Warrior Cats Online

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-   -   Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30120)

Caramel September 14th, 2020 11:11 AM

Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters
Here yee! Here yee! My name is GHBTTHJN ETTIGJN and i present Warriors: A fanfiction collab (name will be changed). After all the support the idea had i've decided to make it into an actual project! This is the character thread, where all things related to the characters will be.
The google doc for this will be made very soon, do not worry. And as soon as my computer gets repaired i might make an untold legacy allegiance.

So characters,
First thing, in the form you must specify what role they would play in the story, are they a main character (note: There are only 5 spots for main characters, 3 have already been taken by @soot @TheShadowAnimal @Wolfgirl8 ), a background character, minor character, etc.
The characters must have a detailed description or a photo or both.
The characters should be interesting! I don't want any Brakenfurs (unless they're a background character), so have fun including as much stuff as you want.
If your character has a family member and they are a character made by someone else please ask them, and made up family members should be applied for too unless too unimportant or dead.
You can make starclan cats, though they should be of some level of importance in some way (maybe to the future plot or to a specific cat).
This fanfic takes place in the lake territories with all 5 clans.
Names can be as plain or as buck wild as you want, i honestly don't care, have fun.
All main character spots have been taken!

Detailed description or photo-
Mention me-
Other mention- @Jessica1917
(btw you're allowed to not use the form and just describe the character in alot of detail)

@Slushie @hope @Jessica1917 @Willowfern @Lynxpaw @Neon Lights @Beck @Pepperchini @Cobra

Festive Neon September 14th, 2020 11:24 AM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters
Name- Leopardblaze
Age- 24moons
Rank-Deputy if possible if not warrior
Clan- Thunderclan
Role- main caracter
Personality- Brave,smart,kind
Detailed description or photo- She is a golden she-cat with a bright orange backsripe creamy white paws chest and tail tip and aqua eyes
Relationships-none atm
Backstory- As a kit she was in a fox attack and almost lost her vision on one eye and her parents never cared for her so she was in the medicine cats den for almost all of her kit hood they thought her to be the best cat she could be so all through her apprenticeship she was doing every thing she could with led to almost losing half of her tail in a fight with windclan, she managed that and almost died with hunger when her clan banished her for a moon in leaf bear when she was accused for giving their secrets to one of the other clans. When they realized it wasn't her they sent a search party to find her, and when they did they found her frozen almost dead in the snow so they carried her back and was restored to full health 1 moon later. Finally she became a warrior being bulled because a apprentice she trained with spread roomers that she was part kitty pet and one of the apprentices put death berrys in her prey that almost killed her but the medicine cat noticed and she was healed once again a before they let her go they decided if she could manege being a warrior despite all she went through she over heard them and convinced them that she was capable of being a warrior.
Importance-She will notice things other cats didn't and show them that some cats that are belived to be good are not
Mention me- @Goldenmask

Cobra September 14th, 2020 11:26 AM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters
Age-10 moons at death, 12 moons now
Role-Main character
Detailed description or photo-look above
Backstory-dew was born with dropkit, his mother neglected him cause she loved drop more, he became and app, his mentor was expecting, he got her sister, he met echopaw :heartbounce:, he annoyed her, he pranked her with shrikekit by putting sap in her fur and let a turtle destroy the herbs, echopaw killed him.
Importance-dew is seriously my favorite charrie, + lots have told me he's funny
Mention me- @Goldenmask

Caramel September 14th, 2020 11:30 AM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Cobra (Post 804649)
Age-10 moons at death, 12 moons now
Role-Main character
Detailed description or photo-look above
Backstory-dew was born with dropkit, his mother neglected him cause she loved drop more, he became and app, his mentor was expecting, he got her sister, he met echopaw :heartbounce:, he annoyed her, he pranked her with shrikekit by putting sap in her fur and let a turtle destroy the herbs, echopaw killed him.
Importance-dew is seriously my favorite charrie, + lots have told me he's funny
Mention me- @Goldenmask

This takes place at the lake territories and does not use WCO ocs, unless this is just a non-canon Dewpaw but that would also mean all the other characters in his backstory and relations would have to be added.

PEPPERMINT~ September 14th, 2020 11:32 AM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters
what kind of characters are you looking for and can you do a character in this rp? @Goldenmask

Caramel September 14th, 2020 11:40 AM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Neon Lights (Post 804647)
Name- Leopardblaze
Age- 24moons
Rank-Deputy if possible if not warrior
Clan- Thunderclan
Role- main caracter
Personality- Brave,smart,kind
Detailed description or photo- She is a golden she-cat with a bright orange bcksripe creamy white paws chest and tail tip and aqua eyes
Relationships-none atm
Backstory- She was always ahead of the other apprentices when she was young and had no problem of speaking up
Importance-She is a very trusted and is also very wise
Mention me- @Goldenmask

Do you mean by calling them a main character mean they are a protagonist or just an important character? I should have specified that main character meant a perspective or a protagonist.
Also the character is a little plain (no offense), i suggest you add some more detail or maybe a more intresting backstory or personality.

Caramel September 14th, 2020 11:44 AM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Drago0n (Post 804653)
what kind of characters are you looking for and can you do a character in this rp? @Goldenmask

I'm not looking for any characters in specific though every clan will need to have a minimum of 15 cats. And if you mean an oc WCO then as long as they are a non-canon version (an au version basically) of that character, and their backstory needs to be changed to work with the setting.

Festive Neon September 14th, 2020 11:56 AM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Goldenmask (Post 804654)
Do you mean by calling them a main character mean they are a protagonist or just an important character? I should have specified that main character meant a perspective or a protagonist.
Also the character is a little plain (no offense), i suggest you add some more detail or maybe a more intresting backstory or personality.

I was in a rush I was simplifying it I will edit the post the vm you when i'm done and yes they are a protagonist

PEPPERMINT~ September 14th, 2020 11:59 AM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters
Name- Nightkit/paw/sky
Age- I would like for him to age throughout the story, but if not apprentice to warrior
Rank- ^
Clan- WindClan
Role- Main? If not that's fine too
Personality- Pretty closed off, scared to show his emotions. Determined and loyal, polite but has a sharp tounge when needed. He has a big heart tho. ObSeSSeD with looking his best at all times
Detailed description or photo- Smooth short black fur with a small spot of white on his chest. Rather tall with a fine bone structure. Are purple-blue eyes acceptable? They do exist
Relationships- Depends, I'll check with a few others.
Backstory- I think I'd have to know more about the fanfic first
Importance- Not really sure what this means, but I will fill it out later once I do
Mention me- @Goldenmask

Caramel September 14th, 2020 12:03 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Drago0n (Post 804660)
Name- Nightkit/paw/sky
Age- I would like for him to age throughout the story, but if not apprentice to warrior
Rank- ^
Clan- WindClan
Role- Main? If not that's fine too
Personality- Pretty closed off, scared to show his emotions. Determined and loyal, polite but has a sharp tounge when needed. He has a big heart tho. ObSeSSeD with looking his best at all times
Detailed description or photo- Smooth short black fur with a small spot of white on his chest. Rather tall with a fine bone structure. Are purple-blue eyes acceptable? They do exist
Relationships- Depends, I'll check with a few others.
Backstory- I think I'd have to know more about the fanfic first
Importance- Not really sure what this means, but I will fill it out later once I do
Mention me- @Goldenmask

Accepted, though for the main role it's a little complicated since it's hard to fit 3+ perspectives in there. Sure i guess, unless there is an application for a more interesting Windclan protag since i've decided there can only be one main character per clan. The plot will be created when there are a decent amount of characters.

