Warrior Cats Online

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TheNyanCatMinecart August 20th, 2021 10:17 AM

Battle of the Border

Wolffang took the lead as he padded over to the area that ShadowClan had taken. Right now, he felt unstoppable as he thought of that wretched Clan and all that they had done. His head was raised high, but his tail lashed behind him as he thought of the upcoming fight. At least, it could be a fight. They were placing the scent marks back where they were supposed to go. Most likely, they would face some resistance from ShadowClan. The deputy's mind flashed back to what they had done to those five poor cats. Their remains scattered, stripped of their pelts. Not all of them had been mauled as terribly, since they had been able to recognize their remains. However, they had been in no condition to bring back to WindClan.

They'd had to bury what was left of them without giving them the proper ceremony that a deceased Clan member should receive.

Wolffang's eyes burned, bright yellow fires of fury as he led his patrol. Owltalon and Batglare were nearby. Even though vengeance coursed through his veins, he still knew that this patrol was just meant to put the border marks back to where they were supposed to be. A flash of anger ran through him as he thought of the talk he had given his patrol earlier. He definitely expected to meet resistance - and he had given them full permission to snap the neck of any ShadowClanner who tried to get in their way.

Eventually, they reached it. His lip curled as the horrible scent of the rival Clan flooded into him. It smelled terrible, but that was to be expected. Wolffang turned around to address his patrol, and perhaps the others, if they cared to listen.

"We are here to reset the border marks to where they once were, just as Twilightstar said. But most likely, we will meet resistance from ShadowClan. After all, their stolen territory would be too precious for them to lose." All the contempt he felt toward them leeched into his voice as he gave a flick of his tail to highlight the emotion. "If we do meet them, we will prove to them how strong we really are. Even bunnies can blind with their claws. But we are much more than bunnies. As I said before..." He raised his voice so the other patrols could hear.

"Show no mercy. We are more honorable than them, but if the warrior code means so little to ShadowClan, we will treat them the same in return. Don't mutilate the bodies, but if you get a good opportunity, I'm not against you snapping a neck or tearing out a throat."

That was enough talking. Indicating his patrol with a flick of his tail, Wolffang announced, "Come on. We're resetting the border marks. My patrol will take this section." He padded further into the reek of ShadowClan. It smelled worse than crow-food, but Wolffang's fury didn't make him give a rabbit's tail about how bad it smelled. Getting back what was theirs mattered most.

Wolffang reached the area where the border had previously been and began to mark it. "Make the WindClan scent as strong as possible," he recommended to his patrol. "If ShadowClan come, we want it bearing as little trace of their scent as possible. We must prove to them that it belongs to us."

Wolffang's patrol: Swiftwind, Badgerpaw, Goosehowl, Blackmist, Sheepnose, Stonemask, Yellowpaw

Batglare's patrol: Silentstorm, Coldamber, Crowtooth, Darkclaw, Redspark, Lightheart

Owltalon's patrol: Leopardfire, Deadpaw, Primroseshadow, Softleaf, Crowspeck, Leafpaw, Bunnypaw

Silverfur & Co August 20th, 2021 10:21 AM

Re: Battle of the Border
Leopardfire pointed to the other section to the right "We will take that section." she mews looking at him. Starting to mark borders.

WinterMara August 20th, 2021 10:27 AM

Re: Battle of the Border
| Stonemask of Windclan |

It was finally time, he was with so many cats now to reset the border, but honestly...it felt like more than just a simple border reset. This felt like justice for the cats who had died at the border, unrightfully so, Dawnstars words at the gathering rang through his mind, why didn't he speak out, like Darkclaw had. He had to give the molly some credit in all honesty, she seemed to know what she was doing, even Twilightstar scolded the Shadowclan leader.

Maybe, if more voices or, even claws had come out that night, there would be less dead.

It did not matter though, it was to late, now voices, claws, and anger would be heard. You could already hear it from the deputy, of course he wouldn't be as insane as the mutts but, he would be willing to tear out their throats, make them suffer. He didn't care for age of the mutts at all, they were all horrible beasts in his mind, so NO mercy to anyone would be shown.

