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Shrew February 29th, 2024 05:25 PM

|`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Ollie crept up on a mouse, attempting to catch it. He pounced, but the mouse ran away just in time. "Dang it.."Ollie padded back to his den, to sort herbs. He hadn't eaten in a while, and was starting to feel the effects of hunger. He chewed up a travling herb, so he wouldn't feel his hunger for a while as he went through the tunnels..He shuddered at the thought.

(Open for anybody!)

Dolomedes March 4th, 2024 11:16 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]
The Nameless
He/him | Loner | Moons: 4 | No Purrks

The nameless found himself in the outskirts again after traveling the day before from the housefolk place. His mother assigned him a three day lesson, 'Find a mentor and acquire a new skill.' It was simple enough, the tom mused to himself as he continued traveling through the thicket of trees and ever changing territories, looking for any sign of other cats around. At least it seemed easy compared to other tasks he had been set out to do.

His oversized ears caught wind of a voice and immediately swiveled towards it. From the voice they didn't sound threatening, the tom opened his jaws trying to taste the air and see if he could narrow down what the cat was. Kittypets tended to have softer smells, untainted by the harsher scents of nature and even blood after prolonged injury. Loners tended to have overly confusing scents, hard to narrow down exactly what. Strikers, by his parents terms, often smelt like the scent of death was stuck clinging to their pelts like a smog, metallic enough to almost taste on your tongue.

Anyways, this cat seemed to be leaning towards a kittypet or a loner, definitely not a striker which seemed safe enough to approach. The feline took more care to hide their pawsteps, he needed to practice his stalking anyways, made as well see if he could sneak up on this cat. Eventually, the other cat came into view. A small tom. Any flicker of fear the nameless had was gone, he could easily take this cat in a fight if need be.

Approaching the cat from behind, the tom still kept his pawsteps as light as possible, watching the other cat with curiosity. As he got closer, the nameless finally spoke up, "What're you doin'?"

The nameless almost caughed, his voice on the rougher side from his lack of using it but he refused to cough and perhaps signal this strange cat from seeing any semblance of weakness. Even if just for a brief moment.

(Not reread or edited, if there are any major mistakes let me know o7)
[ @CrimsonOaks - Ollie ]

Shrew March 5th, 2024 01:29 AM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by Theraphosa (Post 1561671)
The Nameless
He/him | Loner | Moons: 4 | No Purrks

The nameless found himself in the outskirts again after traveling the day before from the housefolk place. His mother assigned him a three day lesson, 'Find a mentor and acquire a new skill.' It was simple enough, the tom mused to himself as he continued traveling through the thicket of trees and ever changing territories, looking for any sign of other cats around. At least it seemed easy compared to other tasks he had been set out to do.

His oversized ears caught wind of a voice and immediately swiveled towards it. From the voice they didn't sound threatening, the tom opened his jaws trying to taste the air and see if he could narrow down what the cat was. Kittypets tended to have softer smells, untainted by the harsher scents of nature and even blood after prolonged injury. Loners tended to have overly confusing scents, hard to narrow down exactly what. Strikers, by his parents terms, often smelt like the scent of death was stuck clinging to their pelts like a smog, metallic enough to almost taste on your tongue.

Anyways, this cat seemed to be leaning towards a kittypet or a loner, definitely not a striker which seemed safe enough to approach. The feline took more care to hide their pawsteps, he needed to practice his stalking anyways, made as well see if he could sneak up on this cat. Eventually, the other cat came into view. A small tom. Any flicker of fear the nameless had was gone, he could easily take this cat in a fight if need be.

Approaching the cat from behind, the tom still kept his pawsteps as light as possible, watching the other cat with curiosity. As he got closer, the nameless finally spoke up, "What're you doin'?"

The nameless almost caughed, his voice on the rougher side from his lack of using it but he refused to cough and perhaps signal this strange cat from seeing any semblance of weakness. Even if just for a brief moment.

(Not reread or edited, if there are any major mistakes let me know o7)
[ @CrimsonOaks - Ollie ]


He jumped a bit at the sudden voice, but calmed himself down a bit.
"'Ello..You are-?"

(You spelled 'Coughed' wrong. you said 'Caughed', Just saying! ^^)

Dolomedes March 5th, 2024 08:42 AM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by CrimsonOaks (Post 1561711)


He jumped a bit at the sudden voice, but calmed himself down a bit.
"'Ello..You are-?"