Wolfgirl8 September 14th, 2020 12:07 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters
Name: Rainkit(past)/Rainpaw(present), Rainsong/Raincloud(Future)
Age: 8 moons
Gender: Female
Rank: Medicine cat apprentice but If she can't just normal apprentice
Clan: Riverclan
Role: Main Character.
Personality: Shy, Sweet, curious, smart, lonely, observant, quite, loyal, fearful, will become brave...slightly brave.
Personality in more detail: Rainpaw is a very quite and observant cat. She's a thinker not a cat who takes action immediatly. Rainpaw's very curious about the way the world works. How does Starclan communicate with medicine cats like her? Why do all the clans hate eachother? Just why? She doesn't get to share her veiws much though because she has practically no friends. Many Riverclanners dislike her mother and her and Rainpaw isn't exactly the cat to go a try making new friends. Though Rainpaw doesn't have many cat that she's close with she's extremely loyal to them. They may not notice at first but she'd do practically anything for them.

Detailed description or photo: Dilute calico she cat with ice blue eyes and a scar on her front right paw.
Relationships: Sagepelt/Sage(Mother), Thorn(Father), Fishkit(Brother, Dead)?
Backstory: Rainpaw was born to Sagepelt and Thorn. Her mother was a Riverclan warrior and a good one too. Her father is a rogue.
She was born on a rainy day hence her name. Her mother had been on a walk when she gave birth. Sagepelt had to try and find somewhere safe to give birht to her kits. She was born outside of Riverclan camp where a patrol found her, Fishkit, and Sagepelt. Fishkit was stillborn. The patrol quickly took them back to riverclan camp. As Rainkit grew up her "father" always seemed to act slightly weird around her. Was it because of how silent Rainkit was? Was it because Rainkit was so small and scrawny? Was it because Rainkit looked nothing like her "father" the deputy of Riverclan? Soon as Rainkit started growing up her mom started acting weird around Troutfang Sagepelt's own mate? Sagepelt seemed almost...scared when she was near him. Rainkit was confused by this and wanted to know why. When Rainkit was 3 moons old her mom started sneaking out of camp. Sagepelt always came back with a weird smell on her. Not Riverclan, Thunderclan, Windclan, or Shadowclan. One day Rainkit followed her mom when she snuck out. By now Rainkit was around 4 moons. She sneakily followed her mother far from Riverclan territory. There she saw her mother meet up with a strange cat that she had never seen before. Rainkit figured out that the strange cats name was Thorn. Why was her mother meeting with this cat? A rogue of all things. Rainkit was about to confront her mother when suddenly Thorn seemed terrified. That's when Troutfang emerged from the bushes he look extremely angry. Rainkit hid from them but she heard Troutfang yelling at Sagepelt about betraying him, lying to the clan, and something about Thorn. Suddenly Rainkit stepped on a twig and both her Sagepelt and Troutfang looked her way. Terrified of beeing caught outside of camp she fled back to Riverclan. She luckily found her way back safely and easily seeing as she had memorized the path. Rainkit waited back at camp for her mother to return for what felt like hours although it most likely wasn't. The leader of Riverclan was going to send out a patrol to look for them when suddenly Troutfang and Sagepelt walked into camp. Troutfang was glaring at Sageplet and Sagepelt was cowaring. Rainkit had never seen her mother like this before so scared. The leader asked what happened. So Troutfang said that he had found Sageplet talking to an outsider but he didn't just say that he said that Rainkit wasn't his kit and that Sagepelt had had kits with a rogue! Not many cats believed it at first but then the leader asked if it was true and after a couple minutes of silence and Rainkit silently begging her mother to say no Sagepelt broke. She admited that she had had kits with a rogue and that Troutfang wasn't her mate. To Troutfangs dissapointment Sagepelt wasn't killed but driven off of Riverclan terriotory. Rainkit was lost and confused for awhile no riverclanner talked to her and Troutfang who she had once thought of as her dad was cruel and mean to her. One day while sitting in camp bored and alone a cat walked up to Rainkit. The cat was a medicine cat. They talked and due to curiosty Rainkit started hanging out in the medicine cat den. She learned a lot spending practically every second in the med cat den. One day she got to see Riverclan medicine cat really work. There was an injured warrior who had been found near the river battered and bloody. The cat was healed luckily and Rainkit had been amazed. Soon Rainkit dedicated every second to helping Riverclan's medicine cat. Every time a cat was injured Rainkit hated it she though fights were pointless. She shared her thoughts and opinions with the medicince cat and they became close. One day Rainkit became an apprentice. Rainpaw was assigned to Riverclans medicine cat. (Sorry it's SUPER LONG!!!)
Importance: Not sure what this means? Since she's a main character 9/10-10/10?
Mention me: @Goldenmask

PEPPERMINT~ September 14th, 2020 12:07 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Goldenmask (Post 804662)
Accepted, though for the main role it's a little complicated since it's hard to fit 3+ perspectives in there. Sure i guess, unless there is an application for a more interesting Windclan protag since i've decided there can only be one main character per clan. The plot will be created when there are a decent amount of characters.

Okay, but I will try to help with the writing part!

