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BEAR. October 30th, 2019 08:13 PM

Rugged Range
Formerly SkyClan's territory, RiverClan has recently relinquished its claim to the land.

The terrain is rugged and craggy, with several steep and rocky hills covered in a sprawling forest. This territory is a decent trek away from the Clans, but RiverClan cats still visit this location on occasion for herbs and hunting.

Aroogi October 31st, 2019 05:36 AM

Re: Lionsrange
@The Cannibal @Pepperkins @Rosemew @Okapi
Scarfang trotted ahead, waiting for the rest of the patrol. Him, Yarrowpounce, Raccoontail, Timberspark and Chestnutpaw had been chosen by Frostflight to scout the old SkyClan territory. Why me of all cats? He grumbled to himself. "Why don't we pick up the pace, eh?" He mewed to his patrolmates.

Pepperkins October 31st, 2019 07:12 AM

Re: Lionsrange
Raccoontail sighed and trudged her way behind Scarfang sleepily. Even though she loved patrols, why while she was sleep though. "We're coming, we're coming," she replied, trotting to catch up with the patrol leader. Glancing behind her she wondered what was taking the others so long to come.

The Cannibal October 31st, 2019 01:10 PM

Re: Lionsrange
@Nebby @Pepperkins @Rosemew @Okapi

Yarrowpounce felt a little frustrated that Scarfang trotted ahead of everyone, he was trying to keep the pace slow so they could conserve energy. They had a long walk to the territory and now they had to spend some time scouting it out. Even Frostflight said to take it slow and steady, sleep in shifts, be careful.
"Scarfang, can I ask you to slow down please? I-I'm leading the patrol.." His voice was small, but he was trying. He tried his best not to be a pushover, but he's been through a lot and he was learning, one day he'd get his spine back.
At this point he wasn't even sure which of his patrol members were Skyclan cats. Everyone had begun to blend together sometime within the past moon or two. He knew he was Skyclan, he'd been Skyclan since before they even moved here. When they were still in the mountains.
"We should be keeping a steady pace, c-conserve our energy. We don't know what we'll find out there. T-There could be foxes, or badgers, rogues, old D-Dusk Syndicate cats.." Flicking his ear, Yarrowpounce glanced about, trying to keep his senses attuned to their surroundings while also trying to keep everyone in a group and not wandering off. They were a patrol, this wasn't a field trip for apprentices.

Aroogi October 31st, 2019 01:34 PM

Re: Lionsrange

Originally Posted by The Cannibal (Post 616235)
@Nebby @Pepperkins @Rosemew @Okapi

Yarrowpounce felt a little frustrated that Scarfang trotted ahead of everyone, he was trying to keep the pace slow so they could conserve energy. They had a long walk to the territory and now they had to spend some time scouting it out. Even Frostflight said to take it slow and steady, sleep in shifts, be careful.
"Scarfang, can I ask you to slow down please? I-I'm leading the patrol.." His voice was small, but he was trying. He tried his best not to be a pushover, but he's been through a lot and he was learning, one day he'd get his spine back.
At this point he wasn't even sure which of his patrol members were Skyclan cats. Everyone had begun to blend together sometime within the past moon or two. He knew he was Skyclan, he'd been Skyclan since before they even moved here. When they were still in the mountains.
"We should be keeping a steady pace, c-conserve our energy. We don't know what we'll find out there. T-There could be foxes, or badgers, rogues, old D-Dusk Syndicate cats.." Flicking his ear, Yarrowpounce glanced about, trying to keep his senses attuned to their surroundings while also trying to keep everyone in a group and not wandering off. They were a patrol, this wasn't a field trip for apprentices.

@The Cannibal @Okapi @Pepperkins @Rosemew

Scarfang looked back at Yarrowpounce. "My bad." He apologized to the tom, slowing to a stop so that the tom could take the lead. "I didn't mean to take over. I didn't even notice I did." He genuinely felt bad. Having his son had taught him patience and humility, which he didn't have a lot of before.

Mango November 1st, 2019 08:41 AM

Re: Lionsrange

Originally Posted by Nebby (Post 616183)
@The Cannibal @Pepperkins @Rosemew @Okapi
Scarfang trotted ahead, waiting for the rest of the patrol. Him, Yarrowpounce, Raccoontail, Timberspark and Chestnutpaw had been chosen by Frostflight to scout the old SkyClan territory. Why me of all cats? He grumbled to himself. "Why don't we pick up the pace, eh?" He mewed to his patrolmates.


Originally Posted by Pepperkins (Post 616198)
Raccoontail sighed and trudged her way behind Scarfang sleepily. Even though she loved patrols, why while she was sleep though. "We're coming, we're coming," she replied, trotting to catch up with the patrol leader. Glancing behind her she wondered what was taking the others so long to come.