(You spelled 'Coughed' wrong. you said 'Caughed', Just saying! ^^)

The Nameless
He/him | Loner | Moons: 4 | No Purrks

The nameless watched the other cat curiously as they jumped, something like that would've got nameless a punishment for being such a blatant show of fear. The young tom merely swung his feathery tail once instead of saying that to the other cat. Besides his tail, he remained as still as possible, "I have no name, I am called by what I am."

It was very curious, the amount of cats that ask for his name, was it not normal to have no name. The nameless didn't think it was odd, his parents don't and they are always right, some of the loners and strikers don't care either. Oftentimes, it was wanderers and kittypets that felt personally offended by his lack of name. Based on that, the feline could narrow down who this strange cat was, or at least mostly, "What are you called? What are you doing?" The nameless asked again.

Shrew March 5th, 2024 11:51 AM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by Theraphosa (Post 1561786)

The Nameless
He/him | Loner | Moons: 4 | No Purrks

The nameless watched the other cat curiously as they jumped, something like that would've got nameless a punishment for being such a blatant show of fear. The young tom merely swung his feathery tail once instead of saying that to the other cat. Besides his tail, he remained as still as possible, "I have no name, I am called by what I am."

It was very curious, the amount of cats that ask for his name, was it not normal to have no name. The nameless didn't think it was odd, his parents don't and they are always right, some of the loners and strikers don't care either. Oftentimes, it was wanderers and kittypets that felt personally offended by his lack of name. Based on that, the feline could narrow down who this strange cat was, or at least mostly, "What are you called? What are you doing?" The nameless asked again.


"Er- My names' Ollie, I'm just sorting herbs and getting ready to travel a bit." He was a bit confused though, the cat didn't have a name. Should he give him a name? No. Maybe? No, Would that be rude? He hadn't interacted with another cat for a while, so this was a bit awkward, but he didn't mind, much.

Dolomedes March 5th, 2024 12:11 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by CrimsonOaks (Post 1561857)


"Er- My names' Ollie, I'm just sorting herbs and getting ready to travel a bit." He was a bit confused though, the cat didn't have a name. Should he give him a name? No. Maybe? No, Would that be rude? He hadn't interacted with another cat for a while, so this was a bit awkward, but he didn't mind, much.

The Nameless
He/him | Loner | Moons: 4 | No Purrks

The nameless looked to the plants that were at the other cat’s paws. Herbs? The feline assumed that he had simply run into a very odd cat, did the plants actually have use?
Herbs? Is that what the plants are? I just thought you couldn’t catch prey.” The nameless mewed bluntly as he walked a tiny bit closer, trying to get a better look at the supposedly useful items. How did the plants do anything? They were just plants. The nameless had never heard of such a concept while in his many lessons thus far.

Shrew March 5th, 2024 12:27 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

He nodded, "Yeah, Herbs. This is lambs ear,"He showed a few leaves and said, "This is a traveling herb, it can give a cat strength. Have you never heard of herbs?"He asked.

Dolomedes March 5th, 2024 01:09 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by CrimsonOaks (Post 1561872)

He nodded, "Yeah, Herbs. This is lambs ear,"He showed a few leaves and said, "This is a traveling herb, it can give a cat strength. Have you never heard of herbs?"He asked.

The Nameless
He/him | Loner | Moons: 4 | No Purrks

No, I have never heard of herbs. The closest thing I’ve heard of is the stuff housefolk give to kitty pets sometimes.

Lamb’s ear, the nameless quickly committed the information to memory, taking in each detail of the plant. Where does it grow? Here in this forest? The feline dug through his memory, trying to match the plant to something he has seen before while traveling, and while a few similar things came to mind, nothing matching did. Hmmmm…..

So then, Ollie, in exchange for prey I want to learn about these…herbs.” The nameless tilted his head curious, not taking his heterochromia eyes off of the plant, but turned his big ears to the other cat in waiting for a response.

Shrew March 5th, 2024 01:18 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by Theraphosa (Post 1561913)
The Nameless
He/him | Loner | Moons: 4 | No Purrks

No, I have never heard of herbs. The closest thing I’ve heard of is the stuff housefolk give to kitty pets sometimes.