He began to mark where the border SHOULD be, not bothering to respond to Wolffang, his words were loud and god damn clear, if anyone didn't know what to do, that'd be toadbrained. If this went alright, maybe no more blood would be shed from either side, but the deputy was right, Shadowclan would retaliate, so...in this situation, survival of the fittest.

shaded shadow August 20th, 2021 10:30 AM

Re: Battle of the Border
yellowpaw followed wolffangs patrol shodowclan will pay she thought to herself.

~Sayonara~ August 20th, 2021 10:42 AM

Re: Battle of the Border
Softleaf listens obediently to the tom's words, nodding. He agreed what ShadowClan did was wrong, he agreed with everything he said. He just hopes his fighting skills don't fail him.
StarClan protect us...

Akira August 20th, 2021 11:16 AM

Re: Battle of the Border
Crowspeck kept quiet, following closely behind. He hoped it would be quick, but highly doubted it. Hopefully he could get back to all the kits that claimed him as their father back in WindClan.

Moonraven August 20th, 2021 04:33 PM

Re: Battle of the Border

Batglare trailed behind the rest of his clanmates, muscles tenses and claws out. He caught the tail end of what Wolfang was saying but didn't bother helping with scenting or moving the border. He couldn't shake the feeling that this was a bad idea, that WindClan wasn't ready for this fight, and that they were walking right into ShadowClan's paws.

The senior warrior figured that no amount of training would ever make him feel like WindClan was ready for a confrontation with ShadowClan, his last patrol's annihilation made him skeptical. They were going into this raged fueled and temperamental, not that Batglare could really say much considering his constant anger. Still, something felt off to him. Or it could just be old age, either way, he hung back as Wolffang and Owltalon's patrol worked on the border.

"Silentstorm, Coldamber, Crowtooth, Darkclaw, Redspark, and Lightheart. Keep your guards up and a sharp eye on the pine forest. That fact that the toads haven't come croaking at us is concerning, I don't like it." He didn't think Dawnstar or really any ShadowClan cat would just let them move the border like this without a fight. Batglare would rather be safe than sorry.
@Rani @Pheasantflight @~Fierceclaw~ @Rainquail @Thunderstrike @seeingstars

Nixey August 20th, 2021 04:38 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
The little brown molly trudged behind the deputy and his group of cats. Her fur was all puffed up, making her already thick and relatively long pelt look even bigger. She was anticipating a fight, anxiety stirring in her chest as Swiftwind paused to listen the leader of the patrol she had been placed on.
Taking a soft breath, Swiftwind made her way towards the border, the reek of Shadowclan seeming to engulf her as it took everything in her not to start gagging. Trying to hold her breath for as long as her body would allow her, Swiftwind began remarking where the border should be.
They’d take this land one way or another.

Abyssopelagic August 20th, 2021 07:36 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
Coldamber tags along with Batglare's group almost as soon at Wolffang made the announcement and closely followed behind the others. She nodded at Batglare's warning, warily eying the ShadowClan border as they approached it.
Juat looking at their part of the border always sent chills up her spine and the more she learned about them and their past (that she must have been apart of, she had been living her when the worst of it happened) with this Clan, the more she wondered her own part and experiences with this Clan before her memory loss.
She warily begins helping mark the border, constantly looking around for any signs of trouble.

Rani August 20th, 2021 08:25 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
The rage hadnt subsided. It was expected, only blood would bank the burning fury that was undeniable and even then it'd only put that anger on the back burner. Still it'd be better the sheer vicious urge to snap and take no prisoners was almost sickening in its intensity and Crowtooth would be happy to see it lessen. He'd be happy to see justice. He'd make it happen here today. The large and bulky tom was silent but for his raspy breathing that almost had a mad feral edge to it as his eyes were as cold as metal but still held the same sharp gleam and it was clear he would be returning the lack of mercy shadowclan had showed. He already had after all. Crowtooth didnt know the name of the shadowclan warrior he'd killed quite recently but he knew her body was in the area somewhere where he'd dumped it, away from the tunnel entrance so it wasnt found and with some scent obscuring dirt that covered his path though not the scent that a windclan cat had done this. He wanted them to know. The tunneler really only had time to wash himself, get back to camp and rest for a moment before this action was called so the mollys remains mightve not even been found yet. Crowtooth didnt care.