Caramel September 14th, 2020 12:23 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Wolfgirl8 (Post 804663)
Name: Rainkit(past)/Rainpaw(present), Rainsong/Raincloud(Future)
Age: 8 moons
Gender: Female
Rank: Medicine cat apprentice but If she can't just normal apprentice
Clan: Riverclan
Role: Main Character.
Personality: Shy, Sweet, curious, smart, lonely, weird, quite, loyal, fearful, will become brave...slightly brave.
Detailed description or photo: Dilute calico she-cat with blue eyes and a small scar on her front right paw.
Backstory: I'd like to know a little more about the fanfic first but I do have an idea. Rainpaw was born out of forbidden romance. Her mother was Riverclan's medicine cat. Rainpaw's mother's name is Sagepelt. Sagepelt fell in love with a rogue name Thorn. When she realized she was pregnant with his kit's she panicked Sagepelt tried to hide her pregnancy but it got harder as her belly grew. More to come later!
Importance: Not sure what this means?
Mention me- @Goldenmask

Accepted, and importance just means on a scale of one to ten how important are they but it in unnecessary for main characters

Wolfgirl8 September 14th, 2020 12:24 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters
Alright cool! I’d also LOVE to write some of the chapters or something! :) @Goldenmask

Caramel September 14th, 2020 12:25 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Neon Lights (Post 804647)
Name- Leopardblaze
Age- 24moons
Rank-Deputy if possible if not warrior
Clan- Thunderclan
Role- main caracter
Personality- Brave,smart,kind
Detailed description or photo- She is a golden she-cat with a bright orange backsripe creamy white paws chest and tail tip and aqua eyes
Relationships-none atm
Backstory- As a kit she was in a fox attack and almost lost her vision on one eye and her parents never cared for her so she was in the medicine cats den for almost all of her kit hood they thought her to be the best cat she could be so all through her apprenticeship she was doing every thing she could with led to almost losing half of her tail in a fight with windclan, she managed that and almost died with hunger when her clan banished her for a moon in leaf bear when she was accused for giving their secrets to one of the other clans. When they realized it wasn't her they sent a search party to find her, and when they did they found her frozen almost dead in the snow so they carried her back and was restored to full health 1 moon later. Finally she became a warrior being bulled because a apprentice she trained with spread roomers that she was part kitty pet and one of the apprentices put death berrys in her prey that almost killed her but the medicine cat noticed and she was healed once again a before they let her go they decided if she could manege being a warrior despite all she went through she over heard them and convinced them that she was capable of being a warrior.
Importance-She will notice things other cats didn't and show them that some cats that are belived to be good are not
Mention me- @Goldenmask


Festive Neon September 14th, 2020 12:27 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Goldenmask (Post 804673)

Thx! I just realized I wrote a supper long backstory

Caramel September 14th, 2020 12:28 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Wolfgirl8 (Post 804672)
Alright cool! I’d also LOVE to write some of the coasters or something! :) @Goldenmask

With that all the main character spots have been taken

Jessica1917 September 14th, 2020 12:58 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters
Name- Duckflame
Age- 31 moons
Name rundown - Duck, his yellowish color, flame, his flaming personality
Rank- Warrior
Clan- Thunderclan
Role- Clan member
Personality- Fierce, loyal, jealous, standoffish, stubborn, protective, strong
Detailed description or photo- Link
Relationships- Mate is Dovehawk, kit named Creamkit and
Backstory- Grew up in the clan, he was the largest of a litter and he was always the strongest. He was ahead in fighting training as an apprentice and graduated rather quickly. He met Dovehawk when she became a warrior at the same clan gathering. They became fast friends, and Duckflame became fiercely loyal to Dovehawk. Woe betides any cat who tries to flirt with Dovehawk. Duckflame feels contempt towards the other clans and will defend Thunderclan territory fiercely.
Importance- Clan member/Background

Name- Doveshine
Age- 34
Name rundown - Dove, dove like color. Shine, shining eyes.
Rank- Warrior
Clan- Thunderclan
Role- Clan Member
Personality- Social, bright, perky, peaceful, cowardly, naive
Detailed description or photo- link
Relationships- Mate is Duckflame. Kit Creamkit
Backstory-Was the smallest of the kits, super cheerful kit, always saying hi to everyone, knew all the apprentices by the time she was one herself. She was super naive, and when Duckflame really fell in love with her, she was being tricked by a rogue cat. Duckflame ran in and saved her by fighting off the rogue, and she admired his bravery and loyalty to her and his clan.
Importance- Clan member/background
Please tell me if I missed anything c: @Goldenmask

PEPPERMINT~ September 14th, 2020 01:29 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters
Name- Creamkit/paw/WIP
Age- Any age is fine, but I'd prefer kit to apprentice or even beyond
Rank- kit at the moment
Clan- Thunderclan
Role- side/ supporting character or main, whatever is fine lol
Personality- Sassy, actually quite smart, slightly insecure. Stratigic and determined to be perfect in every way. Prideful
Detailed description or photo- White with black paws and yellow eyes.
Relationships- None at the moment, will add more
Backstory- I'm not making her mute, and want her to be clanborn. Open for siblings. As I want her to start off as a kit, she doesn't have much of a backstory.
Importance- 7
Mention me- @Goldenmask

Jessica1917 September 14th, 2020 01:40 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters
@Drago0n, if you change blackkit's appearance, i can replace one of Duckflame and Doveshine's current kit's with blackkit

PEPPERMINT~ September 14th, 2020 02:01 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Jessica1917 (Post 804707)
@Drago0n, if you change blackkit's appearance, i can replace one of Duckflame and Doveshine's current kit's with blackkit

yee :3 I might be able to, what do they look like?

Jessica1917 September 14th, 2020 02:04 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters
yellow and cream tan floof c: @Drago0n

PEPPERMINT~ September 14th, 2020 02:11 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Jessica1917 (Post 804723)
yellow and cream tan floof c: @Drago0n

What if she was a light cream color? And what eye colors are acceptable?

Jessica1917 September 14th, 2020 02:16 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Drago0n (Post 804728)
What if she was a light cream color? And what eye colors are acceptable?

Um, brown or yellow eyes, or anything along those lines. I think.

PEPPERMINT~ September 14th, 2020 02:17 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Jessica1917 (Post 804736)
Um, brown or yellow eyes, or anything along those lines. I think.

Oki I'll change the name

Inconsistency September 14th, 2020 02:29 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters
[A more detailed crystal]
Name:: Crystalkit - Crystalpaw - Crystalfrost -
Age:: 5\6 moons
Rank:: waiting for the next meeting.
Clan:: Shadowclan
Role:: Kit\apprentice - Main character.
Personality:: Crystal is quiet and secretive she is also socially awkward she is usually found easily frustrated and grumpy she doesn't really find interest in normal things and is defensive when she is offended she is also loving to the ones she love's and can be funny at times she is a mostly mature kitten that isn't really talkative but is still nice.
Detailed description or photo:: https://www.yarrah.com/en/wp-content...1-1024x768.jpg
Relationships:: I'll ask a few people.
Backstory:: Her parents came from Riverclan and someone thought perhaps Skyclan because of her skills it was never very detailed. Shadowclan had found a small kit lying in a bush barely breathing one of the queens took them and took care of them with there other kits. Crystalkit was never close to any of her 'siblings' or anyone else she felt she didn't belong and she thought that the clans seemed weird and they should change their ways no one agreed with her so as she gets older she believes more of her suggestion of changing their ways so she gathering up some friends to support her.
Importance:: If she went missing someone would probably look.
Mention me:: @Goldenmask.