Lamb’s ear, the nameless quickly committed the information to memory, taking in each detail of the plant. Where does it grow? Here in this forest? The feline dug through his memory, trying to match the plant to something he has seen before while traveling, and while a few similar things came to mind, nothing matching did. Hmmmm…..

So then, Ollie, in exchange for prey I want to learn about these…herbs.” The nameless tilted his head curious, not taking his heterochromia eyes off of the plant, but turned his big ears to the other cat in waiting for a response.


"Mk, I can teach you."He'd be less lonely 24/7 anyways, so he was fine with it. He had never taught anyone anything about herbs after Dagger left, so this was a good chance to learn more about different cats, and maybe make a friend? He walked into his den, and swished his tail, motioning for the nameless cat to follow.

Dolomedes March 5th, 2024 01:30 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by CrimsonOaks (Post 1561924)


"Mk, I can teach you."He'd be less lonely 24/7 anyways, so he was fine with it. He had never taught anyone anything about herbs after Dagger left, so this was a good chance to learn more about different cats, and maybe make a friend? He walked into his den, and swished his tail, motioning for the nameless cat to follow.

The Nameless
He/him | Loner | Moons: 4 | No Purrks

How strange, the tom thought as he followed the other cat into his den. It was dangerous to allow a completely stranger know where you reside, especially if these herbs were as useful as he said they were. The nameless shrugged in his mind and listened in just in case Ollie spoke of something.

Did the other want him to speak? The nameless was not used to small talk, his interaction with others usually remained solely business which he intended this to be as well but did the loner think that as well. Hmm, well, it would be good practice at socializing, that’s a skill he sorely needs to work on if the relatively fresh bruises on his body said anything.

To be fair, that Molly didn’t seem to want to even be open to calming down and she was in father’s territory, the scratches the nameless gave her was nothing compared to what father would’ve done. The nameless flicked his ear and focused back in on Ollie and his surroundings.

Shrew March 5th, 2024 02:30 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by Theraphosa (Post 1561936)
The Nameless
He/him | Loner | Moons: 4 | No Purrks

How strange, the tom thought as he followed the other cat into his den. It was dangerous to allow a completely stranger know where you reside, especially if these herbs were as useful as he said they were. The nameless shrugged in his mind and listened in just in case Ollie spoke of something.

Did the other want him to speak? The nameless was not used to small talk, his interaction with others usually remained solely business which he intended this to be as well but did the loner think that as well. Hmm, well, it would be good practice at socializing, that’s a skill he sorely needs to work on if the relatively fresh bruises on his body said anything.

To be fair, that Molly didn’t seem to want to even be open to calming down and she was in father’s territory, the scratches the nameless gave her was nothing compared to what father would’ve done. The nameless flicked his ear and focused back in on Ollie and his surroundings.


Ollie led him through the den, it had a space with a few moss nests, what seemed like a place to store food, and an entire part of the den had herbs stored. "Herbs, Food, and my sleeping nest-things." He smiled a bit at the memories that resided in this den. he went back to the real world, and went over to the herb storage. "So, You wanna learn Herbs? I don't know a WHOLE lot, but I know enough. First, you gotta memorize the names, the uses, and what the plant looks like. Then you can learn how to use it, and then learn where it grows and how to collect it." He sat down, his tail curled around him.

Dolomedes March 5th, 2024 06:53 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by CrimsonOaks (Post 1561991)


Ollie led him through the den, it had a space with a few moss nests, what seemed like a place to store food, and an entire part of the den had herbs stored. "Herbs, Food, and my sleeping nest-things." He smiled a bit at the memories that resided in this den. he went back to the real world, and went over to the herb storage. "So, You wanna learn Herbs? I don't know a WHOLE lot, but I know enough. First, you gotta memorize the names, the uses, and what the plant looks like. Then you can learn how to use it, and then learn where it grows and how to collect it." He sat down, his tail curled around him.

The Nameless
He/him | Loner | Moons: 4 | No Purrks

"Sounds like a process," The nameless replied, more to himself than to Ollie as he reviewed the lesson planned laid out for him. How many would he be able to learn in the time allotted. The tom looked back out the den and looked towards the sun. The rest of today and most of tomorrow. Then he needed to return, "I have to leave to return home tomorrow at sundown, how many do you think we could go over by then?"