With but a nod at Batglares orders the large and muscled tom moved forward to take a sort of 'head' position of the patrol, making sure if an attack did come he'd be the first to take it and the others would have a chance to rally. The tom was used to taking attacks and wounds and didnt seem as effected by them as some could be. The scent marks the warrior started to lay down were thick and clear.

Mango August 21st, 2021 12:28 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
Bunnypaw hoped it would be a peaceful border reclaim she silently began to mark her scent along the territory that was rightfully theres. It was weird having permission to trespass but it was to claim their own territory back. She liked that she was sort of breaking a rule.

Undertaker August 21st, 2021 01:41 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
Her movements are fluid and without apparent effort; stalking through the shadows with the type of stealth befitting of one known as the leader of Shadow. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said of those who came behind her. Some were silent, but none good enough for the golden-eyed molly. These were the days where she missed Redshrike's company, he seemed the only one who could match her in a skill when it came to prowling through the darkness. Dawnstar reminded herself to give extra stealth lessons when she had the time.

Hunkering down low and pressing herself firmly against the rough bark of a pine tree, the molly had her patrol remain a good tree length or two from the bunnies who were working on moving the border. To her amusement, much like the small prey animals that they were, a few seemed to be keeping a close eye on the dark woods, just waiting for predators. Dawnstar's pelt and stripes were dark enough that she could blend into the shadows without difficulty. Some of her cats weren't colored as dark as she, they'd be smart enough to stay behind trees... right?

Dawnstar supposed it didn't matter, tail rippling behind her, she gave the signal to move forward slowly - with care, quite frankly this was fun, it was like hunting real prey instead of cats. Exciting in a way. The leader didn't bother creeping any closer than the next tree in her line of sight, she wasn't the one who'd be fighting. With a kink of her tail, she wordlessly orders her warriors to attack. Disappointment caused a scowl to form on her maw when she spotted the huge brown and white Bat of a cat in the back, she would have brought less cats if she knew he had been here. Oh, well, next time. The big gray tom was WindClan's deputy, wasn't it? She guessed if someone could kill him she'd naturally have to make them deputy.

@Nixey @Papaya @Angelique @poppy. @Hawkice @gs29513 @Clovershade @Sky13 @Kunaiskrill @spade @x ghostie @finnzel @littlelove @Shade. @Celeste @Jayden @Beetlenose @Ziera @Little Timmy @Stardust~ @Zesty Mango @Singing Jay @Rimuru Black @FrostCat

Jade13 August 21st, 2021 01:45 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
Leafpaw went to reclaim the border. Shadowclan would pay for the pain they caused. He wouldn’t be afraid to fight if they showed though as he thought that he thought he could sent shadowclan more strongly but brushed it off as they were near there territory

Shade. August 21st, 2021 01:46 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
Rookpaw's stomach =was turning like a rolling mossball. Ohnoohnoohnoohnoooohh! She was feeling so many weird emotions, crouched with the ShadowClan patrol.

spade August 21st, 2021 01:56 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
Slinking through the shadows closely behind Dawnstar, Grimhound's amber eyes were ablaze with a pawful of emotions. The eerie sensation that clogged his lungs with each breath he took was exhilarating, and as the border came into sight anticipation tingled from the tips of his ears to his paws. Shadows clung to his pelt like morning mist to the ground, and as Dawnstar halted so did he.

The time for true retribution had come. Being darker than his leader gave him the perfect coverage under the shadows, and like the hound he was he played the game of cat and mouse, stalking forward at Dawnstar's silent order. He didn't want to go for just anyone this time, no. His eyes were hard set on a certain cat - a redo of their earlier battle that had been sourly interrupted. Not this time. There would be no saving the tom from his fate.

What a prize his pelt would make for Dawnstar. The hound wouldn't do it for her though, no. He would do it simply because he could.

Out of the corner of his eye he spotted Dawnstar's silent order of attack. It was time. Sliding out from his hiding spot a few fox-lengths down from where the three WindClan patrols were remarking the border, Grimhound let out a sadistic chuckle. "Bold bunnies you are," he sneered, and without hesitation the large tom hurtled himself through the group, attention dead locked onto Batglare. His claws extended and amber eyes lit like fire, burning with the desire to score claws through flesh. As he neared him, the hulking tom dropped low, attempting to come up at Batglare's shoulder with a slicing claw upward to knock him off balance.