Caramel September 14th, 2020 02:49 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Jessica1917 (Post 804687)
Name- Duckflame
Age- 31 moons
Name rundown - Duck, his yellowish color, flame, his flaming personality
Rank- Warrior
Clan- Thunderclan
Role- Clan member
Personality- Fierce, loyal, jealous, standoffish, stubborn, protective, strong
Detailed description or photo- Link
Relationships- Mate is Dovehawk, two apprentice kits named Creamkit and Shalepaw (shalepaw may change later)
Backstory- Grew up in the clan, he was the largest of a litter and he was always the strongest. He was ahead in fighting training as an apprentice and graduated rather quickly. He met Dovehawk when she became a warrior at the same clan gathering. They became fast friends, and Duckflame became fiercely loyal to Dovehawk. Woe betides any cat who tries to flirt with Dovehawk. Duckflame feels contempt towards the other clans and will defend Thunderclan territory fiercely.
Importance- Clan member/Background

Name- Doveshine
Age- 34
Name rundown - Dove, dove like color. Shine, shining eyes.
Rank- Warrior
Clan- Thunderclan
Role- Clan Member
Personality- Social, bright, perky, peaceful, cowardly, naive
Detailed description or photo- link
Relationships- Mate is Duckflame. Two apprentice kits named Slatepaw and Snakepaw
Backstory-Was the smallest of the kits, super cheerful kit, always saying hi to everyone, knew all the apprentices by the time she was one herself. She was super naive, and when Duckflame really fell in love with her, she was being tricked by a rogue cat. Duckflame ran in and saved her by fighting off the rogue, and she admired his bravery and loyalty to her and his clan.
Importance- Clan member/background
Please tell me if I missed anything c: @Goldenmask


Originally Posted by Drago0n (Post 804701)
Name- Creamkit/paw/WIP
Age- Any age is fine, but I'd prefer kit to apprentice or even beyond
Rank- kit at the moment
Clan- Thunderclan
Role- side/ supporting character or main, whatever is fine lol
Personality- Sassy, actually quite smart, slightly insecure. Stratigic and determined to be perfect in every way. Prideful
Detailed description or photo- White with black paws and yellow eyes.
Relationships- None at the moment, will add more
Backstory- I'm not making her mute, and want her to be clanborn. Open for siblings. As I want her to start off as a kit, she doesn't have much of a backstory.
Importance- 7
Mention me- @Goldenmask


Originally Posted by TheShadowAnimal (Post 804747)
[A more detailed crystal]
Name:: Crystalkit - Crystalpaw - Crystalfrost -
Age:: 5\6 moons
Rank:: waiting for the next meeting.
Clan:: Shadowclan
Role:: Kit\apprentice - Main character.
Personality:: Crystal is quiet and secretive she is also socially awkward she is usually found easily frustrated and grumpy she doesn't really find interest in normal things and is defensive when she is offended she is also loving to the ones she love's and can be funny at times she is a mostly mature kitten that isn't really talkative but is still nice.
Detailed description or photo:: https://www.yarrah.com/en/wp-content...1-1024x768.jpg
Relationships:: I'll ask a few people.
Backstory:: Her parents came from Riverclan and someone thought perhaps Skyclan because of her skills it was never very detailed. Shadowclan had found a small kit lying in a bush barely breathing one of the queens took them and took care of them with there other kits. Crystalkit was never close to any of her 'siblings' or anyone else she felt she didn't belong and she thought that the clans seemed weird and they should change their ways no one agreed with her so as she gets older she believes more of her suggestion of changing their ways so she gathering up some friends to support her.
Importance:: If she went missing someone would probably look.
Mention me:: @Goldenmask.

Accepted all three

Cobra September 14th, 2020 02:51 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Goldenmask (Post 804650)
This takes place at the lake territories and does not use WCO ocs, unless this is just a non-canon Dewpaw but that would also mean all the other characters in his backstory and relations would have to be added.

We can do that.

Caramel September 14th, 2020 02:52 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Cobra (Post 804753)

We can do that.

Or Echopaw, Shrikepaw, etc can just be replaced, but great.

sootsplashed September 14th, 2020 03:06 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters
Name- Flintpaw
Age- 9 moons
Rank- apprentice, although she dreams of being a medicine cat
Clan- SkyClan
Role- Main character
Personality- Flintpaw is very self-concious, and cares about her clan very deeply. She gets frustrated very easily and hates her big size/tail stump because it’s terrible for tree climbing. She’s very pessimistic, and down-to-earth non-imaginative, and also very smart
Detailed description or photo- Flintpaw is the color of flint, with eyes the color of frosted grass. She has four huge paws bigger than she could ever grow into and she is quite large herself. She’s been taller than her dad for two moons, that’s how big. Her muzzle looks like it’s been squished in just a bit too far, and her tail is a tiny little stump.
Relationships- Pantherstar is her dad, Sootpaw and Ashkit (Stillborn) are her sisters, and her mom is the dead Larkcall. She hates Sootpaw more than anything.
Backstory- Flintpaw was born to a loving couple, Pantherstar and Larkcall, although Larkcall died in childbirth. She was brushed away, while her amazing sister, Sootpaw got all the attention. She hated fighting, so she decided to become a medicine cat. She told her father it was the only thing she wanted to do, and Pantherstar answered with “I’ll think about it.”. As Flintpaw exited the den, Sootpaw rushed in, said basically the same thing as Flintpaw, and Pantherstar answered yes immediately.
Importance- depends on plot, although I’m thinking she could be the second most important character?

Name- Pantherstar (Warrior name: Pantherleap)
Age- 40 moons
Rank- leader
Clan- SkyClan
Role- HIgh rank
Personality- Pantherstar is a kind leader, but is super judgy on the inside. He’s very optimistic and loyal, too. He’s also very narcissistic and stubborn.
Detailed description or photo- Pantherstar is a jet-black tom with jade green eyes. He has a pink nose with a brown splotch in the middle. He has really really long legs and big ears. allegiance description: Sleek black tom with green eyes.
Relationships- Flintpaw, and Sootpaw are his daughters. His mate is dead, and was named Larkcall. He has a crush on Songspirit, Larkcall’s alive sister. He hates Flintpaw for apparently “killing Larkcall during childbirth”
Backstory- Pantherstar was born as a loner, Panther, to a good mother and father who cared for him, although he was very ungrateful. He ran away when he was still just a kit, and found SkyClan. He joined it, and had a pretty normal life, until he was made deputy by Ridgestar. He loved leading his clan, blah blah blah, leader stuff, and then a she-cat named Larkcall came into his life. She was the most perfect she-cat ever, blah blah blah, they fell in love and had kits. They had a litter of three, although one was stillborn. Quickly , Pantherstar decided he liked the super smart one and hated the other because she “killed larkcall”. He still grieves Larkcall, although now is setting his sights on Songspirit, the peppy littermate of his late mate.
Importance- important in flintpaw’s life, importance in plot depends on plot