Though the nameless could risk punishment for returning late in return for this information if these herbs were as good as proclaimed. Surely, Mother would see the worth of such a thing. Father wouldn't, the tom shuddered physically at the thought of his Father's cold disappointment, but Mother would soothe him. Well, that can be decided tomorrow. The nameless tilted his ears towards the other tom.

Shrew March 5th, 2024 10:34 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by Theraphosa (Post 1562137)
The Nameless
He/him | Loner | Moons: 4 | No Purrks

"Sounds like a process," The nameless replied, more to himself than to Ollie as he reviewed the lesson planned laid out for him. How many would he be able to learn in the time allotted. The tom looked back out the den and looked towards the sun. The rest of today and most of tomorrow. Then he needed to return, "I have to leave to return home tomorrow at sundown, how many do you think we could go over by then?"

Though the nameless could risk punishment for returning late in return for this information if these herbs were as good as proclaimed. Surely, Mother would see the worth of such a thing. Father wouldn't, the tom shuddered physically at the thought of his Father's cold disappointment, but Mother would soothe him. Well, that can be decided tomorrow. The nameless tilted his ears towards the other tom.


"Oh, Tomorrow by sundown? You may not be able to learn much in that time, But we can give it a try." He smiled softly and looked through the rest of his herbs, He saw some more lambs ear, Juniper berries, alder bark, and burdock root. He didn't know exactly how much time it would actually take this cat to learn everything, It took Ollie a few years to learn what he knows.

Dolomedes March 6th, 2024 09:16 AM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by CrimsonOaks (Post 1562295)


"Oh, Tomorrow by sundown? You may not be able to learn much in that time, But we can give it a try." He smiled softly and looked through the rest of his herbs, He saw some more lambs ear, Juniper berries, alder bark, and burdock root. He didn't know exactly how much time it would actually take this cat to learn everything, It took Ollie a few years to learn what he knows.

The Nameless
He/him | Loner | Moons: 4 | No Purrks

The nameless nodded to the other cat, “I can push curfew if necessary. My parents will understand.They won’t. Pink stained claws unsheathed from grey paws, though in the next second they returned and the nameless was left hoping the other cat didn’t see the falter in appearance.

The feline quickened his pace for a moment, digging his paws harder into the ground with each step to catch up Ollie’s side. The nameless looked at each of the plants that were there. Lamb’s ear, the one for strength, was there among others he hasn’t seen for the most part. Berries, tree bark, some sort of root looking thing. Hmm. Fascinating. How was it found out that such an odd mix n’ match of plants held other useful elements? Too curious cats, Mother would say.

I learn quite quick as well, if you’d like to begin, I am ready at any time.” The nameless spoke as he settled into a sit, his wispy tail wrapping around his side and laying on dark paws.

Shrew March 6th, 2024 11:34 AM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by Theraphosa (Post 1562433)
The Nameless
He/him | Loner | Moons: 4 | No Purrks

The nameless nodded to the other cat, “I can push curfew if necessary. My parents will understand.They won’t. Pink stained claws unsheathed from grey paws, though in the next second they returned and the nameless was left hoping the other cat didn’t see the falter in appearance.

The feline quickened his pace for a moment, digging his paws harder into the ground with each step to catch up Ollie’s side. The nameless looked at each of the plants that were there. Lamb’s ear, the one for strength, was there among others he hasn’t seen for the most part. Berries, tree bark, some sort of root looking thing. Hmm. Fascinating. How was it found out that such an odd mix n’ match of plants held other useful elements? Too curious cats, Mother would say.

I learn quite quick as well, if you’d like to begin, I am ready at any time.” The nameless spoke as he settled into a sit, his wispy tail wrapping around his side and laying on dark paws.


"Mk then," he nodded and took a juniper berry out of the storage, "This is a Juniper berry, This can help with stomach aches, it can give strength, and can calm a cat down." He used his paw and nudged the berry over to the nameless cat. "it looks like this, other berries can be poisonous if consumed."

Dolomedes March 6th, 2024 02:09 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by CrimsonOaks (Post 1562490)


"Mk then," he nodded and took a juniper berry out of the storage, "This is a Juniper berry, This can help with stomach aches, it can give strength, and can calm a cat down." He used his paw and nudged the berry over to the nameless cat. "it looks like this, other berries can be poisonous if consumed."