Let the games begin.

// @Moonraven

dino. August 21st, 2021 02:19 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
// Open for WC!

The scarred tabby slunk along behind Dawnstar, keeping behind bushes and trees and any other cover he could find to conceal his pale coat. He wasn't as darkly colored like most of his Clanmates, was more likely to be spotted whilst trying to sneak around than the rest of them. And yet as careful as he might try to be, his paws kept knocking into loose stones and pinecones. He scowled at the dark ground, silently cursing his less-than-perfect night vision.

He was grateful when Dawnstar gave the signal to attack, and with a snarl burst out of the trees beside Grimhound, aiming a swift uppercut with claws unsheathed at the nearest cat's face. "If you thought you could take territory from ShadowClan and get away with it, you're sorely mistaken!" he spat.

MooingPanda August 21st, 2021 02:54 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
Owltalon wrinkled his nose in disgust as he followed Wolffang. ShadowClan had certainly done a good job of making their prescence known. Glancing behind him, he flicked his tail at his patrol. "Let's spread out," he ordered softly, veering off from the main group as they neared where the border used to be. Not too far, in case they were needed elsewhere, but Owltalon didn't want to be clumped up in one mass for ShadowClan to attack.

He strode forward, marking the new border as they reached it. "Stay sharp," he cautioned. "You never know with ShadowClan." He was going to say more when he heard a scuffle break out from Batglare's group. Spinning around, he spotted Grimhound lunging toward the WindClan warrior. "They are upon us!" he yowled as a body collided with his and a stinging blow landed on his chin. Twisting around and fighting to keep his balance, he stared into the eyes of a ShadowClan apprentice. "I could say the same for you!" he retorted, aiming a fierce swipe at the tom's ears. @Papaya

@Silverfur & Co. @gs29513 @windtail @Jayden @Kyrieknight @feather lily @Zesty Mango

Beetlenose August 21st, 2021 03:34 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
Warning! Daisypaw will not hesitate to kill you cat! She will injure either severely or minerly! Don’t expect your cat to walk away without an injury! I repeat: she will kill if you want.
(Open for WC)
Daisypaw followed, her tail rippling behind her. Silently following Dawnstar. Once Dawnstar motioned for attack, she movies silently through the bushes her eyes a bright glow in the dark. As a figure approached she jumped claws unsheathed ready to kill.

shaae_26 August 21st, 2021 03:35 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
Rabbitpaw stood silently and still behind Dawnstar and the rest of the patrol. His muscles were bunched and his claws were unsheathed, ready to leap into battle at anytime.

When Dawnstar motioned for attack, Rabbitpaw leapt into the fight. He snarled and clawed, landing on a Windclan cat. He couldn't wait to tear apart his birth clan. He wanted to prove his blood to them was broken. (Open, Rabbitpaw is a traitor who left WC to be with ShC. I want the cat he attacks to recognize him, but Rabbitpaw will show no mercy. (Have them call him Snakepaw). He is a ruthless killer and your cat will leave with serious wounds.

Silverfur & Co August 21st, 2021 03:39 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
Leopardfire hissed as she left into battle "Let's go windclan. " She yowled leaping for the cat that attacked owltalon.

Clovershade August 21st, 2021 03:41 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
Antpaw slunk along in the darkness behind Dawnstar, eyes focused intently on the Windclan cats. This was it. This was the battle. He took a deep breath, trying to keep himself calm and his mind fairly blank.

When the signal was given to attack he jumped out beside Grimhound and Whisperpaw, hissing at the Windclan cats.

"You rabbits made a mistake ever crossing Shadowclan!" He snarled, tail lashing and muscles bunched, ready to attack the first Windclan cat that made a move.

//Open to WC//

WinterMara August 21st, 2021 03:55 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
| Stonemask of Windclan |

Everything was going fine...to fine, it was, disturbing. This wasn't right, why had the mutts not come? They were always so intent on killing the 'bunnies' anyway.

