You, the warriors, are the backbone of this clan, you are what make it strong and able to function. Without warriors, I would really have no one to lead. You are the ones who protect your family, your clanmates and everyone in this clan, that is your job, you provide for them, you patrol for them, everything you do. Is for them. That is the true meaning of being a warrior. You do this with honor, and in turn, that makes the clan better. Together, we are strong! So never forget the true meaning of being a warrior Ratfang, or any of you for that manner." All the while he spoke, he spoke with a purr, his tone lighthearted and cheerful as it usually was, not wanting to make it seem like they were being scolded, but making sure he got the point across to them because it was a very important point to know.

All four smiled and listened intently as the new leader spoke. He sounded like an elder to them, and it made them want to listen longer. As he finished, Ottertail flicked her tail, and smiled. "Exactly." she said. Mousewhisper smiled shyly still, remaining silent. Ratfang smiled widely. "I knew that." he purred. The other three giggled at him.

The Cannibal November 28th, 2016 04:31 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock

Originally Posted by Moonfang (Post 54851)

All four smiled and listened intently as the new leader spoke. He sounded like an elder to them, and it made them want to listen longer. As he finished, Ottertail flicked her tail, and smiled. "Exactly." she said. Mousewhisper smiled shyly still, remaining silent. Ratfang smiled widely. "I knew that." he purred. The other three giggled at him.

With another goodhearted chuckle, Grousestar would look over them with a small nod, glad to see that they seemed to understand what he had said.
"Alright enough lecturing you, you're warriors now! Go see if Auroraflame needs you on any patrols hm?"
Dipping his head with a grin, the brown tabby would then wave his tail in a form of goodbye before padding away, heading towards the camp entrance, likely about to go out for another one of his walks, he seemed to be taking one every day now. No one really knew what he did on those walks, but knowing Grousestar, it was likely just to burn off some of the energy he had coursing through him.

Mango November 29th, 2016 04:46 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyrock
Cucumberpickle groused," Ugh... Another leader, a young warrior only 20 moons old should have lived through two- three now, leaders."

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