The Nameless
He/him | Loner | Moons: 4 | No Purrks

The Nameless leaned towards the other cat and watched with heterochromia eyes at the berries that were pointed out to him. They were small, round, and a dark color. The feline committed them to memory. They help with stomach aches, give strength, and help calm a cat. That felt like a lot for one herb but he didn’t know anything about the topic otherwise. Well, he did, kind of. He was taught of poisons, though it was in more of a ‘do not eat this’ kind of way rather than a ‘this is what you can poison someone with’ kind of way.

Mother saw it as both and for a while she would periodically put small amounts in prey she would check over. The nameless learned to check for lacing quickly and what some of the more common things were. The tom narrowed his eyes at the berries again before opening his mouth with a tilt of his head, “How does one find these juniper berries, how do you give them to cats.” As he spoke, the nameless cat unsheathed his well-kept, sharp claws and stabbed one of the berries, lifting it up to take an even closer look.

Shrew March 6th, 2024 02:19 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by Theraphosa (Post 1562560)
The Nameless
He/him | Loner | Moons: 4 | No Purrks

The Nameless leaned towards the other cat and watched with heterochromia eyes at the berries that were pointed out to him. They were small, round, and a dark color. The feline committed them to memory. They help with stomach aches, give strength, and help calm a cat. That felt like a lot for one herb but he didn’t know anything about the topic otherwise. Well, he did, kind of. He was taught of poisons, though it was in more of a ‘do not eat this’ kind of way rather than a ‘this is what you can poison someone with’ kind of way.

Mother saw it as both and for a while she would periodically put small amounts in prey she would check over. The nameless learned to check for lacing quickly and what some of the more common things were. The tom narrowed his eyes at the berries again before opening his mouth with a tilt of his head, “How does one find these juniper berries, how do you give them to cats.” As he spoke, the nameless cat unsheathed his well-kept, sharp claws and stabbed one of the berries, lifting it up to take an even closer look.


"Well, You chew can either chew them up and use them on a cats' wounds, or ingest them." Ollie said. Suddenly, a cat was heard from behind, the cat meowed, "Long time no see Ollie, Whos' this?" Ollie turned and smiled at the cat, the cat was way bigger than Ollie, but Ollie didn't seem afraid. "Dagger! You're back!" he smiled and went up to the cat.

Dolomedes March 8th, 2024 12:09 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by CrimsonOaks (Post 1562561)


"Well, You chew can either chew them up and use them on a cats' wounds, or ingest them." Ollie said. Suddenly, a cat was heard from behind, the cat meowed, "Long time no see Ollie, Whos' this?" Ollie turned and smiled at the cat, the cat was way bigger than Ollie, but Ollie didn't seem afraid. "Dagger! You're back!" he smiled and went up to the cat.

The Nameless
He/him | Loner | Moons: 4 | No Purrks

The nameless was on guard immediately; Body tense, eyes narrowed, claws unsheathed, and ears pinned. Was this an ambush? Was Ollie leading him in the den to have him cornered for a two versus one. Well, they have something coming if they think they can take on the nameless. But before Nameless could act, Ollie reacted friendly with the other cat, named Dagger. Dagger seemed to be more curious about the nameless rather than malicious. The nameless relaxed slowly, but his claws stayed unsheathed and his eyes narrowed, tail twitching minutely.

At the moment this cat decides to attack, the tom would know, watching for the subtle bunching of muscle beneath one’s pelt before pouncing. While before, Ollie had been labeled as an acquaintance, the nameless wasn’t so sure and began to scour over the other cats for weaknesses for the worst case scenario.

I am nameless.” The tom answered shortly. Then nameless risked a glance to the berries, regardless of the healing properties, any berry juice would sting someone’s eyes if needed. Ollie is small and can be dealt with swiftly. Dagger on the other hand would most likely be a run away when possible unless an opportunity came up. While training with others, the tom had been surprised by how often loners, rogues, and especially kittypets left themselves open. Dagger seemed experienced though, something about his eyes.

For now, things were peaceful, the tom reviewed the information Ollie said before the newcomer arrived swiftly. Juniper berries can be chewed up and applied or eaten. Simple enough. Then the nameless looked between the two cats again and couldn’t help but wonder if this Dagger cat was awaiting him to ask his name or any of that time wasting small talk business.

