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BEAR. December 18th, 2016 07:44 PM

WindClan's Liberation
[ Please abstain from posting here until Grousestar and Singenight arrive. This takes place in WindClan's Clearing. ]

goddess of ducks December 19th, 2016 09:46 AM

Re: WindClan's Liberation
The large Savannah emerged from his den, flexing his long sharpened claws. HE let out a sigh, if what the Syndicate cat had told him was true, then he didn't have much time. The cold hearted leader wanted to keep his earned power. He knew he had done many things to get his hold, but didn't regret them. He needed the power of his Clan to get through the coming threat, little did he know it was going to be upon him sooner than expected. The leader paced around the Clearing, clearly unnerved by the ominous warning the rogue cat gave him. He worried now though, if his cats would turn on him now, like he had heard many cats had done to Bucknight. He worried if he would fall like his predecessors. As he paced, his lanky legs forcing his body to move, his claws flexed in anticipation. He couldn't sit still, knowing his growing anxiety would consume him, leaving him vulnerable and exposed to attack. If his cats did hate him, he didn't doubt they would take the opportunity. Singenight finally stopped, his claw flexed into a hidden rock, braking it, dulling it. He let out a hiss of frustration. He had to be careful. More alert, more diligent. He had to watch his back. He knew they would be here soon.

The Cannibal December 19th, 2016 02:41 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

The final battle. This was the final battle. Skyclan had successfully managed to liberate the three other clans, Grousestar having lost a life and many warriors having lost their lives, but they had managed to liberate those three clans of their Dark Forest worshiping leaders and members, this was the last one and never had the Skyclan leader been more relieved than ever before in his life than he was now. After this? He could finally head back home, get some rest. But then, after that, he had to determine what he would do now, now that he knew about the clans. Should he move closer so that visiting and meeting with these clans would be easier, or would they remain where they live? Those thoughts were for another day, but he was still focused on the prospect of going home. He had no doubt in his mind that they wouldn't be able to beat this last clan. Starclan always prevailed and he was proud how far his clan had come. They could do this.
With his head held high, the brown tabby tom padded into the Windclan clearing, emerald eyes blazing with an unearthly amount of determination and strength, his tail held high. It wasn't a cocky demeanor, but one that showed that he was sure of himself and sure of the ability of his clan as well as the cats that followed along with him.
This was the final battle.

"Cat's of Windclan! I am Grousestar, of Skyclan. I am here on the will of Starclan, to drive out those cat's that have oppressed your belief in our warrior ancestors, those that worship the Dark Forest. They will fall, just as the others have. Skyclan. Attack!"

The brown tabby had not waited for other cat's to try and start this, he needed this done and over with. Claws unsheathed, the tom yowled out, immediately looking for one of the cat's that could very likely be the one in power here. His burning green eyes focused on Singenight for a moment, unsure if he was the leader or not.

wren December 19th, 2016 02:54 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation
Fawnspring lifted her gaze from her meal, a rabbit. Well half of it now. when a new cat entered the clan. A sudden shudder made a rapid expanse through her body and she sat up. The bob-tailed calico she cat straightened out her spine and calculated the conclude se of this visit. Word spread quickly about the death of leaders. It made a rapid expanse across clans and chatter was found everywhere. Now they came for windclans leader. Her claws flexed in their proper sheaths. Her shoulders relaxed and for a second she expected the large savanah to resent to grousestar, alas he failed to speak back at the Tom. Before the Tom screeched 'attack' fawnspring sprung to her paws quickly fur bristling.

Twitching her small little bob-tail she took small strides towards the new enemy within the clan walls. She was suddnely distracted and took a second to find her leader as the skyclan cats rushed them. She spun on her nimble paws and raced back toward the back of the camp. "I'm a starclan follower!" she called as skyclan cats rushed past her. A flood of cool wind pressed her chest and forelegs. A surge of a powerful hate for the dakrforest spread.

She took a deep breath when she was by passed. She raised her head trying to find singenight. Perhaps she could contribute to the toms death. Fanwleap dodged flying paws and skirting the edges of a battling pair. She watched the leader for a second getting down into a fighting stance rocking back on her cream coloured paws.

Random Melody December 19th, 2016 02:55 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation
Pantherpaw's green eyes were sharp as she heard the call, the black she-cat turning her head to stare at Grousestar. SkyClan?

Beside her, Swiftpaw voiced her thoughts. "SkyClan?" The black and white Tom wrinkled his nose in confusion, head tilting curiously. "What is SkyClan?"