Name- Sootpaw (Not to be confused with my character here also named Sootpaw)
Age- 9 moons
Rank- medicine cat apprentice
Clan- SkyClan
Role- side character, Flintpaw’s enemy
Personality- Sootpaw seems perfect to everyone who just meets her. She’s smart, funny, kind, but that all rubs off quickly. She’s actually mean, narcissistic and rude. If it’s allowed, she was born with photographic memory, which only adds to her narcissisticness.
Detailed description or photo- Sootpaw is just as jet-black as her father , except with beautiful copper eyes with brown flecks inside of them.
Relationships- parents are the dead Larkcall and the alive Pantherstar, she has two sisters, Ashkit and Flintpaw, Ashkit was stillborn.
Backstory- Sootpaw was born to Larkcall and Pantherstar, although Larkcall died in childbirth. She quickly became recognized as the “better one” out of the two alive daughters, and was then favored by Pantherstar. Because of her photographic memory and how great she was, when she asked to be medicine cat apprentice after Flintpaw, she was given the position, only adding to her smugness.
Importance- pretty important in Flintpaw’s life, importance in plot depends on plot

// @Goldenmask

dino. September 14th, 2020 03:48 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters


~40 moons


Gorse- spiky gray fur; breeze- quick wit, speedy



Supporting character/potentially antagonist??

Values friendship and unity. Very extroverted. Amiable, open, charismatic, persuasive, and firm; but also greedy, sly, and prone to bursts of anger. Highly intelligent. Enjoys thunderstorms and lightning.

--reference image--
Thin and lithe, with long, strong legs. Short ginger and gray fur; spiky around her shoulders, neck, and the top of her head. Round face, sharp green eyes, and large ears.
Allegiances description::: spiky-furred ginger and gray she-cat with green eyes

Father::: Daisybright- brown ticked tabby tom
Mother::: Sunstem- gray rosetted she-cat
Brother::: Eagleeyes- black and gray tom
Brother::: Whitethorn- silver tom
all family is unimportant

Born in WindClan to her mother and father, along with her two brothers. She got along swell with all of them, but always felt as if they were too wild and would constantly try to reign them in, to no avail. This led to constant feelings of frustration and the impulse to attempt to control those around her, in fear of order being disrupted. Eventually she grew tired of the dissaray and occupied herself with bothering the apprentices until she got a basic battle move or two out of them.
She received Featherstorm as a mentor when she became an apprentice. Featherstorm was equally tied to uniformity as Gorsepaw, and the two worked together well - both as a formidable team, and as WindClan's underlying power source. They collaborated to mold the Clan into something less chaotic, something that flowed better. And it actually worked. WindClan has more successful in war, in organization, in everything. Featherstorm thought it best to stop there, and originally, Gorsepaw agreed. But when she took a trip to ThunderClan on a diplomatic mission, and then again to RiverClan, she found that they were exactly the same as WindClan had once been: a mess.
She earned her warrior name, Gorsebreeze, after coming up with a quick solution to save two apprentices from suffocating in a collapsed den.


She quickly sought to put her plan into action. The Clans were unraveled, loose ends that needed to be tied up. She met with several cats in the other Clans who were looking for the same thing, and they decided the four lake Clans needed to be united. If they couldn't be orderly, organized, under one leader, there would never be peace. And Gorsebreeze and her new friends were going to make sure peace would be the only option.

[ @Goldenmask ]

Jessica1917 September 14th, 2020 05:26 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters
Gorsebreeze (Antagonist)
Eagleeyes (Brother of Gorsebreeze)
Whitethorn (Brother of Gorsebreeze)
Snowstar (Snowclaw)(Leader)
4 Warriors
1 Leader
1 Apprentice
Medicine cat, medicine cat apprentice, and deputy are things also needed. Windclan needs a queen with four or five kits, and 3-ish more apprentices. At least one apprentice should probably become a warrior, and at least one kit an apprentice. Mentors for all apprentices should be assigned, including adding maybe one more warrior.

Dawnsky (Med-Cat)
Witherstar (Withersoul)(Leader)
1 Kit to become Apprentice
2 Apprentices
4 Warriors
1 Leader
1 Medicine cat
Deputy and medicine cat apprentice are the high ranks required. Shadowclan could use maybe 2 more kits, one queen, 1 more apprentice, and one of the apprentices should be designated for becoming a warrior sometime throughout the book. We also need to assign mentors for the apprentices, and maybe one-ish more warrior.

Pantherstar (Pantherleap)(Flintpaw and Sootpaw father)(Leader)
Flintpaw (Sootpaw Sibling)(Main Character)
Sootpaw (MCA)(Kinda Dawnsky's Enemy)
Skyblaze (Deputy)
Icesnap (Trains in DF)(Clearpool's kit)
Shrubbush (Med-Cat)
Coyotepaw (Kit of Sunpelt and Longwhisker)(Mentor is Talltree)
Sunpelt (Longwhisker's sorta mate)
Longwhisker (Sunpelt's sorta mate)
Morningcloud (Queen)
All High Ranks
2 Apprentices
5 Warriors
1 Queen
Skyclan needs one-ish more apprentices, mentors assigned for apprentices, one or two kits designated for becoming apprentices, and maybe one apprentice to become warrior.

Rainpaw (Med-Cat App)(Main Character)
Troutfang (Deputy)(Antagonist)(Pretend father of Rainpaw)(Skyblaze's brother)
Skypaw (Will be aged up in story)
Rainpuddle (MC)
Otterstar (Ottergrowl)(Leader)
All high ranks
2 Kits
1 Apprentice to become warrior
1 Warrior
Riverclan needs one more kit, and one of the kits needs to be assigned to become apprentice. Riverclan needs three more apprentices and at least four more warriors.

Duckflame (Creamkit's Father)
Doveshine (Creamkit's mother)
Creamkit (Maybe be aged up to apprentice in story?)
Leopardblaze (Deputy)(Main Character)
Clearpool (Needs male mate from different clan. Maybe Skyclan?)
Darksight (Clearpool's kit)
Tulip (former rogue)(needs warrior name)(Queen)
Boatkit (Thunderclan)(Kit of Tulip and Jackey)
Swankit (Thunderclan)(Kit of Tulip and Jackey)(will be MCA)
Lampkit (Thunderclan)(Kit of Tulip and Mud)
Mothstar (Mothfly)(Leader)
Ivyleaf (Med-Cat)
All High Ranks
2 Queens with
3 Kits and
2 Kits to become apprentices
4 Warriors
Thunderclan needs maybe three more apprentices, and one of those should be aged to warriorhood sometime. Thunderclan also needs at least 1 more warrior.

Sage (Was Riverclan Warrior Sagepelt)
Thorn (Real father of Rainpaw)

Rose (Mother of Dawnsky)
Jackey (Kittypet)

Dewpaw (Shadowclan)

I have updated this, and included what we still require clanwise. If people could tell me if they add a cat that will be aged up sometime during the story, or one that dies, I would like to mark that. c:
Also, the 'out of fifteen' thing means that at the very least, we need fifteen cats for each clan. A profile can be as simple as a personality, and a few sentence blurb about how each of their relations are related to that cat. Happy writing!