Well, seems they were here now.

He turned over to see three Shadowclan cats come out, more seeming to approach, seems Dawnstar sent her little minions out to do her dirtywork, despicable. Not giving Antpaw a real choice, he lunged out at him, trying to stay in the sun and aiming for his side.

' ' You say as you mutts stole what was rightfully ours, and then killed our clanmates for no reason!' '

[I would like for Stonemask to not die/be injured to the point where he can't be a warrior, but DO NOT go easy on him, I am still fine with you injuring him heavily!]

| @Clovershade

Singing Jay August 21st, 2021 04:00 PM

Re: Battle of the Border

Shadestorm followed right behind his leader, creeping
forward, the muscles rippling under the large toms
tabby coat. This was what he had been hoping for,
an opportunity, a battle.
Don't get too full of you self
The voice inside his mind echoed.
Tryin' to focus here
He responded back without words, and luckily she
staid quiet.
But now... It was time, time to fight, time to impress Dawnstar...

Time to KILL!

[Open to WC]

Clovershade August 21st, 2021 04:20 PM

Re: Battle of the Border

Originally Posted by WinterRabbit5350 (Post 1056203)
| Stonemask of Windclan |

Everything was going fine...to fine, it was, disturbing. This wasn't right, why had the mutts not come? They were always so intent on killing the 'bunnies' anyway.

Well, seems they were here now.

He turned over to see three Shadowclan cats come out, more seeming to approach, seems Dawnstar sent her little minions out to do her dirtywork, despicable. Not giving Antpaw a real choice, he lunged out at him, trying to stay in the sun and aiming for his side.

' ' You say as you mutts stole what was rightfully ours, and then killed our clanmates for no reason!' '

[I would like for Stonemask to not die/be injured to the point where he can't be a warrior, but DO NOT go easy on him, I am still fine with you injuring him heavily!]

| @Clovershade

The sudden attack was enough to almost make him forget his training, the panic and dread rising up as he was toppled over and felt his head hit the ground. He tried to calm himself down, focusing back in on the problem at hand and wracking his brain for what to do.

He unsheathed his claws and aimed a swipe at Stonemask's eye, kicking out his hindlegs to try and kick the opponents legs out from under him.

windtail August 21st, 2021 04:22 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
Primeroseshadow leaped into battle with her claws unsheathe
( open)

Rani August 21st, 2021 04:23 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
And so the beasts arrived and Crowtooths vision went red and hazed ad the tom entered his usual battle rage unimportant details falling to the wayside and sensations like pain or discomfort went ignored. This always happened in true battle sure the tom knew to use this skill of his (no matter how many small scars this earned him from injuries he didnt bother to dodge) but this time did feel different to the rest. It felt more. It felt worse. Even if the skunk striped tom had the capacity to care he wouldnt though, he was fully prepared to do anything and so use this to win. The large and ragged warrior let out a feral and terrifying roar of broken rage as he threw himself at the nearest shadowclan cat aiming to kill whoever dared to continue their injustices against windclan. The well muscled tunneler had killed scum from this clan before and maimed more, he'd happily do so again. His first strike against any cat in reach was a powerful one the warrior using the momentum of his lunge and body weight to collide with his foe and put power behind his opening clawed strike, aiming to knock whoever it was down so he could pin them as his paw rocketed towords their head to daze them and tear the sensitive flesh. It was time for shadowclan to face the judgement of starclan in death and Crowtooth would deliver them. If he didnt manage that? Well he'd make sure his opponent would never forget him no matter how much they wanted too.

(Open to a shadowclan cat or even two! I really want Crow to win his battles so while Im happy for your cat to leave scars and wounds please only reply to this post if youre ok with your cat being beaten into the ground by a very experienced warrior. Results of the battle, if your cats killed, maimed, injured, or just chased off, is up to you though so please tell me and Im happy to make it happen!)

shaded shadow August 21st, 2021 04:27 PM

Re: Battle of the Border

Warning! Daisypaw will not hesitate to kill you cat! She will injure either severely or minerly! Don’t expect your cat to walk away without an injury! I repeat: she will kill if you want.
(Open for WC)
Daisypaw followed, her tail rippling behind her. Silently following Dawnstar. Once Dawnstar motioned for attack, she movies silently through the bushes her eyes a bright glow in the dark. As a figure approached she jumped claws unsheathed ready to kill.
yellowpaw lunged at a shadowclan apprentice hopeing to pin her down.
(daisypaw can kill yellowpaw)