"Apparently the Clan thats going to kill Singenight." Pantherpaw stood up, lashing her long black tail.

"Why would they do that?" Swiftpaw said in disbelief, standing as well. Pantherpaw raised her head.

"Because Singenight is evil apparantly."

"No!" Swiftpaw gasped.

"We fight for the Dark Forest or for StarClan." Pantherpaw's pelt rippled. "I choose StarClan." She crossed over, padding toward the SkyClan cats with her head high. "I will fight with SkyClan and rid WindClan of our evil leader."

"Uh, wait up then!" Still confused but loyal to his 'friend' till the end, Swiftpaw scampered after her.


"Huh?" Sunpaw stumbled from the apprentices den, pricking her ears curiously as she yawned, her tiny jaws stretching wide. She caught sight of the SkyClan cats and blinked in confusion for a long moment, the ginger she-cat's mouth hanging open as she tried to register what a new Clan was doing in WindClan's camp, since the young she-cat's mind was still fogged with sleep.

"Um..." She said uncertainly, her eyes lingering on Grousestar with confusion. She was still trying to pull her thoughts together, confusion written all over her face. For the first time she had no words, nothing to say; She was speechless with shock and confusion.

Mango December 19th, 2016 03:21 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation
Yewpaw saw that a battle was happening," YAH!" he flew at the first cat he saw, his stomach fully visible. ( open, untrained)

Static December 19th, 2016 03:30 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation
Weasle tail poked her tan head out of the den and her fur bristled as she saw the fighting cats."what's happening?"she meowed shocked.her fur stood on end as she leaped out of the den to help her clan

Slash-GNR December 19th, 2016 03:34 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation
Flameblossom stretched out of the warrior's den. Her bright orange and black spotted pelt which was given to her because she was a Belgian Bengal shone bright in the sunlight. She flexed her claws and looked around. Her emerald green eyes scanning the area.

Static December 19th, 2016 03:40 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation
Dog fang snarled at a skyclan cat."what are u doing?!"weasle tail yowled to her brother."fighting for my REAL clan.for a stronger future."
Weasle tail looked at her brother in shock and betrayal. How could he desert his clan for the dark forest?"

Ag75 -- GONE December 19th, 2016 03:43 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation
Rabbitpaw bounded from her den, her tan pelt flickering in the sun. She unsheathed her claws, growling. "Get out of our clan!" She howled. She didn't care what these strangers said about StarClan. They were strangers, and didn't belong here. After all, she'd never heard of SkyClan. "Get out, filthy rouges!" That's all they could be. Rouges. There were 4 clans in the forest, and Sky wasn't one of them. She'd known the names of the clans since she was a kit. Thunder, Wind, River, and Shadow. She lunged at a weary looking calico warrior.

Leapingbird's ear twitched as the apprentice hurtled towards her, noticing not a moment too late. She skidded across the clearing, turning to face her opponent. "It's a shame," She mewed, pinning the apprentice to the ground. "Such young cats losing faith." she lifted a paw. She wasn't evil. She wouldn't kill. But she could harm. And harm she would. Unsheathing her claws, she raked her paw across the tan 'paw's muzzle.

Slash-GNR December 19th, 2016 03:45 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by 23kgreenwell (Post 85378)
Dog fang snarled at a skyclan cat."what are u doing?!"weasle tail yowled to her brother."fighting for my REAL clan.for a stronger future."
Weasle tail looked at her brother in shock and betrayal. How could he desert his clan for the dark forest?"

The medium-sized she-cat looked to see a brother and sister auguring over which side they were to be on. She padded up to the sister and nodded, "I'm with Starclan," she said. Her green hues then turned to the tom to see if he dare to stand against his sister and her. "Join us," she said to the tom. "We can drive this evil out of the clans," she said ushering to his sister and her and him.

Mango December 19th, 2016 03:48 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation
Yewpaw, who was anxious for battle and saw it lept at a random cat like this http://www.petspyjamas.com/uploads/t...1e949ecaef.jpg

blank_bleh December 19th, 2016 03:50 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation
( Dark Forest Supporter ) Turtlebelly slunk out of the warriors den , her tail lashing side to side as she took in the scene before her . Her hazel eyes narrowed as she made her way further into the clearing her ivories bared as she eyed the strange cats claiming to be of Skyclan . Her whiskers twitched, as her claws slid out scraping the earth .