Shrew March 8th, 2024 12:30 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by Theraphosa (Post 1563648)
The Nameless
He/him | Loner | Moons: 4 | No Purrks

The nameless was on guard immediately; Body tense, eyes narrowed, claws unsheathed, and ears pinned. Was this an ambush? Was Ollie leading him in the den to have him cornered for a two versus one. Well, they have something coming if they think they can take on the nameless. But before Nameless could act, Ollie reacted friendly with the other cat, named Dagger. Dagger seemed to be more curious about the nameless rather than malicious. The nameless relaxed slowly, but his claws stayed unsheathed and his eyes narrowed, tail twitching minutely.

At the moment this cat decides to attack, the tom would know, watching for the subtle bunching of muscle beneath one’s pelt before pouncing. While before, Ollie had been labeled as an acquaintance, the nameless wasn’t so sure and began to scour over the other cats for weaknesses for the worst case scenario.

I am nameless.” The tom answered shortly. Then nameless risked a glance to the berries, regardless of the healing properties, any berry juice would sting someone’s eyes if needed. Ollie is small and can be dealt with swiftly. Dagger on the other hand would most likely be a run away when possible unless an opportunity came up. While training with others, the tom had been surprised by how often loners, rogues, and especially kittypets left themselves open. Dagger seemed experienced though, something about his eyes.

For now, things were peaceful, the tom reviewed the information Ollie said before the newcomer arrived swiftly. Juniper berries can be chewed up and applied or eaten. Simple enough. Then the nameless looked between the two cats again and couldn’t help but wonder if this Dagger cat was awaiting him to ask his name or any of that time wasting small talk business.


"This is Dagger, He's a friend, no worries!" Ollie smiled. Dagger nodded, and examined the nameless cat closely, before turning back to Ollie, "Are you training yet another cat? You got lonely that quick, eh?"Ollie sat down again, his tail curled around him. "Kinda, But he did want me to teach him about herbs. Anyways," He got back up, and went to the storage. He took out some alder bark and showed it to nameless. He set it down and said, "This is, Alder Bark. it can help with toothaches. It can be found in woodland areas." Dagger sat down nearby and yawned.

Desert Rain Frog March 9th, 2024 04:13 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]
Bean Wandered Around, A Mouse In His Jaws. The Young Cat Heard His Stomach Growl Once More, And The Starved Tom Sat Down And Began Eating Slowly.
(Poor Behbeh, He A Hungry Boi @CrimsonOaks )

Shrew March 9th, 2024 04:17 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by Desert Rain Frog (Post 1564152)
Bean Wandered Around, A Mouse In His Jaws. The Young Cat Heard His Stomach Growl Once More, And The Starved Tom Sat Down And Began Eating Slowly.
(Poor Behbeh, He A Hungry Boi @CrimsonOaks )


The toms' ears perked, he scented another cat nearby. He looked over at Nameless and Dagger, and said, "Er- I think someone else is around," Dagger immediately rose up, and sheathed his claws. "CALM DOWN! We dunno if they're bad or not." Dagger shrugged and nodded. Ollie swished his tail before peeking out the entrance of his den.


Desert Rain Frog March 9th, 2024 04:22 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by CrimsonOaks (Post 1564155)

The toms' ears perked, he scented another cat nearby. He looked over at Nameless and Dagger, and said, "Er- I think someone else is around," Dagger immediately rose up, and sheathed his claws. "CALM DOWN! We dunno if they're bad or not." Dagger shrugged and nodded. Ollie swished his tail before peeking out the entrance of his den.


He Ripped Away The Last Bit Of Flesh And Continued On... Those Twolegs Took Him From His Dad.. He Had To Get Back, He Could Only Remember Smelling A Terrible Scent Before The Monster Sped Away... Was His Dad Okay? He Limped On, His Normally Well Groomed Pelt Was Now Matted And Caked In Grime.

Shrew March 9th, 2024 07:40 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by Desert Rain Frog (Post 1564158)
He Ripped Away The Last Bit Of Flesh And Continued On... Those Twolegs Took Him From His Dad.. He Had To Get Back, He Could Only Remember Smelling A Terrible Scent Before The Monster Sped Away... Was His Dad Okay? He Limped On, His Normally Well Groomed Pelt Was Now Matted And Caked In Grime.


He went out of his den, and looked around, spotting another cat. they looked pretty messy, yikers. he slowly came over, trying not to startle the cat, "'Ello?" He said in a soft voice. He was a fairly small grey calico tom.