Confuzzled.Lynx September 14th, 2020 06:42 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters
This is unfnished. I need to find a free to use base in devian art and make the cat.

Name- Quietroar

Age- 23 moons

Rank- Warrior

Clan- WindClan

Role- Side character I guess?

+Determined, kind (TO those close to her)
=Loyal, devoted
- Cold, ambitious, quiet, untrusting, unforgiving

Detailed description or photo-
A white/cream cat with blue eyes and brown lynx point.

Relationships- None yet

As a kit, Quietroar was called Mumblekit. She didn’t talk very much but she tried. Most of her words came out as mumbles. She loved to make friends but the other kits couldn’t understand her so they stayed far away from the friends idea but didn’t bully her.

As an apprentice, she was known as Mumblepaw. She was still learning how to speak clearly and an older apprentice bullied her about it. No one else joining in but every day she went through it. Her mother always tried their best to cheer her up. Her mother passed away, and she became depressed. Her farther wasn’t normally there for her and siblings only some of the time.

She fled the Clan to try and process everything. She learnt how to speak clearly while she was alone. She didn’t want to head back to RiverClan, not wanting to remember all the joyful memories. She headed for WindClan.

She choose her name to be Silentpaw when she joined WindClan because of how quiet she became. She became a warrior, Silentroar.

Warriorhood (Currently)

Silentroar became more social, speaking more often. She was still fairly quiet but she wasn’t a very silent cat anymore. She requested that her prefix was to be Quiet and the leader assigned her the suffix roar. She still misses her mother from time to time but is trying to focus more on her duties as a warrior.

Importance- I guess important

Mention me- @Goldenmask

Wolfgirl8 September 14th, 2020 06:51 PM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters
Name: Troutfang
Age: 32-34 moons
Gender: Male
Rank: Deputy
Clan: Riverclan
Role: Antagonist
Personality: Brave, cunning, cruel, proud, stern, smart, liar, regal, tempermental, kind.
Detailed Personality: Troutfang is a very brave cat. He's willing to at his life at risk to save other cats(as long as they're riverclan and not Rainpaw). He's stern and easily irritated and doesn't like people stepping out of line. He's very refined and regal always looking net and pristine. Not only is he all the things listed above but he is also smart! I mean he was smart enough to figure out his so called mate was cheating on him. Sounds like a decently good cat right? No. While he seems like a pure cat he is not a pure cat at all! Troutfang is cunning and cruel stopping at nothing to get what he wants. He wants to become deputy? Simple. Take the other chocies out. Eliminate them. So easy a kit could do it. He's an extrodianary liar. Secretly spying on your mate who's cheating on you? If asked why he was late he'd easily come up with a lie. He's clever always covering up tracks and...destroying witnesses that have seen him per say...commit a crime. Now there's one last horrible trait that troutfang has. His temper. If somebody's wronged him in his rage he would kill them without thinking about it!
Detailed description or photo: Blue gray tom with short fur greenish blue eyes and a couple battle scars.
Relationships: Sagepelt/Sage( Love/Enemy), Thorn(ENEMY), Rainpaw( Enemy! He hates her because of what her mother did to him), Riverclans leader( Friend ), Littlecoud(Mother/Dead), Bearfang( Father dead), Skykit(Sister), Otterkit(Brother Dead)
Backstory: Troutfang was born to Littlecloud(Mother) and Bearfang. He had two siblings Skykit and Otterkit. He was born in leaf bare and whitecough and greencough were spreading rapidly though the clan. Luckily him, his father, Otterkit, nor Skykit caught it....but their mother wasn't as lucky. Littlecloud was already weak from the kitting so when she caught whitecough the med cats were worried about her health. Soon it evolved into greencough a couple days later she died. By the time the kits were 3 moons old they had already snuck out twice, alomst get carried away by a hawk(That was Otterkit), and playfully attacked the leader(That was Skykit). One day Skykit and and Troutkit were playfighting when suddenly Troutkit spotted a beautiful she-kit talking with a warrior. That was the first time Troutkit saw the "love of his life" Sagepelt/Sagekit. Nothing very intresting happened to Troutkit as a kit but then he became an apprentcie and he saw Sagepelt again though back then she was Sagepaw. Troutpaw attempted to get to know her and when he did well he had a crush on her practically the moment they met. He did foolish dangerous stuff to try and impress her. One time they were out fishing when he saw a gigantic fish! He dove right into the water knowing that if he caught it Sagepaw would be super impressed! Turns out it was another Riverclanner....but Troutpaw did mange to make Sagepaw laugh! Another time he tried to catch a hawk flyig over head and acidently ended up on Skyclan territory.....he did catch the hawk but he had to give it to Skyclan. One day him, Otterpaw, and Skypaw went fishing/swimming. Suddenly when Otterpaw was swimming and showing off his impressive diving skills rain started pouring. Otterpaw attempted to swim back shore but a giant wave suddenly crashed over him! He seemed like he wa trying to swim up and that's when they realized hs leg was caught under a rock! Troutpaw dove in and after a struggle dragged his brother ashore but it was too late...Otterpaw had drowned. This left Skypaw, Bearfang, and Troutpaw hearbroken. Skypaw soon started hanging out with Sagepaw and tried to get Troutpaw and her to hang out. While Troutpaw wanted to do that he couldn't. He was now spending every minute awake to make sure he was the best apprentice. He wanted to make his dead brother proud! Soon Bearfang helped his son out with training and they became very close. Troutpaw started hanging out with Sagepaw more. Sagepaw didn't seem intrested in him though. No. She seemed intrested in Cavepaw the kind idiot of Riverclan. Soon she started hanging out with him and this infuriated Troutpaw so he decided to do...something about it. One day Cavepaw mysteriusly dissapeared only to later be found dead near the river. Troutpaw hadn't tried to kill Cavepaw it had just....happened! He felt terrible about this and almost confessed until the leader said whoever did this would pay....he ended up keeping it a secret. Soon he and Sagepaw hung out more often. Trout paw soon became Troutfang, Skypaw became Skyblaze, and Sagepaw became Sagepelt. Eventually Troutfang and Sagepelt became close but one day he was confronted by Skyblaze. Skyblaze had learned that he had killed Cavepaw and she was furious. They got into a fight which led to Skyblaze leaving Fiverclan and joining a new clan. Then it was basically him and Sagepelt to closer, he killed some cats and became deputy, then Rainpaw’s backstory.
Importance: 7-8/10 because he'll be a major problem in Rainpaw's life also he's kind of evil.
Mention me- @Goldenmask