WinterMara August 21st, 2021 04:30 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
| Stonemask of Windclan |

' ' Guess you're not to good at battle in the sun, hu-' '


While the attack on his legs didn't work, the one on his eye did, and it was enough to make Stonemask get off the apprentice, even if it was just for a moment. The smart decision would be to run away get his eye treated or at least try and go to a weaker warrior, but he was dead set on making Shadowclan pay, even if it costed his life.

The grey warrior, eye now bleeding, went to get the apprentices neck, after all, the goal was to try and kill him, and he wasn't going to go easy just because of the code, not like Shadowclan would do the same anyway.

| @Clovershade

Little Timmy August 21st, 2021 04:42 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
Spottedpaw was ready to attack, she was ready to kill some bunnies, at least hurt them. And prove that Windclan should never mess with ShadowClan again! As soon as she saw the signal to attack, she ran forwards with a lot of other cats. Ready to ounce at another cat if they attacked her.

( open to Windclan! Spottedpaw is my beloved ShadowClan cat, I do not want her to die, or be injured to the point where she can’t become a warrior. She will also not hesitate to kill/injur your cat, though I will have to ask first.)

Clovershade August 21st, 2021 04:55 PM

Re: Battle of the Border

Originally Posted by WinterRabbit5350 (Post 1056224)
| Stonemask of Windclan |

' ' Guess you're not to good at battle in the sun, hu-' '


While the attack on his legs didn't work, the one on his eye did, and it was enough to make Stonemask get off the apprentice, even if it was just for a moment. The smart decision would be to run away get his eye treated or at least try and go to a weaker warrior, but he was dead set on making Shadowclan pay, even if it costed his life.

The grey warrior, eye now bleeding, went to get the apprentices neck, after all, the goal was to try and kill him, and he wasn't going to go easy just because of the code, not like Shadowclan would do the same anyway.

| @Clovershade

Antpaw had actually landed that hit? He hadn't expected that to work-

With a jolt of realization on the attack targeted at his neck, he rolled out of the way just in time, feeling the attack tear some fur and flesh dangerously close to his throat. He stumbled to his paws, whirling around to face the Windclan warrior.

He was breathing fast, maybe too fast, he didn't want to start hyperventilating- Just attack, don't think about it, just do it.

With that in his head he lunged towards Stonemask, jaws snapping to try and clamp down on his shoulder.

JackHunt_17 August 21st, 2021 05:02 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
Fiercefire stalked up behind Dawnstar, waiting for the que. When she sent the battle signal. he exploded into action. With a massive leap, Fiercefire landed right behind an unexpecting Windclan apprentice. He lashed his claws out at their rear end to anger them, hoping they would turn around to confront him.

(Fiercefire will kill whichever cat he attacks, so please only use throwaway OC's and understand they will die.)

WinterMara August 21st, 2021 05:06 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
| Stonemask of Windclan |

The attack landed, it was odd how good both the cats moves were doing, it seemed some fur had been removed from the apprentice. Whatever, he hadn't any time to think about that, not a second to lose, he tried to fling Antpaw off his shoulder, trying to get him to land on a tree, should do some good damage.

| @Clovershade

TheNyanCatMinecart August 21st, 2021 05:08 PM

Re: Battle of the Border

Things were going well... so far. Wolffang had finished marking one side of the border and noticed that Owltalon and Batglare had led their patrols to do the same. Yet he was expecting opposition. His thick fur bristled as he felt the sensation of eyes from the shadows. It could've just been his imagination... or maybe they were there. Just in case, he unsheathed his long, curved claws. His battle practices with Lioncloud and Embershard would hopefully pay off, along with the extra training that he did. Wolffang was lucky to have thick fur, so he had less scars, but then again, being more battle-scarred would make him look more fearsome.