Originally Posted by The Cannibal (Post 616235)
@Nebby @Pepperkins @Rosemew @Okapi

Yarrowpounce felt a little frustrated that Scarfang trotted ahead of everyone, he was trying to keep the pace slow so they could conserve energy. They had a long walk to the territory and now they had to spend some time scouting it out. Even Frostflight said to take it slow and steady, sleep in shifts, be careful.
"Scarfang, can I ask you to slow down please? I-I'm leading the patrol.." His voice was small, but he was trying. He tried his best not to be a pushover, but he's been through a lot and he was learning, one day he'd get his spine back.
At this point he wasn't even sure which of his patrol members were Skyclan cats. Everyone had begun to blend together sometime within the past moon or two. He knew he was Skyclan, he'd been Skyclan since before they even moved here. When they were still in the mountains.
"We should be keeping a steady pace, c-conserve our energy. We don't know what we'll find out there. T-There could be foxes, or badgers, rogues, old D-Dusk Syndicate cats.." Flicking his ear, Yarrowpounce glanced about, trying to keep his senses attuned to their surroundings while also trying to keep everyone in a group and not wandering off. They were a patrol, this wasn't a field trip for apprentices.

Chestnutpaw glanced at Frostflight and slowed his pace down What made Fallenstar think he was worthy of being deputy in the firs place. He stammers too much. Of course, Chestnutpaw knew his place and would never disrespect the deputy or any warrior.

idia November 1st, 2019 03:33 PM

Re: Lionsrange
@The Cannibal @Nebby @Pepperkins

The dusty tom seemed to be in awe as the group entered the old but familiar territory that was originally skyclan. He looked left and right , bushy tail flicking slightly as he didn't seem to notice he was at the back of the group. Hearing Scarfangs call , he snapped back to reality , quickly catching up to the group , a large smile on his maw. "Sorry about that!" Timberspark hummed to the other tom , going back to looking at the rugged and rocky terrain. Despite living in Riverclan for so long now , he couldn't help but feel as if he was at home.

He'd glance to Yarrowpounce as the tom spoke about potential dangers. "Im sure we could easily take down a fox or Dusk Syndicate cat , Yarrowpounce." He meowed , though slightly doubting his statement , it couldn't hurt to try and lighten the seemingly nervous toms mood. His gaze would soon go back to the territory , though every now and then he'd look forward to catch up with the warriors and apprentice.

Pepperkins November 1st, 2019 03:49 PM

Re: Lionsrange
@The Cannibal @Nebby @Okapi @Rosemew

Raccontail glanced around the old Skyclan territory. She didn't like the smell for some reason but decided not to say anything. Sighing, she picked up the pace since she had fallen behind where she was originally at. You're doing this for the sake of the clan she reminded herself, her ears turning every which way to listen for anything. With that in mind, and putting some pep in her step, she glanced around at her patrol mates curiously. No one else seemed to be thinking anything of being here, but she had a small unease at being in another clan's territory, even if the clan now lived with them. Shrugging it off, she continued along, hoping they would be back home soon.

Aroogi November 1st, 2019 04:09 PM

Re: Lionsrange

Originally Posted by Pepperkins (Post 616410)
[CENTER @The Cannibal @Nebby @Okapi @Rosemew

Raccontail glanced around the old Skyclan territory. She didn't like the smell for some reason but decided not to say anything. Sighing, she picked up the pace since she had fallen behind where she was originally at. You're doing this for the sake of the clan she reminded herself, her ears turning every which way to listen for anything. With that in mind, and putting some pep in her step, she glanced around at her patrol mates curiously. No one else seemed to be thinking anything of being here, but she had a small unease at being in another clan's territory, even if the clan now lived with them. Shrugging it off, she continued along, hoping they would be back home soon.[/CENTER]

| @Rosemew @The Cannibal @Pepperkins @Okapi |
Scarfang trotted over to Timberspark. "So, how are you?" He asked to tom. He felt a little awkward. He had very little interaction with his clanmates, even as a kit. He wanted to be more than just a thorn in somecats backside. He wanted to make some friends.

The Cannibal November 4th, 2019 02:43 PM

Re: Lionsrange
@Nebby @Pepperkins @Rosemew @Okapi

Sighing quietly in relief as Scarfang backed off and the group became more of a concise patrol as opposed to a group spread out thinly to explore the now abandoned territory. At least that was one less thing they would have to warrior about. 'Stick together, check.' If they were attacked, they could be attacked as a group, increasing their survival chances. Though the territory was recognizable, it could very easily be hostile now that Skyclan no longer inhabited it.
"Speak up if any of you are being tired.. I know it's been a long walk from Riverclan. We can scout out a place to make a small temporary camp b-before sundown if you'd like." Spoke the tom, glancing to the other faces of the patrol.
"Or we can continue to move through and analyze the territory for dangers until sundown and just wait to make a-a small resting area. We'll be here for a few days, b-but I think making a small b-base of operations is important.." As he spoke, he continued to move, unless someone gave the notion that they wanted to stop. There were things to do and even though his paws were tired, he would continue to move until someone else wanted to stop. This patrol wasn't about him, this was for the good of the clan itself. This territory, if still safe, could provide the clan with much needed resources that Riverclan territory just didn't have.