Ag75 -- GONE December 19th, 2016 03:51 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by # Hashtag (Post 85342)
Yewpaw saw that a battle was happening," YAH!" he flew at the first cat he saw, his stomach fully visible. ( open, untrained)

(HI) Which happened to be a small tan apprentice, who had been clearly battling another she-cat. the she-cat retreated as Rabbitpaw turned on Yewpaw. Leapingbird's attention was quickly stolen as another cat challanged her. (Rabbit is a dark forest supporter, Leaping a skyclan)

Static December 19th, 2016 03:52 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation
Dog fang stared at the cat then back to his sister."I will make windclan great again!u should join me!"dog fang leaped on the flame blossom and clawed her ears with uunsheathed claws.

Slash-GNR December 19th, 2016 04:00 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by 23kgreenwell (Post 85405)
Dog fang stared at the cat then back to his sister."I will make windclan great again!u should join me!"dog fang leaped on the flame blossom and clawed her ears with uunsheathed claws.

Flameblossom yowled as the larger male leaped on her. She then kicked him off and leaped up to get ready for a counter attack. She unsheathed her claws and stared directly into the tom's eyes. Green fire danced in the she-cats eyes with fury. "I will never join the Darkforest and neither will your sister!" she growled as she watched the other she-cat to make sure she would not attack Flamblossom.

Static December 19th, 2016 04:04 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by Cedar (Post 85425)
Flameblossom yowled as the larger male leaped on her. She then kicked him off and leaped up to get ready for a counter attack. She unsheathed her claws and stared directly into the tom's eyes. Green fire danced in the she-cats eyes with fury. "I will never join the Darkforest and neither will your sister!" she growled as she watched the other she-cat to make sure she would not attack Flamblossom.

Weasle tail watched as her brother was attacked not sure what to do.it was family or kin and she unsheathed her claws.she turned to the other side of the clearing and rushed away Frome her brother

Mayflower December 19th, 2016 04:09 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by # Hashtag (Post 85392)
Yewpaw, who was anxious for battle and saw it lept at a random cat like this http://www.petspyjamas.com/uploads/t...1e949ecaef.jpg

Songleaf yelped as an apprentice landed on her back and stumbled. "Who are you?" She yelped, trying to shake the cat off.

Slash-GNR December 19th, 2016 04:10 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by 23kgreenwell (Post 85435)
Weasle tail watched as her brother was attacked not sure what to do.it was family or kin and she unsheathed her claws.she turned to the other side of the clearing and rushed away Frome her brother

Flameblossom watched as Dogfang's sister ran away. She was half happy and half upset because if Flameblossom needed help then she would be helpless, but she would call upon another clan member. She then turned back to Dogfang.

seasalt December 19th, 2016 04:10 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation
Another bloody battle, filled with death. Doepaw didn't know which side was which now. Her amber optics scanned the clearing, finding a familiar cat from Thunderclan. That rogue...he's from the battle in Thunderclan... Her eyes narrowed, as she stalked toward Neko. She unsheathed her claws, leaping toward the rogue, eyes turning like slits. Doepaw didn't care who she was attacking, and honestly, it didn't matter. Her mind was filled with confusion and distress, and her wounds from the battle from earlier stabbed at her body. In general, the apprentice's mind was wrecked, why that had happened? She witnessed, a kit being attacked by a warrior, a warrior, of their own clan. Doepaw's hope cracked upon that moment, and now, here she was, cracked, broken, all things she didn't want to be, worse than her fear of death, and she felt pain.
@Pink Orca!

Maplefur December 19th, 2016 04:10 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation
(Open for an EE supporter to attack her)
Flarerunner glanced up in shock as the new clan entered the clearing. Finally! The molly thought, relieved. We can be freed from this murderer. She leaped to her paws and turned around to glare at her clanmates, adrenaline already coursing through her. "I fight for Starclan, and for the better of my clan's future. Singenight does not deserve to be our leader, and had no right to kill any of us!" She yowled, flashing challenging glances around the clearing. She was more than ready to fight for what she believed in.

Mayflower December 19th, 2016 04:14 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by Maplefur (Post 85444)
(Open for an EE supporter to attack her)
Flarerunner glanced up in shock as the new clan entered the clearing. Finally! The molly thought, relieved. We can be freed from this murderer. She leaped to her paws and turned around to glare at her clanmates, adrenaline already coursing through her. "I fight for Starclan, and for the better of my clan's future. Singenight does not deserve to be our leader, and had no right to kill any of us!" She yowled, flashing challenging glances around the clearing. She was more than ready to fight for what she believed in.