Desert Rain Frog March 9th, 2024 07:48 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by CrimsonOaks (Post 1564275)


He went out of his den, and looked around, spotting another cat. they looked pretty messy, yikers. he slowly came over, trying not to startle the cat, "'Ello?" He said in a soft voice. He was a fairly small grey calico tom.

A Young, Wise, And Blunt Tom. Lusistic Brown Tabby.
Hm? Another Cat? He Hadent Seen Another Cat Sence 'The Vet' Or As The Toms Called It, 'The Clippers'.... E-Hello.....? He Hadent Talked In Forever... His Voice Came Of Scratchy,Raspy. Like.... Like Ripple's Voice, His Father's... Who Are You? Bean Cleared His Throat And Faced The Cat, Not Sotting Down.

Shrew March 9th, 2024 08:07 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by Desert Rain Frog (Post 1564281)
A Young, Wise, And Blunt Tom. Lusistic Brown Tabby.
Hm? Another Cat? He Hadent Seen Another Cat Sence 'The Vet' Or As The Toms Called It, 'The Clippers'.... E-Hello.....? He Hadent Talked In Forever... His Voice Came Of Scratchy,Raspy. Like.... Like Ripple's Voice, His Father's... Who Are You? Bean Cleared His Throat And Faced The Cat, Not Sotting Down.


"I'm Ollie, You are? You seem like..A loner? No.." he sniffed the air again, the cat seemed like a loner..but had the scent of a kittypet. "What are you? KittyPet?" He tilted his head, Dagger came up behind him, Dagger was bigger, and more muscular than Ollie.

Desert Rain Frog March 9th, 2024 08:12 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by CrimsonOaks (Post 1564302)

"I'm Ollie, You are? You seem like..A loner? No.." he sniffed the air again, the cat seemed like a loner..but had the scent of a kittypet. "What are you? KittyPet?" He tilted his head, Dagger came up behind him, Dagger was bigger, and more muscular than Ollie.

He Seemed Threatened By Daggar's Large, Muscular Body And Pulled Back, Growling As He Bared His Fangs... Bean. Im Bean. He Hissed.

Shrew March 9th, 2024 08:21 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by Desert Rain Frog (Post 1564310)
He Seemed Threatened By Daggar's Large, Muscular Body And Pulled Back, Growling As He Bared His Fangs... Bean. Im Bean. He Hissed.


"Cool!" Ollie smiled and turned to look at dagger, "Mouse brain! You're scaring the cat!" "And he can't deal with it mouse?" Dagger snickered and sat down. Ollie turned back to Bean, "No worries, he's no harm." He smiled.

Desert Rain Frog March 9th, 2024 08:28 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by CrimsonOaks (Post 1564318)

"Cool!" Ollie smiled and turned to look at dagger, "Mouse brain! You're scaring the cat!" "And he can't deal with it mouse?" Dagger snickered and sat down. Ollie turned back to Bean, "No worries, he's no harm." He smiled.

He Glared At The Large Tom. Are You Sure...? He Nartowed His Gaze Before Sitting Down... His Green Gaze Rested On Ollie. So, Do You Travel Too? The Tom Was Younger, And Much Smaller Than Ollie, And To Daggar, Probobly Looked Like A Frog To Him. He Still Tried Making Small Talk, So It Wasnt Akward.

Shrew March 9th, 2024 08:32 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by Desert Rain Frog (Post 1564330)
He Glared At The Large Tom. Are You Sure...? He Nartowed His Gaze Before Sitting Down... His Green Gaze Rested On Ollie. So, Do You Travel Too? The Tom Was Younger, And Much Smaller Than Ollie, And To Daggar, Probobly Looked Like A Frog To Him. He Still Tried Making Small Talk, So It Wasnt Akward.


He shook his head, "No, I only travel to get herbs." Ollie said casually. Dagger on the other hand smiled and said, "I travel to different clans, sometimes fights happen, sometimes not. I've traveled to many territories."

Desert Rain Frog March 9th, 2024 08:36 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by CrimsonOaks (Post 1564338)

He shook his head, "No, I only travel to get herbs." Ollie said casually. Dagger on the other hand smiled and said, "I travel to different clans, sometimes fights happen, sometimes not. I've traveled to many territories."

Hm. Must Be Lucky, Doin' All That Freedom. My Adpoted Dad Has Me Stay In The Barn And Its Yard... All The Time, I Cant Leave The Barn At All At Night. He Mewed.