Aroogi November 5th, 2019 07:14 AM

Re: Lionsrange

Originally Posted by The Cannibal (Post 616926)
@Nebby @Pepperkins @Rosemew @Okapi

Sighing quietly in relief as Scarfang backed off and the group became more of a concise patrol as opposed to a group spread out thinly to explore the now abandoned territory. At least that was one less thing they would have to warrior about. 'Stick together, check.' If they were attacked, they could be attacked as a group, increasing their survival chances. Though the territory was recognizable, it could very easily be hostile now that Skyclan no longer inhabited it.
"Speak up if any of you are being tired.. I know it's been a long walk from Riverclan. We can scout out a place to make a small temporary camp b-before sundown if you'd like." Spoke the tom, glancing to the other faces of the patrol.
"Or we can continue to move through and analyze the territory for dangers until sundown and just wait to make a-a small resting area. We'll be here for a few days, b-but I think making a small b-base of operations is important.." As he spoke, he continued to move, unless someone gave the notion that they wanted to stop. There were things to do and even though his paws were tired, he would continue to move until someone else wanted to stop. This patrol wasn't about him, this was for the good of the clan itself. This territory, if still safe, could provide the clan with much needed resources that Riverclan territory just didn't have.

| @The Cannibal @Pepperkins @Rosemew @Okapi |
Scarfang looked to Yarrowpounce from beside Timberspark. "I think we should find a temporary camp." he called out. "We are all exhausted and deserve a rest before we scout this territory out."

Mango November 5th, 2019 11:10 AM

Re: Lionsrange

Originally Posted by Pepperkins (Post 616410)
@The Cannibal @Nebby @Okapi @Rosemew

Raccontail glanced around the old Skyclan territory. She didn't like the smell for some reason but decided not to say anything. Sighing, she picked up the pace since she had fallen behind where she was originally at. You're doing this for the sake of the clan she reminded herself, her ears turning every which way to listen for anything. With that in mind, and putting some pep in her step, she glanced around at her patrol mates curiously. No one else seemed to be thinking anything of being here, but she had a small unease at being in another clan's territory, even if the clan now lived with them. Shrugging it off, she continued along, hoping they would be back home soon.


Originally Posted by Nebby (Post 616415)
| @Rosemew @The Cannibal @Pepperkins @Okapi |
Scarfang trotted over to Timberspark. "So, how are you?" He asked to tom. He felt a little awkward. He had very little interaction with his clanmates, even as a kit. He wanted to be more than just a thorn in somecats backside. He wanted to make some friends.


Originally Posted by The Cannibal (Post 616926)
@Nebby @Pepperkins @Rosemew @Okapi

Sighing quietly in relief as Scarfang backed off and the group became more of a concise patrol as opposed to a group spread out thinly to explore the now abandoned territory. At least that was one less thing they would have to warrior about. 'Stick together, check.' If they were attacked, they could be attacked as a group, increasing their survival chances. Though the territory was recognizable, it could very easily be hostile now that Skyclan no longer inhabited it.
"Speak up if any of you are being tired.. I know it's been a long walk from Riverclan. We can scout out a place to make a small temporary camp b-before sundown if you'd like." Spoke the tom, glancing to the other faces of the patrol.
"Or we can continue to move through and analyze the territory for dangers until sundown and just wait to make a-a small resting area. We'll be here for a few days, b-but I think making a small b-base of operations is important.." As he spoke, he continued to move, unless someone gave the notion that they wanted to stop. There were things to do and even though his paws were tired, he would continue to move until someone else wanted to stop. This patrol wasn't about him, this was for the good of the clan itself. This territory, if still safe, could provide the clan with much needed resources that Riverclan territory just didn't have.


Originally Posted by Nebby (Post 617032)
| @The Cannibal @Pepperkins @Rosemew @Okapi |
Scarfang looked to Yarrowpounce from beside Timberspark. "I think we should find a temporary camp." he called out. "We are all exhausted and deserve a rest before we scout this territory out."

Chestnutpaw gave a calm nod. Everything they had said made sense. He tried to stay out of their way since he was just the annoying apprentice. He personally thought they should keep going to Skyclan’s original camp, but that was just him.

idia November 5th, 2019 05:44 PM

Re: Lionsrange
@The Cannibal @Nebby @Pepperkins @Okapi

( extremely short , sorry! )
Timbersparks ears would give a small flick , looking over to Scarfang. "Good!" He'd let out a purr. Oddly enough , the dusty brown tom seemed energized despite the long trip. It was like he burned no energy at all! He simply seemed hyper , like this was an easy trip. At Yarrowpounces words , he let out a hum with a nod at the idea of a temporary camp. "A temporary camp seems like a great idea!" He'd say , glancing back to the apprentice who seemed to be minding his own business , or either trying not to get involved.

BEAR. November 13th, 2019 06:58 PM

Re: Lionsrange
[ @The Cannibal, @Nebby, @Pepperkins, @Okapi, @hxneysuckle

Timberspark is being removed from this patrol, and is being replaced by Stormgaze.