As a younger warrior, I would've thought that. But now, I'm mainly focused on serving my Clan. Still, Wolffang did love to fight, and he half-hoped that he'd be able to tear into some ShadowClan cat's pelt. As though his prayer was answered, Grimhound suddenly tore out of the woods. Every hair on his pelt stood on end as he whipped around to face the dark brown tom. Wolffang almost aimed a swipe, but realized that the treacherous hound was headed toward Batglare. He's strong enough to fend him off, Wolffang thought. As much as he hated Grimhound... this might not be the time.

The battle erupted around him, and Wolffang was prepared to fight. His prominent muscles were tensed as his bright yellow gaze scanned the clearing, ready to pick off some cats. A small part of him tugged toward the warrior code, but that was easily swamped. No mercy. Not after what they've done. Pretty quickly, his gaze fell on a dark gray tabby who was large and bulky. Wolffang didn't know his name, but he looked like a good opponent.

Wolffang bounded to the side, then gave a mighty leap at the dark gray tabby, who didn't seem to have an opponent yet. He was aiming to knock into his side and dig his claws into the flesh, past the fur.

@Singing Jay

[Wolffang is a good fighter. I do not want him killed or maimed badly, but him gaining some extra scars is fine. If your cat fights him, expect some nasty injuries, especially if they are young; however, this will of course be determined through roleplay and the fighting skill of his opponent. He also will not hesitate to kill, so I'm open for him killing some ShadowClan cats.]

Clovershade August 21st, 2021 05:24 PM

Re: Battle of the Border

Originally Posted by WinterRabbit5350 (Post 1056240)
| Stonemask of Windclan |

The attack landed, it was odd how good both the cats moves were doing, it seemed some fur had been removed from the apprentice. Whatever, he hadn't any time to think about that, not a second to lose, he tried to fling Antpaw off his shoulder, trying to get him to land on a tree, should do some good damage.

| @Clovershade

Antpaw bit down harder as he was shook around, trying not to go flying and inevitably getting very hurt. His claws scrabbled for grip basically anywhere, raking at the warrior's chest and side.

He didn't really know what he was trying to do, just that he had to injure this cat somehow-Dawnstar said to try and kill the Windclan cats, right? But how in the world was he supposed to kill a warrior? And the thought of killing, well, anyone didn't sit right with him. But if Dawnstar ordered it, then all he could do was try his best, it seemed.

In an attempt to do some good damage, he attempted to bite down even harder, suddenly losing his grip as he was flung away and hit the ground-hard. His breath was knocked out of him and he wheezed, trying to shake off the dizziness.

Moonraven August 21st, 2021 05:28 PM

Re: Battle of the Border

Originally Posted by spade (Post 1056162)
Slinking through the shadows closely behind Dawnstar, Grimhound's amber eyes were ablaze with a pawful of emotions. The eerie sensation that clogged his lungs with each breath he took was exhilarating, and as the border came into sight anticipation tingled from the tips of his ears to his paws. Shadows clung to his pelt like morning mist to the ground, and as Dawnstar halted so did he.

The time for true retribution had come. Being darker than his leader gave him the perfect coverage under the shadows, and like the hound he was he played the game of cat and mouse, stalking forward at Dawnstar's silent order. He didn't want to go for just anyone this time, no. His eyes were hard set on a certain cat - a redo of their earlier battle that had been sourly interrupted. Not this time. There would be no saving the tom from his fate.

What a prize his pelt would make for Dawnstar. The hound wouldn't do it for her though, no. He would do it simply because he could.

Out of the corner of his eye he spotted Dawnstar's silent order of attack. It was time. Sliding out from his hiding spot a few fox-lengths down from where the three WindClan patrols were remarking the border, Grimhound let out a sadistic chuckle. "Bold bunnies you are," he sneered, and without hesitation the large tom hurtled himself through the group, attention dead locked onto Batglare. His claws extended and amber eyes lit like fire, burning with the desire to score claws through flesh. As he neared him, the hulking tom dropped low, attempting to come up at Batglare's shoulder with a slicing claw upward to knock him off balance.

Let the games begin.