Shrew March 9th, 2024 08:38 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by Desert Rain Frog (Post 1564341)
Hm. Must Be Lucky, Doin' All That Freedom. My Adpoted Dad Has Me Stay In The Barn And Its Yard... All The Time, I Cant Leave The Barn At All At Night. He Mewed.


Dagger examies bean closely and says, "then why in the dark forest are you all the way out here?"


Desert Rain Frog March 9th, 2024 08:40 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by CrimsonOaks (Post 1564344)

Dagger examies bean closely and says, "then why in the dark forest are you all the way out here?"


Twolegs Stole Me, And Took Me To 'ThE cLiPpErS' He Made A Funny Voice To Mimmic The Toms At That Horrible Place.

Shrew March 9th, 2024 08:48 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by Desert Rain Frog (Post 1564346)
Twolegs Stole Me, And Took Me To 'ThE cLiPpErS' He Made A Funny Voice To Mimmic The Toms At That Horrible Place.


"Yikers," He shuddered, "The clippers"

Desert Rain Frog March 9th, 2024 08:56 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by CrimsonOaks (Post 1564351)

"Yikers," He shuddered, "The clippers"

Im Fine, I Bit Them So Much, They Ket Me Go And One Of Them Wont Be Forgetting Me Anytime Soon. He Fluffed His Fur.

_*LAutnhaesntaar*_ March 9th, 2024 08:56 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]
Eclipse appears out of literally nowhere
"Hi!" He mewed, acting like he didn't just scare Ollie. (If you want Ollie to be startled)

Shrew March 9th, 2024 09:25 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by Desert Rain Frog (Post 1564355)
Im Fine, I Bit Them So Much, They Ket Me Go And One Of Them Wont Be Forgetting Me Anytime Soon. He Fluffed His Fur.


Originally Posted by *Lunastar* (Post 1564356)
Eclipse appears out of literally nowhere
"Hi!" He mewed, acting like he didn't just scare Ollie. (If you want Ollie to be startled)

|`Ollie & Dagger`|

"Oh, that's good-" He jumped a bit at the sudden voice, Dagger's fur floofed up a bit. 'Uh- Ello? Who're you-?" Ollie asked.


(Ollie is a small Grey calico :C )

_*LAutnhaesntaar*_ March 9th, 2024 09:28 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by CrimsonOaks (Post 1564367)

|`Ollie & Dagger`|

"Oh, that's good-" He jumped a bit at the sudden voice, Dagger's fur floofed up a bit. 'Uh- Ello? Who're you-?" Ollie asked.


(Ollie is a small Grey calico :C )

The name`s Eclipse! Who are you two? And him? he says to the three cats
@Desert Rain Frog

Shrew March 9th, 2024 09:31 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by *Lunastar* (Post 1564371)
The name`s Eclipse! Who are you two? And him? he says to the three cats
@Desert Rain Frog

|`Ollie & Dagger`|

"I'm Ollie, Annd," He looked over at dagger, the large tom sighed and said, "Names' Dagger." Ollie smiled and looked over at Bean.

@Desert Rain Frog

_*LAutnhaesntaar*_ March 9th, 2024 09:36 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by CrimsonOaks (Post 1564373)
|`Ollie & Dagger`|

"I'm Ollie, Annd," He looked over at dagger, the large tom sighed and said, "Names' Dagger." Ollie smiled and looked over at Bean.

@Desert Rain Frog

soo...im bored...what do I do? What do you guys want to do? Eclipse nearly fell asleep in boredom and started to fall over, starting to drift to sleep. (There's a small bed of very sharp rocks where Eclipse is falling btw)

Shrew March 9th, 2024 09:46 PM

Re: |`Ollie's Territory`| [OPEN]

Originally Posted by *Lunastar* (Post 1564380)
soo...im bored...what do I do? What do you guys want to do? Eclipse nearly fell asleep in boredom and started to fall over, starting to drift to sleep. (There's a small bed of very sharp rocks where Eclipse is falling btw)

|`Ollie & Dagger`|

"This cat is mousebrained." Dagger muttered. Ollie nudged him and said, "Ay-! uhm, there is a bunch of sharp rocks under where you're bout to fall," Dagger snickered and Ollie said, "You're mousebrained for not saying anything."

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