Please try to finish up this roleplay as soon as you can so we can complete the expansion. Thanks! ]

Aroogi November 13th, 2019 07:04 PM

Re: Lionsrange
Scar isnt leading it. Im just rping. Can u remove me too?) @BILL.

lio November 13th, 2019 07:31 PM

Re: Lionsrange
[ @The Cannibal; @Pepperkins; @Okapi; @Nebby ]

Stormgaze's tail swished from side to side as she examined the territory around them. She silently watched the others, her singular eye glistening with wonder. It was strange, being back in SkyClan's territory after so long. It seemed almost foreign to her, having quickly adapted to RiverClan. She cleared her throat and walked with the others, keeping pace with them as they cautiously walked through the territory. Her paws ached, but she ignored the dull pain- it was a long trip, yes, but she did not wish to give up. Stormgaze gave a determined huff, pushing onwards against every screaming footstep.
At Yarrowpounce's words, she nodded in agreement. "That is a good idea. We want to conserve energy as much as we can, we still have a long way to go." The former SkyClan cat blinked, her scarred face expressionless. "And, if we get attacked, we don't want to be too tired to fight back." Her whiskers twitched as she calmly spoke, tail low to the ground. Stormgaze then looked to Yarrowpounce for approval, pace gradually slowing down.

Aroogi November 13th, 2019 08:02 PM

Re: Lionsrange

Originally Posted by hxneysuckle (Post 618530)
[ @The Cannibal; @Pepperkins; @Okapi; @Nebby ]

Stormgaze's tail swished from side to side as she examined the territory around them. She silently watched the others, her singular eye glistening with wonder. It was strange, being back in SkyClan's territory after so long. It seemed almost foreign to her, having quickly adapted to RiverClan. She cleared her throat and walked with the others, keeping pace with them as they cautiously walked through the territory. Her paws ached, but she ignored the dull pain- it was a long trip, yes, but she did not wish to give up. Stormgaze gave a determined huff, pushing onwards against every screaming footstep.
At Yarrowpounce's words, she nodded in agreement. "That is a good idea. We want to conserve energy as much as we can, we still have a long way to go." The former SkyClan cat blinked, her scarred face expressionless. "And, if we get attacked, we don't want to be too tired to fight back." Her whiskers twitched as she calmly spoke, tail low to the ground. Stormgaze then looked to Yarrowpounce for approval, pace gradually slowing down.

Scarfang found a small clearing, speeding up. "This seems like a good place to rest!" he called to the rest of the patrol.

Pepperkins November 14th, 2019 01:55 PM

Re: Lionsrange

Originally Posted by Nebby (Post 618538)
Scarfang found a small clearing, speeding up. "This seems like a good place to rest!" he called to the rest of the patrol.


Originally Posted by hxneysuckle (Post 618530)
[ @The Cannibal; @Pepperkins; @Okapi; @Nebby ]

Stormgaze's tail swished from side to side as she examined the territory around them. She silently watched the others, her singular eye glistening with wonder. It was strange, being back in SkyClan's territory after so long. It seemed almost foreign to her, having quickly adapted to RiverClan. She cleared her throat and walked with the others, keeping pace with them as they cautiously walked through the territory. Her paws ached, but she ignored the dull pain- it was a long trip, yes, but she did not wish to give up. Stormgaze gave a determined huff, pushing onwards against every screaming footstep.
At Yarrowpounce's words, she nodded in agreement. "That is a good idea. We want to conserve energy as much as we can, we still have a long way to go." The former SkyClan cat blinked, her scarred face expressionless. "And, if we get attacked, we don't want to be too tired to fight back." Her whiskers twitched as she calmly spoke, tail low to the ground. Stormgaze then looked to Yarrowpounce for approval, pace gradually slowing down.

@Okapi @The Cannibal

Raccoontail nodded ardently, glancing over to the clearing curiously. Could this be the old camp clearing? Possibly, best not to assume. Could be any old unused clearing in the forest. Shaking her head to clear the thoughts, she silently looked around, sniffing the air to make sure nothing or noone was watching them. Smelling nothing, she sighed and walked into the clearing. "This looks pretty good, should we settle down now?" She asked, looking around at the rest of the patrol.

The Cannibal November 17th, 2019 09:35 PM

Re: Lionsrange
@hxneysuckle ; @Pepperkins ; @Okapi ; @Nebby

Glad to hear everyone in agreement, Yarrowpounce would nod his head with a barely concealed sigh of relief. He was half expecting the group to be split in their decision, but thankfully that wasn't the case. It wasn't long before Scarfang had spotted the clearing and lead the way, the rest of the group following to stand in the middle. It took the spotted tom a mere moment of glancing about to decide this was as good a place as any. Part of him wanted to avoid the Skyclan camp, scared it might bring about feelings of homesickness or longing to return. Riverclan was nice and all but.. He wasn't a Riverclan cat. He never would be, no matter how many moons of training he got, he just wasn't cut out to swim or catch fish or do anything that the Riverclan cats were practically born knowing how to do.
"This will do, start making temporary nests. I'll scout the immediate area for dangers, but not t-too far. After we get some rest, we're scouting the rest of the territory." Yarrowpounce was surprised by the relative strength of his voice. He was getting into the swing of it, this 'leadership' thing. It might just be because this was a familiar place, but he liked this feeling. Nodding his head to the others, he would quietly slip into the underbrush again to begin the scouting mission he had assigned himself. He was mostly just worried about foxes or badgers, finding a hostile loner was a less likely option.