Nyx rushed on to the battlefield and grinned at the cat who was making a stupid Starclan speech. "Nice one!" She then leaped at the cat and raked her claws down the cat's side.

Socks December 19th, 2016 04:15 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation
Weaselpaw ran out of the apprentices den with an odd happy look. Instead of feeling fear like most of his other clan mates he was filled with happiness and determination. He was a new apprentice that had been born with short legs, about half the length of his siblings. For this, he had been treated poorly and looked down upon by his mentor Birdsong. He looked at his siter as she walked out of the apprentice den with a horrified expression.
"Flowerpaw! This is our chance! This is my chance! I can fight the evil cats and prove myself, I'll prove I'm no different!" He declared, running farther out. "Any evil cats think they're better then starclan, come face me!" He shouted, crouching down in a fighting stance.
(Open for EE suporter, gonna kill him)

"No! Wait, Weaselpaw, you don't have battle training get back! Stop, no!" The apprentice yowled after her brother, but was ignored as he dashed away into the group of cats. She nervously padded after. She decided she would find another apprentice to fight, but she'd have to fight one of her own den-mates since she fought for starclan.
She nervously looked around for an apprentice she knew with the same battle experience as her. She jumped as some clawing cats passed her and she lowered herself with her ears down. "Starclan protect us!" She mumbled.
(Open, preferably an apprentice battle.)

Static December 19th, 2016 04:16 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by Cedar (Post 85442)
Flameblossom watched as Dogfang's sister ran away. She was half happy and half upset because if Flameblossom needed help then she would be helpless, but she would call upon another clan member. She then turned back to Dogfang.

Dog fang lashed at flame blossoms throat jacking a large gash.his eyes filled with ice blue rage."I'll kill you rabbit brain!u think starclan is all mighty but in the end the dark forest will win!!!"
Weasle tail fought with a dark forest follower and tripped the cat with her paws and he fled.she glanced at her brother and closed her eyes.distracted for a moment

Maplefur December 19th, 2016 04:16 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by MooBaby171 (Post 85449)
Nyx rushed on to the battlefield and grinned at the cat who was making a stupid Starclan speech. "Nice one!" She then leaped at the cat and raked her claws down the cat's side.

Flarerunner snarled angrily as she was attacked. Claws raked down her pelt, but she quickly hopped to the side, preventing further damage. "You picked the wrong fight," she hissed. Quickly, she darted in to jab quickly at this cat's side, claws unsheathed, and retreated back to her spot. She crouched low, preparing for the she-cat to attack her.

Slash-GNR December 19th, 2016 04:20 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by 23kgreenwell (Post 85455)
Dog fang lashed at flame blossoms throat jacking a large gash.his eyes filled with ice blue rage."I'll kill you rabbit brain!u think starclan is all mighty but in the end the dark forest will win!!!"

(Oh, forgot to mention that I don't want FlameBlossom to die)

The orange and black spotted she-cat made a choking noise as his claws scratched her neck. The wound was deep, but did not do deadly harm. She then leaped on the tom and attempted to stick her razor sharp claws into his eyes to blind him. "Starclan will always prevail!" she hissed.

(Oh, and make sure you do some "attempting" so you don't powerplay)

Mayflower December 19th, 2016 04:20 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by Maplefur (Post 85456)
Flarerunner snarled angrily as she was attacked. Claws raked down her pelt, but she quickly hopped to the side, preventing further damage. "You picked the wrong fight," she hissed. Quickly, she darted in to jab quickly at this cat's side, claws unsheathed, and retreated back to her spot. She crouched low, preparing for the she-cat to attack her.

"Really, at least I have backup. Right Nova?" Nyx yowled in pain and feinted a blow to the she cat's ear and then swiped at the cats front legs, aiming to knock her over.
"Actually Nyx, I fight for Starclan, not this Dark Forest junk." Nova smiled sadly and ran into the battlefield.

(Open RP for an EE supporter)

Static December 19th, 2016 04:21 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by Maplefur (Post 85456)
Flarerunner snarled angrily as she was attacked. Claws raked down her pelt, but she quickly hopped to the side, preventing further damage. "You picked the wrong fight," she hissed. Quickly, she darted in to jab quickly at this cat's side, claws unsheathed, and retreated back to her spot. She crouched low, preparing for the she-cat to attack her.