Caramel September 15th, 2020 09:08 AM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by soot (Post 804762)
Name- Flintpaw
Age- 9 moons
Rank- apprentice, although she dreams of being a medicine cat
Clan- SkyClan
Role- Main character
Personality- Flintpaw is very self-concious, and cares about her clan very deeply. She gets frustrated very easily and hates her big size/tail stump because it’s terrible for tree climbing. She’s very pessimistic, and down-to-earth non-imaginative, and also very smart
Detailed description or photo- Flintpaw is the color of flint, with eyes the color of frosted grass. She has four huge paws bigger than she could ever grow into and she is quite large herself. She’s been taller than her dad for two moons, that’s how big. Her muzzle looks like it’s been squished in just a bit too far, and her tail is a tiny little stump.
Relationships- Pantherstar is her dad, Sootpaw and Ashkit (Stillborn) are her sisters, and her mom is the dead Larkcall. She hates Sootpaw more than anything.
Backstory- Flintpaw was born to a loving couple, Pantherstar and Larkcall, although Larkcall died in childbirth. She was brushed away, while her amazing sister, Sootpaw got all the attention. She hated fighting, so she decided to become a medicine cat. She told her father it was the only thing she wanted to do, and Pantherstar answered with “I’ll think about it.”. As Flintpaw exited the den, Sootpaw rushed in, said basically the same thing as Flintpaw, and Pantherstar answered yes immediately.
Importance- depends on plot, although I’m thinking she could be the second most important character?

Name- Pantherstar (Warrior name: Pantherleap)
Age- 40 moons
Rank- leader
Clan- SkyClan
Role- HIgh rank
Personality- Pantherstar is a kind leader, but is super judgy on the inside. He’s very optimistic and loyal, too. He’s also very narcissistic and stubborn.
Detailed description or photo- Pantherstar is a jet-black tom with jade green eyes. He has a pink nose with a brown splotch in the middle. He has really really long legs and big ears. allegiance description: Sleek black tom with green eyes.
Relationships- Flintpaw, and Sootpaw are his daughters. His mate is dead, and was named Larkcall. He has a crush on Songspirit, Larkcall’s alive sister. He hates Flintpaw for apparently “killing Larkcall during childbirth”
Backstory- Pantherstar was born as a loner, Panther, to a good mother and father who cared for him, although he was very ungrateful. He ran away when he was still just a kit, and found SkyClan. He joined it, and had a pretty normal life, until he was made deputy by Ridgestar. He loved leading his clan, blah blah blah, leader stuff, and then a she-cat named Larkcall came into his life. She was the most perfect she-cat ever, blah blah blah, they fell in love and had kits. They had a litter of three, although one was stillborn. Quickly , Pantherstar decided he liked the super smart one and hated the other because she “killed larkcall”. He still grieves Larkcall, although now is setting his sights on Songspirit, the peppy littermate of his late mate.
Importance- important in flintpaw’s life, importance in plot depends on plot

Name- Sootpaw (Not to be confused with my character here also named Sootpaw)
Age- 9 moons
Rank- medicine cat apprentice
Clan- SkyClan
Role- side character, Flintpaw’s enemy
Personality- Sootpaw seems perfect to everyone who just meets her. She’s smart, funny, kind, but that all rubs off quickly. She’s actually mean, narcissistic and rude. If it’s allowed, she was born with photographic memory, which only adds to her narcissisticness.
Detailed description or photo- Sootpaw is just as jet-black as her father , except with beautiful copper eyes with brown flecks inside of them.
Relationships- parents are the dead Larkcall and the alive Pantherstar, she has two sisters, Ashkit and Flintpaw, Ashkit was stillborn.
Backstory- Sootpaw was born to Larkcall and Pantherstar, although Larkcall died in childbirth. She quickly became recognized as the “better one” out of the two alive daughters, and was then favored by Pantherstar. Because of her photographic memory and how great she was, when she asked to be medicine cat apprentice after Flintpaw, she was given the position, only adding to her smugness.
Importance- pretty important in Flintpaw’s life, importance in plot depends on plot

// @Goldenmask


Originally Posted by Slushie (Post 804777)


~40 moons


Gorse- spiky gray fur; breeze- quick wit, speedy



Supporting character/potentially antagonist??

Values friendship and unity. Very extroverted. Amiable, open, charismatic, persuasive, and firm; but also greedy, sly, and prone to bursts of anger. Highly intelligent. Enjoys thunderstorms and lightning.

--reference image--
Thin and lithe, with long, strong legs. Short ginger and gray fur; spiky around her shoulders, neck, and the top of her head. Round face, sharp green eyes, and large ears.
Allegiances description::: spiky-furred ginger and gray she-cat with green eyes

Father::: Daisybright- brown ticked tabby tom
Mother::: Sunstem- gray rosetted she-cat
Brother::: Eagleeyes- black and gray tom
Brother::: Whitethorn- silver tom
all family is unimportant

Born in WindClan to her mother and father, along with her two brothers. She got along swell with all of them, but always felt as if they were too wild and would constantly try to reign them in, to no avail. This led to constant feelings of frustration and the impulse to attempt to control those around her, in fear of order being disrupted. Eventually she grew tired of the dissaray and occupied herself with bothering the apprentices until she got a basic battle move or two out of them.
She received Featherstorm as a mentor when she became an apprentice. Featherstorm was equally tied to uniformity as Gorsepaw, and the two worked together well - both as a formidable team, and as WindClan's underlying power source. They collaborated to mold the Clan into something less chaotic, something that flowed better. And it actually worked. WindClan has more successful in war, in organization, in everything. Featherstorm thought it best to stop there, and originally, Gorsepaw agreed. But when she took a trip to ThunderClan on a diplomatic mission, and then again to RiverClan, she found that they were exactly the same as WindClan had once been: a mess.
She earned her warrior name, Gorsebreeze, after coming up with a quick solution to save two apprentices from suffocating in a collapsed den.


She quickly sought to put her plan into action. The Clans were unraveled, loose ends that needed to be tied up. She met with several cats in the other Clans who were looking for the same thing, and they decided the four lake Clans needed to be united. If they couldn't be orderly, organized, under one leader, there would never be peace. And Gorsebreeze and her new friends were going to make sure peace would be the only option.

[ @Goldenmask ]


Originally Posted by Jessica1917 (Post 804809)
Gorsebreeze (Antagonist)

Dewpaw (Starclan)

Pantherstar (Pantherleap)
Sootpaw (Med-Cat App)

Rainpaw (Med-Cat App)
Troutfang (Deputy)(Antagonist)

Leapordblaze (Deputy)
I think I'll keep updating this as things keep moving c: I feel we need something like this c:


Originally Posted by Lynxpaw (Post 804847)
This is unfnished. I need to find a free to use base in devian art and make the cat.

Name- Quietroar

Age- 23 moons

Rank- Warrior

Clan- WindClan

Role- Side character I guess?