The Cannibal November 21st, 2019 02:48 PM

Re: Lionsrange
{Just going to go ahead and wrap this up}

After giving the command for everyone else to set up their temporary camp, Yarrowpounce had quietly slipped into the underbrush to survey the near vicinity to their sleeping area, just to make sure they were in no immediate danger. It had taken him about a half hour to thoroughly investigate the perimeter and aside from old scents of loners and a single stale fox scent, he deemed it safe enough to keep their camp there and so he returned with the small amount of news and allowed for everyone to settle down into their nests and set up a watch system so that each cat could get rest.
Once everyone was well rested up, he lead them to where the old Skyclan borders used to be sprayed. He figured it would be easier to work the outside in, so they would circle around the old borders, taking in the scents as well as any signs (dung or claw marks) that would suggest other inhabitants of the area. For the most part, the scents were stale, old Skyclan scents mixed with a few passing loner scents, the scent of prey, and old predator scents. There was nothing really spectacular or concerning around the borders and so slowly they would spiral inwards, Yarrowpounce making sure everyone was as thorough as possible in their scenting. They didn't want to leave any stone unturned for this would be new hunting grounds, they didn't want anyone getting hurt by loners or foxes or whatever else lurked. And partially because this was his responsibility. He had never been in a position of leadership before and wanted to make sure he did a good job at it.
Overall, there was only one instance where they met two traveling loners who had set up a small shelter in the territory. Luckily enough for the patrol, they were relatively kind (not like the old Dusk Syndicate cats), and when asked to relocate, they did so without too much of a fuss. Eventually they had covered just about every inch of the territory, in the span of a little over a day too no less. Making their way back to their makeshift camp, they were allowed one more rest, again with watch rotations, and finally, with the light of dawn, they would begin heading back to Riverclan. There was little talk amongst them, everyone too tired despite the rest, and within a few hours, they were back in familiar territory. Yarrowpounce would head directly for Frostflight to report their findings.

BEAR. December 4th, 2019 11:02 PM

Re: Lionsrange
[ Lionsrange is currently open to all patrols! ]

pidgeon December 15th, 2019 10:28 PM

Re: Lionsrange
@xeno (Scooting this over to lionsrange so we can keep it movin'. @Starfall you're free to jump in whenever! It's been at least 2 weeks since we started and we have to keep this rolling and get it done, and I didn't want to keep spamming ya with bumps at your turns ;w; )

After another hefty stretch of walking and idle chatter, Eagleflight noticed the ground beneath them changed in structure. The marsh and sand gave way to rocky shores and sharp cliffs, and the russet tom could look out over the ocean and see the sun beginning to lower, heading towards the endless blue expanse of the sea.

"I believe this is it," He grinned, taking in a deep breath of salty coastal air, the breeze ruffling his pelt. "Here's a good a place as any to start marking, I suppose. We'll walk along and mark until the sun sets, and then we'll find somewhere to make camp for the night. Sound good to everyone?"

Jesse December 16th, 2019 07:47 PM

Re: Lionsrange

Originally Posted by Casper (Post 623680)
@xeno (Scooting this over to lionsrange so we can keep it movin'. @Starfall you're free to jump in whenever! It's been at least 2 weeks since we started and we have to keep this rolling and get it done, and I didn't want to keep spamming ya with bumps at your turns ;w; )

After another hefty stretch of walking and idle chatter, Eagleflight noticed the ground beneath them changed in structure. The marsh and sand gave way to rocky shores and sharp cliffs, and the russet tom could look out over the ocean and see the sun beginning to lower, heading towards the endless blue expanse of the sea.

"I believe this is it," He grinned, taking in a deep breath of salty coastal air, the breeze ruffling his pelt. "Here's a good a place as any to start marking, I suppose. We'll walk along and mark until the sun sets, and then we'll find somewhere to make camp for the night. Sound good to everyone?"

Sunblaze had to do a double take. So that was the ocean? It was even bigger than could’ve imagined; It’s vast, glittering surface stretching on for what must’ve been eternity, until it disappeared beyond the evening horizon. The warrior was so awestruck he’d barely heard Eagleflight. “O-oh! Yes!” He stammered, still staring off into the distance.

Starfall December 16th, 2019 09:22 PM

Re: Lionsrange

He narrowed his gaze and let out a growl "Traitors are traitors. He turned his back on Riverclan and yet he still ended up running back to us. I don't trust him." he deadpanned, tail flicking behind him violently. Those who pledged loyalty, but didn't uphold it were cowards. The tom looked back up at the Deputy, face devoid of emotion, ears perked forwards as he echoed what the russet said. "Hard work." which was followed by a 'hmm' and him slowing his pace, falling back beside Sunblaze.