Weasle tail let her claws slide out but she still thought of her brother.she slashed at flare runners ear but missed by a mouse length

Static December 19th, 2016 04:24 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by Cedar (Post 85461)
(Oh, forgot to mention that I don't want FlameBlossom to die)

The orange and black spotted she-cat made a choking noise as his claws scratched her neck. The wound was deep, but did not do deadly harm. She then leaped on the tom and attempted to stick her razor sharp claws into his eyes to blind him. "Starclan will always prevail!" she hissed.

(Oh, and make sure you do some "attempting" so you don't powerplay)

Dog fang slashed at flame blossoms ears slicing one."U DONT KNOW ANYTHING DO U FOX BREATH!!!(what is power play?magic?I have never power played)

blank_bleh December 19th, 2016 04:25 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by Socks (Post 85451)
Weaselpaw ran out of the apprentices den with an odd happy look. Instead of feeling fear like most of his other clan mates he was filled with happiness and determination. He was a new apprentice that had been born with short legs, about half the length of his siblings. For this, he had been treated poorly and looked down upon by his mentor Birdsong. He looked at his siter as she walked out of the apprentice den with a horrified expression.
"Flowerpaw! This is our chance! This is my chance! I can fight the evil cats and prove myself, I'll prove I'm no different!" He declared, running farther out. "Any evil cats think they're better then starclan, come face me!" He shouted, crouching down in a fighting stance.
(Open for EE suporter, gonna kill him)

"No! Wait, Weaselpaw, you don't have battle training get back! Stop, no!" The apprentice yowled after her brother, but was ignored as he dashed away into the group of cats. She nervously padded after. She decided she would find another apprentice to fight, but she'd have to fight one of her own den-mates since she fought for starclan.
She nervously looked around for an apprentice she knew with the same battle experience as her. She jumped as some clawing cats passed her and she lowered herself with her ears down. "Starclan protect us!" She mumbled.
(Open, preferably an apprentice battle.)

'' Is that so ?'' Turttlebelly snickered her attention turning to Weaselpaw , amusement and menace dancing in the she-cat's eyes . Her ear flicked lightly as her tail swayed back and forth .

Applepaw crept out the apprentice den nervously . She wanted to fight for her clan , but she was terrified. She didn't want to go against any of her clan mates either . Applepaw hesitantly slid out her claws .She needed to fight . To prove herself. ( open )

Slash-GNR December 19th, 2016 04:29 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by 23kgreenwell (Post 85466)
Dog fang slashed at flame blossoms ears slicing one."U DONT KNOW ANYTHING DO U FOX BREATH!!!(what is power play?magic?I have never power played)

(power playing is when you attaack someone and you always hit them, like they can't get away or dodge it, then also be sure your cat takes some hits, they don't have to die, but they need to take some hits)

Flowerblossom had apparently missed her blinding move. She growled as her ears was split open. "I know more than you because I'm on the right side!" she yowled as she leaped on the male and attempted to stick her claws into his side and rip through his skin to open his muscles.

Socks December 19th, 2016 04:33 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by blank_bleh (Post 85467)
'' Is that so ?'' Turttlebelly snickered her attention turning to Weaselpaw , amusement and menace dancing in the she-cat's eyes . Her ear flicked lightly as her tail swayed back and forth .

Applepaw crept out the apprentice den nervously . She wanted to fight for her clan , but she was terrified. She didn't want to go against any of her clan mates either . Applepaw hesitantly slid out her claws .She needed to fight . To prove herself. ( open )

Weaselpaw made himself as large as he could on his small legs, forgetting fighting stance. "I am tired of being looked down on, I am the same as anyone and I will prove it today!" He growled. He pulled a paw off the ground and flexed his claws, he was ready to fight, and he would win.

Maplefur December 19th, 2016 04:33 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by MooBaby171 (Post 85462)
"Really, at least I have backup. Right Nova?" Nyx yowled in pain and feinted a blow to the she cat's ear and then swiped at the cats front legs, aiming to knock her over.
"Actually Nyx, I fight for Starclan, not this Dark Forest junk." Nova smiled sadly and ran into the battlefield.

(Open RP for an EE supporter)

Flarerunner spat as claws ragged her ear, flicking it and sending a few drops of blood splattering to the ground. "Oh, shame. Looks like your friend is actually fighting for good, unlike you." She just managed to jump backwards, avoiding the blow to her legs. "Nyx, your name is? Shame that you're on the loosing side- don't you know evil never wins?" She taunted, trying to use her own weak point against this cat. Staying low, the molly charged Nyx, aiming to bowl him over.

