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darkblazingstar October 18th, 2017 08:21 PM

Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
This is a continuation of Travis's den thread
some things will be a bit different from this point on.
the new thread differences will be listed below.
Be advised! the list can be updated at any time.

-Travis no longer has medicinal knowledge

Barnabas October 18th, 2017 08:24 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
Hello. It's back ya!!!!

darkblazingstar October 18th, 2017 08:25 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)

Barnabas October 18th, 2017 08:28 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
Megan woke up as she felt the air brush through her fur. The she-cat looked a bit different than before her weight had increase yet she still didn't quite know what was wrong. The Molly looked around the den for her mate and friends.

darkblazingstar October 18th, 2017 08:37 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
(the wound is going to be changed to a minor wounded shoulder so that it doesn't require herbs to heal its self due to Travis not being able to fix his wounds now)
Travis wakes up and looks up to see it is morning now. he gets up and realizes his shoulder no longer hurts. "wow my wound has healed up completely must have been such a bad wound for it to heal this quickly" he stretches his legs before leaving his nest to go see what everyone else was doing.

Barnabas October 18th, 2017 08:41 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
The she-cat watched as Travis woke up. She didn't want to face Travis. She still had a thought of what was wrong with her and she had tried to avoid eye contact with Travis. The she-cat stood up and wobbled out of the yard.

darkblazingstar October 18th, 2017 10:57 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)

Originally Posted by SparkleDemon (Post 406780)
The she-cat watched as Travis woke up. She didn't want to face Travis. She still had a thought of what was wrong with her and she had tried to avoid eye contact with Travis. The she-cat stood up and wobbled out of the yard.

Travis noticed Megan leave when she saw him come out of his nest. did i do something wrong? it seems she is trying to avoid me.. Travis frowned at the thought of his mate avoiding him and shook his head i cant let this go on i need to find out whats wrong with her. i wonder if the others know whats up with her. ill ask Roxie first. Travis looks around to see if he can find Roxie.

Barnabas October 19th, 2017 06:13 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
Megan walked through the forest with her belly moved from side to side as he moved. A pain ran through her stomach as she walked. If you are what I think you are. I'm sorry. I'm not ready to tell Travis. I just can't. Megan continued walking, knowing that she shouldn't upset anything that might be there.
@darkblazingstar; @Flameleaf; @DragonChaos; @itsyaboirussetbird;

(Or is this now dead?)

Tundra October 22nd, 2017 01:01 AM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
[Never got the mentions...]

Roxie slipped through the fence with a mouse in her jaws. She padded across the yard to Travis and droppe the prey at his paws. "Here you go!" She purred as she nudged the mouse closer.


darkblazingstar October 23rd, 2017 08:32 AM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)

Originally Posted by Flameleaf (Post 408538)
[Never got the mentions...]

Roxie slipped through the fence with a mouse in her jaws. She padded across the yard to Travis and droppe the prey at his paws. "Here you go!" She purred as she nudged the mouse closer.


"thanks." travis dip his head respectfully. "Roxie do you know whats wrong with megan? it seems she has been avoiding me." travis asked hoping she would know.

Barnabas October 23rd, 2017 09:51 AM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)


Megan looked around the cave pressing her ear to her stomach. She listened to what was there. It sounded as if little heartbeats were beating. She finally admited what there was to herself. "I know what you are. I'll take very good care of you." meowed Megan with a loud purr. She placed her tail around her stomach and began to drift off into sleep.

Tundra October 23rd, 2017 03:43 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
Roxie sat down. "I'm not sure." She mewed, licking a paw. "I don't think she's avoiding you though. She may just need some time alone."


darkblazingstar October 24th, 2017 08:17 AM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)

Originally Posted by Flameleaf (Post 409830)
Roxie sat down. "I'm not sure." She mewed, licking a paw. "I don't think she's avoiding you though. She may just need some time alone."


" yea your probably right." travis thought about what he should do now that his shoulder has healed. As he was thinking he finished eating the prey that roxie brought him.

Barnabas October 24th, 2017 08:28 AM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
After a while Megan had finally thought about heading back by now. The she-cat stood up and wobbled out of the cave to head back to the yard. Megan walked through the hole, looking around for her nest. She felt as if she was about to fall from her heavy weight.

Tundra October 24th, 2017 11:08 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
Roxie looked over her shoulder. "There she is now." She mewed as she set her paw on the ground. Roxie tipped her head to one side. "So... Why did you leave? Needed time alone again?"

Barnabas October 25th, 2017 09:50 AM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)

Originally Posted by Flameleaf (Post 410785)
Roxie looked over her shoulder. "There she is now." She mewed as she set her paw on the ground. Roxie tipped her head to one side. "So... Why did you leave? Needed time alone again?"