Gentlethunder followed silently the rest of the way, jaw shut tight, eyes lit with something that couldn't yet be put into words. It took a little while, he didn't have the best memory, but it finally came to mind what exactly made him dislike Eagleflight so much. 'Hard Work.' if that's what he wanted to call it. "Whatever works best." he gurgled putting emphisas in the last word, letting it slowly roll of his tongue. Sending the deputy a heated glare before looking out to the Offing. He kept his attention there for a while, than looked at Sunblaze, an amused smirk blooming on his face.

After admiring the view for a few more moments the Calliby swiveled on his heels and swung his head to the side. "Lets get this over with." he huffed, than got to work.

@Casper @xeno

pidgeon December 17th, 2019 06:43 PM

Re: Lionsrange
@xeno @Starfall

Eagleflight definitely took note of how Gentlethunder's jestful demeanor had changed suddenly. Now he was thoroughly confused. Had he or had he not forgotten the incident with ShadowClan? The tom lacked the smarts to decipher the truth. He shook his head, forcing himself out of his daze. It had been many moons, but he still couldn't get that incident off his mind. Patrolling with Gentlethunder seemed to be bringing it all back.

He forced a smile and glanced nervously at the calliby tom before getting back to work. He marked each rock structure and the occasional shrub or small tree. This close to the ocean, the trees became more and more sparse and the ones that were growing were very small. Looking inland, the forest seemed to grow denser further in.
"Keep your eyes open for any caves or inlets, places to make camp," He instructed, glancing at the sun which had already dipped lower in the sky, turning the ocean to a rippling red shade.

Jesse December 17th, 2019 09:16 PM

Re: Lionsrange
Sunblaze was a little bit overeager with marking to say the least. As soon as Eagleflight gave the order, the ginger tom wasted no time darting about, rubbing every last inch of himself on whatever surface he could find; bushes, rocks, stumps, the grass.. He had gotten so carried away, that he’d even managed to snag himself of a particularly angry shrub without him noticing, which left a nasty cut in its place. He only stopped throwing himself onto random objects when the tangy stench of blood overpowered his own and something warm and wet trickled down his leg. He craned his neck over his shoulder and peered curiously at the sizeable cut that grazed his side. Oh. Oops. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Oh well, it didn’t hurt very much.. it couldn’t be that bad. He need not worry the others with his problems.

Sublaze quickly got to work lapping up the blood until it didn’t look like he’d been jumped by a badger and then resumed his work. It did begin to sting after a while but it still wasn’t anything he figured was worth fussing over. When he’d decided that he’d covered everything able to be covered in Sunblaze, the tom padded over to a nice, shady looking outcropping in a boulder and collapsed into the dry grass beneath it, sighing exhaustedly. The wound seemed to have sapped his energy. Or maybe it was the running.. Either way, he felt like he could sleep for days.

@Starfall @Casper

pidgeon December 18th, 2019 04:16 PM

Re: Lionsrange
Eagleflight watched with a curious gaze as Sunblaze went all-out with his border marking. He continued on his own way, marking trees and shrubs of even distance from each other, until the sun had really gone down. He followed the other tom's scent until he found him, a bit unsurprised to see that he'd exhausted himself.

"Uh, great job, Sunblaze," he praised the russet warrior with a half-smile, unsure of how to comment on his rampant enthusiasm. "And you've found us a good place to camp out for the night! I don't know about you, but I'm starving. I'm gonna see what I can find for prey around here before I call it a night." He dipped his head before retreating once more, back along the areas he'd already marked, to look for prey.

He returned not long after carrying a decently sized crow. It was skinny, given the season, but even a skinny crow made a decent meal, being the size that it was. He plopped it down on the rock and then settled in next to Sunblaze.
"You wouldn't believe how I caught this thing--it was just hanging out on the ground. Stupid bird should'a been in its nest by now. Here, we can share it if you'd like. I think there's enough for all three of us to have a little."

@xeno @Starfall

Jesse December 18th, 2019 05:34 PM

Re: Lionsrange
Sunblaze, who had already been half-asleep by the time Eageflight returned, pried open an eye at the sound of his voice. Oh, when did he get back? The ginger tom, head still heavy with sleep, shakily propped himself up. Oh wow, he was dizzy. It must’ve been all that jumping and running about that shook him up. “Oh.. Is that for me?” He let out a long, groggy yawn and after patiently listening to the deputy’s little story, he wasted no time in taking a generous bite out of the crow, feathers and all. He was so hungry, he was hardly even phased by the tickly plumage that was now sliding down his gullet. After he had managed to get it all down, the tom rolled back over onto his side, uncovering a flattened patch of blood stained grass where he had been laying. He blinked at it undauntedly. Oh, huh. That was a lot of blood for such a little wound. Was that why he was so lightheaded?

@Casper @Starfall

pidgeon December 19th, 2019 12:35 PM

Re: Lionsrange
@xeno @Starfall

Once Eagleflight had dropped the bird, he smelled the blood. At first he thought it was from the fresh-kill itself, but it wasn't quite right. That was when his patrol-partner rolled over, revealing the patch of red on the ground, and on himself.