Mango December 19th, 2016 04:33 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by Rabbitpaw (Post 85403)
(HI) Which happened to be a small tan apprentice, who had been clearly battling another she-cat. the she-cat retreated as Rabbitpaw turned on Yewpaw. Leapingbird's attention was quickly stolen as another cat challanged her. (Rabbit is a dark forest supporter, Leaping a skyclan)

Yewpaw's aim was off, as he slammed into the dirt and skidded about 2 or three mouselengths and layed there like any mousebrain fool would.

Static December 19th, 2016 04:37 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by Cedar (Post 85472)
(power playing is when you attaack someone and you always hit them, like they can't get away or dodge it, then also be sure your cat takes some hits, they don't have to die, but they need to take some hits)

Flowerblossom had apparently missed her blinding move. She growled as her ears was split open. "I know more than you because I'm on the right side!" she yowled as she leaped on the male and attempted to stick her claws into his side and rip through his skin to open his muscles.

Dog fang youled in agony and fell down then regained himself.he bared his teeth at flower blossom"u...will not win.."he gasped but the torn tendons pored blood which dripped into the Heather

Weasle tail looked over in the direction of the yowl.she stared at her brother in horror as he fell to the ground gasping for air.she ran over to him not noticing flameblossom and noticed his torn throat.as his last gasp came out and he fell still,she fell on his bloodied side and closed her eyes.suddenly she felt his flank rise again and dog fang snarled in a gurgly voice"u are a traitor to this forest.I should have killed u".
Dog fangs eyes where glazed and he stopped breathing.weasle tail felt her eyes fill with tears and closed them.she would never forget his last words

Weasle tail looked over at the

Mango December 19th, 2016 04:37 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by MooBaby171 (Post 85441)
Songleaf yelped as an apprentice landed on her back and stumbled. "Who are you?" She yelped, trying to shake the cat off.

Yewpaw did a back flip off her back and puffed up his chest," Ze ez la GREAT Yewpaw," he added," But my leader won't let me become a warrior because I could over throw him." ( He's a brany new apprentice without training who thinks if you startle them with the entrance your failure to fight won't be noticed they'll be to starstruck)

Zero December 19th, 2016 04:38 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation
Surgestorm emerged from his den at Grousestar's call, his yellow eyes wide as the two sides, SkyClan and those who supported StarClan and those who stood with Singenight, clashed together. The medicine cat knew where he stood, but also knew that he'd have to help any cat that got hurt, as that was what the medicine cat code stated.

The tom stood off to the side, flexing his claws. He really wanted to join in the fight, even though he wasn't that skilled at battle. Of course, this slacker did know some moves that he learned while practice fighting with the apprentices. However, he had vowed not to join in these types of things. Vowed to heal and not hurt.

That didn't stop him from standing there with a defiant expression on his face though, just daring somebody to come fight him.

blank_bleh December 19th, 2016 04:38 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by Socks (Post 85477)
Weaselpaw made himself as large as he could on his small legs, forgetting fighting stance. "I am tired of being looked down on, I am the same as anyone and I will prove it today!" He growled. He pulled a paw off the ground and flexed his claws, he was ready to fight, and he would win.

Turtlebelly flexed her claws , and crouched down .'' Well then little one , come and prove it .'' she challenged with a hiss , slinking towards the tom slowly .

Applepaw watched as the cats faught . She yearned to join , but she was clumsy and would probably get in the way . Ducking her head , the pale ginger molly scurried toward the edge of the clearing trying not to get in the way . ( open , can be killed )

Empress Of Evil December 19th, 2016 04:39 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation
@S A G I E
Auroraflame leapt into battle. She had already guessed that the leader was the large savannah cat. As much as she wanted to fight the leader, she had already seen Grousestar defeat 2 leaders so she decided to leave the WindClan leader to him. So instead, the ebony coloured she cat looked around for the deputy. What would a deputy look like?, Auroraflame thought before realising how stupid that sounded. What in StarClan did looks have to do with who was deputy? Auroraflame shook her head and dodged past fighting cats, her icy gaze searching for who might be the deputy.

Static December 19th, 2016 04:41 PM

Re: WindClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by # Hashtag (Post 85483)
Yewpaw did a back flip off her back and puffed up his chest," Ze ez la GREAT Yewpaw," he added," But my leader won't let me become a warrior because I could over throw him." ( He's a brany new apprentice without training who thinks if you startle them with the entrance your failure to fight won't be noticed they'll be to starstruck)

Weasle tail opened her eyes ans thought:I have to help my clan...I have to"she got up with her brothers blood on her fur and ran to yew paw and soaked into the cat he was attacking

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