+Determined, kind (TO those close to her)
=Loyal, devoted
- Cold, ambitious, quiet, untrusting, unforgiving

Detailed description or photo-
To be added.

Relationships- None yet

As a kit, Quietroar was called Mumblekit. She didn’t talk very much but she tried. Most of her words came out as mumbles. She loved to make friends but the other kits couldn’t understand her so they stayed far away from the friends idea but didn’t bully her.

As an apprentice, she was known as Mumblepaw. She was still learning how to speak clearly and an older apprentice bullied her about it. No one else joining in but every day she went through it. Her mother always tried their best to cheer her up. Her mother passed away, and she became depressed. Her farther wasn’t normally there for her and siblings only some of the time.

She fled the Clan to try and process everything. She learnt how to speak clearly while she was alone. She didn’t want to head back to RiverClan, not wanting to remember all the joyful memories. She headed for WindClan.

She choose her name to be Silentpaw when she joined WindClan because of how quiet she became. She became a warrior, Silentroar.

Warriorhood (Currently)

Silentroar became more social, speaking more often. She was still fairly quiet but she wasn’t a very silent cat anymore. She requested that her prefix was to be Quiet and the leader assigned her the suffix roar. She still misses her mother from time to time but is trying to focus more on her duties as a warrior.

Importance- I guess important

Mention me- @Goldenmask


Originally Posted by Wolfgirl8 (Post 804851)
Name: Troutfang
Age: 32-34 moons
Gender: Male
Rank: Deputy
Clan: Riverclan
Role: Antagonist
Personality: Brave, cunning, cruel, proud, stern, smart, liar, regal, tempermental, kind.
Detailed Personality: Troutfang is a very brave cat. He's willing to at his life at risk to save other cats(as long as they're riverclan and not Rainpaw). He's stern and easily irritated and doesn't like people stepping out of line. He's very refined and regal always looking net and pristine. Not only is he all the things listed above but he is also smart! I mean he was smart enough to figure out his so called mate was cheating on him. Sounds like a decently good cat right? No. While he seems like a pure cat he is not a pure cat at all! Troutfang is cunning and cruel stopping at nothing to get what he wants. He wants to become deputy? Simple. Take the other chocies out. Eliminate them. So easy a kit could do it. He's an extrodianary liar. Secretly spying on your mate who's cheating on you? If asked why he was late he'd easily come up with a lie. He's clever always covering up tracks and...destroying witnesses that have seen him per say...commit a crime. Now there's one last horrible trait that troutfang has. His temper. If somebody's wronged him in his rage he would kill them without thinking about it!
Detailed description or photo: Blue gray tom with short fur greenish blue eyes and a couple battle scars.
Relationships: Sagepelt/Sage( Love/Enemy), Thorn(ENEMY), Rainpaw( Enemy! He hates her because of what her mother did to him), Riverclans leader( Friend ), Littlecoud(Mother/Dead), Bearfang( Father dead), Skykit(Sister), Otterkit(Brother Dead)
Backstory: Troutfang was born to Littlecloud(Mother) and Bearfang. He had two siblings Skykit and Otterkit. He was born in leaf bare and whitecough and greencough were spreading rapidly though the clan. Luckily him, his father, Otterkit, nor Skykit caught it....but their mother wasn't as lucky. Littlecloud was already weak from the kitting so when she caught whitecough the med cats were worried about her health. Soon it evolved into greencough a couple days later she died. By the time the kits were 3 moons old they had already snuck out twice, alomst get carried away by a hawk(That was Otterkit), and playfully attacked the leader(That was Skykit). One day Skykit and and Troutkit were playfighting when suddenly Troutkit spotted a beautiful she-kit talking with a warrior. That was the first time Troutkit saw the "love of his life" Sagepelt/Sagekit. Nothing very intresting happened to Troutkit as a kit but then he became an apprentcie and he saw Sagepelt again though back then she was Sagepaw. Troutpaw attempted to get to know her and when he did well he had a crush on her practically the moment they met. He did foolish dangerous stuff to try and impress her. One time they were out fishing when he saw a gigantic fish! He dove right into the water knowing that if he caught it Sagepaw would be super impressed! Turns out it was another Riverclanner....but Troutpaw did mange to make Sagepaw laugh! Another time he tried to catch a hawk flyig over head and acidently ended up on Skyclan territory.....he did catch the hawk but he had to give it to Skyclan. One day him, Otterpaw, and Skypaw went fishing/swimming. Suddenly when Otterpaw was swimming and showing off his impressive diving skills rain started pouring. Otterpaw attempted to swim back shore but a giant wave suddenly crashed over him! He seemed like he wa trying to swim up and that's when they realized hs leg was caught under a rock! Troutpaw dove in and after a struggle dragged his brother ashore but it was too late...Otterpaw had drowned. This left Skypaw, Bearfang, and Troutpaw hearbroken. Skypaw soon started hanging out with Sagepaw and tried to get Troutpaw and her to hang out. While Troutpaw wanted to do that he couldn't. He was now spending every minute awake to make sure he was the best apprentice. He wanted to make his dead brother proud! Soon Bearfang helped his son out with training and they became very close. Troutpaw started hanging out with Sagepaw more. Sagepaw didn't seem intrested in him though. No. She seemed intrested in Cavepaw the kind idiot of Riverclan. Soon she started hanging out with him and this infuriated Troutpaw so he decided to do...something about it. One day Cavepaw mysteriusly dissapeared only to later be found dead near the river. Troutpaw hadn't tried to kill Cavepaw it had just....happened! He felt terrible about this and almost confessed until the leader said whoever did this would pay....he ended up keeping it a secret. Soon he and Sagepaw hung out more often....MORE TO COME LATER!
Importance: 7-8/10 because he'll be a major problem in Rainpaw's life also he's kind of evil.
Mention me- @Goldenmask

Accepted all three, guess we have a plot now, time to make the thread.

Jessica1917 September 15th, 2020 09:11 AM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters
@Goldenmask I think we still need more characters, and Dewpaw is a WCO character.

Caramel September 15th, 2020 09:13 AM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Jessica1917 (Post 805161)
@Goldenmask I think we still need more characters, and Dewpaw is a WCO character.

It's a non-canon version of Dewpaw with other characters so it's fine, and the plot and characters would be being made together.

Jessica1917 September 15th, 2020 09:16 AM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters
Ok, got it @Goldenmask c:
(what's a non-canon version)

Caramel September 15th, 2020 09:22 AM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Jessica1917 (Post 805166)
Ok, got it @Goldenmask c:
(what's a non-canon version)

An au basically, "If Dewpaw lived at the lake territories with different cats"

Jessica1917 September 15th, 2020 09:25 AM

Re: Warriors: A fanfiction collab P.1 Characters

Originally Posted by Goldenmask (Post 805168)
An au basically, "If Dewpaw lived at the lake territories with different cats"

Oooooohhhh, ok.

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