// @Moonraven

Batglare remain vigilant, muscle constantly tensed, as he wait for some unwanted attack. He got this chill dread that went straight through his body and twisted his stomach into knots, it felt like they were being watched. He was unable to see as clearly as he’d considering WindClan was nearly constantly bathed in sunlight or moonlight, trying to peer though the shadows was a problem for him. The more he watched the more concerned and troubled he grew. The huge tom shifted his attention momentarily towards the few cats in his group as they spread out with the rest of the patrols. He returned his gaze to the shadowy territory, head cocked just slight, when he thought he saw something.

He hissed loudly while the fur on his back began to rise. Of course, only seconds later ShadowClan came bursting out the forest. Ugh, just great. Batglare caught a pair of gleaming amber eyes lock on to him, as usual, he mistook took the brute for the toady leader until he noticed the lack of massive X scar on the face. Grimhound came in swift and low, Batglare reacted in a semi-timely manner, leaping backwards to avoid the claws aimed at his shoulder. With the tail length of distance between them, Batglare charged forwards, rearing up a good couple of inches from the ground, he extended his left foreleg to try and wrap it around the the back of the tom’s neck in a grapple. With the right front paw full of claws, he attempted to land several rapid strikes to the warrior’s head.

WinterMara August 21st, 2021 05:38 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
| Stonemask of Windclan |

His eye began feeling worse, his vision blurring up, at least, on the side his eye got hit. Stonemasks shoulder was...also in pain now, Antpaw did latch onto it after all, but without giving the apprentice a chance to think, he lunged at him again, aiming to bit his back.

After all, Windclan was known for speed.

| @Clovershade

Levi 99 August 21st, 2021 05:56 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
Shadefrost sat a few feet behind Dawnstar, watching as his clan mates sprung into action, their claws sharp and unsheathed. The fact that he couldn't spot annyone that looked like they would be worth his time was pretty annoying, but he knew if he didn't join the fight soon he'd probably end up just as dead as most of the cats that are fighting right now. Giving a loud sigh of disappointment, the black tom walked slowly towards the group of fighting cats and sat patiently, waiting for the cat who would challenge him
(Open too a WC warrior)

Clovershade August 21st, 2021 06:20 PM

Re: Battle of the Border

Originally Posted by WinterRabbit5350 (Post 1056251)
| Stonemask of Windclan |

His eye began feeling worse, his vision blurring up, at least, on the side his eye got hit. Stonemasks shoulder was...also in pain now, Antpaw did latch onto it after all, but without giving the apprentice a chance to think, he lunged at him again, aiming to bit his back.

After all, Windclan was known for speed.

| @Clovershade

Before Antpaw could get his bearings, a heavy weight fell on him, knocking the air from his lungs once again. Before he could even process what was happening a sharp pain dug itself into his skin, shooting up his spine.

The panic set in again, and he tried to catch his breath, paws pushing at the ground to try and stand up. No, no, no, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die-

He couldn't do much in this position, the pain getting to him as he was unable to dislodge the larger cat. In a last desperate attempt, he unsheathed the claws on his hindpaw and tried to kick Stonemask in the stomach.

(I'd prefer you don't kill him, but you can injure him)

WinterMara August 21st, 2021 06:30 PM

Re: Battle of the Border
| Stonemask of Windclan |

[Seems fair, my rules apply to you, your rules apply to me =3]

He went to bite the cat's flank, from a near insane panic, realistically, he could've gone for Antpaw's neck, ending his life then and there, but when you panic, you do dumb things. The apprenticeslegs did hit Stonemask's stomach, but he didn't budge, he WOULD get this cat at least injured, one way or another.

| @Clovershade

windtail August 21st, 2021 06:31 PM

Re: Battle of the Border

Shadefrost sat a few feet behind Dawnstar, watching as his clan mates sprung into action, their claws sharp and unsheathed. The fact that he couldn't spot annyone that looked like they would be worth his time was pretty annoying, but he knew if he didn't join the fight soon he'd probably end up just as dead as most of the cats that are fighting right now. Giving a loud sigh of disappointment, the black tom walked slowly towards the group of fighting cats and sat patiently, waiting for the cat who would challenge him
(Open too a WC warrior)
primroseshadow noticed the shadowclan cats sitting outside the battle and ran at him and swiped at his face fast he would have to be fast to doge it.
@Rimuru Black

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