Megan looked at Roxie with a nod. "Yeah you can say that." replied Megan. The she-cat walked over to her nest, laying down with her tail wrapped around her stomache.

@darkblazingstar; @Flameleaf; @russet; @DragonChaos;

darkblazingstar October 25th, 2017 07:55 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)

Originally Posted by SparkleDemon (Post 410855)

Megan looked at Roxie with a nod. "Yeah you can say that." replied Megan. The she-cat walked over to her nest, laying down with her tail wrapped around her stomache.

@darkblazingstar; @Flameleaf; @russet; @DragonChaos;

Travis shoots a look at roxie that seemed to say 'see? That response!' once megan is far enough away her steps closer to roxie and whispers just loud enough that only roxie would hear."she is definitly hiding something. I can just feel it. Cant you feel it aswell?"

Wolvesregion October 25th, 2017 08:02 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
A Large black and brown-she cat walked around the territory, hoping to find shelter after a long journey. Her Multi-colored eyes watched the area, one blue one green. Her nose smelled cats, not knowing if they were mean or nice, she was usually careful but curiosity drove her closer, but she was not alone. She was accompanied by a light brown she-cat with a lighter brown under belly and bright blue eyes.
They wandered together, hoping to find food, shelter, and water.

Tundra October 25th, 2017 09:25 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
Roxie flicked her ears. "Yup." She meowed in response. "Wonder what though."

@The Bloody Kitty [If Dark allows you]

Barnabas October 25th, 2017 10:02 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
Megan looked over at Travis with a look of sorrow. You have to to tell them. It won't be a secret for long.
They have to be born someday.
Right then was when she was going to tell them. She got up, walking over to Travis and Roxie with a bit of nervousness. "I have to tell you guys something." meowed Megan with a deep breathe.

Tundra October 25th, 2017 10:22 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
Roxie pricked her ears. "Hm?" She looked at Megan before glancing at Travis.


darkblazingstar October 25th, 2017 10:48 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)

Originally Posted by SparkleDemon (Post 411333)
Megan looked over at Travis with a look of sorrow. You have to to tell them. It won't be a secret for long.
They have to be born someday.
Right then was when she was going to tell them. She got up, walking over to Travis and Roxie with a bit of nervousness. "I have to tell you guys something." meowed Megan with a deep breathe.

Travis looked at megan. Curious about what she was about to say.what is it megan? travis glances back at roxie then returns his attention to megan as she speaks.

Barnabas October 25th, 2017 10:53 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)

Originally Posted by darkblazingstar (Post 411373)
Travis looked at megan. Curious about what she was about to say.what is it megan? travis glances back at roxie then returns his attention to megan as she speaks.

Megan looked at them, A bit nervously as she thought of how to saw what she had to tell them. "The yard will soon have more cats coming. Wha...Im trying to say is uh..." started Megan.


Tundra October 25th, 2017 11:04 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
Roxie blinked. "Huh? You mean more Loners? Friends? Kittypets-" Roxie broke off and her tail fluffed up. Oh...


darkblazingstar October 26th, 2017 01:24 AM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
Travis tilts his head a bit confused ."what do you mean..?" what is she talking about? well i know it is probably why she has been acting so strange lately..

Tundra October 26th, 2017 01:37 AM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
Roxie blinked and turned to look at Travis. She flattened her ears a little, then turned back to Megan.

darkblazingstar October 26th, 2017 01:51 AM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)

Originally Posted by Flameleaf (Post 411427)
Roxie blinked and turned to look at Travis. She flattened her ears a little, then turned back to Megan.

(Talk about being dense right? And he is normally so smart. Lol poor travis)

Tundra October 26th, 2017 02:11 AM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)

Barnabas October 26th, 2017 08:59 AM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
Megan looked at the both of them. "I'm expecting kits all right. Thats why I'vebeen acting starange." meowed Megan with a shuffle of her paws in embarrassment. The she-cat looked at Flameleaf and Travis,
hoping all go's well.

@darkazingstar; @Flameleaf

Wolvesregion October 26th, 2017 01:50 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
I see your already far in so i wont desturb you by roleplaying.)

Tundra October 26th, 2017 04:39 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
[lol, Flameleaf and Travis]

Roxie flicked her tail and looked at Travis. "So... Now you know why she's been acting strange."


darkblazingstar October 26th, 2017 05:32 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)

Originally Posted by SparkleDemon (Post 411476)
Megan looked at the both of them. "I'm expecting kits all right. Thats why I'vebeen acting starange." meowed Megan with a shuffle of her paws in embarrassment. The she-cat looked at Flameleaf and Travis,
hoping all go's well.