"Sunblaze, is that...blood? Great stars, what did you do? What happened?" It seemed like so much. Had he gotten attacked by something and not said anything? He sniffed carefully at the wound. It didn't look infected, but then again, Eagleflight was not a medicine cat. Does he need cobwebs? What do I do? His eyes portrayed the thoughts in his head as he frantically tried to figure out the best course of action. Wounds were not his forte.

Jesse December 19th, 2019 08:31 PM

Re: Lionsrange

Sunblaze, a little bit dazed, had a difficult time registering the situation. His head spinning, the disoriented tom held out his tail to try and keep himself from toppling over. “Oh, that? It’s just a little scrape.. It’s really not so bad, see?” He flicked his tail to his side and licked away some of the blood from his fur to reveal the wound, which had seemed to open a bit since he’d first gotten it. Oh.. Hm, it did look pretty gnarly. But it didn’t hurt much.. He’d just go check in with Shiverpetal when they returned, no big deal.

“Don’t worry about me, Eagleflight. I just need some sleep. It’ll have already started to heal by morning, you’ll see!” Sunblaze assured the deputy, gently nudging him away with his nose. The last thing he wanted was for Eagleflight to fuss over him all night. They had a whole journey ahead of them tomorrow! He couldn’t miss a wink of sleep. “Just go eat, or Gentlethunder will eat the whole crow for you.”

@Casper @Starfall

pidgeon December 21st, 2019 11:02 AM

Re: Lionsrange
@xeno @Starfall

"Well, if you say so..." Eagleflight shrugged, still holding concern in his gaze but forcing his worries aside. If Sunblaze said he felt fine, then he probably was fine. "But you need to take it easy tomorrow. I don't want that opening up any further. It already looks pretty nasty." The tom just had to go easy on that wound until they could make it home.

It was then, looking closer at Sunblaze's pelt, that Eagleflight realized just how similar the two cats looked. As he tucked in and began munching on what was left of the crow, he pondered about his family. He didn't know his father all that well, but he hadn't grown up with any siblings. His mother wouldn't talk much about his WindClan father, and he hadn't pressed her too much. He knew it was against the code, and that she'd be sensitive about it.

"Hey, look, our pelts are the same color," He piped up idly, trying to diverge the subject to a more positive matter. He knew that Sunblaze was also not full RiverClan blood, and figured it was a topic they could relate on. "Your dad didn't happen to be a WindClanner, huh?" He added a laugh at the end, joking around.

Jesse December 22nd, 2019 01:44 AM

Re: Lionsrange
Sunblaze quirked a half-smile at Eagleflight’s almost maternal concern. It was flattering, but really there was no need to fuss. No mere bush would squander him. “Alright, alright.” He sighed playfully, waving him away. Relieved that the deputy had finally decided to focus on himself, he settled himself into a comfy patch of grass and began to hunker down for the night. That was, until Eagleflight piped up again, mentioning their appearance. Oh, yes. He supposed they were pretty similar looking. Funny. Eagleflight’s following question, however, stunned him a bit. For a moment, he said nothing, trying to come up with a response that wasn’t overly curt.

Windclanner? I don’t know.. My dad.. Well, he wasn’t much of a dad..” The normally high-spirited warrior mumbled, averting his gaze. It wasn’t exactly something he enjoyed talking about, but he didn’t want to sound rude by dismissing him. He paused for another few seconds, wondering if it was too late to just end the conversation and go to sleep. “He was one of those.. disappearing types.. But, yeah.. I guess it’d be possible..” Realizing he’d probably just made things awkward, Sunblaze scratched his head and shrugged. “Uh.. What was your dad’s name?

@Casper @Starfall

Starfall December 22nd, 2019 05:49 PM

Re: Lionsrange

The warrior padded around the newfound territory, lost in his own thoughts as he continued to mark without paying much attention. The flare of anger that came from him earlier puzzled the tom. He hated the way Eagleflight phrased his wording...hard work. It set him off, but to be frank he still had no idea why it ticked him off so much. It boiled in his gut and he couldn't hold it back, snapping at the tom, than getting angry at himself for not understanding why afterwards. He thought he remembered, thought he remembered why he disliked the tom. But it turns out he was just thinking of Frostfall...Eagleflight didn't betray the clan and leave them, that was the other deputy.

After a few moments he realized he had been spacing out, and swiveled around, heading back to the pair of felines. Maybe he would apologize? No that would be awkward. The grass crunched beneath him, large rocks rolling every which way as he rolled them about. For a second he thought they just kinda...left him. Started going back to the camp, but, after catching a wiff of their scent he finally managed to spot them. "Aha! This is where you're hiding. What are we gossiping about?" he hummed, hopping on top of the boulder and looking down with a grin. However at the tangy scent of blood he hopped down and sniffed around. "How in the name of Starclan did you manage that?" he asked, leaning forwards a little bit.

@xeno @Casper

pidgeon December 22nd, 2019 08:15 PM

Re: Lionsrange
@xeno @Starfall

Eagleflight wasn't great at reading emotions or expressions, but even someone as dim-witted as this russet deputy could tell that his question had made Sunblaze uncomfortable. He sometimes forgot that not everyone was as comfortable with their half-clan heritage as he was. He was quick to carry on talking about his own kin, so that Sunblaze wouldn't have to.