@darkazingstar; @Flameleaf

Travis's eyes widen. "Im going to be a father...?" Travis stares at his paws.im going to be a father! There is a couple things i will need to get now for the kits travis looks back at megan with happyness in his eyes "i cant wait!" Travis turns and runs through the fence " ill be back!" He calls back to everyone.
Travis runs through the forest and stops before geting to far from the yard when he notices the scent of a unfamiliar cat near by.he imediately follows the scent and readies himsel for a potentially hostile cat.
@The Bloody Kitty

Wolvesregion October 26th, 2017 05:44 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)

Originally Posted by darkblazingstar (Post 411686)
Travis's eyes widen. "Im going to be a father...?" Travis stares at his paws.im going to be a father! There is a couple things i will need to get now for the kits travis looks back at megan with happyness in his eyes "i cant wait!" Travis turns and runs through the fence " ill be back!" He calls back to everyone.
Travis runs through the forest and stops before geting to far from the yard when he notices the scent of a unfamiliar cat near by.he imediately follows the scent and readies himsel for a potentially hostile cat.
@The Bloody Kitty

The she cat followed the scent of the strange cat. "Hello?" She said getting closer, sniffing the air. (Sorry short)

darkblazingstar October 26th, 2017 06:11 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)

Originally Posted by The Bloody Kitty (Post 411700)
The she cat followed the scent of the strange cat. "Hello?" She said getting closer, sniffing the air. (Sorry short)

Travis relaxes as he hears a questioning 'hello?' i think this cat isnt hostile or she wouldnt have said anything when she had gotten close. "hello . I assume your not going to attack me? travis calls back to the cat

Wolvesregion October 26th, 2017 06:14 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)

Originally Posted by darkblazingstar (Post 411715)
Travis relaxes as he hears a questioning 'hello?' i think this cat isnt hostile or she wouldnt have said anything when she had gotten close. "hello . I assume your not going to attack me? travis calls back to the cat

"Attsck you? All I want is shelter. "She muttered walking into sight, her ribs jabbing out of her fur, and her fur matted. She had a scar across her eye and one across her chest. Including many scratches and marks from other cats.

darkblazingstar October 26th, 2017 06:24 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)

Originally Posted by The Bloody Kitty (Post 411721)
"Attsck you? All I want is shelter. "She muttered walking into sight, her ribs jabbing out of her fur, and her fur matted. She had a scar across her eye and one across her chest. Including many scratches and marks from other cats.

Travis noticed how skinny she was. why is she so skinny does she not know how to hunt? Well either way she seems to have gone through rough times and i cant just leave her.. "shelter you say?" Dont have a place to go back to i take it? Well if thats the case. I might be able to help you with your shelter problem." Travis pauses for a second then continued. "What do you say? Will you accept my help?"

Tundra October 26th, 2017 07:25 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)
Roxie watched Travis leave. "He sure is excited." She commented before turning to Megan. "So, do you want me to fetch anything for you?"

@The Bloody Kitty

Wolvesregion October 26th, 2017 07:29 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)

Originally Posted by darkblazingstar (Post 411732)
Travis noticed how skinny she was. why is she so skinny does she not know how to hunt? Well either way she seems to have gone through rough times and i cant just leave her.. "shelter you say?" Dont have a place to go back to i take it? Well if thats the case. I might be able to help you with your shelter problem." Travis pauses for a second then continued. "What do you say? Will you accept my help?"

She looked skeptical, but agreed. She walked willingly toward him. "So, what's your name?" She mowed flicking her tail.

Barnabas October 26th, 2017 10:37 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)

@The Bloody Kitty
Megan looked at her friend with a nod. The she-cat was not as nervous as she was before. "I don't need anything." meowed Megan. She made her way over to the entrance of the den, heading outside. Megan scented a new cat, making her way over to Travis and the newcomer.

darkblazingstar October 26th, 2017 11:43 PM

Re: Travis's yard and the nearby forest (Open)

Originally Posted by The Bloody Kitty (Post 411782)
She looked skeptical, but agreed. She walked willingly toward him. "So, what's your name?" She mowed flicking her tail.


Originally Posted by SparkleDemon (Post 411911)

@The Bloody Kitty
Megan looked at her friend with a nod. The she-cat was not as nervous as she was before. "I don't need anything." meowed Megan. She made her way over to the entrance of the den, heading outside. Megan scented a new cat, making her way over to Travis and the newcomer.

"My name is travis. What's your name?" As travis asked the new cat her name, he heard the sound of footsteps behind him. He turned to see it was megan's footsteps he had heard."megan! I see you cuaght her scent too."

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