"Flashburn is my father's name," He continued with a slight grin. "I don't know him very well...He also wasn't around much. But from what I do know, and from what my mother told me, he's a strong and brave WindClan warrior. I only wish I had the opportunity to speak with him more often." He shrugged lightly, lost in thought for a moment. He had such a proud image for his father in his mind--if only he knew what the guy was really like.

His ears perked up when Gentlethunder approached the duo.
"Ah, there you are! I was wondering where you'd gone off to," He jested, then pushing the last of the crow in the warrior's direction. "Here, there's still some left. I made sure to save you a meal's worth."

Jesse December 23rd, 2019 08:35 PM

Re: Lionsrange
Flashburn.. Flashburn.. Where had he heard that name before? It was like being slapped in the face with deja vu. Sunblaze was knocked into a trance, aggressively trying to grasp the fragments of his past. The more he tried to remember the more hazy the memory became, slowly slipping back into the depths of his subconscious. Flashburn.. Come on, come on.. He couldn’t let it fade; it was important, somehow. His mother.. His mother had mentioned it a few times, right? But how would she- a kittypet- know the name of a Windclan cat? No.. No way.. It was just a coincidence, right? I mean, it had to be. Yeah.. a funny little coincidence. His father was definitely not role-model material..

But what if it wasn’t?

Sunblaze swallowed hard. “Hey.. You.. you don’t think.. we might’ve shared a father?” He immediately cringed at his question. Great Starclan he looked like an idiot. The ginger toms ears flattened against his skull and he awkwardly tried to mend the situation by dismissing it. “F-forget it, that was a really weird question. I’m.. just going to go to sleep now..

@Starfall @Casper

pidgeon December 24th, 2019 12:26 AM

Re: Lionsrange
@Starfall @xeno

Eagleflight watched Sunblaze's expression change as he sat in contemplation, for a moment longer than the deputy had thought he would. He had only been making a passing joke about the similarity of their pelts, but the furrowed expression of his patrol member made him think harder, too.

"No, no, it's not a weird question. I mean...it is possible, I suppose. You aren't RiverClan-born, are you?" He knew the answer, but wanted to delve into this conversation further. The more he paid attention, the more physical similarities he could see between himself and the other russet tom. Similarities that matched the mental image he carried of his father. "Do you...even know who your father was?" It wasn't supposed to sound rude, as it was an honest question, but Eagleflight had a way of sometimes sounding insensitive, due to his inability to portray his emotions properly.

Starfall December 26th, 2019 02:18 PM

Re: Lionsrange

The tom wiggled his nose and looked at the deputy for a few seconds longer before shrugging "You and me both. New place very very easy to get lost." he gruffed before leaning down to take a bite, letting out a muffled 'thank you' as he dug in. The warrior absentmindedly listened as the pair squaked and gawked at each other. Wouldn't it be weird if they were related? Without realizing it after all this time too. "If you two are half brothers or something wouldn't that be pretty neat?" he said, looking between the two. Forget him trying to remember his problem, this was beginning to seem more interesting.

@Casper @xeno

Jesse December 29th, 2019 08:53 AM

Re: Lionsrange
No..” Sunblaze shook his head, though he realized Eagleflight had probably already figured the answer out for himself and was just making an observation. It was pretty obvious that he wasn’t clan born; he stuck out like a sore thumb. His mannerisms.. His general cluelessness. His dreams were still haunted by the time he assumed “sharing tongues” was literal.

Know would be a.. stretch. I’ve met him, if that’s what you meant. Our interactions were pretty limited; a lot of yelling.” Replied the warrior, who wrinkled his nose in disgust as repressed memories came flooding back to him all at once. He thought he’d escaped all of that when he came to find a new life here. It seemed it would continue to pursue him. He shuddered.

I was unfortunate enough to be the one to inherit his looks. If you ask me, I'd rather be hairless..”

After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Gentlethunder’s interjection came as a relief. But it also brought about more questions. Half-brothers? Sunblaze hated to admit that it wasn’t as farfetched a possibility as it seemed.

@Starfall @Casper

pidgeon December 29th, 2019 03:37 PM

Re: Lionsrange
@xeno @Starfall

"Half-brothers, eh?" Eagleflight commented with interest. "That sure would be something, wouldn't it!" He could tell, though, as daft as the deputy was, that Sunblaze was uncomfortable. He decided to drop it for now. Maybe he'd bring it up after this whole patrol thing was over.

"Well, I guess we ought to get some shut-eye," He changed the subject."We'll finish the markers in the morning and head back to camp."

Jesse December 31st, 2019 05:44 PM

Re: Lionsrange
Half-brothers.. Yeah.. It would. Sunblaze, who had gone silent, flicked and ear and lowered his chin onto his paws. He was relieved to have an excuse to finally sleep. He was exhausted and this was all too.. Confusing.. Maybe it would make more sense in the morning. In almost an instant he had already drifted off.

@Starfall @Casper

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